Payroll Department

Payroll Requirements for Separating Employees

Title: Payroll Requirements for Separating Employees
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: Hiring Departments and Employees
Campus Applicability: UConn Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely and reasonable submission of required documentation to produce accurate final payments to separating employees.  This is critical to meeting payroll processing deadlines; complying with federal and state regulations and reporting requirements; avoiding overpayments; and minimizing additional, unscheduled work for Payroll and hiring departments.


This policy applies to all hiring departments and employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.


A ‘Separating Employee’ is defined as an individual who is leaving employment with the University of Connecticut and requires a final paycheck.  Common reasons for separation include, but are not limited to, resignation; retirement; non-continuation of an end-dated appointment; and transfer to another state agency.


The University is required to produce payments to employees in accordance with the General Statues of Connecticut, Chapter 34, Sec. 3-119, guidelines set by the Connecticut Department of Labor, and Collective Bargaining Agreements.  In addition, the University is required to adhere to the Core-CT payroll processing schedule set forth by the Office of the State Comptroller.

The Payroll Department has established deadline schedules by which required documentation for separating employees must be received to ensure timely and accurate payments.  The deadline schedules are posted on the homepage of the Payroll Department website at Departments or units have an obligation to submit complete and on-time documentation for the separated employee.  All obligations of the employee, such as travel advances that are unaccounted for, will be withheld from the final paycheck, provided prior authorization was obtained in writing from the employee.

If late notification or an extenuating circumstance prevents an employing department from meeting a posted deadline, it is critical that the department contact Payroll immediately.  Failure to do so may result in an overpayment to a separating employee, as well as an over-expenditure of funds from a department’s budget(s).


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Documentation requirements (electronic and/or paper) for separating employees can also be found on the Payroll Department website at

Payroll Requirements for Active Employee Changes

Title: Payroll Requirements for Active Employee Changes
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: Hiring Departments and Employees
Campus Applicability: UConn Storrs and Regionals
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely and reasonable submission of required documentation to produce on-time, accurate payments to active University employees who have a change in the terms of their employment.  This is critical to meeting payroll processing deadlines; complying with federal and state regulations and reporting requirements; maintaining employee satisfaction; and minimizing additional, unscheduled work for Payroll and hiring departments.


This policy applies to all hiring departments and employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.


“Active employee changes” include, but are not limited to, the following types of transactions that may occur over the lifecycle of an individual’s employment:

  • Continuations/End Date Changes;
  • Employment Changes (including changes to Title, Salary, Appointment, Department, Percentage of Employment, etc);
  • Funding Changes;
  • Reclassifications


The University is required to produce payments to employees in accordance with the General Statues of Connecticut, Chapter 34, Sec. 3-119, guidelines set by the Connecticut Department of Labor, and Collective Bargaining Agreements.  In addition, the University is required to adhere to the Core-CT payroll processing schedule set forth by the Office of the State Comptroller.

The Payroll Department has established deadline schedules by which required documentation must be received to ensure timely and accurate payments, and compliance with applicable laws.  The deadline schedules are posted on the homepage of the Payroll Department website at Departments or units responsible for hiring have an obligation to obtain and complete required documentation within the deadlines prescribed at the above website.

Required documentation received in the Payroll Department after the posted deadline for the transaction effective date may not be processed within the current payroll cycle.  The decision will be based on the circumstances resulting in the late submission, as well as the internal biweekly payroll processing schedule.  Any exceptions to this policy will be strictly limited, and at the discretion of the Payroll Department.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Documentation requirements (electronic and/or paper) for changes to the status of active employees can also be found on the Payroll Department website at the following links:


Payroll Employee Population
Unclassified Faculty; Postdocs; Management and Confidential; and Professional Staff
Classified Clerical; Maintenance; and Fire and Police Staff
Special Adjunct Faculty; Summer Research/Teaching; Rehired Retirees; and other Seasonal Professional Appointments
Graduate Assistant Graduate Teaching Assistants; Graduate Research Assistants; and Prestigious Internships
Student Student Labor and Student Work Study

Paid Sick Leave for Certain Temporary Employees

Title: Paid Sick Leave for Certain Temporary Employees
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: Temporary Classified Employees
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to comply with CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w), and administer paid sick leave to certain classified employees who meet the definition of ‘service worker’, but do not receive paid sick leave under a collective bargaining agreement.


This policy applies to certain temporary classified employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses who meet the definition of ‘service worker’ but do not receive paid sick leave under a collective bargaining agreement.


A ‘temporary position’, as defined by the State Personnel Act, is a position in state service (classified) which is expected to require the services of an incumbent for a period not in excess of 6 months.  A ‘service worker’ is defined under CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w):


Accrual of Paid Sick Leave:

Certain temporary classified employees of the University of Connecticut begin to accrue paid sick time beginning January 1, 2012 or upon hire, whichever is later, under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Eligible employees accrue one hour of paid time for every forty (40) hours actually worked.
  2. The maximum accrual of sick time hours is forty (40) hours per calendar year.
  3. Eligible employees may carry over a maximum of 40 hours of unused sick time from one calendar year into the next but the employee shall not be able to use more than the forty (40) hours in one (1) calendar year.
  4. Under no circumstances are eligible employees entitled to any payout for accumulated but unused sick leave.

Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Eligible employees shall be entitled to the use of accrued paid sick leave upon the completion of their 680th hour of employment with the University measured from January 1, 2012 or from their date of hire if hired after January 1, 2012.

Sick leave must be taken in one (1) hour increments

A maximum of forty (40) hours of sick leave may be used each calendar year.

Sick leave may only be used in lieu of previously scheduled hours.

Pay Rate for Sick Leave:

Sick leave will be paid at the employee’s normal hourly rate at the time the leave is taken.

Reasons for Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Eligible Employees may only use accrued paid sick leave for the following reasons:

  1. To treat the employee’s own illness, injury or health condition; for the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s own mental illness or physical illness, injury or health condition; or for preventative medical care for the employee.
  2. For the treatment of the employee’s child’s or spouse’s illness, injury or health condition; the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of an employee’s child’s or spouse’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or preventative medical care for the employee’s child or spouse.
  3. For the employee’s treatment or services related to the employee’s status as a victim in a family violence or sexual assault incident, for the medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services organization; to relocate due to such family violence or sexual assault; to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from such family violence or sexual assault.


If the reason for the sick leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide at least seven (7) days advance notice to their supervisor,or if the leave is not foreseeable, the employee must provide as much notice as is practicable.


Documentation signed by a health care provider indicating the need for the number of days taken may be required by the employee’s supervisor for leaves of three (3) or more consecutive days.



Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Resources to assist hiring departments in administering this policy can be found on the Payroll Department website at

Timecard Submission Requirements and Deadlines

Title: Timecard Submission Requirements and Deadlines
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: All Employees
Campus Applicability:  UConn Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely and accurate completion and approval of time and attendance records.


This policy applies to all employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses required to complete biweekly time and attendance records.  This includes all members of the classified bargaining units; all members of the University of Connecticut Professional Employee’s Association (UCPEA); all Management and Confidential staff; student employees; and certain special payroll appointees.

This policy also applies to University employees who have been granted signatory authority to approve time and attendance records.


A time and attendance record is a true and accurate statement of time worked and time taken.  These records must be completed in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, collective bargaining agreements, State regulations and University policies.  By submitting and/or approving a time and attendance record, employees and their supervisors are attesting to the accuracy of the time reported.  An approved time and attendance record also authorizes the expenditure of funds in accordance with time reported.


Employees are required to submit biweekly time and attendance records for the purposes of calculating payments, and managing accruals and other entitlements.  In the event that an employee is unable to complete his/her time and attendance record (or is not included in the self-service population) it is the supervisor’s responsibility to complete it on their employee’s behalf.

All time and attendance records must be submitted and approved by the deadlines posted on the Payroll website.  Changes to the biweekly submission and approval deadline due to holidays, severe weather events and unforeseen circumstances will be communicated to the University community in as timely a manner as possible.

Corrections to previously reported time must be submitted as soon as the discovery is made.

Access to the time and attendance systems is administered by the Payroll Department, subject to the established guidelines on the Payroll website and consistent with the security policy administered by University Information Technology Services.  Under no circumstances should a login ID and password be shared.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Time and attendance procedures for employees and supervisors are posted on the Payroll Department website at


Payroll Requirements for New Employees

Title: Payroll Requirements for New Employees
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: Hiring Departments and Employees
Campus Applicability: UConn Storrs and Regionals
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486 2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely and reasonable submission of required documentation to produce on-time, accurate payments to new University employees.  This is critical to meeting payroll processing deadlines; complying with federal and state regulations and reporting requirements; maintaining employee satisfaction; and minimizing additional, unscheduled work for Payroll and hiring departments.


This policy applies to all hiring departments and employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.


A “New Employee” is defined as an individual who is becoming actively employed with the University of Connecticut and receiving compensation for services.  This generally includes first time hires, as well as rehires who incurred a break in service with their employment at the University.


The University is required to produce payments to employees in accordance with the General Statues of Connecticut, Chapter 34, Sec. 3-119, guidelines set by the Connecticut Department of Labor, and Collective Bargaining Agreements.  In addition, the University is required to adhere to the Core-CT payroll processing schedule set forth by the Office of the State Comptroller.

The Payroll Department has established deadline schedules by which required new hire documentation must be received to ensure timely and accurate payments, and compliance with applicable laws.  The deadline schedules are posted on the homepage of the Payroll Department website at Departments or units responsible for hiring have an obligation to obtain and complete required documentation within the deadlines prescribed at the above website.

Required new hire documentation received in the Payroll Department after the posted deadline may not be processed within the current payroll cycle.  The decision will be based on the circumstances resulting in the late submission, as well as the internal biweekly payroll processing schedule.  Any exceptions to this policy will be strictly limited, and at the discretion of the Payroll Department.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Documentation requirements (electronic and/or paper) for new employees can also be found on the Payroll Department website at

Paid Sick Leave for Student Employees

Title: Paid Sick Leave for Student Employees
Policy Owner: Payroll Department and the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations
Applies to: Student Employees
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to comply with CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w), and administer paid sick leave for student employees.


This policy applies to Student Labor and Federal Work Study employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses, as well as University departments who hire student employees.


A “student employee” is defined as a student employed on the Student Labor and/or Student Work Study payroll.  The University considers student employees as meeting the definition of a service worker under CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w):



Accrual of Paid Sick Leave:

Student Employees of the University of Connecticut begin to accrue paid sick time beginning January 1, 2012 or upon hire, whichever is later, under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Student Employees accrue one hour of paid time for every forty (40) hours actually worked.
  2. The maximum accrual of sick time hours is forty (40) hours per calendar year.
  3. Student Employees may carry over a maximum of 40 hours of unused sick time from one calendar year into the next but the employee shall not be able to use more than the forty (40) hours in one (1) calendar year.
  4. Under no circumstances are Student Employees entitled to any payout for accumulated but unused sick leave.


Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Student employees shall be entitled to the use of accrued paid sick leave upon the completion of their 680th hour of employment with the University measured from January 1, 2012 or from their date of hire if hired after January 1, 2012.

Sick leave must be taken in one (1) hour increments.

A maximum of forty (40) hours of sick leave may be used each calendar year.

Sick leave may only be used in lieu of previously scheduled hours.

Pay Rate for Sick Leave:

Sick leave will be paid at the Student Employee’s normal hourly rate at the time the leave is taken.

Reasons for Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Student Employees may only use accrued paid sick leave for the following reasons:

  1. To treat the employee’s own illness, injury or health condition; for the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s own mental illness or physical illness, injury or health condition; or for preventative medical care for the employee.
  2. For the treatment of the employee’s child’s or spouse’s illness, injury or health condition; the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of an employee’s child’s or spouse’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or preventative medical care for the employee’s child or spouse.
  3. For the employee’s treatment or services related to the employee’s status as a victim in a family violence or sexual assault incident, for the medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services organization; to relocate due to such family violence or sexual assault; to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from such family violence or sexual assault.


If the reason for the sick leave is foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide at least seven (7) days advance notice to their supervisor,or if the leave is not foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide as much notice as is practicable.


Documentation signed by a health care provider indicating the need for the number of days taken may be required by the Student Employee’s supervisor for leaves of three (3) or more consecutive days.



Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Resources to assist hiring departments in administering this policy can be found on the Payroll Department website at

Workers’ Compensation Light Duty Policy

Title: Workers’ Compensation Light Duty Policy
Policy Owner: Payroll Department
Applies to: All University Employees
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses (see details below)
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:


The University strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and is committed to returning employees to work, as appropriate, from a work-related injury or illness.  Administering a policy on light duty provides benefits to both the injured worker and the University.  Statistically, employers that facilitate return to work programs have a higher percentage of injured workers achieving full recovery over employers who fail to provide such programs.  Additionally, employers that utilize such initiatives have lower direct costs associated with workers’ compensation than those who do not.


This policy applies to all permanent and temporary employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses who are paid salary or wages by the State of Connecticut are covered by the State’s Workers’ Compensation Program, and are eligible to participate in the light duty program.  This includes faculty, staff, student labor, work study, special payroll, and graduate assistants provided that the injury occurred while performing a function related to their employment with the University.


Injured Worker:  An employee who initiates a workers’ compensation claim pursuant to the State of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut’s injury reporting requirements.
Temporary Modified/Restricted Duty:  A work capacity given to an injured worker by their treating physician stating that the employee is not capable of performing their regular job duties, but is capable of working in a modified or restricted capacity within their normal job classification.
Regular Duty:  A work capacity given to an injured worker by their treating physician stating that the injured worker is capable of returning to work without restrictions or modifications to their normal job classification.


The University of Connecticut provides a light duty program for all employees who sustain a workplace injury or illness.  The University will provide modified or light duty assignments, as available, to an employee with an approved workers’ compensation claim, once they have been released to temporary modified/restricted work by a licensed medical professional.  Placement into a light duty position is on a temporary basis and should never become permanent.  Light duty is not guaranteed and may be modified, or ended, at any time, even if the employee’s physician has not released him/her to regular duty.  Employees who are working a light duty assignment will be held to the same standards of accountability for performance and conduct standards as an employee on regular duty.  An employee working on a light duty assignment is to abide by the restrictions imposed by their treating physician and should not exceed those restrictions until released by the doctor.  It is also the employee’s responsibility to immediately inform their supervisor and the Workers’ Compensation Administrator of any changes made to their work capacity while working a light duty assignment.

If a light duty assignment is offered by the University, an employee’s refusal to accept the offer of light duty may affect the employee’s right to workers’ compensation benefits and will be determined by the third party administrator.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


An injured employee should immediately notify their supervisor and the Workers’ Compensation Administrator once their treating physician has released them to any type of modified or restricted work.  The employee must also provide the Workers’ Compensation Administrator with a signed, written copy of the modifications/restrictions given to them by the treating physician.  The Workers’ Compensation Administrator will coordinate with the employee’s supervisor to determine if a light duty assignment is available.  If such a position exists, the employee will be contacted and expected to return to work on the next scheduled business day.  Under no such circumstance should an employee work outside their prescribed restrictions until cleared to do so by their treating physician.  Supervisors should monitor the tasks being completed by an employee working temporary modified/restricted duty to ensure that the employee is working within their prescribed restrictions.

If a light duty assignment is not available, the employee will be continued on their workers’ compensation leave.  Should a light duty assignment become available prior to a change in the employee’s work capacity, the employee will be notified by either their supervisor or the Workers’ Compensation Administrator, and would be expected to return to work on the next business day.  An employee with a light duty work capacity that cannot be accommodated may be required to do job searches at the discretion of the third party administrator, in order to continue to receive payment.

Re-Employed Retirees, Policy on

Title: Re-Employed Retirees, Policy on
Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources
Applies to: All State of Connecticut Re-Employed Retiree Employees
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Approval Date: July 11, 2023
Effective Date: July 11, 2023
For More Information, Contact Office of Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034 (Storrs/Regional) / 860-679-2426 (UConn Health)
Official Website:


The University re-employs retirees who have particular expertise necessary to meet a variety of academic, clinical, research, programmatic and/or administrative needs at a cost savings or benefit to the University and the state of Connecticut. In addition, as a research university and recipient of federal and other grants, the University has significant contractual and compliance obligations to granting agencies. The ability to retain particular expertise in the clinical, academic, and/or research setting, particularly when those retired employees generate revenue or are supported by external funding, is appreciably served by the use of re-employed retirees.


The University may re-employ retirees when operational, administrative, and/or financial benefits dictate or when needed to maintain continuing operations. Except as otherwise provided below, re-employed retirees may not be re-employed for more than three calendar years and shall not work more than 120 days/960 hours during any one calendar year.

The hourly compensation rate for individuals rehired into the same position from which the individual just retired shall generally not exceed 75% of the hourly rate paid to such employee in the last pay period immediately prior to his or her retirement for 120 days of work. The compensation rate for individuals rehired into different jobs from which they retired should be consistent with the assigned duties to be performed but shall generally not exceed 75% of the pre-retirement hourly rate.  Faculty and other employees that are non-time reporters prior to retirement, and therefore do not have a pre-retirement hourly rate, shall be restricted to post-retirement compensation not to exceed 75 percent of their pre-retirement annual salary.   Re-employed retirees are not eligible for annual mass salary adjustments.  Re-employed retirees may receive adjustments to salary if warranted by the duties and responsibilities of the position as long as all other terms of this policy are met.

Unclassified rehired retirees can be hired into any special payroll title; classified re-hired retirees must be hired into the appropriate Job Code as identified by the State of Connecticut to allow for appropriate tracking.

Appointments of re-employed retirees shall be reviewed by the President, Provost, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs (at UConn Health), or their designee and Human Resources to assess the continued operational needs and to ensure conformance with this Policy.  Proposals to re-employ retirees into senior administrative positions require prior review and approval by the President, Provost, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs, or their designee.

Some examples of appropriate uses for re-employed retirees include:

  • Maintain employees with unique, specialized knowledge and skills where qualified replacements cannot be immediately recruited or where it is financially beneficial for the University to maintain their expertise;
  • Provide qualified staff on a temporary or project basis when part or full-time positions are neither operationally sufficient nor financially beneficial;
  • Prevent the loss of potential revenues generated on grants or contracts;
  • Mitigate against a threat to patient or public safety;
  • Meet immediate and essential staffing needs required by accrediting agencies (e.g., the Joint Commission, DPH, or other regulatory bodies);
  • Secure the expertise of uniquely qualified researchers or staff in support of extramural funding or established grant projects;
  • Cover contractually or legally mandated leaves of absence (e.g., FMLA);
  • Provide clinical coverage to prevent the loss of clinical revenues or reduce use of agency staff through ongoing float positions;
  • Maintain continuity of operations through employment of individuals with particular expertise or experience at a cost savings;
  • Utilize employees with unique, specialized knowledge and skills for short-term projects or durational assignments.


Exceptions to the compensation and/or three calendar year maximum may be made with approval of the President, Provost, or Executive Vice President of Health Affairs at UConn Health, or their designee. Exceptions should be made when appropriately justified and reasonable in light of the goals expressed in the State of Connecticut’s Executive Order 27A related to the re-employment of retired state employees.  The maximum allotted time to work per calendar year for any rehired retiree is the equivalent of 120 days or 960 hours; exceptions may not be made to this provision of the Policy.

Some common exceptions include the following:

Instructional/Academic/Research Positions

Appointments of faculty and other staff who primarily perform research activities as re-employed retirees may be extended for the term of the extramural funding. Faculty who are hired in an academic capacity to mentor or advise students and provide other academic support to a School/College/Department.

Clinical Positions

Per diem, float, and direct patient care positions based on clinical need.

Adjunct Faculty

Employees who retire from state service and then serve as adjunct faculty. Teaching a maximum of 12 load credits per calendar year is equivalent to 120 days per calendar year.

Seasonal Employees

Employees who serve in seasonal roles, not to exceed three months in any calendar year.
The above are examples only and not intended to be exhaustive. Each exception request should be reviewed to determine if it is in the best interests of the University and consistent with the intent of this Policy.


April 21, 2009 Approved by the Board of Trustees:
August 7, 2013 Revised and Approved by the Board of Trustees
July 11, 2023 Revised and Approved by the President and Senior Policy Council