Modified Duties for Faculty Due to Life Events, Policy on

December 19, 2023

Title: Modified Duties for Faculty Due to Life Events
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Office of the Provost
Applies to: All Faculty
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: December 19, 2023
Effective Date: January 1, 2024
For More Information, Contact: Human Resources
Contact Information:
Official Website: 


The University of Connecticut is committed to fostering an educational community with a flexible and supportive work environment where faculty can thrive in both their professional and personal lives. Periodically, a faculty member may need to modify some level of academic duties in order to respond to an anticipated or unanticipated personal qualifying life event.

The university encourages faculty to utilize this policy as needed to respond to anticipated or unanticipated life events or situations.

This policy does not diminish, supersede or replace other employee entitlements, such as FMLA, the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines, ADA, personal leave, or leaves under the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut, the UConn AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement, or any other state or federal law. Instead, this benefit is available upon a faculty member’s return to on-campus activities following such a leave or when modified duties fully resolve the issue or supplement existing entitlements.


This policy allows a faculty member to request a temporary modification of academic duties in order to respond to an anticipated or unanticipated personal life event or situation (see Qualifying Events definition). Specifically, the intent of this policy is to modify or re-arrange a faculty member’s duties over the course of a semester or 12-month equivalency to address an immediate and short-term personal need or obligation. Of note, duty modifications do not decrease a faculty member’s responsibilities; instead, modification allows the faculty member, in conjunction with their Department Head and/or Dean, to exchange duties on a short-term basis.

Modified duties involve either 1) full-time work with flexible schedule, modified work duties as defined herein, remote work, and/or other arrangements as agreed upon and approved or 2) a combination of working less than full-time (Voluntary Schedule Reduction), paid leave and/or leave without pay (e.g. FMLG/FMLA if eligible), as appropriate.


Modified Duties: Modification, partial release, or complete release from teaching and/or other responsibilities in which alternative duties will be assigned for a period of one semester or the equivalent of one semester distributed over a longer period not to exceed 12 months.

Primary Caregiver: The person primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of a child or the care of an immediate family member with a serious illness or injury.

Secondary Caregiver: The person who provides backup care in the absence of the primary caregiver.

Immediate Family Member: Immediate family means spouse, parent, parent-in-law, sibling, sibling in-law, child, and any relative who is domiciled in the employee’s household.

Qualifying Event: In most instances, faculty members will seek the benefits of this policy following their return from an approved medical leave after the birth or adoption of a child. Other qualifying circumstances could include: short-term care for the employee or an immediate family member on a part-time basis following the completion of an approved personal or FMLA leave; or bereavement following the death of an immediate family member or other emergency circumstance. The University will not grant duty modifications for faculty members to devote time to consulting, outside employment, or non-medical related family obligations.


All full-time tenure-track and non-tenure-track (e.g., Clinical, In Residence, Lecturer, and Extension) faculty members, and Athletics’ titles (Article 37) serving as the primary or secondary caregiver shall be eligible for modified duties due to a qualifying life event involving themselves or immediate family member(s). The faculty member or an employee covered by Article 37 must submit a Modified Duties Request form to seek permission and receive approval before modified duties can be assigned or implemented.

All Academic Assistants (Article 13[1]), Facilities Scientists (Article 13), Research Assistants (Article 24), Research Associates (Article 24), and Temporary Faculty(Article 26), are not eligible for modified duties and will continue to be eligible to request remote work, flexible schedules or use of paid leave and/or leave without pay (e.g. FMLG/FMLA if eligible), when appropriate and with approval.

Approval for modified duties does not alter contractual employment agreements and cannot be used as a basis to extend employment contracts.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


Available from the Academic Affairs section of the Academic Affairs Governance Document Library.

  • Procedures for Modified Duties for Faculty Due to Life Events


Tenure Clock Adjustments for Qualifying Life Events for more information.
Leave of Absences (FMLA, Leave without pay, Military Leave)
Voluntary Schedule Reduction

Acknowledgments: This policy is based on the University of South Carolina’s, Modified Duties for Faculty policy ( Adaptations were made to fit the University of Connecticut context.


Policy created: 12/19/2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council and the President)


[1] Article references are to the collective bargaining agreement between the University of Connecticut and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-UConn).


Restriction on Lithium-Ion Battery Motorized Personal Transportation Vehicles (MPTV) Policy

July 11, 2023

Title: Restriction on Lithium-ion Battery Powered Motorized Personal Transportation Vehicles within University Owned and/or Managed Buildings
Policy Owner: University Safety
Applies to: Students, Workforce Members, and Visitors
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Approval Date: August 30, 2023
Effective Date: August 31, 2023
For More Information, Contact: University Safety, University of Connecticut Fire Department
Deputy Fire Chief & Executive Officer
Contact Information:
Official Website:


The proliferation and utility of lithium-ion battery powered motorized personal transportation vehicles (MPTVs) (e.g., mopeds, scooters, e-bikes, etc.) throughout the University of Connecticut (UConn) has led to a significant community safety concern as these devices are charged, stored, and utilized within University owned and occupied buildings.

Lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries, when incorrectly charged or stored, can create thermal runaway in which the lithium-ion cell enters an uncontrollable, self-heating state, resulting in the ejection of gas, shrapnel and/or particulates, extremely high temperatures, smoke, and fire. This can result in high intensity flame and noxious gases that pose a serious risk to life safety, and can cause catastrophic property damage.


To reduce the risk of safety hazards, property damage and potential disruption to business continuity by enacting a  University-wide restriction on the charging, storage, and use of lithium-ion battery-powered motorized personal transportation vehicles (MPTVs) within all University-owned and/or managed buildings and the University’s electrical infrastructure. The storage, charging, and maintenance of Motorized Personal Transportation Vehicles within University owned or managed buildings, or through use of the University’s electrical infrastructure, is strictly prohibited.


All University students, staff, faculty, and visitors, and University-owned and/or managed buildings across all campuses.


Associated Electrical Infrastructure: the equipment and services necessary to take electrical energy generated and transmitted for end-use. Charging MPTVs within University owned and/or managed buildings and their associated electrical infrastructure transfers the risk of life safety hazards and property damage to areas that may directly impact business continuity (e.g. academic and operational buildings). A building’s interior and exterior electrical infrastructure may not be rated to handle such electrical demands. 

Motorized Personal Transportation Vehicle (MPTV): a vehicle or device used for human transport that does not require a license to operate and utilizes a fuel or battery driven motor for propulsion (e.g., electric bicycle, electric skateboard, hoverboard, self-balancing electric scooter, gasoline powered scooter, moped, etc.).

Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) Battery: a type of rechargeable battery composed of cells in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode through an electrolyte to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging. These cells use an intercalated lithium compound as the material at the positive electrode, and typically graphite at the negative electrode.


The storage, charging, and maintenance of MPTVs within University-owned and/or managed buildings, or through use of the University’s electrical infrastructure is strictly prohibited. Exceptions to this Policy are MPTVs that are used for medical purposes (e.g., lithium-ion battery powered wheelchairs) and items used in approved and supervised research activities.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


University Building owners and stewards (e.g., Residential Life, School of Engineering, Student Union, Athletics, etc.), and their designees, will support compliance and enforcement of this policy by  notifying occupants and visitors through messaging (e.g., signage, internal email communication, etc.). University Building owners will direct removal of MPTVs from within buildings when device owners are unresponsive to compliance.

Any lithium-ion batteries, or powered devices that display signs of pending Thermal Runaway (e.g., bulging, off-gassing, high temperature production, etc.) are an immediate danger to life and health, and shall result in a notification to University Safety/public safety authorities via 9-1-1.


Residential Life, University of Connecticut (2022). 2022-2023 Housing Contract.


Policy created: August 30, 2023 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)

Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct (ASPIM), Policy on

Title: Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct (ASPIM), Policy on
Policy Owner: Graduate Faculty Council; University Senate
Applies to: All members of the University community
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: July 11, 2023
Effective Date: August 28, 2023
For More Information, Contact: For Undergraduate Education: Director or Associate Director, Office of Community Standards (


For Graduate Education: Director of Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Support, The Graduate School (

Official Website:


The University of Connecticut is committed to fostering an intellectual community in which the highest ethical standards of academic, scholarly, and professional integrity prevail.  All members of the university community, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students, have a shared responsibility to uphold this commitment.  This commitment relates to all aspects of academic, scholarly, and professional activity, which include not only activities related to instruction, but also those related to the production and dissemination of scholarship, research, and creative works, and to professional conduct within clinical and other professional settings. Integrity in all of these activities is of paramount importance, and the University requires that the highest ethical standards in teaching, learning, research, and service be maintained. This includes “ethical aspects of scholarship that influence the next generation of researchers as teachers, mentors, supervisors, and successful stewards of grant funds” (Council of Graduate Schools, 2012).

Issues related to academic and scholarly integrity at the University of Connecticut are governed by the Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct Policy (DATE). To recommend changes to the policy or to the implementing procedures, a committee must be convened that brings together all the above relevant stakeholders, including University Senate and Graduate Faculty Council. The committee must then bring those changes to the University Senate and Graduate Faculty Council, and each body must vote to approve any changes.

Students’ responsibilities with respect to academic and scholarly integrity are described in the following documents: Responsibility of Community Life: The Student Code.


To ensure a commitment to academic, scholarly, and professional integrity in all levels of the university community.

Such a commitment ensures that:

  • all individuals accept full responsibility for their own work and ideas;
  • all academic/scholarly credit awarded to an individuals represents the work of that individual;
  • no student benefits from an unfair advantage;
  • faculty, staff, advisors and others who support the intellectual development of students are committed to fostering, guiding, and monitoring students for adherence to all principles of academic and scholarly integrity;
  • the grades earned, the degrees or certificate conferred were appropriately earned by the individual;
  • the reputation of the University with respect to academic and scholarly integrity are protected
  • faculty, staff, and students adhere to the professional standards of conduct specific to each program offered at the university;
  • this policy is used consistently across the University, including undergraduate and graduating students and schools/colleges.


This policy applies to all members of the University Community engaged in academic and scholarly efforts in, but is not limited to, the following contexts in undergraduate and graduate education:

  • courses, including online courses (e.g., assignments, exams, projects, thesis);
  • experiential and service-learning courses and activities;
  • study abroad programs;
  • clinical and practice placements, internships, and externships;
  • program assessments (e.g., comprehensive exams, thesis, program reviews);
  • research, including undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral scholar, and faculty research; and
  • processes involving submitting information (i.e., admissions, for scholarships/fellowships, for competitions, for awards, or other university programs); and
  • professional events and conferences

All members of the University community are responsible for ensuring that the principles of academic and scholarly integrity are upheld.

This policy applies to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, with the exception of PharmD students in the School of Pharmacy and professional students with degrees conferred by the Schools of Dental Medicine, Medicine, or Law.

This policy does not apply to legal, regulatory, or compliance requirements that fall outside the Academic and Scholarly Integrity Policy. In addition, this policy does not remove any reporting requirements to the appropriate oversight authority in instances of noncompliance or alleged noncompliance.


Academic Integrity:  a commitment by the University Community to uphold just and ethical behaviors, which includes truthfulness, fairness, and respect (ICAI, 2021).

Scholarly Integrity: a commitment by the University community to both ”… research integrity and the ethical understanding and skill required of researchers/scholars in domestic, international, and multicultural contexts. It is also intended to address ethical aspects of scholarship that influence the next generation of researchers as teachers, mentors, supervisors, and successful stewards of grant funds.” (p. xix, Council of Graduate Schools, 2012).

Professional Integrity. Standards of behavior defined by the various professions in which students are prepared through their degree or certificate programs.

Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity Misconduct is defined as unethical academic and scholarly behavior during a course (e.g., on an assignment or exam), as part of other degree requirements (e.g., requirements regarding placement, capstone or comprehensive exams, or placement exams), or at other times during undergraduate, graduate, or professional study and performance, including during engagement in fieldwork, clinical placements, or research. These behaviors include:  

  • Cheating: Unauthorized acts, actions, or behaviors in academic or scholarly areas. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
    • providing or receiving help on an assignment or exam intended to reflect the individual student’s work product when not authorized to do so by the instructor. 
    • buying, selling, circulating, or using a copy of instructional materials, assignment or test, including uploading such information to online services, or using materials prepared by services that sell or provide papers or other course materials.
    • asking someone to complete an assignment, exam, or other requirement on your ones behalf or completing an assignment, exam, or requirement for another student. 
    • Failure to disclose unauthorized assistance on work submitted for evaluation, i.e., assistance obtained outside channels approved by instructors, that is used to complete a course, program, or degree requirement. This includes assistance from other students, teaching assistants, Quantitative Learning Center, Writing Center, or mediated support from the Center for Students with Disabilities.
  • Plagiarizing: Using one’s own previously published, presented, or disseminated material, or another person’s language/text, data, ideas, expressions, digital/graphic element, passages of music, mathematical proofs, scientific data, code, or other original material without authorization of the originating source or proper acknowledgement, attribution, or citation of the originating source. Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
  • submitting as one’s own any work (in whole or part) completed by another individual, including any work that has been purchased from an individual, commercial research firm, or obtained from the internet.
  • submitting for evaluation or credit any work that was previously used or submitted for credit in another course or as part of a degree requirement (e.g., a thesis or dissertation) without authorization to do so from the instructor. (This includes self-plagiarism in the form of re-using, in part or whole, the content of a paper from another class or context.).
  • submitting any work prepared for or used in a previous publication, academic competition, clinic, or other activity (e.g., grant or application submission) without prior approval and full disclosure or when permitted by established editorial or other policy. (This includes self-plagiarism in the form of using, in part or whole, the content of a paper that was previously published without attribution).
  • unauthorized use of previously completed work or research for a thesis, dissertation, or publication.
  • Misrepresenting: Deliberately knowing and providing false or misleading information, including information about oneself or others. Examples of misrepresenting include but are not limited to:
    • engaging in “any omission or misrepresentation of the information necessary and sufficient to evaluate the validity and significance of research, at the level appropriate to the context in which the research is communicated” (D. Fanelli, Nature 494:149; 2013).
    • making unauthorized alterations to any document or digital file pertaining to academic or scholarly activity, including assignments, exams, and research data.
    • making up information for the purpose of deception (e.g., fabrication of data in research).
    • making false, inaccurate, or misleading claims or statements, including claims/statements made when asking for assistance (e.g., requesting an extension on an assignment), applying for admission to an undergraduate or graduate program, applying for a scholarship or an academic, scholarly, or research award, or submitting manuscripts for publications.
    • allowing someone to use one’s identity or using someone else’s identity for academic or scholarly advantage (e.g., signing in electronically for an absent student).
    • accepting credit for work for which the individual did not contribute (e.g., misrepresenting an individual’s role in a group assignments).
  • Noncompliance: Failure to conform with codified and publicly available academic, scholarly, or professional standards, processes, or protocols.Examples of noncompliance include but are not limited to:
  • not attending to the professional standards governing the professional conduct of students in particular fields (e.g., pharmacy, nursing, education, counseling, and therapy).
  • violating protocols governing the use of human or animal subjects. 
  • breaching confidentiality in academic and scholarly activity (e.g., disclosing the identity of study participants).
  • disregarding the applicable university, local, state, or federal regulations that guide academic or scholarly activities.

Instructor: any faculty, teaching assistant, or any other person (e.g., lab supervisor, clinical supervisor, professional staff) authorized by the University to provide educational services (e.g., teaching, research, advising)


All members of the university community, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students, have a shared responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards of academic, scholarly, and professional integrity and to report any violations of those standards of which they are aware.

Instructor Expectations: To foster a culture of academic integrity, instructors are responsible for communicating the expectations for academic and scholarly integrity to students and for engaging in practices that mitigate violations of this policy. Specifically, instructors are expected to:

  • include a link to the Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct policy as part of course syllabi or documentation for any other academic/scholarly activity and include any additional unit-specific expectations.
  • review academic and scholarly integrity policy and any other disciplinary- or activity-specific expectations.
  • provide clear guidance for all assignments, activities, and assessments, including noting what resources can be used and whether collaboration is permitted.
  • ensure individuals engaged in research, creative, or professional activities understand the standards, protocols, and guidelines to which they must adhere.
  • adhere to the University processes for reporting misconduct, engaging in the review process, and assigning consequences to address violations, which should include opportunities for education and remediation.

Student Expectations:   To uphold the principle of academic and scholarly integrity in all aspects of their intellectual development and engagement at the University, students are expected to:

  • be responsible for their own work and their own actions related to all academic and scholarly endeavors.
  • assume they are to do independent work and seek clarification prior to collaborating with others or using outside resources.
  • understand and abide by the standards, protocols, and guidelines to which they must adhere in research, creative, or professional activities .

If students witness or become aware of a violation of academic or scholarly integrity, they are encouraged to communicate this to the appropriate university representative (e.g., faculty, staff, advisor).

A cumulative record is maintained of all academic or scholarly integrity violations and such record will be reviewed and considered as part of subsequent incidences. Individuals engaged in research are expected to follow all standards, rules and regulations that guide the proper conduct of research or creative activity.


Violations of this policy and its related procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

Notes:  Student misconduct is governed by the University’s Student Code, which is administered under the direction of the Division of Student Affairs. Enforcement of its provisions is the responsibility of the Director of Community Standards (for undergraduate students), The Graduate School (for graduate students), and the Office of the Vice President for Research (for research misconduct). Identified misconduct will be routed to the appropriate unit.

Faculty misconduct is also governed by the Code of Conduct and misconduct is addressed by the appropriate university administrative unit(s) (e.g., School/College, Provost Office, Office of the Vice President of Research, Human Resources).


International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. (2021). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. (3rd ed.)

Council of Graduate Education (2012). Research and Scholarly Integrity in Graduate Education: A Comprehensive Approach.

Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code


Undergraduate Education: Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Misconduct

Graduate Education: Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Misconduct

[Note: UConn will continue to use the existing procedures administered by Community Standards for undergraduate education and The Graduate School for graduate education until such time that the university transitions to the new Procedures for Addressing Alleged Violations of the Policy on Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity, which was approved by Graduate Faculty Council and the University Senate.]


07/11/2023 Approved by the President (06/26/2023 Approved by Senior Policy Council; 05/01/2023 Approved by University Senate; 10/26/2022 Approved by Graduate Faculty Council)

Finance Capital Projects Policies and Procedures Manual

June 16, 2023

Title: Finance Capital Projects Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy Owner: Finance
Applies to: Staff and Faculty on Storrs and Regional Campuses and UConn Health
Campus Applicability: Storrs, Regionals, and UConn Health
Effective Date: June 13, 2023
For More Information, Contact Budget, Planning and Institutional Research – Project Accounting/Accounting Office
Contact Information: (860)486-6288/
Official Website:

The Finance Capital Projects Policies and Procedures Manual are available for download as a PDF.



Revisions:  June 13, 2023 (Approved by BGE, President, and Senior Policy Council); September 11, 2019; February 2015


Revised and Decommissioned Policies in April 2023

April 26, 2023

Health and Safety Policy (Revised): There’s been a non-substantive revision to the Health and Safety Policy for changes under Administrative Oversight. The revised policy has been approved by the Senior Policy Council. 

COVID-19 Immunization Record Requirement for Students (Decommissioned): The COVID-19 Immunization Record Requirement for Students has been approved to be decommissioned by the Senior Policy Council (3/13/23) and the Board of Trustees (4/19/23).

Multi-Factor Authentication Policy

March 29, 2023

Title: Multi-Factor Authentication Policy
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer 
Applies to: All employees, students
Campus Applicability:  All Campuses
Effective Date: March 29, 2023
For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office 
Contact Information: or 
Official Website:


To help prevent unauthorized access to University information systems.


DUO: A Universityapproved Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) application That provides an added layer of protection to help prevent unauthorized access to university information systems. DUO can be loaded on individual devices including smartphones and tablets. It can also provide multi-factor authentication through the sending of SMS codes directly to phones and through the use of pre-generated codes.

Fob: A small hardware device that serves as a second authentication mechanism either in place of in addition to the DUO mobile app.

University Information System: Devices and/or components managed by the University for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products. For purposes of this policy, information technology devices and components managed exclusively by UConn Health are not considered University Information Systems.

 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is a method of system access control in which a user is granted access only after successfully providing at least two pieces of authentication, usually including knowledge (something the user knows such as a password), possession (something the user has such as a token generator), or inherence (something the user is such as the use of biometrics).


Users of University Information Systems must adhere to Multi-Factor Authentication requirements, where available, to ensure authorized access to University Information Systems and protected or confidential data.


User Requirements

  1. Users must maintain a device that can receive DUO authentication requests in a secure manner via the DUO mobile app or another mechanism, such as SMS, phone, or token.
  2. When an attempt is made to access a DUO enabled system or application, the system will challenge the user by requesting a second factor of authentication which may include an acknowledgement of a push notification via the DUO app, a 6-digit code via SMS, or a Fob.
  3. If users receive a DUO notification when not conducting a recent authentication, the authentication should be denied and reported to the Technology Support Center

Frequency of User Challenges

The frequency with which a user may be challenged depends both on policy and use.

  • Policy based – depending on information being accessed, more frequent authentications may be required.
  • Usage based – While user challenges may be “remembered” for a period of time, use of other hardware, browsers, or other behaviors may trigger additional verification using a second factor.

Lost or Stolen Devices

If a user’s registered device is lost, stolen, or the user has reason to suspect their UConn NetID has been compromised, the user must contact the Technology Support Center immediately. As a precaution, they should change their NetID password at

Off-Hours and Emergency Access to systems and applications

UConn Information Technology Services will maintain internal procedures for processing emergency access requests if issues arise with the multi-factor authentication process. Users should contact the Support Desk for additional information.

Use of Automated Systems

Automated systems that intend to interfere with the approval component of multi-factor authentication are hereby prohibited.


Users may not attempt to circumvent login procedures, including DUO multi-factor authentication, on any computer system or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access. Attempts to circumvent login procedures may subject individuals to disciplinary action. Financial losses incurred due to the use of DUO multi-factor circumvention techniques are the responsibility of the user, and the University may seek financial restitution from users who violate this policy.

Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.


ITS will review and document any requests for exceptions to this standard. ITS will also have available solutions for the intermittent failure of various second factors, which may include the allowance of temporary access codes upon verification of an individual’s identity.

Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following:

Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357)

Information Security Office –


Policy created:  March 29, 2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council)



New and Revised Policies in March 2023

March 13, 2023

Policy on Multi-Factor Authentication (New): This new policy, approved by the Senior Policy Council, supports the University’s change in login services, which aims to mitigate risk associated with theft of credentials and to align the University with industry best practice.

Controllable Property Policy (Revised): The Controllable Property Policy has been revised for added clarity and approved by Senior Policy Council (SPC). The requirement for a department to identify and inventory controllable property changed from “regular basis” to “annually”. The definition of “Custodian” was updated to include “whose NetID is associated with the asset record” (based on current procedure).

Policy and Procedure on Endowed Chair and Professorship (Revised): The revised Policy and Procedure on Endowed Chair and Professorship has been approved by the Senior Policy Council and the Board of Trustees. The editorial revisions were made for clarity and for a consistent use of terms.

Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest, Policy On

February 22, 2023

Title: Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest, Policy On
Policy Owner: Office of the Board of Trustees
Applies to: Trustees, Non-Trustee Members of Board Committees
Applicability: The Board of Trustees
Effective Date: February 22, 2023
For More Information, Contact Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees
Contact Information:
Official Website:


Per the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut, the Board appoints the President; determines the general policy of the University, including the establishment of new schools and colleges; makes laws for its government; manages its investments; and directs the expenditure of funds (see Article I). As such, in carrying out its public trust, the Board of Trustees has adopted this Policy to enhance public confidence in the Board.  Nothing in this Policy shall supersede any responsibilities a Board member may have under the State Code of Ethics for Public Officials.


This Policy applies to all members of the Board of Trustees, including appointed, ex-officio, and elected members as well as non-Board of Trustee voting members of a Board Committee (“Board Members”).  In addition to this policy, a Board Committee may adopt their own policy to guide the identification and review of conflicts of interest.


Fiduciary Responsibilities. Board Members will act in a manner consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities to the University. Board Members will place the University’s interests ahead of their private interests. Board Members will exercise their powers and duties in the best interests of the Board and the University and for the public good.

Use of Authority/Information. Board Members will not use their positions, or any privileges or information attendant to their offices, to obtain or provide others with a benefit that is inconsistent with the policies of the University.  No Board Member will solicit or accept any gift, loan, or other item of value, or the promise thereof in the future, which would tend to influence improperly the manner in which the Board Member performs their duties.

Competition or Diversion of Opportunity. No Board Member will knowingly compete with the University for any property, asset, or opportunity that may be of interest to the University unless the University has been informed of the opportunity on a timely basis and has declined to act on it.  No Board Member will divert to another individual or entity an opportunity that may be of interest to the University unless the University has first been informed of the opportunity and has declined to act on it.

Conflict of Interest. (a) A conflict of interest exists when financial interests or other opportunities for the personal benefit of a Board Member, member of their immediate family or an associated business may compromise the Board Member’s independence of judgment in fulfilling their Board duties. (b) Board Members will endeavor to remain free from the influence of any conflicting interest in fulfilling their Board duties. Board Members will exercise care that no detriment to the University results from conflicts between their interests and those of the University.

Disclosure of Conflicts. If a Board Member believes that they may have a conflict of interest or is notified of a complaint of non-compliance with this Policy, the Board Member shall promptly and fully disclose the potential conflict to the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees and shall refrain from participating in any way in the matter until the conflict question has been resolved. The Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees shall inform the Chair of the Board, the President, the General Counsel, and the Chief Compliance Officer of any conflicts of interest which have been disclosed to the Executive Secretary.

Determining Conflicts. The opinion of the Chief Compliance Officer, following consultation with the Executive Secretary of the Board of Trustees and General Counsel, shall be final in regard to determining compliance with this Policy.  The Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees may consult with the remaining members of the Board, or other appropriate University personnel, in making the determination.

Addressing Conflicts. If it is determined that a conflict of interest exists, the Chair of the Board, the President, the Executive Secretary of the Board, and the General Counsel shall work with the affected Board Member to address the conflict and explore alternative arrangements that would eliminate the conflict.  If after reasonable efforts, it is not possible to reach a mutually acceptable alternative arrangement, the Board Member shall be excluded from participating in the transaction or matter relating to the conflict.  If it is determined the Chair of the Board has a conflict, the same process outlined above will be followed, without participation of the Chair.

Violations.  If a Board Member fails to disclose a conflict of interest or a conflict is otherwise discovered after the fact, the matter shall be forwarded to the Executive Secretary to the Board of the Trustees for review.  The full Board of Trustees shall review the matter and determine corrective action, which may include, but is not limited to, termination of a contract or other appropriate measures.

The Chief Compliance Officer, in consultation with the General Counsel, may develop guidelines and procedures to implement this policy.


Policy created:

12/16/2022 (Approved by Joint Audit & Compliance Committee)

02/22/2023 (Approved by the Board of Trustees)