Consulting for Faculty and Members of the Faculty Bargaining Unit, Policy on

Title: Consulting for Faculty and Members of the Faculty Bargaining Unit, Policy on
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
Applies to: Faculty and members of the faculty bargaining units; Management-exempt personnel with faculty appointments
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: June 29, 2022
For More Information, Contact: Faculty Consulting Office
Contact Information: Storrs and Regional Campuses: Sarah Croucher,

UConn Health: Carla Rash,

Official Website:



The University recognizes the benefits derived from faculty members participating in consulting activities with outside entities. Such activities are vital for professional service, provide intellectual enrichment of faculty members and students, may foster economic development, and enhance the reputation of the University. Participation in such activities is a norm for faculty at all highly ranked U.S. public research universities. All activities where outside compensation is received that are related to the expertise of a faculty member fall within the purview of this policy, as are any activities with faculty affiliated companies.


This policy provides a framework for consulting work with external entities to ensure compliance with the State of Connecticut Code of Ethics (Conn. General Stat §1-84(r)), other applicable policies, and to ensure such work does not conflict with University employment.


This policy applies to all faculty at the University of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut Health Center, and all staff eligible to be members of the faculty bargaining units (hereafter described as “faculty members”). The policy applies to management-exempt employees only when they have a base faculty appointment, as determined by their appointment letter. Faculty members who are employed by the University below 0.5 FTE (full-time equivalent) do not need approval to engage in consulting activities. However, such faculty may voluntarily elect to request prior approval for consulting activities. Once a faculty member in this position has requested approval to consult, all subsequent consulting activities in that reporting year must also obtain such approval.


  1.  Consulting: an activity (e.g., provide services, give advice or analysis) undertaken by a faculty member for compensation as a result of their expertise or prominence in their field, while not acting in their official capacity as a State employee (i.e., in their own time). Activities such as serving on grant review panels, giving talks, or reviewing academic works are classified as consulting when undertaken for compensation. Paid or unpaid work conducted for a faculty affiliated company is also considered consulting.
  2.  Compensation: any form of payment received for the consulting activity. Compensation for consulting activities includes, but is not limited to; honoraria, stipends, payments in goods or services, stocks or stock options, other interests of value, or any forms of compensation (including “luxury travel”) above necessary expenses, even if this is intended to support costs associated with undertaking the activity.
  3.  Contracting entity: the business, nonprofit organization, government body, individual, or other organization that engages and compensates the faculty member for the consulting activity.
  4.  Faculty affiliated company (FAC): A faculty affiliated company (or other legal entity) is a for-profit or not-for-profit business where a faculty member or member of their immediate family: 1) is a director, officer, owner, or limited or general partner or, 2) is a beneficiary of a trust, or holder of stock constituting five percent or more of the total outstanding stock of any class.
  5.  Time due to the University: any time necessary for successfully carrying out the workload duties assigned to a faculty member. The University’s Bylaws and policies prohibit faculty from consulting on “time due to the university.”
  6.  Normal work time: the usual time during which a faculty member is expected to perform their job duties. These times and job duties may be defined in specific appointment letters, workload policies, or other workload assignment documentation.
  7.  Reconciliation: the process of closing out each approved consulting request after the activity has taken place (or was due to take place if it does not occur) by confirming or updating information regarding the time spent consulting and the compensation received.


All full-time faculty members must receive written permission from the appropriate supervisory hierarchy prior to engaging in any consulting activity. All consulting requests and reconciliations must be submitted via the University online consulting request system. Faculty must adhere to the University’s procedures associated with this policy.

Consulting approval is not required for compensation received from royalties.

The provost will submit an annual report of consulting activities for all faculty members to the Joint Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of Trustees. The University's Office of Audit and Management Advisory Services (AMAS) shall develop and implement a plan of regularly recurring monitoring and audits to ensure the complete and accurate implementation of this policy.

The disclosure of proprietary information (i.e., intellectual property owned in part or in total by the University) is prohibited when consulting unless specific permission is granted.)


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Bylaws, General Rules of Conduct for all University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Faculty members who do not receive prior approval under this policy are subject to the jurisdiction of the Office of State Ethics. In addition, the faculty member may be subject to sanctions issued by the University for violating this policy, as outlined in the associated Procedures.


Procedures on Consulting for Faculty and Members of the Faculty Bargaining Unit are linked here.


*Policy Created: September 25, 2007

*Revisions: 06/29/2022, 06/29/2019, 03/25/2015, 04/24/2013, 11/12/2012, 04/13/2011, 04/20/2010

*Approved by the Board of Trustees.