
Leave Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Exempt Employees

Title: Leave Benefits for Managerial and Confidential Employees
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Applies to: Management and Confidential Staff
Campus Applicability: All Campuses (Storrs, Regionals, Law), excluding UConn Health
Approval Date May 10, 2024
Effective Date July 1, 2024
For More Information Contact Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
Official Website https://www.hr.uconn.edu/


To establish leave benefits for managerial and confidential exempt employees of the University.


This policy applies to managerial and confidential exempt employees, including non-represented faculty with an academic title. Non-represented faculty at the School of Law follow the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut and the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines and are therefore excluded from all leave and compensatory time provisions of this policy.


Vacation, personal, and sick time granted and accrued are prorated based on percentage employed.


Each full-time employee shall accrue twenty-two (22) days of paid vacation leave in each calendar year. Vacation is accrued monthly during the time of an appointment. It is expected that vacation will be taken within the year in which it is accrued. It is recognized that circumstances may arise that limit an employee’s ability to use all vacation time in any given year. Employees may carry over vacation days from year-to-year to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days, consistent with the State of Connecticut’s vacation accrual cap.

Upon leaving state service or transferring to a position that does not have a vacation leave benefit, an employee shall be paid for their accrued vacation time up to a maximum of sixty (60) days.

Employees are not eligible for vacation accruals when more than 5 days (40 hours) are unpaid leave in a month.


Employees receive thirteen (13) paid state holidays. Holidays, which do not conflict with operational needs, as appropriate, may be taken as a day off with pay.  Employees required to work on a holiday earn compensatory time for all hours worked. Holiday compensatory time is earned and recorded on an employee’s time and attendance record.

Upon leaving state service or transferring to a position that does not have a compensatory time benefit, an employee shall be paid for their unexpired compensatory holiday time.

Holiday compensatory time must be used by the end of the calendar year following the year in which it was earned. For example, an employee who earns holiday compensatory time for working on a holiday in Year 1 must use that holiday compensatory time before the close of Year 2, the next calendar year.


Each full-time employee shall be awarded personal leave of three (3) days at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1. Personal leave is not accrued and must be used in the fiscal year in which it was granted.  Personal leave time not used within the fiscal year will be forfeited.


Employees are granted sick leave of fifteen (15) workdays at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1. Sick leave is treated “as if accrued,” and is available for use by such employees for personal illness, personal medical appointments, and other provisions outlined within this policy. Any sick leave not utilized in a fiscal year will continue to be available “as if accrued” for use by the employee during their tenure at the University. “As if accrued” sick leave shall not be paid out to an employee upon departure or retirement from the University. Employees may also use “as if accrued” sick leave balances for family medical illness or appointments and funeral leave, consistent with the yearly limits of this policy.


Funeral leave of up to five (5) days of sick leave per occurrence may be used for a death in the immediate family. Immediate family means husband, wife, mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, child and any relative domiciled in the employee’s household. Funeral leave of up to one (1) day of sick leave per occurrence may be used for a death outside of the immediate family.

Sick Family

Sick leave of up to ten (10) days may be used for the illness of one’s spouse, child, or parent. Child means biological, foster, adopted, or stepchild. Parent means mother, father, mother-in-law, or father-in-law of the employee.

Donating Time

Managerial and confidential employees may donate accrued vacation, personal, or holiday compensatory time to another non-represented managerial or confidential employee who is absent due to a long-term illness or injury. The absent employee must have exhausted all paid leave time and be on leave without pay status to be eligible for such donation.

Overtime Compensatory Time

Confidential employees who are non-exempt, as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act, earn time-and-a-half compensatory time for working above 40 hours per week. Compensatory time shall be paid in accordance with the applicable provisions of the UCPEA contract.

Confidential employees who are FLSA exempt may earn straight-time compensatory time in special situations that have been explicitly defined and approved in writing by senior leadership. Employees shall be paid for any unused compensatory time on the same schedule as UCPEA.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Contact HR regarding the process of donating time.


Policy Created: 06/25/2019 (Approved by HR Governance Group)

Revisions: 05/10/2024 (Senior Policy Council)

[1] The use of Sick leave and the “as if accrued” sick leave balances may be altered beyond the scope and provisions of this policy in accordance with the University’s interpretation of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Graduate Faculty Council

Title: By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Graduate Faculty Council (GFC)
Policy Owner: The Graduate School
Applies to: All Certificate and Graduate Degree Programs
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Approval Date: March 1, 2024
Effective Date: June 20, 2024
For More Information, Contact: Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School
Contact Information: graduatedean@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://grad.uconn.edu

The Graduate Faculty Council By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations are available for download as a PDF.

Policy History:

Revised: 03/01/2024; 07/18/2023; 07/15/2022; 06/08/2021; 06/25/2020

By-Laws of the Graduate School

Title: By-Laws of the Graduate School
Policy Owner: The Graduate School
Applies to: All Certificate and Graduate Degree Programs
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: 11/16/2019
For More Information, Contact Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School
Contact Information: graduatedean@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://grad.uconn.edu

The Graduate Faculty Council By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations are available for download as a PDF


Religious Accommodation Policy

Title: Religious Accommodation Policy
Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Graduate Assistants, Students
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: August 1, 2018
For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
Contact Information: Storrs/Regionals: Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) (860) 486-2943 or equity@uconn.edu

UConn Health: Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) (860) 679-3563 or equity@uconn.edu

Official Website: http://www.equity.uconn.edu

A printer friendly copy of this policy is available at: https://policy.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3519/2018/09/2018-08-01-Religious-Accommodation-Policy-Printable-Copy.pdf

Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the University’s processes for responding to requests from students and employees for religious accommodations.  This policy is in accordance with relevant laws and regulations regarding religious beliefs.

Applies to

All faculty, staff and students on all Campuses.


Essential Function: A fundamental job duty of an employment position for staff and faculty, or a fundamental academic element of a course or program of study for a student.

Religious Accommodation: A reasonable change in the work or academic environment that enables a student or employee to practice or otherwise observe a sincerely held religious practice or belief without undue hardship on the University. A religious accommodation may include, but is not limited to: time for prayer during a work day; the ability to attend religious events or observe a religious holiday; or any necessary modification to University policy, procedure or other requirement for a student’s or employee’s (or prospective employee’s) religious beliefs, observance or practice; provided such accommodation is reasonable and does not cause undue hardship.

Religious Practice or Belief: A sincerely held practice or observance that includes moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong, most commonly in the context of the cause, nature and purpose of the universe. Religion includes not only traditional, organized religions, but also religious beliefs that are new, uncommon, not part of a formal religious institution or sect, or only subscribed to by a small number of people. Social, political, or economic philosophies, as well as mere personal preferences, are not considered to be religious beliefs.

Undue Hardship: More than a minimal burden on the operation of the University. For example, an accommodation may be considered an undue hardship if it would interfere with the safe or efficient operation of the workplace or learning environment and/or would result in the inability of the employee or student to perform an essential function of the position or course of study. The University will not be required to violate a seniority system; cause a lack of necessary staffing; jeopardize security or health; or expend more than a minimal amount. The determination of undue hardship is dependent on the facts of each individual situation, and will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Policy Statement

The University of Connecticut is committed to providing welcoming and inclusive learning and workplace environments. As part of this commitment, the University will make good faith efforts to provide reasonable religious accommodations to faculty, staff and students whose sincerely held religious practices or beliefs conflict with a University policy, procedure, or other academic or employment requirement, unless such an accommodation would create an undue hardship.

Consistent with state law, any student who is unable to attend classes on a particular day or days or at a particular time of day because of the tenets of a sincerely held religious practice or belief may be excused from any academic activities on such particular day or days or at such particular time of day.[1] Additionally, it shall be the responsibility of course instructors to make available to each student who is absent from academic activities because of a sincerely held religious practice or belief an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which has been missed because of such absence.

In keeping with the University’s commitment to building and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive work environment, the University will consider religious accommodations requests by employees, including faculty and staff, based on the totality of the circumstances.

The University of Connecticut prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of religion. For more information, refer to the University Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

Policy History

Revised 01/24/2019

Adopted 08/01/2018 [Approved by the Board of Trustees]


Procedures for Students

The University grants students excused absences from class or other organized academic activities for observance of a sincerely held religious practice or belief as a religious accommodation, unless the accommodation would create an undue hardship.

Students whose religious holidays are not recognized by the University’s calendar should provide the instructor or academic activity organizer with the dates they will be absent in advance of the absence.

Students requesting a religious accommodation should make the request directly to their instructor with as much notice as possible. Students anticipating an absence or missed coursework due to a sincerely held religious practice or belief should use best efforts to inform their instructor in writing no later than the third week of class, or one week before the absence if a conflict occurs during the first three weeks of class. Being absent from class or other educational responsibilities does not excuse students from keeping up with any information shared or expectations set during the missed class(es). Students are responsible for obtaining the materials and information provided during any class(es) missed. The student can work with the instructor to determine a schedule for making up missed work.

Procedures for Faculty / Course Instructors in Responding to Student Requests

Course instructors are strongly encouraged to make reasonable accommodations in response to student requests to complete work missed by absence resulting from observation of religious holidays.  Such accommodations should be made in ways that do not dilute or preclude the requirements or learning outcomes for the course.

Course instructors should bear in mind that religion is a deeply personal and private matter and should make every attempt to respect the privacy of the student when making accommodations (for example, it is not appropriate to announce to the class that a student is doing a presentation or making up an exam at a later date because of their religious observance). Course instructors should not ask a student for proof that their religious practices or beliefs are sincerely held or for determining a religious accommodation.

Examples of religious accommodations include: rescheduling of an exam or giving a make-up exam for the student in question; altering the time of a student’s presentation; allowing extra-credit assignments to substitute for missed class work or arranging for an increased flexibility in assignment due dates; and releasing a graduate assistant from teaching or research responsibilities on a given day.

The student should be given the opportunity to complete appropriate make-up work that is equivalent and intrinsically no more difficult than the original exam or assignment. Students who receive an exemption on religious grounds cannot be penalized for failing to attend class on the days exempted. The instructor may, however, appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete any alternative assignment or examination.

If there are concerns about the requested accommodation, the instructor should consult their department head (or dean in non-departmentalized schools) for assistance and determination of whether a reasonable accommodation can be provided. If an agreement cannot be reached after consulting with the department head (or dean in non-departmentalized schools), the department head will advise the dean and refer the matter to the provost or designee, who will make the final determination following consultation with the Office of the General Counsel.

Procedures for Faculty and Staff Requesting Religious Accommodation

Employees requesting a religious accommodation should make the request directly to their supervisor with as much notice as possible. Employees may be required to use accrued time (vacation or personal) as part of the religious accommodation. If the supervisor determines that the request may pose an undue hardship for the department and/or interfere with the employee’s essential job functions, or if the supervisor otherwise has questions or concerns about the accommodation request, the supervisor should contact the Department of Human Resources at 860-486-3034 or hr@uconn.edu (Storrs and Regionals); 860-679-2426 (UConn Health).


Students, Faculty and Staff who have questions or concerns regarding the University of Connecticut Religious Accommodations Policy may contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE):

Storrs and Regionals: equity@uconn.edu or (860) 486-2943

UConn Health: equity@uconn.edu or (860) 679-3563

Related Policies and Guidance:

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Religious Accommodations

Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence

[1] Connecticut General Statutes, section  10a-50 provides in relevant part:

Absence of students due to religious beliefs. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable [due to religious beliefs] to attend classes on a particular day or days or at a particular time of day shall be excused from any examination or any study or work assignments on such particular day or days or at such particular time of day. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school because of such reason an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he has missed because of such absence on any particular day or days or at any particular time of day. No special fees of any kind shall be charged to the student for making available to such student such equivalent opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section.


Title: ClinicalTrials.gov
Policy Owner: Research Compliance Services, Office of the Vice President for Research
Applies to: Employees, Faculty, Students, Other
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: May 25, 2018
For More Information, Contact Office of the Vice President for Research
Contact Information: (860) 486-3001
Official Website: http://research.uchc.edu/


The purpose of this policy is to ensure investigators at the University comply with the requirements for registering and reporting results of clinical trials at ClinicalTrials.gov.

The University is committed to the mission of public availability of clinical trial information and to complying with the related requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other federal agencies and departments for using ClinicalTrials.gov.  Investigators for certain clinical trials are required to register and report results at ClinicalTrials.gov for certain clinical trials, including those involving the FDA, NIH, and CMS.  The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) also imposes a similar requirement as a condition for seeking publication in participating journals.


All University faculty, employees, students, postdoctoral fellows, residents and other trainees, and agents who supervise or conduct clinical trials needing to be registered at ClinicalTrials.gov.


It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (or other equivalent individual) supervising or conducting a clinical trial that must be registered at ClinicalTrials.gov to ensure that the registration, results reporting, related consent form and other applicable requirements are met with the required timeframes.  Any failure to fulfill these requirements may result in limitations on publications or grant submissions or other sanctions.

The University’s Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) Administrator within Research Compliance Services is available to provide assistance in navigating the PRS system, administering requests by ClinicalTrials.gov, and with compliance questions related to these requirements.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, the University of Connecticut Student Code, and other applicable University Policies.


42 CFR part 11 (FDA)

NIH Policy on the Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical Trial Information (NIH)

Medicare Clinical Trial Policies (CMS)

Clinical Trials (ICMJE)


Adopted: 5/25/2018 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)

Purchasing through Collaboration Contracts

Title: Purchasing through Collaboration Contracts
Policy Owner: Procurement Services
Applies to: Faculty and Staff
Campus Applicability: All campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: November 1, 2017
For More Information, Contact AVP & Chief Procurement Officer
Contact Information: (860) 486-2619
Official Website: https://procurement.uconn.edu/


Most of UConn’s purchases are made simply to acquire good or services.  But in some instances purchases are made in the context of a broader collaboration with another higher education institution, a nonprofit organization, or an industry partner. This Policy is established pursuant to Section 2(b)(1)(C) and Section 3 of Public Act 17-130, which authorizes UConn to develop policies for purchases that are made as part of a Collaboration Contract (defined below).

The purpose of this Policy is to establish a framework for procedures pursuant to which UConn can enter into Collaboration Contracts.  Collaboration Contracts assist UConn in pursuing its teaching, research, clinical, public service, and economic development missions. Those missions are vital to discovery, innovation, and job creation in the State of Connecticut. Making purchases effectively and prudently in the context of Collaboration Contracts will help UConn to fulfill its missions. It will also help UConn more successfully compete with other institutions for Collaboration Contracts.


Faculty and staff on all campuses, including UConn Health.


“Collaboration Contracts” are contracts described in Section 2(b)(1)(C) of Public Act 17-130, which are contracts in which the other party agrees to provide UConn with at least two of the following: (i) philanthropic support, (ii) sponsored research, (iii) research collaborations, (iv) employment opportunities for students, or (v) some other substantial value to UConn or the state.

“Collaborator” is UConn’s counterparty under a Collaboration Contract.

“Purchase” is the purchase of equipment, supplies, or services, or the lease of personal property.

“Simplified Acquisition Threshold” is a threshold set by the Federal Government for purchasing goods and services in a simplified manner that, as stated in Section 13.002 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations, “[p]romote[s] efficiency and economy in contracting” and “avoid[s] unnecessary burdens.” The Simplified Acquisition Threshold is set in Subpart 2.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations and is currently $150,000.


  1. The President or the President’s designee shall adopt procedures for entering into Collaboration Contracts, including identifying Collaborators. Such procedures shall be consistent with this Policy.
  2. UConn shall enter into Collaboration Contracts and make Purchases from Collaborators in a manner consistent with applicable law, provided that the following shall be exempt from CGS §10a-151b(b) and regulations adopted pursuant to CGS §4e-47:
    1. Purchases through a Collaboration Contract under which both (i) the Collaborator’s contributions have substantial market value and (ii) such market value, plus any other benefits the Collaboration Contract will provide UConn, is expected to exceed UConn’s expenditures.
    2. Purchases up to the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. UConn shall request quotations from at least three prospective vendors before making such purchases.
  3. The procedures adopted pursuant this Policy shall include a method for reporting any contract exempted under Paragraph B of this Policy that is entered into or amended. As required by Section 3(b) of Public Act 17-130, not later than January 1, 2018, and annually thereafter, such report shall be submitted to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and government administration.


Violations of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Procurement- Sourcing Procedure 3.1


Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 1, 2017

Purchases Made Using Outside Funds

Title: Purchases Made Using Outside Funds
Policy Owner: Procurement Services
Applies to: Faculty and Staff
Campus Applicability: All campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: November 1, 2017
For More Information, Contact Director of Procurement Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-1094
Official Website: https://procurement.uconn.edu/


Most of UConn’s purchases are made with State and Certain Other Institutional Funds (defined below). But some purchases are made with funds that come from other sources.  This Policy is established pursuant to Section 2(b)(1)(A) and  Section 3 of Public Act 17-130, which authorizes UConn to develop policies for purchases that do not involve the expenditure of  State and Certain Other Institutional Funds. Funds other than State and Certain Other Institutional Funds are referred to in this Policy as “Outside Funds.”

Outside Funds include federal and philanthropic grants, sponsored research and other sources.

The purpose of this Policy is to establish a framework for procedures pursuant to which UConn can enter into contracts using Outside Funds. Outside Funds are used to assist UConn in pursuing its teaching, research, clinical, public service, and economic development missions. Those missions are vital to discovery, innovation, and job creation in the State of Connecticut. Using Outside Funds effectively and prudently will help UConn fulfill its missions. It will also help UConn more successfully compete with other institutions for Outside Funds.


Faculty and staff on all campuses, including UConn Health.


“Funder” is the provider of Outside Funds to UConn.

“Outside Funds” are funds other than State and Certain Other Institutional Funds.

“Purchase” is the purchase of equipment, supplies, or services, or the lease of personal property.

“Simplified Acquisition Threshold” is a threshold set by the Federal Government for purchasing goods and services in a manner that, as stated in Section 13.002 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations, “[p]romote[s] efficiency and economy in contracting” and “avoid[s] unnecessary burdens.” The Simplified Acquisition Threshold is set in Subpart 2.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations and is currently $150,000.

“State and Certain Other Institutional Funds” has the same meaning as in Section 2(a)(5) of Public Act 17-130, which meaning is (i) funds appropriated or bonds authorized by the General Assembly; (ii) revenue generated from tuition; (iii) funds collected from student fees, housing fees or dining services; (iv) revenue generated from athletic sponsorship deals or ticket sales; and (v) revenue collected from the clinical operations of The University of Connecticut Health Center and the John Dempsey Hospital.


  1. The President or the President’s designee shall adopt procedures for entering into contracts for Purchases with Outside Funds, including identifying vendors for such Purchases. Such procedures shall be consistent with this Policy.
  2. UConn shall make Purchases with Outside Funds in a manner consistent with applicable law, provided that the following shall be exempt from CGS §10a-151b(b) and regulations adopted pursuant to CGS §4e-47:
    1. Purchases from vendors selected through a process prescribed by the Funder. The procedures adopted pursuant this Policy shall include a method for documenting the Funder’s prescribed process in advance of purchases.
    2. Purchases up to the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. UConn shall request quotations from at least three prospective vendors before making such purchases.
  3. The procedures adopted pursuant this Policy shall include a method for reporting any contract exempted under Paragraph B of this Policy that is entered into or amended. As required by Section 3(b) of Public Act 17-130, not later than January 1, 2018, and annually thereafter, such report shall be submitted to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and government administration.


Violations of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Procurement- Sourcing Procedure 2.1


Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 1, 2017



Purchases for Use Abroad

Title: Purchases for Use Abroad
Policy Owner: Procurement Services
Applies to: Faculty and Staff
Campus Applicability: All campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: November 1, 2017
For More Information, Contact AVP & Chief Procurement Officer
Contact Information: (860) 486-2619
Official Website: https://procurement.uconn.edu/


Most of UConn’s purchases are made in the United States or are made overseas for use in the United States. But UConn is a global research University that sponsors, or participates in, teaching, research, and other programs around the world. These programs provide important educational opportunities for students and support research and service by faculty and students.

This Policy is established pursuant to Section 2(b)(1)(B) and Section 3 of Public Act 17-130, which authorizes UConn to develop policies for the purchase of equipment, supplies or services, or the lease of personal property (i) to be used outside of the United States, and (ii) where the other party to the contract is located outside of the United States. These purchases are referred to in this Policy as “Overseas Purchases.”

The purpose of this Policy is to establish a framework for procedures pursuant to which UConn can make Overseas Purchases.  Overseas Purchases are used to assist UConn in pursuing its teaching, research, clinical, public service, and economic development missions. Making Overseas Purchases effectively and prudently will help UConn to fulfill its missions.


Faculty and staff on all campuses, including UConn Health.


“Overseas Purchase” is a Purchase (i) to be used outside of the United States and (ii) where the other party to the contract is located outside of the United States.

“Partner Institutions” are any of the following that are located outside the United States and with which UConn jointly supports teaching, learning, or research programs: research institutes, laboratories, government agencies, quasi-governmental agencies, non-government organizations, members of a consortium of which UConn is a member, colleges, and universities.

“Purchase” is the purchase of equipment, supplies, or services, or the lease of personal property.

“Simplified Acquisition Threshold” is a threshold set by the Federal Government for purchasing goods and services in a manner that, as stated in Section 13.002 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations, “[p]romote[s] efficiency and economy in contracting” and “avoid[s] unnecessary burdens.” The Simplified Acquisition Threshold is set in Subpart 2.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations and is currently $150,000.


  1.  The President or the President’s designee shall adopt procedures for entering into contracts for Overseas Purchases, including identifying vendors for Overseas Purchases. Such procedures shall be consistent with this Policy.
  2.  UConn shall make Overseas Purchases in a manner consistent with applicable law, provided that the following shall be exempt from CGS §10a-151b(b) and regulations adopted pursuant to CGS §4e-47:
    1. Overseas Purchases from Partner Institutions, or from vendors located outside the United States identified by Partner Institutions, if such Purchases serve jointly-supported teaching, learning, or research programs.
    2. Overseas Purchases up to the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. UConn shall request quotations from at least three prospective vendors before making such purchases.
    3. Overseas Purchases entered into consistent with the following:
    • UConn shall attempt to identify as many prospective vendors as is practical and cost effective, considering the challenges associated with each purchase. Such challenges may include geographic limitations, language barriers, the availability or absence of technology, the ability to identify vendors that are reliable and safe, and local laws and regulations.
    • When more than one prospective vendor is identified, UConn shall conduct an appropriate competitive process. The competitive process shall take into consideration the challenges of participating in a formal procurement process, including the factors set forth above.
  3. The procedures adopted pursuant this Policy shall include a method for reporting any contract exempted under Paragraph B of this Policy that is entered into or amended. As required by Section 3(b) of Public Act 17-130, not later than January 1, 2018, and annually thereafter, such report shall be submitted to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and government administration.


Violations of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Procurement- Sourcing Procedure 1.1


Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 1, 2017

Assignment of Instructional Space


The University of Connecticut values excellence in teaching and learning. Fulfillment of this mission requires appropriate instructional facilities. Instructional facilities include all seminar rooms, classrooms, lecture halls, auditoria, and similar spaces primarily dedicated to the execution of the University’s formal instructional activities. Efficient use of these facilities plays a crucial role in providing our growing number of students with the classes they need to graduate on time.


The By-Laws of the University of Connecticut authorize the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs to “direct the assignment of all plant facilities, including buildings, offices, classrooms, laboratories, equipment, and land, and establish uniform rules pertaining to their proper use for all areas under his/her jurisdiction” (VII.B.2.q). This procedure represents the Provost’s formal delegation of authority to assign instructional space, excluding laboratories, on the Storrs campus and establish uniform rules to their assignment and use on all campuses, excluding UConn Health, to the Office of the Registrar. The appropriate School or College has the authority to assign laboratory space under its jurisdiction, and regional campus directors have the authority to assign all instructional space on their campus. The Provost retains the authority to direct the assignment of instructional facilities, and may modify this procedure at any time.

This document articulates the criteria and procedures by which instructional facilities (hereafter “classrooms”) are assigned. The procedure will be reviewed at 3-year intervals at minimum or as deemed appropriate by the Office of the Registrar, the Office of the Provost, and the Classroom Management Committee.

This procedure applies to all campuses except UConn Health.


Each semester, the Registrar considers the full range of needs for classrooms and accounts for the numbers, sizes, and types of classes, as well as requirements for instructional technology and other special equipment and materials. The Registrar determines how to meet these needs as closely as possible across the entire University to achieve appropriate room use and seat occupancy.

Once the needs of all classes university-wide are met, the Registrar’s Office will make its best effort to accommodate the preferences of academic departments and individual faculty members.

To the greatest extent possible, the Registrar will give academic departments priority for classrooms located in or near their buildings or that have configurations that are especially well-suited to their needs.


Classes at all campuses, except UConn Health, will conform to a standard schedule, as follows.


50 minutes – M W F 75 minutes – T/Th
8:00 – 8:50 AM 8:00 – 9:15 AM
9:05 – 9:55 AM 9:30 – 10:45 AM
10:10 – 11:00 AM 11:00 – 12:15 PM
11:15 – 12:05 PM 12:30 – 1:45 PM
12:20 – 1:10 PM 2:00 – 3:15 PM
1:25 – 2:15 PM 3:30 – 4:45 PM
2:30 – 3:20 PM
3:35 – 4:25 PM
4:40 – 5:30 PM


The Registrar will make use of the full business week (Monday – Friday) and the full day (8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.) to best accommodate scheduling needs university-wide. If needs dictate, classes may be scheduled on Saturday and Sunday. Classrooms are closed and unavailable for use between the hours of 11:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. to facilitate security, maintenance, and cleaning, unless an exception is granted by the Registrar’s Office or the regional campus director.

The Registrar will endeavor to accommodate the preferences of academic departments and individual faculty members with respect to the times their classes are scheduled; however, accommodations may not be possible. In such cases, the Registrar will work with the appropriate department head to negotiate a time and location. Ultimately, the Registrar will make a determination about when and where classrooms may be scheduled.

Classes that begin after 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or after 4:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or anytime on Saturdays and Sundays may deviate from the standard schedule.

On rare occasions, classes with extenuating circumstances may deviate from the standard schedule with the permission of the Registrar and if applicable, regional campus director and with the concurrence of the Provost.

Instructors must conduct their classes at the scheduled time(s) and in the assigned location(s) to avoid disruption to students. In cases where an altered time or location may be warranted, the faculty member must first consult with the Registrar and then is responsible for notification of all students.

In cases where the instructor determines that the appropriate form of assessment should take place during finals week, the instructors must hold their exams at the time and location scheduled by the Registrar. [Please refer to section II.E.10, Examinations and Assessments, in the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the University Senate.]


The Registrar solicits information about proposed course offerings and instructional needs, including departmental requests for the timing and location of classes, before each semester. The Registrar publishes this schedule prior to the start of pre-registration for the upcoming semester.

After the needs of regularly scheduled classes are met, the Registrar will make classrooms available to accommodate other activities and events. Other instructional uses (e.g., review and help sessions, seminars, etc.) will take priority over non-instructional uses, such as meetings or events. Units can contact the Registrar’s Office or the regional campus director with these requests.

All classroom scheduling will be managed through the room scheduling software system. All academic units can access this system to see when and where classes are scheduled and what rooms may be available. The audiovisual equipment in the classrooms is for scheduled use only, and a reservation is required. The location and capacity of classrooms for the Storrs campus is available and reservations can be made at http://classrooms.uconn.edu. Reservations for a classroom at a regional campus can be made by contacting the campus director.

Classroom maintenance is the joint responsibility of University Information Technology Services (UITS) for instructional technology and Facilities Operations and Building Services for problems with the physical plant and furniture. The Registrar will assess the need for repairs and communicate to these organizations. Faculty who observe problems in classrooms should report them to the Registrar through their department head, dean, or campus director.

In collaboration with Planning Architectural and Engineering Services, the Center for Students with Disabilities strives to create a comprehensively accessible environment where students with disabilities have full access to programs, activities, and services. Detailed information about access for buildings on the Storrs campus is available at: https://accessibility.uconn.edu/campus-access/. Departments or individuals that have concerns about access should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, and they will collaborate with the Registrar or the regional campus director to assure appropriate accommodations are available.


The Registrar is guided by a Classroom Management Committee, an advisory group established by the Provost to oversee instructional facilities at all campuses of the University of Connecticut, except UConn Health. Requests for any classroom renovation, either physical or technical, must be made through the Registrar’s office and vetted and approved by the Classroom Management Committee.  Membership of the committee includes representatives from the faculty, UITS, Office of Campus Planning, Planning Architectural and Engineering Services, Office of the Registrar, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Facilities Operations and Building Services, Center for Students with Disabilities, and the Fire Marshal.

Procedure History

Effective Date: August 2017


Residential Rental Properties, Policy on

Title: Residential Rental Properties, Policy on
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations
Applies to: Existing and Potential: Faculty, Staff, Visiting Scholars and Guests
Campus Applicability: Storrs Currently. If the University acquires residential rental property at any other campus it will apply to such property
Effective Date: May 3, 2019
For More Information, Contact Lynn Hallarin, Director, Business Services Center
Contact Information: 860-486-3632
Official Website: https://rentalproperties.uconn.edu/


It is strategically important for UConn to provide and manage short- and long-term housing options for the recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, visiting scholars and other UConn guests. Accordingly, it is University policy to provide housing that is well maintained, attractive and marketable. It is also important that all University owned rental housing be maintained and operated in an economically efficient manner.


The Rental Properties Unit of UConn’s Facilities Operations & Building Services maintains a portfolio of rental properties with rental rates designed to support the expenses and improvements necessary to sustain and maintain the portfolio.  Rental properties shall only be made available to Storrs Campus Faculty and Staff, Visiting Scholars and other guests.

The portfolio is comprised of two categories of units: (1) apartments in The Oaks on the Square in Storrs Center; and (2) University-owned houses.   The first category is established to support institutional recruitment and retention objectives, while the second category is to be maintained as a long-term, self-sustaining University asset.

The allocation of rental properties shall be managed in a fair, equitable and open manner.  Rental requests can be initiated in one of two ways: (a) by a Host (defined below); or (b)  by an individual who is a member of the Storrs Campus faculty or staff, a visiting scholar or other UConn guest, as applicable.

Rent will be paid for all rental properties. The amount of rent that is charged will be determined on a market basis through an appropriate analysis.  Rent will be paid either by the individual occupying the property or by the Host.

All rentals must be memorialized in a written agreement signed by an authorized UConn representative and the licensee. The agreement must specify the licensee, the rent, who is paying the rent and the duration of the rental period..

If a Host is paying the rent, that must be reflected in the written agreement and the agreement must be signed by an authorized representative of the Host.

If the occupant does not pay rent, the fair market value of the rent may be taxable income to the occupant subject to withholding and tax reporting.  The occupant will be responsible for all associated tax liability. To facilitate compliance with tax laws, the Rental Properties Unit of Facilities Operations will notify UConn’s Tax & Compliance Office of all rentals where the occupant is not paying rent (e.g. rents is being paid by Host or no rent is paid).

The Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer (or the successor in function) , in consultation with the Real Estate Working Group, establishes, and approves  any changes to, procedures to implement this Policy.


Property covered:  All residential rental properties managed by Facilities Operations.  It does not apply to property managed by Residential Life.

Persons covered:  Storrs Campus Faculty and Staff, visiting scholars and other UConn guests. This policy will apply in the event that UConn acquires residential properties at other campuses.  Residential rental properties are not intended for use by students enrolled in UConn undergraduate, graduate or other programs.


“Host” means the UConn Administration, department or academic unit sponsoring the individual who is seeking UConn housing.

“Guest” means Special Payroll employees, long-term consultants, candidates for employment, guest performers (e.g. CRT actors), guest speakers and others similarly situated.

“Storrs Campus Faculty and Staff” means individuals who are regular UConn employees and are employed to work at the Storrs Campus.

“Visiting Scholar” means an expert in an academic discipline or disciplines with a short-term residency at UConn for mutual intellectual enrichment and collaboration.  These individuals are typically scholars or artists on leave from other institutions. However, “Visiting Scholars” also may be unaffiliated and distinguished in their fields, or they may be representatives of governments, higher education institutions or other institutions on official business.  Undergraduate and graduate students are not visiting scholars.


The President’s office may make exceptions to this Policy or waive the Rental Criteria when it is in the best interest of the University.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with UConn By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for all UConn Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


This policy supersedes and replaces the present “Policy on Residential Rental Properties” which was effective on August 28, 2017.


Information and forms can be found at http://rentalproperties.uconn.edu/.

Pricing and other information about rental properties (not including The Oaks) can be found at http://rentalproperties.uconn.edu/ under the “Houses” link.

Pricing and other information about The Oaks can be found at http://rentalproperties.uconn.edu/apartments/.


Policy created:  Approved by the President’s Cabinet (8/28/2017)

Policy revised: 5/3/2019