Endowed Chairs and Professorships, Policy on

Title: Endowed Chairs and Professorships, Policy on
Policy Owner: Board of Trustees
Applies to: All UConn Campuses
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: April 28, 2023
For More Information, Contact Board of Trustees Office
Contact Information: (860) 486-2333
Official Website: http://boardoftrustees.uconn.edu/


The University of Connecticut seeks endowment support for chairs and professorships in the several academic departments, independent scholarly centers, schools, and colleges to support distinguished teaching, research, and community service.


To clarify the areas of responsibility for establishing, approving, reviewing, and filling Endowed Chairs and Professorships


Endowed chairs and professorships are created by the Trustees upon recommendation by the President and in consideration of the President’s determination that sufficient endowment funds have been provided through an outright gift or a written pledge to provide a significant share of the chair holder’s salary, research or teaching program support, and supplementary support.

On recommendation by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, the President will present to the Board a proposal for establishment of an endowed chair or endowed professorship.  The President’s recommendation to the Trustees will address the chair’s or the professor’s purpose in light of the University’s academic mission, source of funding, and such other matters as may be relevant to the creation of the chair or professorship.

Once an endowed chair or professorship has been created, the position will be filled in accordance with University policy, and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs will recommend a candidate for appointment to the Board of Trustees.

Appointments will be for a fixed term, with the possibility of renewal. The term associated with an endowed chair or endowed professorship will be determined at the discretion of the dean up to a maximum of 5 years.  The holder of an endowed chair or endowed professorship is ordinarily considered for a renewal appointment at the end of their appointment.

In the event that an endowed chair becomes vacant, the dean, in consultation with the Provost may at appoint an individual to the position for no more than a 1-year temporary appointment.  The Provost will consider exceptions to the ordinary procedures on a case-by-case basis.

Retired or emeritus faculty are ineligible for appointment or reappointment to an endowed chair or professorships.  Faculty who retire while serving in an endowed position vacate the position upon retirement.

The President shall periodically forward to the Board of Trustees reports on the contributions made by holders of endowed chairs or professorships.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


Endowed Professorship Appointment and Renewal Procedures


List of Endowed Chairs and Professorship


Policy Created: 9/26/2001
Policy Supersedes Endowed Chairs Policy (5/11/1990; 11/7/1989; 10/15/1989)

Revised:  03/13/2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council and the Board of Trustees)