Space Management Policy

June 13, 2017

Title: Space Management Policy
Policy Owner: University Planning, Design & Construction (UPDC)
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: June 12, 2017
For More Information, Contact University Planning, Design & Construction (UPDC)
Contact Information: (860) 486-2776
Official Website:


The availability of facilities and space plays an important role in advancing the mission and goals of the University of Connecticut. It is in the University’s best interest to allocate space in an objective and consistent manner based on the University‘s mission and priorities.


This policy applies to the Storrs and all regional campuses and designated affiliates or approved units of the University of Connecticut at those campuses. This policy does not apply to UConn Health.


All space belongs to the University and is assigned to units, schools, departments or programs based on University’s priorities and the functional requirements of each user group.  The University may reallocate space at any time as needs and priorities change.

Decisions regarding the allocation of occupied and unoccupied space are based on campus and program priorities, Academic and Strategic Plans, the Master Plan for the campus, and overall need.

The President of the University has ultimate authority over space assignments. The Provost, Vice Presidents, and Division of Athletics Director are responsible for allocating and managing space occupied by activities under their control or within their divisions in accordance with the University’s Space Planning Guidelines.

The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has overall responsibility for the equitable and optimal use of academic and research space resources, with final authority over all UConn academic and research space assignments and designations in collaboration with the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer.

The Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer has final jurisdiction over all UConn non-academic and non-research spaces in collaboration with the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs except for those spaces identified below.

All space occupied  by the Division of Student Affairs (e.g. Student Union, Recreation Center) will be the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Affairs in collaboration with the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer.

All space occupied  by the Division of Athletics will be the responsibility of the Director of Athletics in collaboration with the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer.

The University Planning office within University Planning, Design and Construction is responsible for reviewing space requests and making recommendations to the appropriate authority.

The four officers with authority over space will coordinate all significant space decisions with the Office of the President.   The President as the chief executive and administrative officer of the University has the authority and responsibility to make all final decisions regarding space.


For roles and responsibilities: Space Planning Procedures.

For assigning space: Space is assigned in accordance with the Space Planning Guidelines.

Requesting additional space or making modifications to existing space is governed by Space Planning via the Space Planning & Management Request Form


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Policy created:  6/12/2017 (Approved by Cabinet)

Animals on Campus

June 12, 2017

Title: Animals on Campus Policy
Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
Applies to: Students, All Employees, Contractors, Vendors, Visitors, Guests and Other Third Parties
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: May 10, 2024
For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
Contact Information: (860) 486-2943 & (860) 679-3563
Official Website: and

Click here to view a PDF, Printer Friendly copy of this policy.

Related Policies are:

Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence
Policy Statement: People with Disabilities

Related Documents are:

Animals in the Clinical Practice and Patient Care Areas
Frequently Asked Questions
Animal Related Program Registration Form


This policy provides the rules concerning individuals bringing animals on University Property. This policy applies to all University campuses. Specific procedures regarding the presence of animals in UConn Health clinical practice and patient care areas are outlined in the UConn Health Animals in the Clinical Practice Policy.


This policy applies to all individuals bringing an animal on University Property, including all campuses and UConn Health.
This policy does not apply to:

  • Fish in aquariums no larger than ten gallons as follows:
    • Within University housing, such aquariums are allowed without advance notice or permission;
    • Within employee workspaces, such aquariums are allowed only with prior written authorization of the Handler’s manager/supervisor. At any time, a manager may revoke approval for such an aquarium, requiring its immediate removal from the workspace;
    • The Handler has responsibility for maintaining the aquarium in a clean and sanitary manner and for any damage caused by the aquarium.
  • University-maintained fish in aquariums of any size located in waiting rooms or other public areas of UConn Health facilities and maintained by UConn Health, including John Dempsey Hospital and University Medical Group
  • Animals used in Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved University research, education or testing. Animals used in classes on campus, based on requests by faculty for such use. Such requests may be granted only upon showing that the presence of the animal is for a bona fide educational purpose, and such purpose is clearly delineated on the course syllabus as a central topic in class. Prior permission must be obtained from the academic unit head, the dean and/or the Provost’s Office and the IACUC
  • Animals used in police, search and rescue operations on University Property
  • Animals trained for and used in a clinical therapeutic setting on campus, such as a counseling center
  • Appearances by the official mascot of the University and/or official mascots of other institutions as approved by event organizers
  • Animals accompanying individuals in clinical practice or patient care areas at UConn Health pursuant to the UConn Health Clinical Practice Procedures Regarding Animals.


Controlled Space: For purposes of this policy, Controlled Spaces are not Public Spaces. Controlled Spaces are defined as any indoor area owned or controlled by the University, and any outdoor area owned or controlled by the University with limitations on use or access (e.g., practice fields, stadiums, farm, tennis courts, etc.). Areas open to the public (i.e., streets, lawns, sidewalks, parking lots) with no limitations on access are not Controlled Spaces.

Emotional Support Animal (ESA): Any animal specifically designated by a qualified medical provider that mitigates one or more identified impact(s) of an individual’s disability. Such may afford an individual with a disability an equal access to the living space, workplace, or other area, provided there is a nexus between the individual’s disability and the animal’s role in the individual’s treatment. ESAs are also commonly known as companion, therapeutic or assistance animals. ESAs are not Service Animals, nor provided specific protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments.

Handler: An individual with a disability who is the owner and user, or trainer of a Service Animal or ESA, or the owner or individual bringing an animal onto University Property.

Pet: For purposes of this policy, a Pet is any animal that is not a Service Animal or ESA.

Public Spaces: For purposes of this policy, Public Spaces are indoor and outdoor areas that are open to the general public. Classrooms, residence halls and most employee workspaces are not generally considered Public Spaces.

Service Animal: Any dog or miniature horse specifically trained to perform a task for the benefit of an individual with a disability. In some circumstances, a miniature horse may be considered a Service Animal. The tasks performed by a Service Animal must directly relate to the individual’s disability.

Service Animal in Training: For purposes of this policy, a Service Animal in Training is a dog or miniature horse that is being trained as a Service Animal. This includes a puppy that is being raised to become a Service Animal in Training.

University Property: University Property includes any area that is owned and operated by the University.


All individuals are generally prohibited from bringing animals into any buildings or other Controlled Spaces on University Property. However, individuals with disabilities are allowed to bring Service Animals and ESAs on and/or into Controlled Spaces as provided below. In addition, faculty and staff are permitted to have Pets in university-owned residential housing only to the extent permitted by the lease governing their rental agreement.  Exceptions for individuals in residence halls may be made at the sole discretion of the Executive Director of Residential Life or designee for exigent circumstances or other good cause shown consistent with the spirit and intent of this policy.

Service Animals

The University welcomes the presence of Service Animals assisting people with disabilities on its campuses consistent with the provisions of this policy and applicable law. A Service Animal is generally permitted to be on University Property in any place where the animal’s Handler is permitted to be. In certain limited situations, a Service Animal may be prohibited for safety and health reasons. The accompaniment of an individual with a disability by a Service Animal in a location with health and safety restrictions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate department representative(s) in collaboration with the Department of Human Resources and/or the Center for Students with Disabilities.

Members of the University community are prohibited from interfering in any way with a Service Animal, or the duties it performs.

Service Animals in Training

Connecticut law entitles any individual training a Service Animal to enter Public Spaces. A Service Animal in Training is not allowed in Controlled Spaces including classrooms, residence halls and employee work areas. The individual training a Service Animal must be authorized to engage in designated training activities by a Service Animal organization or an individual who volunteers for a Service Animal organization that authorizes such volunteers to raise dogs to become Service Animals.  Individuals training a Service Animal must carry photographic identification indicating authorization to train the animal. A Service Animal in Training, including a puppy that is being raised to become a Service Animal in Training, must be identified with either tags, ear tattoos, identifying bandanas (on puppies), identifying coats (on adult dogs), or leashes and collars.

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Emotional Support Animals are approved on a case-by-case basis by engaging in the interactive intake process with the appropriate University entity. A student’s approved ESA is permitted within the individual’s privately assigned living space. An ESA outside the private individual’s living accommodations must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness.  ESAs are not allowed in any other Controlled Spaces without advance permission. ESAs are permitted to be in outdoor public areas to the same extent as Pets.

An ESA owned by an individual employed by the University may be permitted within the individual’s workplace as an accommodation for a disability but must be approved in advance by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Case Manager at the Department of Human Resources as outlined below.


Pets generally are not permitted in or on any Controlled Space on University Property and are permitted only in outdoor areas open to the general public.


Faculty, staff, or other students may not request documentation or proof that a Service Animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a Service Animal.  When the need for the Service Animal is obvious, specific questions related to the Handler’s disability or need for the animal are not permitted. When the need for the Service Animal or its work is not obvious, authorized staff (including the Center for Students with Disabilities, ADA Coordinator, Human Resources ADA Case Manager, Campus Police or security, Facilities or Faculty) may ask the following questions only:

  1. Is this Service Animal required because of a disability?
  1. What work or task has the Service Animal been trained to perform?

An affirmative answer to the first question and a description of the tasks assigned to the animal completes the requirements for determining eligibility of a Service Animal.  However, if the Service Animal exhibits behavior incongruent with the task the animal is meant to provide or the Handler does not maintain control of the animal, authorized staff should report the incident(s) to the Center for Students with Disabilities or the Human Resources ADA Case Manager, who may then revisit the animal’s presence on campus.

A Service Animal or ESA must be supervised directly by the Handler, and the Handler must retain full control of the animal at all times while on University Property.  The animal must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a harness, leash or tether, unless the use of such devices would interfere with the animal’s work, or the animal is within the Handler’s dwelling. In those cases, the Handler must maintain control via voice, signal, or other effective designated controls.

Animals may not be left unattended at any time on University Property, except for Service Animals left in the Handler’s University residence or private office space or ESAs left in the Handler’s dwelling unit.  The Service Animal or ESA may be left unattended only for reasonable periods of time, as determined by the appropriate University staff based on the totality of the circumstances. The University may request impoundment of an ESA or Service Animal left for longer than a reasonable period of time. Owners of impounded animals will be held responsible for payment of any impound and/or license fees required to secure the release of their animals.

A Handler who leaves their Service Animal or ESA unattended for longer than a reasonable period of time will receive one warning, and if the behavior occurs a second time, the University reserves the right to require the Handler to remove the animal from campus and to prohibit the animal from being permitted back onto University Property.

All Handlers are responsible for compliance with state and local laws concerning animals (including registration, vaccinations, and tags), for controlling their animals, for cleaning up any waste created by the animal, and for any damage caused by the animal to individuals or property while on University Property.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


UConn Health Animals in the Clinical Practice Policy


Animals on Campus FAQs

The Americans with Disabilities Act governs the use of Service Animals by individuals with disabilities. See 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.

The Fair Housing Act governs the use of Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s) by individuals with disabilities in housing. See 42 U.S.C. § 3601, et seq.

Connecticut state law regarding Service Animals may be found under C.G.S. § 46a-44.


Policy created: 06/09/2017

Revisions: 05/01/2019, 05/10/2024


Media and Mass Communication, Policy on

May 17, 2017

Title: Policy on Media and Mass Communication
Policy Owner: University Communications
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Approval Date: December 19, 2023
Effective Date: December 19, 2023
For More Information, Contact: Vice President for Communications
Contact Information: 860-486-0871
Official Website:


The University of Connecticut (“the University” or “UConn”) needs to be able to communicate accurately, effectively and consistently with a variety of diverse audiences including the media. University Communications is the institution’s primary voice and official liaison to the news media. It is responsible for initiating, developing and maintaining effective, productive and beneficial relations with the news media in communicating University news and in responding to media requests. University Communications is responsible for coordinating and delivering official University comment on all matters regarding the institution internally and through mainstream and social media. This includes both proactive statements, interactions, and responses to requests. University Communications is responsible for disseminating and pitching news stories, responding to media inquiries, arranging interviews and visual productions, and handling requests for distribution of information on behalf of the University’s main campus in Storrs, UConn Health and all campus locations and programs.


The purpose of this policy is to gather the University’s existing policies regarding institutional and employee communication via mainstream and social media outlets and platforms into one accessible statement while reaffirming the University’s continuing commitment to the principles of academic freedom.  It incorporates policies on three distinct but related situations:

  1. Official University Position Statements or Responses
  2. Mass Communications Associated with News or Events
  3. Requests to Faculty Regarding Subject Matter Expertise
  4. Personal Speech


This policy applies to all University employees including administration, faculty, staff and student employees, employees at all campuses including the University’s main campus in Storrs, UConn Health, the regional campuses, and the School of Law. It applies to all employees in all programs wherever located. The policy applies to employees when they are acting in their capacity as employees of the University, including when they are asked questions.


  1. Official University Position Statements or Responses

All inquiries seeking an official University response or a statement on behalf of the University should be directed to the University spokesperson within University Communications. All inquiries seeking an official response or statement specific to UConn Health and its clinical and academic areas should be directed to the UConn Health spokesperson.

Authorization to speak on behalf of the University may only be given by the President or the Vice President for Communications. No organizational unit, faculty, or staff member may make official position statements on behalf of the University without consultation with, and express authorization from, the President or University Communications. This includes posting of such statements on University-administered and branded website and social media platforms.

University Communications will coordinate any University responses with appropriate members of the University and UConn Health communities, and should be consulted on any potential statements or responses being considered by an organizational unit.

Any employee who has not been authorized by the President or University Communications to speak to the media in the context of his or her role as a University employee must direct inquiries from the media about the official University comment on all matters regarding the institution to the University spokesperson.

No employee is authorized to speak “off the record” on behalf of the University to media on any matter pertaining to the University.

University employees must adhere to relevant UConn policies as well as all federal, state and local laws and policies regarding the release of information about activities of the University, or its employees, students, volunteers, patients or research subjects, including those that apply to privacy and patient confidentiality such as HIPAA and FERPA.

  1. Mass Communications Associated with News or Events

The University will only on rare occasions send leadership mass emails and social media messages about news and events in the nation and world. Those rare occasions will include external tragedies or sensitive issues that have become dominant challenges in the daily lives of our communities at large.

Tragedies or concerns that affect individuals or groups unfortunately occur with great frequency. A practice of emailing after every major news issue or event is not practical. Selecting some issues or events and not others is exclusionary and lacks consistency. In addition, mass email is a poor vehicle for processing complex and painful topics, and university stakeholders have different perspectives about how tragedies and impacts to people should be described.

A singular mass message provides only one-way communication to thousands of individuals and is a poor replacement for other modes of communication that allow for better engagement for understanding, empathy and support for those impacted. Such messages also can be seen as lacking action or sincerity, and frequent messages about national and global tragedies can heighten fears or mental stress. They also can de-sensitize audiences to such messages from leadership, or even polarize the community.

Decisions and authorization on sending mass communications regarding such subjects ultimately rest with the President and/or the Vice President for Communications. Guidelines and best practices for engaging the campus community in these situations can be found here.

  1. Requests to Faculty and Staff Regarding Subject Matter Expertise 

UConn is proud of its faculty and staff, and their expertise and scholarship in a vast array of subjects and disciplines. Many senior administrators and staff also have expertise. Individual faculty, administrators and staff experts are encouraged to provide subject-specific commentary based on their scholarship in their academic concentration or their expertise in their professional field. This includes athletic coaches and staff on matters related to university athletic contests and team- or program-related matters.

When offices and/or individuals are contacted for their scholarly or professional expertise, they are encouraged and expected to notify University Communications that a media representative has made contact. University Communications facilitates accurate, ethical and timely news coverage of significant programs and the achievements of faculty, administrators, staff, students and alumni. University Communications is available at all times to consult with administrators, faculty and staff about the most effective ways to work with the media.

Any questions that fall outside of a faculty member’s academic interest or expertise should involve consultation with the University spokesperson, who can be a resource in these instances. Questions also may be referred to the University spokesperson for direct handling. Inquiries seeking an official University comment must be directed to the University spokesperson.

If a faculty or staff member is unsure of whether a question or request for comment from the media concerns the faculty or staff member’s area of expertise or seeks an official University position, University Communications must be consulted.

  1. Personal Speech

Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict the freedom of faculty and staff members to engage in their scholarly activities or their personal involvement in community activities. Nothing in this policy is intended to affect individual employees’ rights to express personal opinions on University or non-University actions and policies. Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict faculty or staff members from commenting on matters of public concern implicating an employer’s official dishonesty, deliberately unconstitutional action, other serious wrongdoing or threats to health and safety. When speaking or writing as a citizen, an employee should be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, should not use University media or information technology (email) platforms, and should make every effort to indicate that he/she does not speak for the institution.

The University reaffirms its continuing commitment to the principles of academic freedom and its protections as set forth in Article XIV of the Laws and By-Laws of the University of Connecticut and the right to freedom of speech protected by the United States and Connecticut Constitutions.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Bylaws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, Office of Student Financial Aid Services – Student Employment Guide, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and any other applicable University policies and procedures.


Policy created: 05/05/2017 (Approved by the President’s Cabinet)
Revisions: 12/19/2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council and the President)

      Lactation Policy

      December 21, 2016

      Title: UConn Lactation Policy
      Policy Owner: Human Resources and Office of Institutional Equity
      Applies to: Employees, Graduate Assistants, Students
      Campus Applicability: All Campuses, Including UConn Health
      Effective Date: 12/20/2016
      For More Information, Contact Human Resources and Student Health Services/Student Services
      Contact Information: Storrs/Regionals: (860) 486-3034 (HR) and (860) 486-0765 (SHS)
      UConn Health: (860) 679-2426 (HR and (860) 679-1364 (Student Services Center)
      Official Website:

      Reason for Policy

      The purpose of this policy is to provide employees and students who are breastfeeding a private place and reasonable break time to express breast milk for their nursing child.  This policy is in accordance with relevant laws and regulations regarding breastfeeding in the workplace.

      Applies to

      All breastfeeding employees and students on the Storrs, UConn Health and Regional campuses.


      Lactation Area: A space on the University of Connecticut campus that is either dedicated or temporarily established to accommodate the needs of those who are breastfeeding. The room must be a clean, private (the ability to be shielded from view and free from intrusion), comfortable space with electrical outlet, chair, table for breast pump, and nearby access to clean running water.

      Lactation Breaks: Breaks during the work day for employees who have requested lactation accommodations.

      Policy Statement

      The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a supportive environment that enables employees and students to express breast milk in a private place, with reasonable break time and in a location within five minutes of their work and study areas.

      Consistent with Connecticut Laws (Chapter 939, Section 53-34b and Chapter 814c, Section 46a-64), a person may breastfeed their infant in any public or private location on campus where they and their child are authorized to be. This includes all campus locations open to the public and other campus locations where infants are allowed.

      Additionally, Connecticut law (Connecticut General Statutes, Section 31-40w) Breastfeeding in the Workplace states that employers must allow employees to breastfeed or express breast milk at work.

      Consistent with federal law, the University of Connecticut shall provide to employee breastfeeding persons reasonable break time (“lactation break”) as well as space that is shielded from view and free from intrusion in order to breastfeed their infants or to express breast milk.

      The University of Connecticut prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation against breastfeeding persons who exercise their rights under this policy.  For more information, see University Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence.


      Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Policies and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

      Policy History

      Adopted 12/20/2016 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)


      Storrs and Regional Campuses: UConn Lactation Procedures

      UConn Health: UConn Health Lactation Procedures


      Consumable Supplies Inventory Procedure

      September 28, 2016

      Title: Consumable Supplies Inventory Procedure
      Procedure Owner: Office of the Controller, Accounting Office
      Applies to: All University Departments
      Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
      Effective Date: 09/01/2016
      For More Information, Contact Associate Controller and Director of Accounting
      Contact Information: (860) 486-3780
      Official Website:


      An inventory of consumable supplies is reported annually to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) on the Annual Inventory Report of all Real and Personal Property (CO-59) form. Consumable supplies must be safeguarded and managed in order to prevent excessive spending and loss.


      Consumable supplies are defined as stock items used and consumed in the daily operations of a UConn department, such as food, cleaning supplies, lab animals, perishables, table or bed linens, repair parts, small tools, small appliances, and articles of a similar nature. Items should be new and unopened, and which will be used up within a year. Consumable supplies does not include capital equipment or controllable property equipment.


      1.  For all departments with a consumable supplies inventory of $5,000 or more, a separate perpetual (continuous) inventory should be maintained.
      2. A physical inventory must be performed annually and reconciled to the inventory records by June 30th.
      3. A listing of consumable supplies must be reported to the Accounting Office within the Office of the Controller by July 15th. The inventory listing should include an item description, cost, unit of measure, quantity on hand, and a total cost for each item, by location/building.
      4. The inventory listing and signed Inventory Certificate Form may be sent by email or through the University mail service to the Accounting Office at U-1074.


      An Inventory Worksheet (Excel template) may be used to report inventory. Alternatively, departments may submit a report generated from an inventory system maintained by the department.

      The Inventory Certificate Form is available on the Inventory Control website.

      Policy on Endorsements

      August 31, 2016

      Title: Policy on Endorsements
      Policy Owner: University Communications
      Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
      Campus Applicability: All Campuses
      Effective Date:  September 1, 2016
      For More Information, Contact University Communications
      Contact Information: (860) 486-3530
      Official Website:

      The University of Connecticut is committed to achieving excellence in research, graduate and undergraduate education, teaching and engagement.  The University has attracted national and international recognition for many successes across a wide range of disciplines.  As the University continues to grow and build on its many successes, members of the UConn community and external entities will continue to seek to associate themselves with UConn.

      As Connecticut’s flagship public university, the University must ensure that it associates itself with individuals, groups and organizations who share its values.  All units and employees of the University are responsible for ensuring that the University’s reputation and image are not affected by an improper external affiliation.

      The University’s Bylaws prohibit units and groups within the University, including at UConn Health and regional campuses, clinics, and centers, from authorizing any individual, group or organization that is not affiliated with the University to use the name of the University without the approval of the President or the President’s designee. Typically requests to use the name of the University come from businesses wishing to promote the nature of their business relationship with the University or from individuals, groups or organizations wishing to be recognized as a sponsor of the University or any of its activities.

      This requirement also applies to UConn employees and units at all locations. No employee or unit may endorse or promote a third-party business interest in the public domain in connection with their employment or service to the University without approval. This requirement includes providing quotes to or participating in interviews with a third-party about its product or service that would be used publicly.

      If you receive this type of request, or anything similar, you are required to notify University Communications for review.


      Original Approval: February 3, 2016
      Effective Date: September 1, 2016
      Revision Approved by the President’s Cabinet: April 5, 2019

      Tuition Discount Policy

      May 16, 2016

      Title: Tuition Discount Policy
      Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
      Applies to: Outside Entities Meeting the Criteria within the Policy
      Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
      Effective Date: June 28, 2012
      For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
      Contact Information: (860) 486-4037
      Official Website:

      The University of Connecticut recognizes that establishing partnerships with other entities may
      be beneficial to the University and enhance the University’s ability to fulfill its mission. One
      form of partnership can be a relationship in which another entity sponsors the education of
      multiple University students, particularly when that sponsorship is coupled with other
      relationships between the University and the entity.

      Accordingly, it is the policy of the Board of Trustees to permit the University to enter into
      Tuition Discount Agreements with other entities provided that such Agreements meet the following

      • Parties: The University of Connecticut and any business or nonprofit entity.
      • Discount Permitted: Up to five percent (5%). The Agreement may specify a maximum total
        dollar discount for the life of the Agreement.
      • Discount applicable to: Graduate Tuition and Fee Equivalents approved by the Board of Trustees.
      • Programs eligible: Regular academic degree programs offered by any school or department of the
        University but not including undergraduate programs.
      • Minimum Expenditure: In order to be eligible, the contracting entity must have spent at least one
        million dollars in a prior fiscal year in Tuition and Fee Equivalents for graduate and
        undergraduate education. The Tuition Discount Agreement can then be entered into for the following
        fiscal year.
      • Maximum Duration: Agreements shall be for a maximum term of two (2) years but may be renewed with
        Board approval. The Agreement may provide for a limit on the total aggregate dollar discount for
        the life of the Agreement.
      • Early termination: Each Agreement may provide that if the amount of Tuition and Fee Equivalents
        incurred by the contracting entity before discount falls below one million dollars in a particular
        year or on a rolling average basis, that the University may cancel the Agreement for subsequent
      • Application of the discount: The discount will be applied at the time of registration. The
        Agreement shall provide a mechanism for assuring that the tuition has been paid by the contracting
      • In determining whether or not to enter into an Agreement, the University will take into account
        whether the entity has demonstrated a commitment to support the University through past
        philanthropy, providing student internships, collaboration on research, entering into fee for
        service arrangements or in other ways.

      All such Agreements must be approved by the Board of Trustees before they are effective. Nothing in
      this policy creates a right in any entity, nor an obligation on the University, to enter into such
      Agreement. The Board of Trustees retains sole discretion with regard to all proposed

      Prevention and Reporting of Fraud and Fiscal Irregularities

      April 22, 2016

      Title: Prevention and Reporting of Fraud and Fiscal Irregularities
      Policy Owner: Executive VP for Administration and Chief Financial Officer
      Applies to: Faculty, Staff, and Others
      Campus Applicability: All
      Effective Date: March 23, 2016
      For More Information, Contact: EVP for Administration and CFO: (860) 486-3455
      UConn Health CFO: (860) 679-3162
      Audit and Management Advisory Services (860) 486-4526
      Official Website: 


      The University of Connecticut is committed to upholding the highest standards of honest behavior, ethical conduct, and fiduciary responsibility with respect to all assets of the University and assets entrusted to the University, including all funds, resources, and property. The purpose of this policy is both to inform the University community of each member’s responsibility to safeguard University resources and to establish standards for the reporting of suspected or known fraud or fiscal irregularities to the appropriate officials.

      This policy applies to all units of the University including Storrs and the Regional Campuses, Professional Schools and UConn Health.  It applies to members of the University community including faculty, staff, contractors, business associates, and others involved in the activities of the University.


      Fraud and fiscal irregularities generally involve an intentional or deliberate act, omission or concealment with the intent of obtaining an unauthorized benefit, such as money, property or other personal or business advantage, by deception or other unethical means.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

      • Misappropriation, misapplication, removal, or concealment of University property
      • Forgery, falsification, or alteration of documents and/or information (e.g., checks, bank drafts, deposit tickets, promissory notes, time cards, travel expense reports, contractor agreements, purchase orders, etc.)
      • Theft or misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, inventory, or any other University assets including furniture, fixtures, equipment, data, and intellectual property
      • Billing customers, patients and third party payers for services when it is known that the services were not provided
      • Authorizing payment to vendors when it is known that the goods were not received or services were not performed
      • Misuse of University facilities, such as vehicles, telephones, mail systems, or computer-related equipment
      • Engaging in bribery, accepting kickbacks, or seeking unauthorized rebates
      • Actions related to concealing or perpetuating any fraud or fiscal irregularity


      All members of the University community are responsible for safeguarding University resources in their units and for ensuring that those resources are used for authorized purposes and in accordance with University rules and policies, and as required by applicable laws. In addition, all members of the University community should promptly report any known or suspected fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities involving University and affiliated entity funds resources, property, or employees. Each unit manager should be familiar with the types of improprieties that might occur in the manager’s area of responsibility and ensure that all reasonable internal controls are in place and operating effectively to prevent and detect the occurrence of fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities.

      Nothing in this policy relieves faculty and staff from reporting responsibilities under professional codes of conduct, licensing, or other requirements applicable to them individually or to their function.

      Process for Reporting Detected or Suspected Fraud and Irregularities

      Individual Reporting Obligations

      All members of the University community are obligated to report any known or suspected fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities. Generally, an individual may discuss the concern directly with a supervisor. However, in the event that the individual is not comfortable speaking with the supervisor or is dissatisfied with the supervisor’s response, the individual should report the concern directly to Audit and Management Advisory Services (AMAS) and/or Campus Police.  Individuals should not investigate suspected fraudulent activity independently.

      Individuals who wish to report suspected fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities anonymously may utilize the University’s REPORTLINE using the contact information below. The REPORTLINE is operated by a private (non-University) company. No effort is made to identify the person reporting and no trace of the call is performed. Information received is provided to Audit and Management Advisory Services for review and appropriate action. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is staffed by independent specialists trained to obtain complete and accurate information in a confidential manner. To contact the REPORTLINE:

      Phone:  All University campus including UConn Health: Phone: 1-888-685-2637
      Web reporting address:

      At a minimum, individuals should provide key information such as a description of the incident, the time frame in which the incident occurred, and names of individual(s) involved. Audit and Management Advisory Services will make every effort to handle all information received in a confidential manner, to the extent permitted by law.

      University policy prohibits retaliation when an individual reports, in good faith, suspected fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities to any supervisor, faculty, administrator, AMAS, University Police, the REPORTLINE, or any appropriate agency outside of the University. An individual who believes he or she has been subjected to retaliation, should contact AMAS immediately.  This policy is not intended to preclude the reporting of suspected fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities to appropriate external authorities[1].

      Institutional Obligations:

      Departments are obligated to notify Audit and Management Advisory Services of suspected or known fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularities as soon as they become known.   AMAS will evaluate the information provided and determine an appropriate strategy for investigating and resolving the allegation.   Additional University officials may be asked to conduct or participate in an investigation as appropriate. When sufficient facts and circumstances exist to establish a reasonable suspicion that fraudulent activity or fiscal irregularity has occurred, AMAS will consult with the Office of the General Counsel (Storrs, Regional Campuses and the Professional schools), Senior Counsel (UConn Health) and other University officials regarding federal, state and other external reporting requirements.


      Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

      [1]Other Reporting Options:

      • State Auditors of Public Accounts

      The Whistle Blower Act, Section 4-61dd of the Connecticut General Statutes, authorizes the Auditors of Public Accounts to receive information concerning matters involving corruption, unethical practices, violation of State laws or regulations, mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or danger to the public safety occurring in any State department or agency. Upon receiving such information the Auditors are required to review such matter and report their findings and any recommendations to the Attorney General. The Auditors shall not, after receipt of any information from a person under the provisions of this section, disclose the identity of such person without his/her consent unless the Auditors determine that such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the review. Complaints may be filed with the State Auditors:

        • by calling (959) 710-5605 or toll free at (800) 797-1702
        • by email at, or
        • in writing to:
          • Auditors of Public Accounts 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 Attention:  Maura Pardo, Administrative Auditor
      • Federal False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. § 3729-3733)

      This act permits a person with knowledge of fraud against the federal government to file a lawsuit on behalf of the government against those that committed the fraud. The person filing the lawsuit is also known as the “whistleblower” or “qui tam” plaintiff. The “qui tam” plaintiff must notify the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) of all information regarding the fraud. If the DOJ takes the case and fraud is proven the “qui tam” plaintiff is entitled to a portion of the money recovered by the federal government. Under the False Claims Act the “qui tam” plaintiff is protected from retaliation that may result from his or her involvement in the case. This is known as Whistleblower Protection.

      Protection of Minors and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy

      March 29, 2016

      Title: Protection of Minors and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect, Policy on
      Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
      Applies to: All personnel associated with the University including faculty, staff, volunteers, graduate and undergraduate students, interns, residents and fellows.
      Campus Applicability: All University campuses including Storrs, regional campuses, the Law School and UConn Health (University)
      Effective Date: August 9, 2018
      For More Information, Contact Minor Protection Coordinator / Department of Human Resources
      Contact Information: or (860) 486-4510
      Official Website:

      1.  Reason for Policy

      The University of Connecticut is committed to promoting a high quality, secure and safe environment for minors who are active in the University community. This policy and the accompanying procedures establish consistent standards intended to support the University in meeting its commitments to promote protection of minors who participate in activities sponsored by the University and to inform all members of the University community of their obligation to report any instances of known or suspected child abuse or neglect.

      2.  Applies to

      This policy applies to all University employees, including faculty, staff, volunteers, graduate and undergraduate students, interns, residents and fellows. Except as provided below, it also applies to any activity that takes place on University property or is sponsored by the University and is open to the participation of minors.

      This policy does not apply to: (1) events open to the public where parents/guardians or adult chaperones are expected to accompany and supervise their children; (2) undergraduate and graduate programs in which minors are enrolled for academic credit or have been accepted for enrollment for academic credit; (3) students who are dually enrolled in University credit-bearing courses while also enrolled in elementary, middle, and/or high school, UNLESS such enrollment includes overnight housing in University facilities; (4) minors employed by the University; (5) field trips or visits to the University that are solely supervised by a minor’s school or organization; (6) patient-care related activities relating to minors; (7) non-University programs undertaking activities in or on University land or facilities under the sole supervision of said program; (8) University programs that take place outside of the University under the supervision of a separate organization; (9) licensed child care facilities; and (10) other activities granted advance and written exemption from part or all of this policy.

      3.  Definitions[1]

      A. Authorized Adult: A University employee, student, or volunteer (paid or unpaid) who has (1) successfully passed a Background Screening within the last four years, (2) completed the University minor’s protection training within the last year, and (3) has been registered with the University’s Minor Protection Coordinator.

      B. University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors: A program or activity open to the participation of minors that is sponsored, operated, or supported by the University and where minors, who are not enrolled or accepted for enrollment in credit-granting courses at the University or who are not an employee of the University, are under the supervision of the University or its representatives.

      C. Background Screening: A criminal history search that is consistent with University criminal background check policies and that has been successfully completed within the past four years. Such criminal history search must include the following searches by a nationally recognized background check vendor:

      i.    Social Security Number verification/past address trace;

      ii.   federal criminal history record search for felony and misdemeanor convictions covering, at minimum, the last seven years in all states lived in;

      iii.   a statewide or county level criminal history record search for felony and misdemeanor convictions covering, at minimum, the last seven years in all states lived in; an;

      iv.   sex offender registry searches at the county level in every jurisdiction where the candidate currently resides or has resided.

      D. Child Abuse: A non-accidental physical injury to a minor, or an injury that is inconsistent with the history given of it, or a condition resulting in maltreatment. Examples include but are not limited to, malnutrition, sexual molestation or exploitation, deprivation of necessities, emotional maltreatment, or cruel punishment.

      E. Child Neglect: The abandonment or denial of proper care and attention (physically, emotionally, or morally) of a minor, or the permitting of a minor to live under conditions, circumstances, or associations injurious to the minor’s well-being.

      F. Minor: Any individual under the age of 18, who has not been legally emancipated.

      G. Mandated Reporter: An individual designated by the Connecticut law as required to report or cause a report to be made of Child Abuse or Child Neglect. All employees of the University, except student employees, are Mandated Reporters under state law.

      H. Minor Protection Coordinator: An individual designated by the University to develop procedures to implement this policy and best practices for the protection of minors involved in University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors, and to provide coordination, training, and monitoring in order to promote the effective implementation of this policy.

      4.  Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect

      Pursuant to state law, all University employees (except student employees) are Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse and/or Child Neglect and must comply with the reporting requirements in Connecticut’s mandated reporting laws. See Conn. Gen. Stat. §§17a-101a to 17a-101d.

      Connecticut state law, requires that reports of known or suspected child abuse or neglect be made orally, as soon as possible (but no later than 12 hours), to law enforcement or the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF), and followed up in writing within 48 hours.

      DCF’s 24-hour hotline for reporting suspected Child Abuse or Child Neglect is (800) 842-2288, and additional guidance on these reporting requirements may be found here: (Last accessed July 23, 2018).

      University employees are protected under state law for the good faith reporting of suspected Child Abuse or Child Neglect, even if a later investigation fails to substantiate the allegations.

      In addition to this statutory reporting requirement, University employees must also comply with any other University policies that impose additional reporting obligations, such as the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence.

      5.  Requirements for University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors

      To better protect Minors participating in activities sponsored by the University, all University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors must meet the following requirements, in addition to any applicable federal, state, or local law, and all University policies. Please Note: A more comprehensive description of the following requirements are detailed in the accompanying procedures.

      A.   University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors must register with the University’s Minor Protection Coordinator with sufficient advance notice to confirm the requirements of this policy have been met.

      B.   No individual, paid or unpaid, shall be allowed to supervise, chaperone, or otherwise oversee any Minor who participates in University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors unless he or she is an Authorized Adult.

      C. All University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors must implement standards to safeguard the welfare of participating Minors. At minimum, all University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors must implement and comply with University standards of conduct included in the accompanying procedures.

      D. All University Sponsored Activities Involving Minors are subject to periodic audits to verify compliance with this policy and the accompanying procedures.

      E. Any exceptions to these requirements must be requested with sufficient notice and approved in writing by the Minor Protection Coordinator, in consultation with Minor Protection Oversight Committee prior to the start of program operations.

      6.  Enforcement

      Violations of this policy and accompanying procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and applicable Student Code.

      Policy History

      Policy Created: April 1, 2016 [Approved by the President’s Cabinet]

      Revisions:  August 9, 2018


      Procedures for the Protection of Minors and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect can be found at: 



      [1] Several of these definitions are adapted in whole or in part from the Connecticut General Statutes. See Conn. Gen. Stat. § 120. For additional guidance from the Connecticut Department of Children and Family Services about the definitions of child abuse and neglect, see (Last accessed 7/23/2018.) Back

      Alternate Work Arrangements

      March 7, 2016

      Title: Alternative Work Arrangements
      Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
      Applies to: All Employees
      Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
      Effective Date: October 11, 2016
      For More Information, Contact Department of Human Resources and the Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations
      Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
      Official Website:

      POLICY AND PURPOSE:   This policy describes and establishes guidelines for alternate work arrangements for employees at the University of Connecticut, in accordance with relevant state statute, applicable collective bargaining agreements and in keeping with university practices. This policy is designed to achieve the following goals: (1) Increase worker efficiency and productivity; (2) reduce travel time.

      In order to support the mutual benefits of flexible work environments, the university has implemented this voluntary Alternative Work Arrangement program for all employees.


      • CGS § 5-248i. Telecommuting and Work-at-home programs
      • Article 16 of the UCPEA Contract – Work Schedules
      • Article 17 of the NP3 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
      • Article 18 of the NP5 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
      • Article 18 of the NP2 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
      • Request for Temporary Flexible Schedule Agreement Form
      • Request for Temporary Telecommuting Agreement Form
      • Exhibit 2-1 Auditors of Public Accounts Work Schedule Election Form


      This policy applies to all employees at the Storrs and Regional Campuses.


      Telecommuting – Voluntary work arrangement in which some or all of the work is performed at an off-campus work site such as the home or in an office space near home.

      Flexible Schedule – A flexible schedule allows an employee to vary the span of the workday, while ensuring that the standard workweek hours are completed.

      Policy Statement:

      The University Alternate Work Arrangement Program offers employees two options for alternate work arrangements.  Each option contains specific requirements for the employee.

      Approval for participation is at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor.


      Generally, work suitable for telecommuting will have defined tasks with clearly measurable results, tasks requiring concentration when the employee works independently and minimal requirements for frequent access to hard copy files or special equipment.

      Telecommuting may also be suitable for those occasions when employees must attend off-site university meetings or events during portions of the day that make travel to their normal duty station impractical during the balance of the day.

      Employees best suited for telecommuting are self-motivated, self-disciplined, have a proven ability to perform and a desire to make telecommuting work.

      In order to participate, an employee’s regular duties must be such that they can be accomplished via telecommuting; employees whose regular duties necessitate their presence at their duty station may not telecommute.

      Guidelines for Participation

      • Any equipment or supplies purchased by the University and used at the alternate work location will remain the University’s property and must be returned at the conclusion of the telecommuting period. University owned equipment at the alternate location may not be used for personal purposes.  The University does not assume responsibility for damage or wear of personally owned equipment or supplies used while telecommuting.
      • Participants will take all precautions necessary to secure privileged information and prevent unauthorized access to any University system.
      • Participants may not submit nor receive reimbursement for travel if requested to report to their normal work site.

      Employees who wish to request permission to telecommute should submit a formal request through the University’s Telecommuting Agreement Form to their supervisor, which will include a description of the scope of work that will be undertaken and accomplished off-site at least five business days in advance, when possible. This description may be general or include specific tasks.

      The supervisor will review the request with the employee and must approve or deny the request in writing within three business days prior to the requested telecommuting period, or sooner if the request is made due to unforeseen circumstances. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, approval must be from a supervisor that is outside of the bargaining unit.

      The employee and supervisor must mutually agree to and sign the Telecommuting Agreement Form available at

      Please note: It is understood that unforeseen circumstances may necessitate the request for short-term telecommuting arrangements to be made with limited advance notice.  Temporary changes to existing telecommuting agreements may also be necessary to accommodate unexpected work obligations.  In these circumstances an email approval from a supervisor is sufficient.

      [1] Note: This section is not applicable to Classified Employees. Telecommuting arrangements for Classified employees must be made in accordance with the Telecommuting Guidelines established by the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.

      Flexible Schedule:

      Guidelines for Participation

      Flexible Schedules may be approved by the appropriate supervisor, with the following understanding:

      1. There must be minimal on-site coverage of most university offices during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.
      2. Managerial and confidential employees are expected to work the equivalent of 40 hours each week.  Work schedules for UCPEA and Classified employees are in accordance with the relevant collective bargaining agreement. Please note: additional hours may be necessary in order to complete job responsibilities.
      3. The supervisor should consider cross training/back-up assignments to ensure adequate service during normal office hours.

      A Flexible Schedule can be established by mutual agreement between an employee and their supervisor. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, approval must be from a supervisor that is outside of the bargaining unit.  In order to approve a request for a flexible schedule, supervisors must determine that an employee operating under a flexible schedule will not have a negative impact on the employee’s work or the work of the given office, unit or department.

      Supervisors will determine whether or not a flexible schedule request is reasonable and justified. In general, a flexible schedule is intended to allow employees to deviate from their standard work schedule within reason, i.e. arriving earlier and leaving earlier or arriving later and leaving later, or accommodating a single especially long work day (to attend an evening work-related event, for example) by arriving later the following day, etc. It is not intended to allow employees to work unorthodox or impractical schedules, i.e. working weekends instead of two weekdays or working a full work week within a four day period each week, etc.

      Employee requests for a flexible schedule may apply to a single day during the week, each day during the week, or certain days or weeks depending on the time of year. Supervisors should document each employee’s flexible schedule in writing using the appropriate University form available at  Flexible schedules may be adjusted or revoked by management at any time.  Where possible, employees will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice regarding any changes to their approved flexible schedule.


      1. Employee submits request to supervisor;
      2. Supervisor provides written approval or denial;
      3. Supervisor and employee mutually sign the applicable form;
      4. Forward a copy of the signed agreement to the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations.

      This policy is not intended to add to or subtract from provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreements.



      Adopted Effective Date 3/3/2016 [Approved by the Office of the President]

      Revised Effective Date 10/11/2016 [Approved by the Office of the President]