Multi-Factor Authentication Policy

Title: Multi-Factor Authentication Policy
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
Applies to: All employees, students
Campus Applicability:  All Campuses
Effective Date: March 29, 2023
For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
Contact Information: or 
Official Website:


To help prevent unauthorized access to University information systems.


DUO: A Universityapproved Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) application That provides an added layer of protection to help prevent unauthorized access to university information systems. DUO can be loaded on individual devices including smartphones and tablets. It can also provide multi-factor authentication through the sending of SMS codes directly to phones and through the use of pre-generated codes.

Fob: A small hardware device that serves as a second authentication mechanism either in place of in addition to the DUO mobile app.

University Information System: Devices and/or components managed by the University for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products. For purposes of this policy, information technology devices and components managed exclusively by UConn Health are not considered University Information Systems.

 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is a method of system access control in which a user is granted access only after successfully providing at least two pieces of authentication, usually including knowledge (something the user knows such as a password), possession (something the user has such as a token generator), or inherence (something the user is such as the use of biometrics).


Users of University Information Systems must adhere to Multi-Factor Authentication requirements, where available, to ensure authorized access to University Information Systems and protected or confidential data.


User Requirements

  1. Users must maintain a device that can receive DUO authentication requests in a secure manner via the DUO mobile app or another mechanism, such as SMS, phone, or token.
  2. When an attempt is made to access a DUO enabled system or application, the system will challenge the user by requesting a second factor of authentication which may include an acknowledgement of a push notification via the DUO app, a 6-digit code via SMS, or a Fob.
  3. If users receive a DUO notification when not conducting a recent authentication, the authentication should be denied and reported to the Technology Support Center

Frequency of User Challenges

The frequency with which a user may be challenged depends both on policy and use.

  • Policy based – depending on information being accessed, more frequent authentications may be required.
  • Usage based – While user challenges may be “remembered” for a period of time, use of other hardware, browsers, or other behaviors may trigger additional verification using a second factor.

Lost or Stolen Devices

If a user’s registered device is lost, stolen, or the user has reason to suspect their UConn NetID has been compromised, the user must contact the Technology Support Center immediately. As a precaution, they should change their NetID password at

Off-Hours and Emergency Access to systems and applications

UConn Information Technology Services will maintain internal procedures for processing emergency access requests if issues arise with the multi-factor authentication process. Users should contact the Support Desk for additional information.

Use of Automated Systems

Automated systems that intend to interfere with the approval component of multi-factor authentication are hereby prohibited.


Users may not attempt to circumvent login procedures, including DUO multi-factor authentication, on any computer system or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access. Attempts to circumvent login procedures may subject individuals to disciplinary action. Financial losses incurred due to the use of DUO multi-factor circumvention techniques are the responsibility of the user, and the University may seek financial restitution from users who violate this policy.

Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.


ITS will review and document any requests for exceptions to this standard. ITS will also have available solutions for the intermittent failure of various second factors, which may include the allowance of temporary access codes upon verification of an individual’s identity.

Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following:

Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357)

Information Security Office –


Policy created:  March 29, 2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council)



Mobile and Remote Device Security Policy

Title: Mobile and Remote Device Security, Information Technology 
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
Applies to: All faculty, staff, student employees, and volunteers   
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
Effective Date: August 30, 2021
For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
Contact Information: or 
Official Website:


To ensure data and information systems security by establishing requirements for mobile and remote devices.  Mobile and remote devices are important tools for the University, and their use is supported to advance the mission of the university. Mobile and remote devices also represent a significant risk to information and data security. If appropriate security measures and procedures are not applied, mobile and remote devices can serve as a conduit for unauthorized access to University data and IT resources that can subsequently lead to data leakage and a path for compromise of other systems. 


This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, student employees, and volunteers who use mobile or remote devices to access any non-public IT resources owned or managed by the University. 


IT Resources: Includes systems and equipment, software, and networks. Systems and equipment include but are not limited to computers, hard drives, printers, scanners, video and audio recorders, cameras, photocopiers, and other related devices. Software includes but is not limited to computer software, including open-source and purchased software, and all cloud-based software, including infrastructure-based cloud computing and software as a service. Networks include but are not limited to all voice, video, and data systems, including both wired and wireless network access across the institution. 

Mobile Electronic Device: Includes telecommunication and portable computing devices which can execute programs or store data, including but not limited to laptops, tablet computers, smartphones, and external storage devices. Generally, a device capable of using the services provided by a public/private cellular, wireless, or satellite network. 

Remote Device: Personal computer used off-site 


University of Connecticut faculty, staff, student employees, and volunteers who use mobile or remote devices are responsible for any institutional data that is stored, processed, and/or transmitted via a mobile or remote device and for following the security requirements set forth in this policy. 

To adequately protect the data and information systems of the University, all individuals covered under this policy are expected to meet the following requirements: 

All users of a mobile electronic device used to access non-public university systems must take the following measures to secure the device: 

  • Configure the device to require a password (minimum of 10 characters), biometric identifier, PIN (minimum of 6 characters), or swipe gesture (minimum of 6 swipes) to be entered before access to the device is granted. Device must automatically lock and require one of the authentication methods after no more than 5 minutes of idle time. 
  • Keep devices on currently supported versions of the operating system and remain current with published patches. 
  • Enable the device’s remote wipe feature to permit a lost or stolen device to be securely erased. 
  • Securely store electronic devices at all times to minimize loss via theft or accidental misplacement. 

    Wherever practical, elements of these requirements will be enforced via centrally administered technology controls.  


    In general, confidential data should not be stored on mobile devices, including laptops. However, in certain instances and depending on job responsibilities, this may be unavoidable. In these instances, confidential data must be stored on university-owned devices ONLY with the following requirements: 

    • Except when being actively used, confidential information must at all times be encrypted on any device through a mechanism approved by the University. Alternatively, whole drive encryption software may be deployed to meet this requirement. 
    • Mobile devices must have university-supported software enabled and running to identify, protect, and respond to any threats to the data or operating systems of the devices. 
    • Devices must have Mobile Device Management software installed to facilitate device protection, including remote wipe and, if possible, device location technology for recovery. 


    When mobile devices, specifically personally owned devices that may have had access to University resources or data, are no longer used, and donated, or given to anyone, the device owner is responsible for ensuring that any University information is securely deleted from the device, including University-related e-mails/accounts, user ID and password, or other cached credentials used to access University systems. 

    In the event of separation from the University, it is the employee’s responsibility to delete any University-related e-mail accounts or University licensed software that may have been installed on personal devices or computers. 


    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code. 

    Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

    Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

    Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

    Information Security Office – 



    Policy created:  August 30, 2021 [Approved by President’s Senior Team] 

    System and Application Security Policy

    Title: System and Application Security Policy 
    Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
    Applies to: All students, faculty, and staff  
    Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
    Approval Date: August 30, 2023
    Effective Date: August 31, 2023
    For More Information, Contact: UConn Information Security Office 
    Contact Information: or
    Official Website:


    To ensure the security of university data and systems by establishing requirements for the proper maintenance and oversight of systems and applications used by university constituents.


    This policy applies to all individuals responsible for operating or overseeing any University system or application, whether on premise or in the cloud.


    Academic / Research System: A system whose primary responsibility relates to individual academic work or research

    Administrative System: Any system that is used in support of the operation of the university excluding individual Academic / Research Systems.

    Client Network: A client network is a computer network where individual machines are connected. Client networks consume services and do not offer services to the general population

    ITS: Information Technology Services

    IT Professional: An individual (staff) who is trained and skilled in using technology to solve business problems coupled with assigned job duties in support of technology at the university. This must be a defined responsibility within the position job description and may not fall under “other duties as assigned.” Appropriate training, support, and budget must also be available in support of the IT Professional role.

    Local Network: The local network is those computers logically located in the same subnet

    SaaS: Cloud-based service that is delivered via the web based on either a monthly or annual subscription

    PaaS:  Cloud-based service that provides a platform allowing for the development of software using an established framework to improve development time and management of cloud services

    PII (Personally Identifiable Information):  Information that either singularly or in conjunction with other data elements could reasonably lead to the identification of specific individuals

    Public Availability: Services offered publicly include services offered outside of the local network

    Regulated Data: Any data that has regulations around its protection prescribed either by law or contract is automatically considered administrative data. Examples include: Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Payment Card Information (PCI), Personal Health Information (PHI) and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

    System Owner: The individual who is responsible for the planning and operation of the service. All systems must have a designated system owner.


    The proper management, maintenance and support of systems and applications is critical to protecting the data they store or process from a confidentiality, integrity, and availability perspective.

    Basic Requirements (all systems including academic, administrative and research)

    System Ownership

    All systems including cloud-based systems supporting any aspect of the University must have an identified owner and responsible party for ensuring the controls specified in this policy.

    All software and services used to process University information are subject to an Information Security review and sign off prior to their purchase or development. Information Security reviews will evaluate specific risks and controls available and necessary based on the information being processed. The system owner will be responsible for the deployment of the agreed upon security controls prior to enabling the production capability of the system or application.

    System Access

    Access to information in the possession of or under the control of the University must be provided on a need-to-know basis. Information must be disclosed only to individuals who have a legitimate and approved need for the information. For most applications, this requires the use of proper authentication methodologies and the use of Single Sign On (SSO) is encouraged.

    Information may only be used for its intended purpose, and other uses of university information without the approval of the data owner is prohibited.

    Patching and Maintenance

    All system owners must ensure the timely implementation of operating systems and application patches to provide for the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the systems or data. The ongoing maintenance of applications and the application of software updates is an activity that must be minimally scheduled on a quarterly basis.

    System and Application Lifecycle Management

    System owners are responsible for the planning of and budgeting for system maintenance and obsolescence. Any system or application that is no longer supported by the vendor or is replaced by newer technology should be decommissioned as soon as possible.  The decommissioning process must include the proper retirement of any physical hardware or virtual images and the proper destruction of any media (e.g., hard drives, tapes, etc.) that may have data. Cloud services that are decommissioned should ensure the proper handling of any data (return and/or destruction) in the cloud vendor’s possession as part of the contract cancellation.

    Cloud based systems

    Software as a Service / Platform as a Service

    While patching and maintenance of Cloud-based SaaS and PaaS systems is typically handled by the vendor, identified individuals are responsible for proper security configurations and user management associated with providing the service. A Vendor Risk Management review is necessary for all newly procured services.

    Infrastructure as a Service (IASS)

    IAAS provides a significant amount of flexibility in the configuration and use of the platform. This requires additional expertise that requires management by an IT Professional and where applicable must meet the same requirements as Administrative Systems.

    Administrative Systems

    System and Application Security

    Administrative systems due to their complexity must be managed by an IT Professional.

    Administrative systems will be required to adhere to all regulatory requirements and meet security controls / standards as set forth by the Information Security Office based on institutional requirements.


    All systems housing administrative data are expected to have data encrypted in transit and at rest to protect data. Where available, encryption keys should reside outside of the application.

    User Management

    University of Connecticut Information Technology Services (ITS) provides centralized user identity and access management that supports identity validation and access management (IAM) using a NetID and password providing for single sign on (SSO) across multiple systems. Systems and applications that rely on the University IAM platform for authenticating individual access rights can forgo the need for user management outside that of assigning any roles within the system or application, as necessary. The use of SSO for all systems is highly recommended.

    Systems and applications that do not use the central IAM solution must have a written plan and designated individual responsible for the creation, modification, and deletion of user IDs. User IDs, including student accounts, must be reviewed when faculty, staff, or students separate from the University at least annually. This includes a process for ensuring the secure creation of passwords and a secure password reset process for validating an individual’s identity prior to resetting the password.

    Systems where individuals have access to a significant amount of the PII of other constituents, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and vendors, or significant amounts of regulated data require two-factor authentication wherever possible.

    Software Maintenance

    Only necessary software should be loaded on systems, and old versions of software removed. The use of web browsers and other individual productivity tools should be limited to the management of the system only.

    Auditing of Systems and Application Logs

    System and application logs must be reviewed for inappropriate access on a regular basis (at least monthly) or via automated systems capable of detecting misuse through the analysis of frequent password failures, geographic anomalies, or inappropriate access attempts. ITS maintains a centralized logging and reporting platform, which can assist in the analysis of large amounts of data often associated with system and application logs. All administrative systems must log to the centralized logging and reporting platform events related to login activity and security event data.

    Mandatory Reporting

    All suspected policy violations, system intrusions, and other conditions that might jeopardize University information or information systems must be immediately reported to the Information Security Office.


    Systems and applications that do not follow the standards set forth in this policy may be administratively shut down or have access restricted. Systems maintained at the departmental or individual level may incur costs in association with enabling the proper protections or in the event of data exposure.

    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.


    Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

    Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) or UConn Reportline (1-888-685-2637)

    Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

    Information Security Office – 


    Policy created: August 30, 2021 (Approved by President’s Senior Team)

    Revisions: August 30, 2023 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)


    Network Access Policy

    Title: Network Access Policy, Information Technology
    Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
    Applies to: All students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and contractors  
    Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
    Effective Date: August 30, 2021
    For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
    Contact Information: or 
    Official Website:


    The University invests significantly in maintaining a secure network that meets the academic, research, residential, and administrative needs of the institution. To ensure compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, and to protect the campus network and the ability of the University community to use it, certain security, performance, and reliability requirements must govern the operation of these networks. 


    This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and contractors who have access to university networks. 


    University Network: The university network is comprised of the network hardware and infrastructure and the services to support them, from the data jack or wireless access point to the University’s Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) connection. The university network begins at the connection to the network (wired or wireless) and ends where we connect to the Internet. 

    Wired Network:  The wired network consists of the physical cabling, infrastructure, and management systems that provide physical network access via an ethernet or fiber optic cable. 

    Wireless Network:  The wireless network consists of the access points (connected to the wired network), wireless spectrum, and management systems that provide services via the UConn provided wireless networks, including UConn Secure, Guest, EDUROAM, and other specialty networks. 


    The University network (wired & wireless) is an essential resource for the University of Connecticut students, faculty, staff, and guests. The University network provides a variety of critical services that meet the academic, administrative, research and residential needs of the University. Due to the complex nature of the University’s network, Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for the overall design, installation, coordination and operation of the University’s network environment. 

    Wired Networks 

    • The wiring and electronic components of the network are deemed part of the basic infrastructure and utility services of the University. Installation and maintenance of that network are to be considered part of the “up front” basic required building and renovation costs and are not considered discretionary options in construction and renovation design. 
    • Standards for the network wiring, electrical components, and their enclosures are defined by Information Technology Services (ITS), subject to Building and Grounds (B&G) oversight and are considered part of the University’s “building code” to which installations must conform. 
    • Upgrades to our campus network will be done as part of a university-wide Network Master Plan.  This Network Master Plan will be coordinated with the University’s Building Master. 
    • Units that would like to use their own funding to install wired/wireless technology or change the programmatic function or use of a room to newly include a wired/wireless activity must work directly with ITS Network Engineering for design services and standards requirements. ITS Network Engineering will thereby ensure that all changes to the wired network conform to applicable standards. 
    • Units choosing to install and establish their own security using local firewalls and/or VPNs must give ITS Network Engineering and Information Security access to/through these devices into the active network segments. This will give Network Engineering the ability to see beyond the secure points of the network for diagnosing problems potentially affecting the overall network. 
    • Units wishing to design, install and maintain their own network must have their designs reviewed by ITS Network Engineering. All installations must conform to the standards set forth in the ITS Design Guide and Standards. Before equipment is purchased, the requesting entity must submit technical specifications of the equipment to be used in the project, along with the logical and physical design maps, for ITS approval to ensure network compatibility and service conformance. ITS Network Engineering will provide the department with an approval letter, which can be submitted to Purchasing with the purchase request. 

      Wireless Networks 

      • The addition of new wireless access points on the University network must be coordinated and approved by ITS.  Wireless performance is impacted by the architectural features, building materials, and furnishings of a contemporary workspace.  Construction and renovation projects must be coordinated with ITS and include funding for additions or adjustments required to optimize performance and serviceability of impacted wireless access points and systems. 
      • On an exception basis, departments and individual faculty may install and manage wireless access points for specific programmatic needs. These locally administered wireless access points must be registered and coordinated with ITS prior to deployment to prevent radio frequency (RF) interference on either wireless network.  At least one individual in the requesting department must be designated as the official contact for the access point.  The official contact is responsible for the data and network traffic that traverses through the access point and appropriate access control and security configurationas well as the regular maintenance, software updates, and replacement. 
      • Any devices either not part of or that cause significant RF interference with the University wireless network will be considered a “rogue” access point or device.  ITS will pursue all reasonable efforts to contact the owner of the rogue device, and if necessarymay disable or disconnect them from the University network. This includes devices and equipment that operate in the frequency ranges occupied by the University Wi-Fi network. 


      Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.  

      Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

      Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

      Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

      Information Technology Services CIO –  



      Policy created:  This policy replaces the Wireless Network Policy (05/15/2006) and Physical Network Access Policy (11/18/2008). Approved by President’s Senior Team 8/30/2021. 


      Firewall Policy

      Title: Firewall Policy 
      Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
      Applies to: All students, faculty, and staff responsible for configuring firewalls 
      Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
      Effective Date: August 30, 2021
      For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
      Contact Information: or 
      Official Website:


      To ensure a common set of firewall configurations across the organization to maximize their protection and detection capabilities in support of the security of the University. Firewalls provide a valuable protection and detection capability for the organization when properly configured, managed, and monitored.  


      This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and contractors who have responsibility for controlling or configuring firewalls. 


      EOL: End of Life 

      EOS: End of Support 

      IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (  


      The University operates in a highly flexible and adaptive security environment to meet its academic, research, and administrative missions. While the ability to adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of the University is important, oversight and reporting of firewall activities are critical to the successful protection and operation of the University environment. The following firewall requirements must be met: 

      Firewall Configuration Standards 

      • All firewalls must be properly maintained from a hardware and software perspective. This includes proper lifecycle planning for EOL and EOS software/hardware and regular review (at least annually) of firewall rulesets. 
      • All dedicated firewalls used in production must follow the University firewall management standard, which includes the ability to review currently configured firewall rules across the organization, identification of shadow or redundant rules and rules in conflict, and standardization of device/object names.  
      • Firewall rulesets and configurations must be backed up frequently to alternate storage (not on the same device). Multiple generations must be captured and retained in order to preserve the integrity of the data, should restoration be required. Access to rulesets, configurations and backup media must be restricted to those responsible for administration and review. 

      Firewall Rules 

      Firewall rules specify (either allow or deny) the flow of traffic through the firewall device. Firewall rules are typically written based on a source object (IP address/range, DNS Name, or group), destination object (IP address/range, DNS Name, or group), Port/Protocol and action. 

      • All firewall implementations should adopt the principal of “least privilege” and deny all inbound traffic by default. The ruleset should be opened incrementally to only allow permissible traffic. 
      • Outbound traffic should be enumerated for data stores, applications, or services 
      • Overtly broad rules may be allowed for specific groups of individuals (not systems). Approval must be granted by the Chief Information Security Officer or their designee. 
      • The use of overly permissive firewall rules is prohibited (i.e., ANY/ANY/ALL rules). 
      • Protocols defined in services and in the firewall must utilize Service Name and Protocol/Port information as assigned by IANA, unless there is a technical reason to do otherwise other than “security through obscurity” and must be commented appropriately in the ruleset.  

        Firewall Logging 

        Firewall log integrity is paramount to understanding potential threats to the network. Firewall devices must log the following data to a system outside of the physical firewall itself and must be regularly reviewed at least monthly or programmatically through automated means. Firewall logs may be forwarded to the ISO SIEM for retention and analysis. 

        The following items must be logged as part of the operation of the firewall: 

        • All changes to firewall configuration parameters, enabled services, and permitted connectivity 
        • Any suspicious activity that might be an indicator of either unauthorized usage or an attempt to compromise security measures 


        Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.  

        Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

        Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

        Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

        Information Security Office – 



        Policy created: August 30, 2021 [Approved by President’s Senior Team]

        Secure Web Application Development, Information Technology

        Title: Secure Web Application Development, Information Technology
        Policy Owner: Information Security Office
        Applies to: Students, Employees, Users
        Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regionals
        Effective Date: May 16, 2012
        For More Information, Contact Chief Information Security Officer
        Contact Information: (860) 486-8255
        Official Website:

        This policy is available in the Information Security Policy Manual.

        Departments will ensure that development, test, and production environments are separated. Confidential Data must not be used in the development or test environments.

        Production application code shall not be modified directly without following an emergency protocol that is developed by the department, approved by the Data Steward, and includes post-emergency testing procedures.

        Web servers that host multiple sites may not contain Confidential Data.

        All test data and accounts shall be removed prior to systems becoming active in production.

        The use of industry-standard encryption for data in transit is required for applications that process, store, or transmit Confidential Data.

        Authentication must always be done over encrypted connections. University enterprise Central Authentication Service (CAS), Shibboleth, or Active Directory services must perform authentication for all applications that process, store, or transmit Confidential or Protected Data.

        Change sentence to “Web application and transaction logging for applications that process, store, or transmit Confidential Data or Regulated Data must submit system-generated logs to the ITS Information Security Office. For more information please view UConn’s Logging Standard.

        Departments implementing applications must retain records of security testing performed in accordance with this policy.

        Policy Created: May 16, 2012

        Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery, Information Technology

        Title: Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery, Information Technology
        Policy Owner: Information Security Office
        Applies to: Students, Employees, Users
        Campus Applicability: All University departments at all campuses except UConn Health
        Effective Date: May 16, 2012
        For More Information, Contact Chief Information Security Officer
        Contact Information: (860) 486-8255
        Official Website:

        Each University department will maintain a current, written and tested Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that addresses the department’s response to unexpected events that disrupt normal business (for example, fire, vandalism, system failure, and natural disaster).

        The BCP will be an action-based plan that addresses critical systems and data. Analysis of the criticality of systems, applications, and data will be documented in support of the BCP.

        Emergency access procedures will be included in the BCP to address the retrieval of critical data during an emergency.

        The BCP will include a Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan that addresses maintaining business processes and services in the event of a disaster and the eventual restoration of normal operations. The BCP and DR Plan will contain a documented process for annual review, testing, and revision. Annual testing of the BCP will include desk audits, and should also include tabletop testing, walkthroughs, live simulations, and data restoration procedures, where appropriate. The BCP will include measures necessary to protect Confidential Data during emergency operations.

        Data Administrators are responsible for implementing procedures for critical data backup and recovery in support of the BCP. The data procedures will address the recovery point objective and recovery time objectives determined by the Data Steward and other stakeholders.

        Policy Created: May 16, 2012

        Security Awareness Training Policy, Information Technology

        Title: Security Awareness Training Policy, Information Technology
        Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
        Applies to: All faculty, staff, student employees, and volunteers   
        Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
        Effective Date: August 30, 2021
        For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
        Contact Information: or 
        Official Website:


        The Information Security Office (ISO) maintains an active Security Awareness Training program available to all faculty, staff, and student employees. This policy establishes the authority of the ISO to mandate Security Awareness training as needed and outlines the expectations for individuals and departments in assisting with ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of university systems, services, and data. 

        APPLIES TO 

        This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, student employees, and volunteers who regularly interact with or have access to confidential or protected information within the university. 


        While the Information Security Office maintains an active information security program, faculty and staff members’ knowledge of the threats and risks to the University’s systems and data is a critical component in helping to defend the University from attack.  

        The ISO maintains an Information Security Awareness program that supports University employees’ and students’ needs for regular training. Training on important information security topics is available or communicated in multiple ways including: 

        • Online training systems with a variety of topics relevant to Information Security (available at 
        • Communications to targeted groups by email of ongoing or imminent threats 
        • Postings on various web-based systems across the university ( or 
        • Availability of ISO staff for in-person discussions on information security 

        As part of their ongoing operations and employee development, all academic and administrative departments should identify opportunities to engage faculty, staff, and student employees in Security Awareness training annually. These opportunities may include those offerings from the ISO or a tailored program for specific threats against departments or systems, which may also be included in procedural manuals or scheduled as group training opportunities. 

        The ISO is authorized to mandate Security Awareness training. In some areas, Security Awareness training may be mandatory based on federal or industry regulations. Training for these programs must be coordinated with the ISO to ensure regulatory requirements are met.  


        Failure to comply with mandatory Security Awareness training, or to coordinate training with the ISO, may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code. 

        Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

        Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

        Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

        Information Security Office – 


        Compliance Training Policy 


        Policy created:  May 16, 2012 

        Revisions:  August 30, 2021 [Approved by President’s Senior Team]

        Risk Management, Information Technology

        Title: Risk Management, Information Technology
        Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
        Applies to: All department and school/college system owners and IT professionals   
        Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
        Effective Date: August 30, 2021
        For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
        Contact Information: or 
        Official Website:


        As technology and capabilities change our University environment, threats against these technologies also evolve. To provide the highest level of protection for the University, department and system owners are responsible for regular assessments of risks to their technology platforms. The Information Security Office is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of IT risk across the organization. 

        APPLIES TO 

        This policy applies to all University department and school/college system owners and IT professionals.  


        Confidential Data: Confidential data is institutional information protected by law, government regulations, statutes, industry regulations, contractual obligations, or specific university policies. Examples of confidential data may include Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), Educational Records (FERPA), Credit Card Information (PCI-DSS). An extended list of Confidential Data can be found in Appendix A of the Data Classification Policy. 

        Protected Data: Protected data is institutional information that must be guarded due to proprietary, ethical, privacy, or business process considerations. By default, most administrative data will fall into this classification or if data is not confidential or public, it will fall into the protected data category. 

        Risk Assessment: Part of the ongoing risk management process that assigns relative priorities for mitigation plans and implementation.  

        Risk Assessment Tool: Risk assessment tools are available to department and school/college system owners and IT professionals to collect information about systems, services, and data that will inform efforts to continuously strengthen UConn’s information security.  


        The Information Security Office (ISO) is authorized to administer the University’s risk management process, which includes the delegation of responsibility for ensuring that information systems are assessed for risk. 

        Due to the size and complexity of the UConn environment, each department and system owner is responsible for conducting a regular and ongoing risk assessment of the Information Technologies they are responsible for overseeing. 

        In conducting a risk assessment, departments/individuals should evaluate risks to Information Technology based on a People, Process, Technology (PPT) methodology. Using this methodology and leveraging ISO policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy, Confidential Data Policy, Data Roles and Responsibilities Policy, Security Awareness Training Policy and System and Application Security Policy (available at, departments must evaluate opportunities to reduce risk to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information technology assets. 

        Some University organizations will be required to do regular risk assessments as a regulatory or industry requirement. Organizations typically focusing on Personal Health Information or Credit Card Processing will have more formal risk assessments conducted by their leadership and review by Information Security Office on an annual basis.   


        Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code. 

        Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

        Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

        Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

        Information Security Office – 



        Policy created:  May 16, 2012 

        Revisions: August 30, 2021 [Approved by the President’s Senior Team]


        Data Classification Policy

        Title: Data Classification Policy
        Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
        Applies to: All students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and contractors  
        Campus Applicability:  All Campuses except UConn Health
        Effective Date: August 30, 2021
        For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
        Contact Information: or 
        Official Website:


        This policy defines the classifications of institutional data (i.e., the categories of data that the University is responsible for safeguarding) and the associated measures that are necessary to safeguard each classification. Institutional data commonly exists in many forms, including electronic, magnetic, optical, and traditional paper documents. Common types of electronic data include email messages, spreadsheets, word processing documents, PDF reports, and university managed databases and file storage systems. 

        APPLIES TO 

        This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and contractors who have access to protected or confidential information. This policy covers data that is stored, accessed, or transmitted in all formats, including electronic, magnetic, optical, paper, or other non-digital formats. 


        Cloud: Any environment not operated by UConn. This includes cloud-based services that provide basic infrastructure including operating system and storage or services that provide a full software stack for an intended purpose or platform offering multiple services. 

        Confidential Data: Institutional information protected by law, government regulations, statutes, industry regulations, contractual obligations, or specific university policies. Examples of confidential data may include Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), Educational Records (FERPA), Credit Card Information (PCI-DSS). An extended list of Confidential Data can be found in Appendix A of this policy. 

        Protected Data: Institutional information that must be guarded due to proprietary, ethical, privacy, or business process considerations. By default, most administrative data will fall into this classification or if data is not confidential or public. 

        Public Data: Institutional information that may or must be freely available to the general public. Such information has no local, national, international, or contractual restrictions on access or usage. 


        Through the normal course of business, many individuals at the University of Connecticut collect, maintain, transmit, and/or have access to personal information, financial data, and other information which is protected or confidential in nature. The protection of some types of data is governed by industry or governmental regulations. While other types of information may not be covered by specific legal requirements, it is in the University of Connecticut’s best interest to take steps to safeguard all university information reasonably and responsibly. 

        Except for those classes of data expressly protected by statute, contract, or industry regulation, the data classification examples presented in this policy are guidelines. Ultimate responsibility for the classification in the university environment is determined by the Data Steward, as defined in the University’s Data Roles and Responsibilities Policy, and the Office of General Counsel for any given set of data. 

        Data Protection 

        The University of Connecticut has established the following requirements and guidelines in order to protect each classification of data. 

        Public Data 

        While there are few restrictions on public data, such data should be properly secured to prevent unauthorized modification, unintended use, or inadvertent/improper distribution. It should be understood that any information that is widely disseminated within the university community is potentially available to the public at large. 

        The following guidelines are for information systems that are used to store and share the University’s public data. 

        • When practical, public data should only be shared via systems over which the University maintains full administrative control, which includes the ability to remove or modify the data in question. 
        • Information systems, such as web servers or cloud services that are used to share public data, must be properly secured to prevent the unauthorized modification of published public data. 
        • Interactive access to databases containing public data, such as online directories or library catalogs, should be properly secured using query rate limiting, CAPTCHA’s or similar technology to impede bulk downloads of entire collections. 

          Protected Data 

          Protected data requires additional levels of protection because its unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or destruction could cause damage to the University or its constituents.  

          In addition to the requirements outlined for public data, protected data must also meet these requirements: 

          • If stored in the cloud, stored only on cloud-based information systems managed or contracted by the University. 
          • Protected through the use of authenticated access in order to prevent loss, theft, or unauthorized access, disclosure or modification. 
          • Printed sensitive data including reports must be stored in a secure manner (file cabinet, closed office, or department where electronic/physical access control systems are in place) when not in use. 

          Confidential Data 

          Confidential data (see Appendix A) requires the highest level of protection due to the risk and magnitude of loss or harm that could result from disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the data. Certain types of information, such as health information, may have additional requirements for protection. Wherever possible, confidential information should remain in source systems and not propagated through saved files, spreadsheets, or other file formats. Whenever storage of confidential data is required outside the source system, it should be limited to the minimum amount, and for the minimum time, required to perform the business function, or as required by law and/or State of Connecticut Data Retention requirements. 

          In addition to the requirements for protected data, confidential data must be: 

          • Protected with strong passwords and should leverage Multi-Factor Authentication whenever such capabilities exist.  
          • Stored on devices that have appropriate protection, monitoring and encryption measures in order to protect against theft, unauthorized access and unauthorized disclosure. 
          • Transmitted using approved encryption methods. 
          • Accessed via approved remote access services such as VPN when accessed remotely.  
          • Stored on university-owned devices. Confidential data is not permitted to be stored on any personally owned devices including mobile phones, laptops, or home computers. 
          • Stored, if printed material, only in a locked drawer; a locked room; an area where access is controlled by a guard, cipher lock, and/or card reader; or an area that has sufficient physical access control measures to afford adequate protection and prevent unauthorized access by members of the public, visitors, or other individuals not on a need-to-know basis. 

            The University’s Confidential Data may not be accessed, transmitted, or stored using public computers or via email. 


            To maintain its confidentiality, all data shall be encrypted while in transit across communication networks or when stored. Stored data may only be encrypted using current encryption methodologies. To ensure that data is available when needed, each department or user of encrypted University data will ensure that encryption keys are adequately protected and that procedures are in place to allow data to be recovered by another authorized University employee. In employing encryption as a privacy tool, users must be aware of, and are expected to comply with, Federal Export Control Regulations. 

            Service Providers  

            Departments shall take steps to ensure that third-party service providers understand the University’s Data Classification Policy and protection of the University’s Data. No user may give a third-party access to the University’s Protected or Confidential Data or to systems that store or process Protected or Confidential Data without permission from the Data Steward and a standard Confidentiality Agreement from University Procurement in place.  


            Systems administrators will ensure that all data stored on electronic media is properly destroyed or wiped to current Department of Defense Data Wipe standards prior to the disposal or transfer of the equipment.  

            Confidential Data maintained in hard copy form will be properly disposed of when no longer required for business or legal purposes. 


            Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.  

            Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

            Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

            Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

            Information Security Office – 


            Data Roles and Responsibilities, Policy On 

            POLICY HISTORY 

            Policy created:  May 16, 2012 

            Revisions: August 30, 2021