Surplus Property Policy and Procedures

Title: Surplus Property Policy and Procedures
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations, Logistics
Applies to: University Workforce Members, Students
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: December 24, 2024
Effective Date: January 1, 2025
For More Information, Contact Surplus Operations
Contact Information:
Official Website: Surplus | Facilities Operations


 Proper disposition of State of Connecticut assets is required pursuant to Section 4a-57a of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University of Connecticut has the authority to dispose surplus, unused and/or unserviceable equipment and supplies in compliance with C.G.S. 4a-57a. The University of Connecticut Surplus Department (“the Surplus Department”) is responsible for administering the University’s Surplus Program and is authorized to make the determination regarding the disposition of assets that are no longer utilized by University departments.


To establish the authority of the Surplus Department to administer the University’s Surplus Program in accordance with Federal Uniform Guidance regulations and Connecticut State statutes. This includes the authority to establish and maintain processes and procedures for the proper inventory control of the University’s tagged assets.


UConn Workforce Members at the Storrs and Regional Campuses. This policy does not apply to the deaccession of objects held by University Collections.


The Surplus Department will determine the disposition of assets based on their condition and whether the asset(s) may be reissued to another department, transferred to another state agency or municipality, or donated to a nonprofit organization. Under no circumstances shall University property be discarded without proper disposition through the University’s inventory control and disposition software.

Assets acquired with grant funds must be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and University policies. The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the specific requirements set forth by the sponsoring agency, federal regulations, and University policies.

Export Control must be notified prior to disposing assets:

  • with an export control classification number (ECCN) or US Munitions List (USML) classification; or
  • created as a result of research conducted on behalf of and/or procured by sponsored funding from the U.S. Department of Defense or similar military and intelligence agencies in the US or abroad.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


The Surplus Department uses the Asset Panda software (“Asset Panda”) to streamline the surplus process and track all University tagged assets. Departments must update the status of assets from “active” to “surplus” within Asset Panda. Assets not already in Asset Panda must be added by the department before being declared surplus. Asset Panda then transmits this information to the Surplus Department for review and processing.

University departments must follow these Procedures to send the following assets to the Surplus Department:

  1. Refrigeration Units: Departments must enter a work order through Facilities Operations to remove refrigerants from refrigeration units as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the asset entry before the Surplus Department will schedule a pickup.
  2. Motors: Departments must submit a work order to Facilities Operations to remove oils from the motors as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the entered asset as proof of the completed removal before the Surplus Department will schedule pickup.
  3. Electronics with hard drives: It is the department’s responsibility to surplus all electronics with hard drives via Asset Panda and the Surplus Department’s responsibility to coordinate the hard drive destruction.

Employees may not purchase University assets directly from University departments, including assets such as cell phones, laptops, and wireless devices, among others. All assets must be processed through the Surplus Department when no longer needed.

The Surplus Department will determine whether assets sent to them will be recycled, made available to University departments, other state agencies or municipalities through the DAS surplus program/website.


Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200
Connecticut General Statutes § 4a-57a. (Distribution of surplus state property)

University Policy: Sponsored Award Closeout
Asset Panda Request and Training


Policy created: 2004
06/07/2021 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)
07/26/2021 (Editorial revisions)