Alternate Work Arrangements

Title: Alternative Work Arrangements
Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
Applies to: All Employees
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: October 11, 2016
For More Information, Contact Department of Human Resources and the Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
Official Website:

POLICY AND PURPOSE:   This policy describes and establishes guidelines for alternate work arrangements for employees at the University of Connecticut, in accordance with relevant state statute, applicable collective bargaining agreements and in keeping with university practices. This policy is designed to achieve the following goals: (1) Increase worker efficiency and productivity; (2) reduce travel time.

In order to support the mutual benefits of flexible work environments, the university has implemented this voluntary Alternative Work Arrangement program for all employees.


  • CGS § 5-248i. Telecommuting and Work-at-home programs
  • Article 16 of the UCPEA Contract – Work Schedules
  • Article 17 of the NP3 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
  • Article 18 of the NP5 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
  • Article 18 of the NP2 Contract – Hours of Work, Work Schedules and Overtime
  • Request for Temporary Flexible Schedule Agreement Form
  • Request for Temporary Telecommuting Agreement Form
  • Exhibit 2-1 Auditors of Public Accounts Work Schedule Election Form


This policy applies to all employees at the Storrs and Regional Campuses.


Telecommuting – Voluntary work arrangement in which some or all of the work is performed at an off-campus work site such as the home or in an office space near home.

Flexible Schedule – A flexible schedule allows an employee to vary the span of the workday, while ensuring that the standard workweek hours are completed.

Policy Statement:

The University Alternate Work Arrangement Program offers employees two options for alternate work arrangements.  Each option contains specific requirements for the employee.

Approval for participation is at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor.


Generally, work suitable for telecommuting will have defined tasks with clearly measurable results, tasks requiring concentration when the employee works independently and minimal requirements for frequent access to hard copy files or special equipment.

Telecommuting may also be suitable for those occasions when employees must attend off-site university meetings or events during portions of the day that make travel to their normal duty station impractical during the balance of the day.

Employees best suited for telecommuting are self-motivated, self-disciplined, have a proven ability to perform and a desire to make telecommuting work.

In order to participate, an employee’s regular duties must be such that they can be accomplished via telecommuting; employees whose regular duties necessitate their presence at their duty station may not telecommute.

Guidelines for Participation

  • Any equipment or supplies purchased by the University and used at the alternate work location will remain the University’s property and must be returned at the conclusion of the telecommuting period. University owned equipment at the alternate location may not be used for personal purposes.  The University does not assume responsibility for damage or wear of personally owned equipment or supplies used while telecommuting.
  • Participants will take all precautions necessary to secure privileged information and prevent unauthorized access to any University system.
  • Participants may not submit nor receive reimbursement for travel if requested to report to their normal work site.

Employees who wish to request permission to telecommute should submit a formal request through the University’s Telecommuting Agreement Form to their supervisor, which will include a description of the scope of work that will be undertaken and accomplished off-site at least five business days in advance, when possible. This description may be general or include specific tasks.

The supervisor will review the request with the employee and must approve or deny the request in writing within three business days prior to the requested telecommuting period, or sooner if the request is made due to unforeseen circumstances. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, approval must be from a supervisor that is outside of the bargaining unit.

The employee and supervisor must mutually agree to and sign the Telecommuting Agreement Form available at

Please note: It is understood that unforeseen circumstances may necessitate the request for short-term telecommuting arrangements to be made with limited advance notice.  Temporary changes to existing telecommuting agreements may also be necessary to accommodate unexpected work obligations.  In these circumstances an email approval from a supervisor is sufficient.

[1] Note: This section is not applicable to Classified Employees. Telecommuting arrangements for Classified employees must be made in accordance with the Telecommuting Guidelines established by the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.

Flexible Schedule:

Guidelines for Participation

Flexible Schedules may be approved by the appropriate supervisor, with the following understanding:

  1. There must be minimal on-site coverage of most university offices during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.
  2. Managerial and confidential employees are expected to work the equivalent of 40 hours each week.  Work schedules for UCPEA and Classified employees are in accordance with the relevant collective bargaining agreement. Please note: additional hours may be necessary in order to complete job responsibilities.
  3. The supervisor should consider cross training/back-up assignments to ensure adequate service during normal office hours.

A Flexible Schedule can be established by mutual agreement between an employee and their supervisor. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, approval must be from a supervisor that is outside of the bargaining unit.  In order to approve a request for a flexible schedule, supervisors must determine that an employee operating under a flexible schedule will not have a negative impact on the employee’s work or the work of the given office, unit or department.

Supervisors will determine whether or not a flexible schedule request is reasonable and justified. In general, a flexible schedule is intended to allow employees to deviate from their standard work schedule within reason, i.e. arriving earlier and leaving earlier or arriving later and leaving later, or accommodating a single especially long work day (to attend an evening work-related event, for example) by arriving later the following day, etc. It is not intended to allow employees to work unorthodox or impractical schedules, i.e. working weekends instead of two weekdays or working a full work week within a four day period each week, etc.

Employee requests for a flexible schedule may apply to a single day during the week, each day during the week, or certain days or weeks depending on the time of year. Supervisors should document each employee’s flexible schedule in writing using the appropriate University form available at  Flexible schedules may be adjusted or revoked by management at any time.  Where possible, employees will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice regarding any changes to their approved flexible schedule.


  1. Employee submits request to supervisor;
  2. Supervisor provides written approval or denial;
  3. Supervisor and employee mutually sign the applicable form;
  4. Forward a copy of the signed agreement to the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations.

This policy is not intended to add to or subtract from provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreements.



Adopted Effective Date 3/3/2016 [Approved by the Office of the President]

Revised Effective Date 10/11/2016 [Approved by the Office of the President]