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This page provides updates on new and revised University policies, procedures or other guidelines.  All University faculty, staff, students, agents, consultants and representatives must understand and be in compliance with the University’s policies. The policy updates below may highlight significant revisions (revised policies) or key points (new policies) but do not serve as an all-inclusive reference for the respective policy. Please be sure to refer to the full policy to ensure compliance.



Policy on Modified Duties for Faculty Due to Life Events (New, effective 01/01/24): This new policy allows faculty to modify their workload to respond to anticipated or unanticipated personal qualifying life events or situations. This policy does not supersede or replace other employment entitlements, such as FMLA, the Faculty Medical Leave Guidelines, ADA, personal leave, or short-term leaves under the By-Laws. Instead, this benefit is available upon a faculty member's return to on-campus activities following such a leave or when modified duties fully resolve the issue or supplement existing entitlements.

Policy on Media and Mass Communication (Revised): This policy was renamed “Policy on Media and Mass Communication” to better address the scope of the existing "Policy on Communication with External Media”. Language has been added to the first section to make clear that social media statements – notably by departments – are the same as other statements made to the media or public at large and are governed by this policy. An entire section has been added covering mass communications (email) and how we handle mass statements based largely on external news and events.

Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs (Decommissioned): This policy has been decommissioned as of December 19, 2023.


Guide to the State Code of Ethics (Revised): Revisions to the policy include the formatting and updating of pronouns throughout the policy, including “Ethics Liaison” in various sections as a resource in addition to the Office of State Ethics, and clarification on restrictions on gifts between supervisors and subordinates. Under the ‘Contracts with the State’ section, revisions include reference to exemption for contracts with a public institution of higher education to support a collaboration to develop and commercialize any invention or discovery. Under the ‘Necessary Expenses’ section, “gifts to the state” was added as acceptable to attend an event that is relevant to your state duties. Lastly, “Confidential Information” language was removed as it is covered in other policies.

Selection of Outside Legal Counsel Policy (Revised): Non-substantiative revisions to the Selection of Outside Legal Counsel Policy included formatting and updating outdated information for improved clarity.

Smoking Policy (Revised): Substantive revisions to the Smoking Policy include adding vaping to the definition of smoking and removing the reference to LEED, as it is redundant of existing prohibition of smoking within 25 feet of all campus buildings. In addition, there were editorial changes to this policy such as adding contact email addresses and other stylistic and grammar edits.


        Electronic (E-mail) Communication Policy (Revised, effective 10/01/23): There was a substantive revision regarding the bulk or auto-forwarding of email outside the institution. The policy now explicitly prohibits automated copying or forwarding of institutional emails to non-University accounts. There were also minor revisions for readability.

        Emergency Closing Policy (Revised): There were a few substantive revisions to better align the policy with current practices and to provide greater clarity to employees. There were also editorial revisions such as adding the link to the campus alert website, updating titles, and using gender-neutral pronouns.

        Policy Against Discrimination (Revised): There was a substantive revision to include exempt employees in the employee reporting section.

        Restriction on Lithium-Ion Battery Motorized Personal Transportation Vehicle (MPTV) Policy (New): This is a new policy. By implementing the public policy of a University enterprise-wide restriction on the charging, storage, and use of lithium-ion battery powered motorized personal transportation vehicles (MPTV) within all University owned buildings and their electrical infrastructure, the reduction of life safety hazards, resulting property damage, and potential disruption to business continuity will decrease, thereby increasing the safety of the whole community.

        System and Application Security Policy (Revised): The substantive revision to this policy sets the stage for several upcoming changes associated with server administration including: the definition of public/private networks, separation between academic/administrative and research systems, as well as the definition of an IT Professional (to ensure the individuals responsible for managing systems are appropriately trained and charged with duties to help ensure the security of university data). Other non-substantive revisions include edits for readability.


        Health and Safety Policy (Revised): There's been a non-substantive revision to the Health and Safety Policy for changes under Administrative Oversight. The revised policy has been approved by the Senior Policy Council. 

        COVID-19 Immunization Record Requirement for Students (Decommissioned): The COVID-19 Immunization Record Requirement for Students has been approved to be decommissioned by the Senior Policy Council (3/13/23) and the Board of Trustees (4/19/23).


        Policy on Multi-Factor Authentication (New): This new policy, approved by the Senior Policy Council, supports the University’s change in login services, which aims to mitigate risk associated with theft of credentials and to align the University with industry best practice.

        Controllable Property Policy (Revised): The Controllable Property Policy has been revised for added clarity and approved by Senior Policy Council (SPC). The requirement for a department to identify and inventory controllable property changed from “regular basis” to “annually”. The definition of “Custodian” was updated to include “whose NetID is associated with the asset record” (based on current procedure).

        Policy and Procedure on Endowed Chair and Professorship (Revised): The revised Policy and Procedure on Endowed Chair and Professorship has been approved by the Senior Policy Council and the Board of Trustees. The editorial revisions were made for clarity and for a consistent use of terms.

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