Leave Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt Employees

Title: Leave Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Employees
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Applies to: Management and Confidential Staff
Campus Applicability: All Campuses (Storrs, Regionals, Law), excluding UConn Health
Approval Date May 10, 2024
Effective Date July 1, 2024
For More Information Contact Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
Official Website https://www.hr.uconn.edu/


To establish leave benefits for managerial and confidential exempt employees of the University.


This policy applies to managerial and confidential exempt employees, including non-represented faculty with an academic title. Non-represented faculty at the School of Law follow the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut and the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines and are therefore excluded from all leave and compensatory time provisions of this policy.


Vacation, personal, and sick time granted and accrued are prorated based on percentage employed.


Each full-time employee shall accrue twenty-two (22) days of paid vacation leave in each calendar year. Vacation is accrued monthly during the time of an appointment. It is expected that vacation will be taken within the year in which it is accrued. It is recognized that circumstances may arise that limit an employee’s ability to use all vacation time in any given year. Employees may carry over vacation days from year-to-year to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days, consistent with the State of Connecticut’s vacation accrual cap.

Upon leaving state service or transferring to a position that does not have a vacation leave benefit, an employee shall be paid for their accrued vacation time up to a maximum of sixty (60) days.

Employees are not eligible for vacation accruals when more than 5 days (40 hours) are unpaid leave in a month.


Employees receive thirteen (13) paid state holidays. Holidays, which do not conflict with operational needs, as appropriate, may be taken as a day off with pay.  Employees required to work on a holiday earn compensatory time for all hours worked. Holiday compensatory time is earned and recorded on an employee’s time and attendance record.

Upon leaving state service or transferring to a position that does not have a compensatory time benefit, an employee shall be paid for their unexpired compensatory holiday time.

Holiday compensatory time must be used by the end of the calendar year following the year in which it was earned. For example, an employee who earns holiday compensatory time for working on a holiday in Year 1 must use that holiday compensatory time before the close of Year 2, the next calendar year.


Each full-time employee shall be awarded personal leave of three (3) days at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1. Personal leave is not accrued and must be used in the fiscal year in which it was granted.  Personal leave time not used within the fiscal year will be forfeited.


Employees are granted sick leave of fifteen (15) workdays at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1. Sick leave is treated “as if accrued,” and is available for use by such employees for personal illness, personal medical appointments, and other provisions outlined within this policy. Any sick leave not utilized in a fiscal year will continue to be available “as if accrued” for use by the employee during their tenure at the University. “As if accrued” sick leave shall not be paid out to an employee upon departure or retirement from the University. Employees may also use “as if accrued” sick leave balances for family medical illness or appointments and funeral leave, consistent with the yearly limits of this policy.


Funeral leave of up to five (5) days of sick leave per occurrence may be used for a death in the immediate family. Immediate family means husband, wife, mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, child and any relative domiciled in the employee’s household. Funeral leave of up to one (1) day of sick leave per occurrence may be used for a death outside of the immediate family.

Sick Family

Sick leave of up to ten (10) days may be used for the illness of one’s spouse, child, or parent. Child means biological, foster, adopted, or stepchild. Parent means mother, father, mother-in-law, or father-in-law of the employee.

Donating Time

Managerial and confidential employees may donate accrued vacation, personal, or holiday compensatory time to another non-represented managerial or confidential employee who is absent due to a long-term illness or injury. The absent employee must have exhausted all paid leave time and be on leave without pay status to be eligible for such donation.

UConn – Managerial and Confidential Exempt Employee Leave Donation Form

Overtime Compensatory Time

Confidential employees who are non-exempt, as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act, earn time-and-a-half compensatory time for working above 40 hours per week. Compensatory time shall be paid in accordance with the applicable provisions of the UCPEA contract.

Confidential employees who are FLSA exempt may earn straight-time compensatory time in special situations that have been explicitly defined and approved in writing by senior leadership. Employees shall be paid for any unused compensatory time on the same schedule as UCPEA.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


UConn – Managerial and Confidential Exempt Employee Leave Donation Form


Policy Created: 06/25/2019 (Approved by HR Governance Group)

Revisions: 05/10/2024 (Senior Policy Council)

[1] The use of Sick leave and the “as if accrued” sick leave balances may be altered beyond the scope and provisions of this policy in accordance with the University’s interpretation of the Family and Medical Leave Act.