Technology Commercialization

Technology Incubation Program Operation Policy

Title: Technology Incubation Program Operation Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the Vice President for Research
Applies to: Faculty, Staff and Students
Campus Applicability:  All campuses including UConn Health
Effective Date: December 7, 2016
For More Information, Contact Director of Innovation Programs
Contact Information: (860) 486-3010
Official Website:


The University’s Technology Incubation Program (TIP) is designed to facilitate the commercialization of technology and promote new economic development opportunities in Connecticut by supporting technology transfer, collaboration and providing students and faculty with a supportive entrepreneurial environment. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the operation of TIP.


University’s Technology Incubation Program at all campuses including UConn Health.


Standards and Procedures

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is responsible for managing TIP. OVPR will develop standards and procedures for the program and be responsible for coordinating, administrating and monitoring TIP in order to promote the effective implementation of this policy. OVPR’s standards and procedures must be consistent with University policies and include the following:

  1. A requirement that companies interested in participating in TIP must apply for admittance.
  2. An application process that includes a review of information provided by the company that is sufficient to determine (1) that a relationship with the company is beneficial to the goals of the University and (2) that the company has a plan in place for the company’s operation at the University with milestones to assure the accomplishment of mutually beneficial goals.
  3. A requirement that a written assessment supporting a company’s admission be completed and maintained by OVPR. Each written assessment should include a copy of the company’s application and any other relevant materials provided by the company during the application process.
  4. A requirement that admitted companies must maintain a physical presence on a University campus and enter into a written agreement to use University space. Written agreements may be in the form of a lease or license.
  5. Establishment of standard rates for the leasing and licensing of TIP space. Premium rates may be charged to selected companies with the capacity to pay market rents. Discounted rates may be charged to UConn student run companies.
  6. Provisions requiring each admitted company to comply with all University, State and Federal rules and regulations including those for Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and, where appropriate, rules related to animal care, use of human subjects, embryonic stem cells, other biomaterials, etc.
  7. Documentation of insurance and other appropriate terms to assure that the University and the State are adequately protected from possible liability.
  8. A restriction limiting a company’s participation in TIP to no more than five years unless scientific and commercial progress is demonstrated by a company along with a need to continue participating in TIP due to special circumstances.
  9. Regular updates on each company’s progress and annual reviews against its milestones.

TIP Services 

OVPR will offer admitted companies access to wet and dry laboratory and office space. OVPR may also offer the following support services:

  1. Business counseling;
  2. Marketing support;
  3. Access to mentors and advisors;
  4. Access to the University IT system, select library and electronic collections;
  5. Participation in events of interest to early stage firms;
  6. Environmental Health and Safety training;
  7. Access to specialized facilities, equipment and instrumentation by special arrangement;
  8. Parking privileges on the same terms as University employees.

TIP Space

Only areas designated as TIP space by the University may be utilized for TIP purposes.   TIP space is currently made available at the Farmington, Storrs and Avery Point campuses.

Tenants will be responsible for space renovation costs and must receive appropriate University approvals prior to any work commencing.

TIP Leasing Process

Companies that want to occupy University space must execute a lease or a license agreement. TIP leases require Board of Trustees approval except as specified below.

A TIP lease can be approved without Board of Trustee approval if it meets the following criteria:

  1. The space being leased has been designated for TIP use;
  1. The rent per square foot and the other financial terms of the lease are consistent with the standard terms for TIP as approved by the Vice President for Research;
  1. The lease is for a term (initial term plus all extensions provide for in the lease that may be exercised by either party) that does not exceed five years;
  1. The lease is terminable at the option of the University and the required termination notice period is sixty (60) days or less;
  1. The lease has been reviewed by University counsel and approved by the Office of the Attorney General and State Treasurer.

Leases meeting the above criteria may be approved and signed by the President without coming to the Board. The President may re-delegate this authority to a Vice President.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Policy created: March 13, 2008*

Policy Revised: December 7, 2016*

* Approved by the Board of Trustees.


Board of Trustee’s Policy on Incubation Company Leasing (January 22, 2008).

Board of Trustee’s June 28, 2012 Resolution titled: Delegation of Authority to Approve Leases for the Technology Incubation Program (TIP) in Specified Circumstance.