Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy

Title: Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Applies to: Workforce Members, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: August 20, 2024
Effective Date: August 21, 2024
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost or Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Contact Information: provost@uconn.edu or VPSLE@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://provost.uconn.edu or https://studentlife.uconn.edu


To manage and regulate the use of outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound on University Property to ensure a conducive academic environment.


Storrs and Regional campuses, including all students, Workforce Members and visitors.  This policy does not apply to the School of Law.


This policy does not apply to the use of Amplified and Projected Sound for the following:

University Athletics and Athletic Events: All University Athletics organized/sponsored events and activities, including practices, games, and other athletic activities.

The following University Events: Events and activities sponsored by the Offices of the President, Provost, or Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment, and University-wide Admissions events (i.e., UConn Bound Day, Fall Campus Visit Days, etc.), Student Activities sponsored University-wide events (i.e., WOW, Homecoming, Family Weekend, Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend, etc.) and Student Activities sponsored Outdoor Movies, Convocation, and Commencement activities and events.

The University Marching Band and Athletic Bands: official, organized practices and performances as directed by the band director or their designee.


Amplified and Projected Sound: This refers to any sound that is electronically amplified or projected through the use of equipment such as amplifiers, speakers, DJs, megaphones, or other sound systems. It also includes the use of acoustic instruments like trumpets, trombones, violins, air horns, drums and other similar instruments or items that can produce significant sound levels.

Scheduling Office: A space management office responsible for managing and approving requests for the use of University spaces. The Scheduling Office communicates compliance information, including space-related and activity-related rules, regulations, and requirements, covering local, state, and federal laws, as well as internal policies. This may involve coordination with other University offices, including but not limited to Environmental Health and Safety Services, Facilities Operations (i.e., Landscape and Grounds, electrical services, custodial services, Central Warehouse, etc.), Housing and Residential Life, Parking and Transportation, University Safety (i.e., the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Fire Department, the UConn Police Department, etc.), as well as external entities such as Call Before You Dig (CBYD).

University Property: Any building, space or area under the control of the University of Connecticut at the Storrs & Regional Campuses.

Venue: Any location where an event takes place.

Workforce Members: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


1. Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Conditions

Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted on campus within specified times and locations to minimize disruption to academic activities, residence halls, and public spaces. The following conditions govern the use of Amplified and Projected Sound.

Subject to the Additional Conditions, Special Permissions and Restrictions below, Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted as follows:

  • Weekdays (Monday through Friday): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Quiet Hours during Finals: The University observes a traditional period of quiet hours in recognition of the study period in advance of final exams and the exams themselves. This is in effect 24 hours per day each semester, beginning at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of classes through 11:59 p.m. on the last day of finals or Commencement.

2. Additional Conditions:

    • Academic Classes or University Business Disruptions: Amplified and Projected Sound must not be disruptive to or interfere with academic courses or University business.
    • Sound Levels: Sound levels that are disruptive to the education environment, such that they may interfere with classes or other University activity, are prohibited. For example, sound levels must not exceed 85 decibels (dB) at a distance of 50 feet from the source. Requests for sound levels exceeding this limit require additional permissions and must be submitted to the Scheduling Office. Failure to comply with requests to reduce volume that is in excess of the approved limit may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code of Conduct, including the immediate cancellation of the remainder of an ongoing event or gathering.
    • Outdoor Spaces adjacent to Residence Halls:
    • Sunday through Thursday: Amplified and Projected Sound is not permitted.
    • Fridays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Saturdays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

3. Special Permissions

    • Event organizers may seek additional permissions for Amplified and Projected Sound from the designated Scheduling Office.
    • Permissions may be granted based on the specific location and the nature of other activities occurring at the same time.

    4. Restrictions

    Permission may be denied by the Scheduling Office based on the impact of Amplified and Projected Sound on nearby activities and events.


    A link containing information on the Scheduling Office will be listed at https://inform.uconn.edu.


    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

    The Provost or designee and the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment or designee shall review this policy annually and will recommend revisions and/or updates as may be appropriate.

    Questions about this Policy may be directed to the Office of the Provost at provost@uconn.edu or the Office of the Vice President for Life and Enrollment at VPSLE@uconn.edu.


    Policy created: 02/11/2002

    Revisions: 08/20/2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and President)