Logistics Administration

Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles

Title: Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles
Policy Owner: Logistics Administration
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:
Effective Date: February 1, 2013
For More Information, Contact Logistics Administration
Contact Information: (860) 486-3029
Official Website: https://park.uconn.edu/

Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles
This policy supersedes Utility Cart Policy 4/11/2008

1. Introduction

This policy establishes requirements for the procurement, maintenance and operation of golf carts and other low speed vehicles (hereinafter “LSVs”) (i.e., “Club Cars,” “Golf Carts,” “Cushman Carts,” and comparable utility vehicles) on the grounds of the University of Connecticut.

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles does not register LSVs. Effective with the enactment of Section 14-300g of the Connecticut General Statutes, the traffic authority of a city, town, or borough may decide to allow the operation of LSVs on roadways within its jurisdiction that have speed limits of twenty-five (25) mph or below. Pursuant to Section 10a-139 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the University of Connecticut constitutes a traffic authority which can establish policy for the use, purchase, and maintenance of LSVs on its grounds.

2. Purpose and Applicability

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the procurement and use of LSVs and enhance the safety of our faculty, staff employees, students, visitors, and University property. All members of the University of Connecticut community are subject to this policy including students, staff, and faculty. Employees of University contractors who utilize LSVs owned or leased by the University shall be subject to this policy as well. The policy:

  • Discusses the appropriate use of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements pertaining to the operation of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements for maintenance and repair of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements for LSV identification; and
  • Establishes operator and supervisor responsibility.

3. Definition

Low Speed Vehicle: A four-wheeled motor vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight rating (“GVWR”) of less than 3000 pounds and whose speed attainable in one (1) mile is more than twenty (20) miles per hour and not more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour on a paved level surface.

4. Use of Low Speed Vehicles

LSVs may be used at the University for a variety of purposes for which larger vehicles may be less well-suited, including, but not limited to:

  • Transportation of persons with physical disabilities;
  • Transportation of items long distances that are too large/bulky to be carried by hand;
  • Transportation of University guests or VIPs;
  • Emergency response;
  • Access to areas where a licensed vehicle may have difficulty navigating;
  • Avoidance of damage to sidewalks, landscaping or other property that may occur with traditional licensed road-use vehicles; and
  • Landscape, maintenance and agricultural use.

5. Operator Requirements

All operators of LSVs shall meet the following requirements before operating an LSV on the grounds of the University of Connecticut:

  • Operators must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license and be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Approved operators shall immediately notify their supervisor if and when their driver’s license is suspended or revoked. Operators who are contractor employees shall immediately notify their supervisor if their driver’s license is suspended or revoked.
  • Operators shall have knowledge of and comply with the state of Connecticut motor vehicle laws;
  • Employees of University contractors may not operate University-owned or leased LSVs unless the contractor, in an existing agreement with the University, is contractually obligated to indemnify the University against all suits, actions, claims, demands and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the operation of the LSVs or has signed a separate indemnification agreement obligating it to do so.
  • Contractors/vendors may not operate University-owned or leased LSVs unless and until they have signed a copy of the “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment” form, available on the web at https://transpo.uconn.edu/low-speed-vehicles/.
  • undergraduate students may operate LSVs with the following additional restrictions:

° Undergraduate students assigned to operate LSVs must be employed by the University through the Office of Student Employment.

° Undergraduate students operating LSVs will be subject to all the requirements of the LSV Policy applicable to University employees.

° In addition, students will be subject to the University Student Code of Conduct. Any violations will be reported to the Office of Community Standards.

Volunteers, visitors, and all other individuals shall not be permitted to operate LSVs on University grounds.

6. Safety Devices

Each LSV shall be equipped with:

  • a horn and an automatic audible back up warning device;
  • a flag that is positioned to assist operators of motor vehicles in observing the location and operation of such LSV;
  • a side and rear view mirror;
  • a flashing yellow hazard light on the top of those LSVs equipped with cabs;
  • electric wipers on LSVs equipped with windshields;
  • a window defroster/defogger on LSVs equipped with windshields; and
  • a three point seat belt or a lap belt.

LSVs shall not be modified in any manner that affects the manufacturer’s recommended mode of operation, speed or safety of the vehicle without the manufacturer’s prior written approval.

Any person who operates an LSV in violation of these requirements, in violation of any insurance requirement, or in violation of any other condition or limitation established by the local traffic authority shall have committed an infraction.

7. Vehicle Operating Standards

The following standards shall apply to the operation of LSVs on University property:

  • The operator of any LSV shall carry his or her valid Connecticut motor vehicle operator’s license while operating such LSV.
  • Operation of LSVs shall be limited to daylight hours.
  • No LSV shall be operated on any street or highway where the posted speed limit is more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
  • The speed limit for LSVs operating on pedestrian ways and bike ways shall be five (5) MPH. LSVs shall be operated at speeds not greater than fifteen (15) MPH on roadways, and shall be operated at lesser speeds as conditions dictate.
  • Operators shall consider the terrain, weather conditions, visibility, and existing pedestrian and other vehicular traffic which may affect the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Although LSVs may be operated off-road when being used for official business, they should be operated on roadways or walkways whenever possible. When operated off- road, LSVs shall be operated at low speeds (not exceeding five (5) MPH) that allow stopping time in the event of unexpected pedestrians or other obstacles.
  • Operators shall stop at all blind intersections. They will also stop when rounding the corners of buildings when the LSV is being operated off-road or on walkways.
  • Pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way at all times. LSVs shall be operated with the utmost courtesy, care, and consideration for the safety of pedestrians.
  • LSV operators shall be diligent and pay particular attentions to the needs of disabled persons, as limitations in vision, hearing and/or mobility may impair the ability of such persons to see, hear, or move out of the way of vehicles.
  • Operators shall be responsible for the security of the ignition key while an LSV is assigned to them. Anytime an LSV is unattended, the key shall be removed from the ignition and kept in the possession of the authorized operator.
  • LSV operators shall not be permitted to drive while wearing devices that impede hearing, such as stereo headsets or earplugs. LSV operators shall not talk on the phone or text while driving.
  • LSV operators may cross roadways only at intersections or at pedestrian crosswalks by slowly driving alongside the pedestrian crosswalk. LSVs shall only cross roadways in areas that are clearly visible from all directions. During low light conditions, LSVs shall cross only in well-lighted areas.
  • LSV operators shall come to a complete stop before crossing a roadway or proceeding through intersecting sidewalks or other areas that may have blind spots.
  • All passengers shall be seated in seats designed for such use. No passenger shall be allowed to be transported on the bed, back or side of the LSV except for medical emergency transportation.
  • LSVs shall never carry more passengers than the number of seat belts in the vehicle, except for medical emergency transportation.
  • LSVs shall not be parked:
    ° in handicap accessible or otherwise reserved spaces;
    ° on any walkway that constitutes a pedestrian travel route except when temporarily parked on walkways while the operator is performing work-related duties inside the building; or
    ° in such a way that blocks any building entrance or exit.

8. Department Administrative Responsibilities

Department supervisors shall:

  • Advise each employee under his or her supervision who operates an LSV of this policy.
  • Arrange for all operators to review the pertinent LSV owner’s manual and receive appropriate hands-on training prior to operating an LSV.
  • Obtain from each operator a fully-executed copy of the “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment” form https://transpo.uconn.edu/low-speed-vehicles/ and a copy of the driver’s license for each person operating an LSV on University property; and
  • Send a copy of the fully-executed “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment Form” to University Transportation Services, attention Erin Lirot (or her successor in office), at 3 N. Hillside Road, U-6199, Storrs, CT 06269-6199.

9. Procurement

University Departments seeking information about purchasing an LSV shall be directed to the Supervisor at the Motor Pool at (860) 486-3029.

LSVs are considered part of the University fleet and in general fall under Motor Pool policies. Accordingly,

  • If the LSV ordered is replacing another within the same department, the Department Head is responsible for coordinating with the Manager of Motor Pool and the Purchasing Department to obtain the proper identification markings and logo.
  • A new purchase which will replace an existing LSV should so state on the purchase order.
  • Additions to the fleet shall be approved by the Director of Logistic Administration and reviewed by the Supervisor of the Motor Pool.
  • All LSVs shall be ordered with four (4) keys. The Motor Pool shall retain a key to each University vehicle.
  • All new LSVs shall be delivered to the Motor Pool.
  • The Motor Pool shall get the ‘Receiving’ copy of the purchase order (which should include a complete list of all options and specifications).
  • Trade-in LSVs shall be so identified on the purchase order, which shall also include: the UConn ID number, year, make and model, trade-in allowance, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

10. Signage on Low Speed Vehicles

It shall be the responsibility of the Motor Pool to install the standard Oak Leaf –UCONN Logo on the doors of all new vehicles that come through Motor Pool.

11. Maintenance Responsibilities

  • Each LSV operator shall be responsible for providing timely notification of any safety and/or maintenance concern to his or her supervisor.
  • Supervisors shall be responsible for arranging for the timely repair of the LSV when problems are reported. If timely repairs cannot be made, the LSV shall be taken out of service until the repairs are completed. All maintenance and repairs to University-owned LSVs shall be administered by the University of Connecticut Motor Pool, located at 9 N. Hillside Road, Unit 3016 Storrs, Connecticut (phone: 860-486-3029).
  • Individuals operating LSVs shall be responsible for thecleaning and non-mechanical maintenance of the vehicles.

The department to which the LSV is assigned shall be responsible for maintenance of the LSV and the cost of such maintenance. (See above maintenance and repair information.)

12. Accident Reporting

Any accident involving an LSV shall be reported to the operator’s supervisor, or, if the operator is a contractor employee, to their supervisor and the University’s Project Manager. The supervisor or the University’s Project Manager, shall contact Transportation Services at (860) 486-6092 within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident, regardless of fault, and whether or not the accident has resulted in damage or personal injury. The supervisor or the University’s Project Manager shall also complete an accident report at www.transpo.uconn.edu.

Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment Form can be accessed at: https://transpo.uconn.edu/low-speed-vehicles/

Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut, Rules and Regulations for the Control of

Title: Rules and Regulations for Control of Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut
Policy Owner: Transportation, Logistics, and Parking Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: July 11, 2017
For More Information, Contact Transportation, Logistics and Parking Services
Contact Information: (860) 486- 3628
Official Website: https://park.uconn.edu/

The complete Rules and Regulations for the Control of Parking and Vehicles on Campus (Revised 11.21.18) are available in PDF.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on August 8, 2012.

Revised July 11, 2017 and approved by the President’s Cabinet.

Surplus Property Policy and Procedures

Title: Surplus Property Policy and Procedures
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations, Logistics
Applies to: University Workforce Members, Students
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: December 24, 2024
Effective Date: January 1, 2025
For More Information, Contact Surplus Operations
Contact Information: surplus@uconn.edu
Official Website: Surplus | Facilities Operations


 Proper disposition of State of Connecticut assets is required pursuant to Section 4a-57a of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University of Connecticut has the authority to dispose surplus, unused and/or unserviceable equipment and supplies in compliance with C.G.S. 4a-57a. The University of Connecticut Surplus Department (“the Surplus Department”) is responsible for administering the University’s Surplus Program and is authorized to make the determination regarding the disposition of assets that are no longer utilized by University departments.


To establish the authority of the Surplus Department to administer the University’s Surplus Program in accordance with Federal Uniform Guidance regulations and Connecticut State statutes. This includes the authority to establish and maintain processes and procedures for the proper inventory control of the University’s tagged assets.


UConn Workforce Members at the Storrs and Regional Campuses. This policy does not apply to the deaccession of objects held by University Collections.


The Surplus Department will determine the disposition of assets based on their condition and whether the asset(s) may be reissued to another department, transferred to another state agency or municipality, or donated to a nonprofit organization. Under no circumstances shall University property be discarded without proper disposition through the University’s inventory control and disposition software.

Assets acquired with grant funds must be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and University policies. The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the specific requirements set forth by the sponsoring agency, federal regulations, and University policies.

Export Control must be notified prior to disposing assets:

  • with an export control classification number (ECCN) or US Munitions List (USML) classification; or
  • created as a result of research conducted on behalf of and/or procured by sponsored funding from the U.S. Department of Defense or similar military and intelligence agencies in the US or abroad.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


The Surplus Department uses the Asset Panda software (“Asset Panda”) to streamline the surplus process and track all University tagged assets. Departments must update the status of assets from “active” to “surplus” within Asset Panda. Assets not already in Asset Panda must be added by the department before being declared surplus. Asset Panda then transmits this information to the Surplus Department for review and processing.

University departments must follow these Procedures to send the following assets to the Surplus Department:

  1. Refrigeration Units: Departments must enter a work order through Facilities Operations to remove refrigerants from refrigeration units as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the asset entry before the Surplus Department will schedule a pickup.
  2. Motors: Departments must submit a work order to Facilities Operations to remove oils from the motors as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the entered asset as proof of the completed removal before the Surplus Department will schedule pickup.
  3. Electronics with hard drives: It is the department’s responsibility to surplus all electronics with hard drives via Asset Panda and the Surplus Department’s responsibility to coordinate the hard drive destruction.

Employees may not purchase University assets directly from University departments, including assets such as cell phones, laptops, and wireless devices, among others. All assets must be processed through the Surplus Department when no longer needed.

The Surplus Department will determine whether assets sent to them will be recycled, made available to University departments, other state agencies or municipalities through the DAS surplus program/website.


Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200
Connecticut General Statutes § 4a-57a. (Distribution of surplus state property)

University Policy: Sponsored Award Closeout
Asset Panda Request and Training


Policy created: 2004
06/07/2021 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)
07/26/2021 (Editorial revisions)

Mail Service Policy

Title: Mail Service Policy
Policy Owner: Mail Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: Storrs Campus
Effective Date: January 20, 2004
For More Information, Contact Mail Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-2024
Official Website: https://mailservices.uconn.edu/

University Mail Services operates in accordance with the Private Express Statutes as stated in 39 CFR, Code of the Federal Register.  University Mail Services handles USPS mail according to USPS policies governing the disposition of mail.

The use of University Mail Services is restricted to University business conducted by University personnel.  This includes the receiving and sending of mail which contains University business and is never available for personal use.

Driving and Motor Vehicle Policies

Title: Fleet Services Manual
Policy Owner: Transportation Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: October 9, 2017
For More Information, Contact Transportation Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-6685
Official Website: http://transpo.uconn.edu/


The University of Connecticut (UConn) Fleet Services relies on the operation of UConn-owned motor vehicles to conduct official business.  UConn Fleet Services is committed to minimizing transportation costs, reducing risk, safeguarding personnel, protecting and maintaining property, and clarifying acceptable use This policy manual was developed to support these commitments.

The full Fleet Services Manual is available via PDF.