Sponsored Award Closeout

Title: Sponsored Award Closeout
Policy Owner: Office of the Vice President for Research, Sponsored Program Services
Applies to: All Faculty, Staff, and Students
Campus Applicability: All campuses
Effective Date: November 25, 2019
For More Information, Contact Office of the Vice President for Research, Sponsored Program Services
Contact Information: 860-486-3622 (Storrs and regional campuses)

860-679-4040 (UConn Health)

Official Website: https://ovpr.uconn.edu (Storrs and regional campuses)

https://ovpr.uchc.edu (UConn Health)


To ensure the thorough review of financial transactions in addition to other compliance requirements in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award prior to sponsored project closeout.  Unless stated otherwise by the terms and conditions of the Notice of Award, all applicable grant closeout reports are due no later than 120 days after the project end date. Failure to submit timely and accurate closeout documents may affect future funding to the University.


All faculty, staff, and students involved in the administration of sponsored programs at the University of Connecticut and all regional campuses andUConn Health (“University”).


Closeout – The act of completing all internal procedures and sponsor requirements to terminate or complete a research project.

Progress/Technical Report – A technical description of the project results and additional information as required by the sponsor.  Additional information requested can include an abstract and a list of publications, patents, patent applications, and / or presentations at scientific meetings.

Final Financial Report/Invoice – Final report or invoice reflecting a summary of all transactions on an award.

Invention Statement – Document detailing all inventions conceived or first reduced to practice during the course of the project under the award and the inventing party.


Prior to the closeout of a sponsored award, all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the sponsored award must be completed, including but not limited to financial reports, performance reports and deliverables as required by the terms and conditions of the sponsored award.  Note that final payment on an award may be contingent on the receipt of non-financial reports.

Responsibility for ensuring compliance with sponsored awards’ terms and conditions is shared between Sponsored Program Services (SPS), Principal Investigators (PI) and the fiscal officer/department administrator. The PI is responsible and accountable for the management and administration of his/her award within the constraints imposed by the sponsor and in accordance with University policy. The University is legally and financially responsible and accountable to the sponsor for the performance and proper use of funds for the award, and relies on the oversight of the PI in fulfilling its stewardship role. SPS will issue final financial reports to the sponsoring agency upon receipt of the approval of expenditures from the PI and/or designee.

All costs charged to a sponsored award must be in conformance with the award terms and conditions, the Uniform Guidance in the case of federally sponsored awards, federal and state law and University policy. Funds may not be obligated after the termination date of the sponsored award and all costs incurred on the award must benefit the award during the projects period of performance in accordance with the sponsoring award notice.

SPS has the authority to transfer unallowable costs, non-reimbursed expenditures or other disallowances as determined by the sponsor or the University under the terms of the sponsored award to an unrestricted account.


Principal Investigator:

  1. Ensures that any purchase orders for equipment, supplies or other materials, or services are executed prior to the end of the award performance period;
  2. Prior to the submission of the closeout financial report and within the required timeframe, reviews and approves expenditures to ensure they are allowable and allocable to the project. Further,  any required adjustments to expenses are posted in compliance with closeout policies and procedures;
  3. In collaboration with SPS, prepares and submits all required programmatic reports, which may include progress/technical reports and invention statements;
  4. Works with SPS to confirm final disposition of equipment purchased on the award in accordance with sponsor award notice;
  5. In collaboration with SPS, reviews the reported effort of key personnel to ensure agreement with the effort committed to the sponsor agency and addresses variances; and
  6. Ensure all other areas of compliance including but not limited to disposition of research animals, human subject information/records and protocols and disposition of hazardous materials are addressed in accordance with Federal, State, local and institutional regulations.

Fiscal Officer/Department Administrator:

  1. Monitors the costs charged to sponsored awards in accordance the terms and conditions of the award, relevant federal and state regulations and University policy.
  2. Ensures any outstanding vendor/subcontract invoices and any other subcontract obligations are approved and processed;
  3. Confirms final award expenditures; and
  4. Works with SPS and the PI to resolve any outstanding issues related to closeout.

Sponsored Program Services:

  1. Reviews charges made to accounts to ensure appropriateness;
  2. Reconciles Facilities and Administrative costs (F&A) charged to accounts and makes any necessary adjustments;
  3. In collaboration with the PI and Fiscal Officer/ Department Administrator may review the reported effort of key personnel to ensure agreement with the paid and committed effort reported to the sponsoring agency and addresses variances;
  4. Prepares and submits final financial information to the PI for review and approval;
  5. Ensures that financial reports and invoices are issued in a timely manner in accordance with sponsor requirements;
  6. Prepares and submits final Inventions/patent/property reports;
  7. Prepares and submits other non-financial reporting (e.g., Release and Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credits & Other Amounts forms); and
  8. Performs final review of account to ensure all pending action items (encumbrances, cash receipts, etc.) are completed and closes the account in the financial system.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Storrs and Regional Campuses:

Guidance – Award Management (Storrs and Regional Campuses)

UConn Health:

Guidance – Award Management (UCH)


Sponsored Project Expenditures: Approval and Monitoring Policy (Storrs and Regional Campuses)

Policy on Effort Reporting and Certification (All Campuses)

Policy 2002-08:  Effort Reporting (UCH)

Policy 2002-21:  Interim and Final Financial Reports (UCH)


Policy created: Approved by the Board of Trustees on 12/11/2019.