Recent Updates

This page provides updates on new and revised University policies, procedures or other guidelines.  All University faculty, staff, students, agents, consultants and representatives must understand and be in compliance with the University’s policies. The policy updates below may highlight significant revisions (revised policies) or key points (new policies) but do not serve as an all-inclusive reference for the respective policy. Please be sure to refer to the full policy to ensure compliance.



The Senior Policy Council approved the following new policies (consolidation of the previous existing policies):

Negotiation and Acceptance of Sponsored Program Awards

Principal Investigator Eligibility on Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Project Expenditures

Effort Reporting and Certification

Subrecipient Monitoring


Minors Policy (Decommissioned): The (Academic) Minors Policy has been approved to be decommissioned by the Senior Policy Council (SPC).


Academic Affairs Policies and Protocols Policy (New): The purpose of this new policy is to establish clear and concise standards for the development, approval, decommissioning, and revision of Academic Affairs policies and protocols. It will apply to the Storrs, Regional and UConn Health campuses, and set the standard for all Academic Affairs units (i.e., school/college, campus, department, division, and other units therein). This policy aims to ensure that all formatting and presentation of policies is consistent, a complete set of Academic Affairs policies exists, and practices used in all Academic Affairs units and UConn campuses are transparent.

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