
Records Management Policy

Title: Records Management Policy
Policy Owner: University Archivist, Records Management
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Others
Campus Applicability: All
Effective Date: March 11, 2009
For More Information, Contact University Archivist, Records Management
Contact Information: (860) 486-4507
Official Website: https://rim.uconn.edu/

Background and Purpose of the Policy

The University of Connecticut is an agency of the State of Connecticut.  As a state agency, the University is, and therefore its employees are, required to conform to state regulations and statutes.

Under Section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes the University has the obligation to handle, maintain, retain, dispose of and in cases destroy records in a certain manner, following specific processes and schedules.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and reference for University employees regarding the retention, disposition, storage and destruction of official University records, in all formats.


Record Connecticut public records are defined in General Statutes Section 1-200(5) as: “any recorded data or information relating to the conduct of the public’s business–prepared, owned, used, received, or retained by a public agency, whether such data or information be handwritten, typed, tape-recorded, printed, photostatted, photographed, or recorded by any other method.”  Recorded data and information that meet this definition are covered by this Records Management Policy.

Non-Record By definition, the term “non-records” means recorded data or information that does not meet the above definition of the term “record”.  The physical characteristics of non-record materials are the same as record materials. The differences between a non-record and a record are the reasons for keeping the information and how the information is used. Non-records are not covered by this Records Management policy and therefore do not need to be retained, stored, disposed of or destroyed in accordance with procedures create under this policy and state law.

The following are examples of “Non-Records”:

  • Extra copies kept only for convenience.
  • Informational copies of correspondence and other papers on which no documented administrative action is taken.
  • Duplicate copies of documents maintained in the same file.
  • Requests from the public for basic information such as manuals and forms that do not have any administrative retention requirements.
  • Transmittal letters that do not add information to that contained in the transmitted material.
  • Reproduced or published material received from other offices which requires no action and is not required for documentary purposes. The originating agency is required to maintain the record copy.
  • Catalogs, trade journals, and other publications or papers received which require no action and are not part of a case upon which foreseeable action will be taken.
  • Library or museum material collected for informational or exhibition purposes.
  • Stocks of publications, forms, or other printed documents which become obsolete or outdated due to revision. The originating agency should maintain a record copy.
  • Working papers, preliminary drafts, or other material summarized in final or other form and which have no value once action has been taken.

Record Series — A group of similar or related records that are normally used and filed as a unit and can be evaluated as a unit for determining the record retention period. All of the records that make up a record series must have the same retention periods. You cannot break up a record series into individual records and give each record a different retention period.

Records Retention Schedules — A comprehensive list of record series which indicates for each series the length of time it is to be maintained until it is reviewed for destruction or archival retention. It also indicates retention in active and inactive storage areas.

Policy Statement

All employees of the University of Connecticut are required to be aware of the fact that records management procedures exist, and to ensure that records are maintained, retained, stored, disposed of and, as appropriate, destroyed only in accordance with such procedures and the Records Retention Schedules.  The University’s Records Management Procedures are available at http://records.compliance.uconn.edu/.  Employees are urged to visit this website to keep up to date as changes to the procedures and/or the Records Retention Schedules can and do occur.  All updates to Records Management Procedures and Records Retention Schedules are posted to the website.  Employees may also contact the University Archivist at (860) 486-4507 for further information.

Re-Employed Retirees, Policy on

Title: Re-Employed Retirees, Policy on
Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources
Applies to: All State of Connecticut Re-Employed Retiree Employees
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Approval Date: July 11, 2023
Effective Date: July 11, 2023
For More Information, Contact Office of Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034 (Storrs/Regional) / 860-679-2426 (UConn Health)
Official Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/


The University re-employs retirees who have particular expertise necessary to meet a variety of academic, clinical, research, programmatic and/or administrative needs at a cost savings or benefit to the University and the state of Connecticut. In addition, as a research university and recipient of federal and other grants, the University has significant contractual and compliance obligations to granting agencies. The ability to retain particular expertise in the clinical, academic, and/or research setting, particularly when those retired employees generate revenue or are supported by external funding, is appreciably served by the use of re-employed retirees.


The University may re-employ retirees when operational, administrative, and/or financial benefits dictate or when needed to maintain continuing operations. Except as otherwise provided below, re-employed retirees may not be re-employed for more than three calendar years and shall not work more than 120 days/960 hours during any one calendar year.

The hourly compensation rate for individuals rehired into the same position from which the individual just retired shall generally not exceed 75% of the hourly rate paid to such employee in the last pay period immediately prior to his or her retirement for 120 days of work. The compensation rate for individuals rehired into different jobs from which they retired should be consistent with the assigned duties to be performed but shall generally not exceed 75% of the pre-retirement hourly rate.  Faculty and other employees that are non-time reporters prior to retirement, and therefore do not have a pre-retirement hourly rate, shall be restricted to post-retirement compensation not to exceed 75 percent of their pre-retirement annual salary.   Re-employed retirees are not eligible for annual mass salary adjustments.  Re-employed retirees may receive adjustments to salary if warranted by the duties and responsibilities of the position as long as all other terms of this policy are met.

Unclassified rehired retirees can be hired into any special payroll title; classified re-hired retirees must be hired into the appropriate Job Code as identified by the State of Connecticut to allow for appropriate tracking.

Appointments of re-employed retirees shall be reviewed by the President, Provost, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs (at UConn Health), or their designee and Human Resources to assess the continued operational needs and to ensure conformance with this Policy.  Proposals to re-employ retirees into senior administrative positions require prior review and approval by the President, Provost, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs, or their designee.

Some examples of appropriate uses for re-employed retirees include:

  • Maintain employees with unique, specialized knowledge and skills where qualified replacements cannot be immediately recruited or where it is financially beneficial for the University to maintain their expertise;
  • Provide qualified staff on a temporary or project basis when part or full-time positions are neither operationally sufficient nor financially beneficial;
  • Prevent the loss of potential revenues generated on grants or contracts;
  • Mitigate against a threat to patient or public safety;
  • Meet immediate and essential staffing needs required by accrediting agencies (e.g., the Joint Commission, DPH, or other regulatory bodies);
  • Secure the expertise of uniquely qualified researchers or staff in support of extramural funding or established grant projects;
  • Cover contractually or legally mandated leaves of absence (e.g., FMLA);
  • Provide clinical coverage to prevent the loss of clinical revenues or reduce use of agency staff through ongoing float positions;
  • Maintain continuity of operations through employment of individuals with particular expertise or experience at a cost savings;
  • Utilize employees with unique, specialized knowledge and skills for short-term projects or durational assignments.


Exceptions to the compensation and/or three calendar year maximum may be made with approval of the President, Provost, or Executive Vice President of Health Affairs at UConn Health, or their designee. Exceptions should be made when appropriately justified and reasonable in light of the goals expressed in the State of Connecticut’s Executive Order 27A related to the re-employment of retired state employees.  The maximum allotted time to work per calendar year for any rehired retiree is the equivalent of 120 days or 960 hours; exceptions may not be made to this provision of the Policy.

Some common exceptions include the following:

Instructional/Academic/Research Positions

Appointments of faculty and other staff who primarily perform research activities as re-employed retirees may be extended for the term of the extramural funding. Faculty who are hired in an academic capacity to mentor or advise students and provide other academic support to a School/College/Department.

Clinical Positions

Per diem, float, and direct patient care positions based on clinical need.

Adjunct Faculty

Employees who retire from state service and then serve as adjunct faculty. Teaching a maximum of 12 load credits per calendar year is equivalent to 120 days per calendar year.

Seasonal Employees

Employees who serve in seasonal roles, not to exceed three months in any calendar year.
The above are examples only and not intended to be exhaustive. Each exception request should be reviewed to determine if it is in the best interests of the University and consistent with the intent of this Policy.


April 21, 2009 Approved by the Board of Trustees:
August 7, 2013 Revised and Approved by the Board of Trustees
July 11, 2023 Revised and Approved by the President and Senior Policy Council

Providing Information in Alternative Formats, Policy on

Title: Providing Information in Alternative Formats, Policy on
Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
Applies to: Workforce Members, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Approval Date: August 20, 2024
Effective Date: August 21, 2024
For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
Contact Information: equity@uconn.edu
(860) 486-2943
Official Website: https://accessibility.uconn.edu/


The University of Connecticut, including the School of Law, Regional Campuses, and UConn Health, is committed to ensuring effective communication to all individuals, including those with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act and its Amendments (2008) as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  This policy looks to address the needs of persons with disabilities who require access to University materials in alternative formats.


University Workforce Members: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


The University engages in an interactive process with each person making a request for accommodations and reviews requests on an individualized, case-by-case basis.  In keeping with these standards, the University requires that:

  • Printed materials be made available in alternative formats upon request. Printed materials include, but are not limited to, departmental/program brochures, announcements of events and activities, newsletters, exams, applications, forms, and any other printed information made available to the public.
  • Films and videos promoting departmental and program information, or related items acquired by a department or program, be closed captioned;
  • Departments and programs that sponsor public speakers, conferences, information sessions, or public performances provide qualified interpreters for people with hearing disabilities and printed materials in alternate formats upon request;
  • Departments and programs establish procedures to respond to requests in a timely fashion and promptly notify the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) of student accommodation requests, and the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) of employee accommodation requests.
  • Departments and/or organizations should plan accordingly to use normal budgetary channels to provide assistive technology or alternative formats


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Persons requesting materials in alternative formats, captioning for video and/or live speakers, or other assistive technology should submit their request to the appropriate entity at the University for review.  The designees are as follows:

Student Requests:

Students, including students enrolled at the School of Law, School of Social Work, School of Medicine, and School of Dental Medicine, should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities at their earliest convenience.  Students will be assigned a Disability Services Professional to assist them with their educational access throughout their time at the University.  More information on CSD and its process can be found here: csd.uconn.edu.


Center for Students with Disabilities
Wilbur Cross Building, Room 204
233 Glenbrook Rd. Unit 4174
Storrs, CT 06269-4174
Phone: 860-486-2020
Video Phone: 860-553-3243
Email: csd@uconn.edu

Workforce Requests:

Any employee, including those at UConn Health, should submit their requests to Human Resources at their earliest convenience. Employees will have the opportunity to work with the ADA Case Manager to discuss their needs and make requests through the interactive process.  More information on HR’s process can be found:

UConn ADA Compliance & Accommodations
UConn Health ADA Compliance & Accommodations

Contact UConn:

ADA Accommodations Case Manager

Allyn Larabee Brown Building

9 Walters Ave Depot Campus – Unit 5075

Storrs, CT 06269-5075

Phone: (860) 486-2598

Email: tiffanie.roback@uconn.edu

Contact UConn Health:

ADA Case Manager

16 Munson Road, 5th Floor

Farmington, CT 06032

Phone: (860) 679-2426

Email:  moreland@uchc.edu


The University’s Interim ADA Coordinator is:

Sarah Chipman
Interim Associate Vice President, Interim Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, Interim ADA Coordinator, Director of Equity Response and Education, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Office of Institutional Equity
Storrs: Wood Hall, First Floor
UConn Health: Munson Road, Third Floor
(860) 486-2943

All other requests should be made directly to the facilitator or organizer of the program in question.  This information can often be found on the event’s website or other promotional materials.  Event organizers should make every effort to accommodate requests as needed and should work to promote accessible design within their program.  This can include producing large print programs, hiring captioning services or utilizing high contrast materials.


08/20/2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and President)


Non-Retaliation Policy

Title: Non-Retaliation Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the President
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Contractors and Affiliated Persons
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: October 22, 2012
For More Information, Contact Office of University Compliance
Contact Information: (860) 486-2530
Official Website: http://president.uconn.edu/


To define how the University provides for the protection of any person or group within its community from retaliation who, in good faith, participates in investigations or reports alleged violations of policies, laws, rules or regulations applicable to the University of Connecticut.


The University encourages individuals to bring forward information and/or complaints about violations of state or federal law, University policy, rules, or regulations.  Retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, reports and/or participates in the investigation of alleged violations, or who assists others in making such a report, is strictly forbidden.  This policy does not protect an individual who knowingly files a report or provides information as part of an investigation that is false or is filed in bad faith. The University will take appropriate action, up to and including dismissal, against any employee, student, or affiliated person who violates this policy.


Retaliation: Any adverse action taken, or threatened against an individual because they have, in good faith, reported an allegation concerning the violation of state or federal law, University policy, rule, or regulation, or because they have participated in any manner with an investigation of such an allegation, or in an effort to deter an individual from doing so.

Examples of actions that may constitute retaliation include, but are not limited to:

  • unsubstantiated adverse performance evaluations or disciplinary action;
  • adverse decisions relating to the terms or conditions of employment or education;
  • interference with or denial of promotion or advancement opportunities (whether employment-related or academic);
  • reduction in a student’s grade;
  • interference with or denial of participation in University programs or activities;
  • unfounded negative job references or interfering with one’s job search;
  • denial or removal of co-authorship on a publication;
  • repeated intimidation or humiliation, derogatory or insulting remarks, or social isolation which may occur indirectly or directly from co-workers and/or a supervisor;
  • physical threats and/or destruction of personal or state property

Any action taken or threatened that would dissuade a reasonable person from engaging in activities protected by this policy may also be considered retaliatory.

Good Faith Report: A report made with an honest and reasonable belief that a university-related violation of law or policy may have occurred.

Bad Faith Report: A report made that is knowingly false and/or made with malicious intent.

Protected Activities: Good faith reporting, whether internally or externally, or inquiring about suspected wrongful or unlawful activity; assisting others in making such a report; and/or participating in an investigation or proceeding related to suspected wrongful or unlawful activity.



If an individual believes that they have been subjected to retaliation, they should either contact the office to which the initial complaint was filed or any of the following University offices:

Storrs & Regional Campuses UConn Health
The Office of University Compliance
28 Professional Park, Unit 5084
Storrs, CT  06269-5084
Telephone: (860) 486-2530
Reportline: 1-888-685-2637Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu
The Office of University Compliance
Administrative Services Building
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-5329
Telephone: (860) 679-1969
Reportline: 1-888-685-2637Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu
The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
241 Glenbrook Road
Wood Hall, Unit 4175
Storrs, CT  06269-4175
Telephone: (860) 486-2943
Email: equity@uconn.edu
OIE’s Discrimination Complaint Procedures:
The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
Munson Building
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-5130
Telephone: (860) 679-3563
Fax: (860) 679-3805
Email: equity@uconn.edu
OIE’s Discrimination Complaint Procedures: https://equity.uconn.edu/policiesprocedures/
Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations
9 Walters Avenue, Unit 5075
Storrs, CT  06269-5075
Telephone: (860) 486-5684
Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-relations/ 
Employee/Labor Relations
Munson Building
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030 – 4035
Telephone: 860-679-8067
Website: https://health.uconn.edu/human-resources/services/employee-labor-relations/
University of Connecticut Police Department
126 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3070
Storrs, CT  06269-3070
Telephone: (860) 486-4800
Website: https://publicsafety.uconn.edu/police/
University of Connecticut Police Department
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030 – 3925
Telephone:  860-486-4800
Website: https://publicsafety.uconn.edu/police

Any individual who is covered by a collective bargaining contract are also encouraged to contact their union:

Union Contact Information
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP), University of Connecticut Chapter Telephone: (860) 487-0450

Website: http://www.uconnaaup.org/contact/

The University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association (UCPEA) Telephone: (860) 487-0850

Website: http://ucpea.ct.aft.org/

Maintenance and Service Unit,
Connecticut Employees Union Independent (CEUI)
Telephone: (860) 344-0311

Website: https://www.ceui.org/

Administrative Clerical Unit – American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Telephone: (860) 224-4000

Website: https://www.afscme.org/

Connecticut Police and Fire Union Telephone: (860) 953-2626

Website: https://cpfu.org/

Social and Human Services Unit – American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Telephone: (860) 224-4000

Website: https://www.afscme.org/

Administrative and Residual Employees Union (A&R) Telephone: (860) 953-1316
Website: http://andr.ct.aft.org/
New England Health Care Employees Union – District 1199 Telephone: (860) 549-1199

Website: http://www.seiu1199ne.org/

University Health Professionals (UHP) Telephone: (860) 676-8444

Website: http://uhp3837.ct.aft.org/

Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to diminish the rights, privileges or remedies of a University (State) employee under other federal or state law or under any collective bargaining agreement or employment contract.



In addition to the resources above, the following offices may be helpful to University employees and students who believe they are experiencing retaliation.

Employee Assistant Program

Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-assistance-program/

University Ombuds

Website: https://ombuds.uconn.edu/

Office of the Dean of Students

Website: https://dos.uconn.edu/

UConn Cultural Centers

Website: https://office.diversity.uconn.edu/cultural-centers/

Office for Diversity and Inclusion:

Website: https://diversity.uconn.edu/



Policy created:  09/22/2009


10/22/2012 (Non-substantive revisions)

05/03/2021 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)

Guide to the State Code of Ethics

Title: Guide to the State Code of Ethics
Policy Owner: Office of University Compliance
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Approval Date: October 25, 2023
Effective Date: October 25, 2023
For More Information, Contact Office of University Compliance
Contact Information: (860) 486-2530 or universitycompliance@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu


Pursuant to state law, the University is required to adopt in cooperation with the Office of State Ethics, an ethics statement as it relates to the mission of the University. The Code of Ethics for Public Officials (the Code) sets forth principles of ethical conduct that all state employees, including employees of the University, must observe. All employees of the University are expected to become familiar with the Code and comply with all its provisions. This statement is intended to be a general guide to assist you in determining what conduct is prohibited so that it may be avoided. It is not intended to supersede the Code. Please note that under state statute, compliance with the Code is the responsibility of the employee, not the University.

The Office of State Ethics has jurisdiction to interpret and enforce the Code. Violations may result in a formal complaint proceeding filed against the employee and sanctions of up to $10,000 per violation. The entire Code and regulations, as well as a summary of these rules, may be found at the Office of State Ethics website. For formal and informal interpretations of the Code of Ethics, employees should contact the Office of State Ethics.   In addition, the University must designate an Ethics Liaison as an information resource regarding compliance. An employee who has a question or is unsure about the provisions of this policy, or who would like assistance in contacting the Office of State Ethics, should contact the University’s Ethics Liaison.

The following general provisions of the Code are applicable to all employees of the University of Connecticut:


  •  GIFTS:  In general, employees are prohibited from accepting gifts, discounts or gratuities of any kind from prohibited donors: (1) doing business with or seeking to do business with the University; (2) directly regulated by the University; (3)  known to be a registered lobbyist or a lobbyist’s representative, or; (4) pre-qualified under Conn. Gen. Stat. §4a-100.  A list of registered lobbyists can be found on the web site of the Office of State Ethics.  Certain items are excluded from the definition of “gift,” including: items offered to the public at large (for example, trinkets provided at an open house), items valued at under $10, food and beverage up to $50 in a calendar year from each donor and training for a product purchased by the University provided such training is offered to all customers of that vendor.  “Gifts to the state” are also permitted as long as the gifts facilitate University actions or functions.  If an employee is offered a benefit from someone other than the prohibited donors listed above, and the benefit is offered because of the employee’s position at the University, the total value of benefits received from one source in a year must not exceed $100.  Additionally, supervisors may only accept gifts valued at no more than $100 from a subordinate; a subordinate may only accept gifts valued at no more than $100 from his/her supervisor.  This provision not only applies to direct supervisors and subordinates, but to any individual up or down the chain of command.  Questions regarding specific facts and circumstances surrounding various gift-giving scenarios should be directed to the University’s Ethics Liaison or the Office of State Ethics.
  • OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT:  No employee may accept outside employment that will impair their independence of judgment with regard to their state duties or would encourage the disclosure of confidential information gained in state service. Additionally, although an employee may use their expertise, they may not use their state position to obtain outside employment. An employee is not allowed to use their business address, telephone number, title or status in any way to promote, advertise or solicit personal business.  Employees interested in pursuing outside employment may seek and receive written approval from their Supervisor and, if uncertain about the application of the Code, the Ethics Liaison or the Office of State Ethics. For faculty and professional staff, the University of Connecticut By-Laws specifically address consulting, private professional practice, teaching, and other outside employment situations. Faculty and members of the AAUP bargaining unit must adhere to the University’s Faculty Consulting policy as well as the policy on assigning textbooks which they have authored. Union members are referred to contract articles, if such exist, relating to outside employment in their respective collective bargaining agreements. If you are thinking about an opportunity for outside employment, you may also consult with the University’s Ethics Liaison for guidance.
  • FINANCIAL BENEFIT:  Employees may not use their official position or confidential information gained in their service for personal financial benefit, or the financial benefit of a family member or a business with which they, or a family member, are associated.  Employees are prohibited from using state time, personnel or materials, including telephones, computers, e-mail systems, fax machines, copy machines, state vehicles and any other supplies, for personal, non-state related purposes.  It is understood, however, that incidental use of state property for personal use is permissible so long as you reimburse the state for any identifiable charges.
  • CONTRACTS WITH THE STATE:  Employees, their immediate family members, and/or a business with which an employee or their family member is associated may not enter into a contract with the state valued at $100 or more, unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process. The Code permits an exemption for contracts with a public institution of higher education to support a collaboration with such institution to develop and commercialize any invention or discovery.  The Office of State Ethics has ruled that immediate family members may not be hired as an independent contractor unless there has been an open and public process.
  • APPEARANCE FEES:  No employee may personally accept any fee or honorarium given in return for a speech or appearance made or article written in the employee’s official capacity.  Employees may, however, direct that the fee or honorarium be deposited in a University account to be used for future University-related business activities.
  • NECESSARY EXPENSES/GIFTS TO THE STATE: payment or reimbursement of expenses to participate in a particular event may be acceptable under certain circumstances and, if received from a non-governmental entity, may also require a disclosure filing with the Office of State Ethics. “Necessary expenses" are limited to: necessary travel expenses, lodging for the nights before, of and after the appearance, speech, or event; meals and any related conference or seminar registration fees. “Gifts to the state” may also be acceptable to attend an event that is relevant to your state duties and do not require “active participation”.


  1. Employees are not prohibited from seeking political office as long as it is not done on State time or with State equipment. However, any State employee who is elected to state political office may not be employed by two branches of state government simultaneously. Therefore, any employee who accepts an elective state office must resign or take a leave of absence from his/her position with the University. Consult the University By-Laws and inform your supervisor prior to participating in a political campaign.
  2. No employee of the University will engage in partisan political activities while on state time. Additionally, no employee will use state materials or equipment for the purpose of influencing a political election of any sort.


The State Code of Ethics contains several provisions regarding post-state employment. Prior to leaving employment with the University, all employees should review the applicable rules and, if necessary, seek guidance from the Ethics Liaison or The Office of State Ethics.

  • You may never use confidential information for financial gain for yourself or any other person. This is a lifetime prohibition. “Confidential Information” is any information not generally available to the public.  The information may be in any form (written, photographic, recorded, computerized, etc.) including orally transmitted information, e.g., conversations, negotiations, etc.
  • You may not represent anyone concerning any particular matter in which you personally and substantially participated while in state service in which the state has a substantial interest.
  • You may not, for one year, represent anyone before your former agency for compensation
  • If you participated substantially in the negotiation or award of a state contract valued at $50,000 or more, you may not accept employment with a party to the contract for one year after leaving state service, if you resign within one year after the contract was signed.

No official or employee shall counsel, authorize or otherwise sanction action that violates any provision of the Code of Ethics.

The provisions of this document shall apply to all employees of the University of Connecticut. All current and future employees of the University shall be supplied with a copy of this document, and it shall be the responsibility of each employee to be familiar with these provisions and to comply with them. It is strongly suggested that employees avoid those situations which may give the appearance of being a conflict of interest. When in doubt or unsure about these provisions, an employee should contact either his or her supervisor, department head, or the University’s Ethics Liaison. Ultimately, The Office of State Ethics is the authority that determines what conduct constitutes an ethics violation under the law. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to discuss any situation which may pose a conflict of interest or other ethics problem with the Office’s staff attorneys.

The University will notify vendors/contractors doing business with it of these provisions through its procurement officers. A summary of the State Code of Ethics as it applies to vendors will also be provided. Copies of this policy will be provided upon request.

Please note: Violations of the Code of Ethics may subject an employee to sanctions from agencies or systems external to the University. Whether this occurs or not, the University retains the right to independently review and respond administratively to violations. The conduct of the review and response will be in accordance with contractual and regulatory guidelines.


It is strongly recommended that every employee read and review the following ethics materials:

The University’s Ethics Liaison is:

Kimberly Fearney, Associate Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer
Office of University Compliance
28 Professional Park Road (Unit 5084)
Storrs, CT 06268
Telephone Number: (860) 486-2530
Email: Kim.Fearney@uconn.edu

The contact information for the Office of State Ethics:

20 Trinity Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Office of State Ethics
Tel: (860) 263-2400
Fax: (860) 263-2402


Policy created: July 2006
Revisions: October 25, 2023; February 26, 2014; July 2009

General Rules of Conduct

Title: General Rules of Conduct
Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date February 27, 2024
Effective Date: February 29, 2024
For More Information, Contact Employee/Labor Relations
Contact Information: (860) 486-5684 or laborrelations@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-relations/


To outline expectations for employee conduct in the workplace.


The University requires employees to adhere to the General Rules of Conduct and will hold employees accountable for violations.  A supervisor’s failure to enforce a rule does not excuse employees from complying with it, nor does it prevent the University from taking disciplinary action thereafter. The below list is not exhaustive and other, more detailed policies on these topics remain in effect. Nothing in this policy constrains the University from pursuing criminal prosecution, if applicable, in addition to dealing with or responding to issues administratively.

The General Rules of Conduct prohibits the following:

  1. Unlawfully distributing, selling or offering for sale, possessing, using, or being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances (including marijuana) when on the job or subject to duty;
  2. Misusing or willfully neglecting University property, funds, materials, equipment, or supplies;
  3. Fighting, engaging in unruly or disruptive behavior, or acting in any manner which endangers the safety of oneself or others. This prohibition includes but is not limited to acts of aggression, intentional or not, as well as threats of violence;
  4. Marking or defacing walls, fixtures, equipment, machinery, or other University property, or willfully damaging or destroying property in any way;
  5. Interfering in any way with the work of others;
  6. Stealing or possessing without authority any equipment, tools, materials, or other property of the University, or attempting to remove them from the premises without written permission from the appropriate authority;
  7. Being inattentive to duty, including but not limited to sleeping on the job;
  8. Refusing to do assigned work or to work overtime if directed, working overtime without proper authorization, or failing to carry out the reasonable directive of a manager, supervisor, or department head;
  9. Falsifying any time card, attendance report, or other University record, or giving false information to anyone whose duty it is to make such record;
  10. Being repeatedly or continuously absent or late, being absent without notice or reason satisfactory to the University, or leaving one’s work assignment without authorization;
  11. Conducting oneself in any manner, which is insulting, intimidating, threatening, physically or verbally abusive, or contrary to common decency or morality; making verbal or written remarks that are inflammatory, derogatory, discriminatory, harassing, or that create a hostile work environment;
  12. Carrying out any form of harassment, including sexual harassment;
  13. Operating state-owned vehicles or private vehicles for state business without proper license, or operating any vehicle on University property or on University business in an unsafe or improper manner;
  14. Having an unauthorized weapon on University property;
  15. Appropriating state or University equipment or resources for personal use or gain or appropriating state, University, student or employee time or effort for personal use or gain;
  16. Engaging in actions which constitute a conflict of interest with one’s University job; including but not limited to, in the case of academic administrators and faculty, the teaching of credit courses at other educational institutions, unless approved in advance in accordance with established procedures;
  17. Gambling or unauthorized solicitation;
  18. Smoking or vaping within no-smoking areas;
  19. Computer abuse, including but not limited to plagiarism of programs, accessing or viewing obscene or pornographic material, misuse of computer accounts, unauthorized destruction of files, creating illegal accounts, possession or use of unauthorized passwords, disruptive or annoying behavior on the computer, and non-work-related use of computer software and hardware;
  20. Being convicted of a crime;
  21. Engaging in activities which violate either the State’s or the University’s Code of Ethics;
  22. Engaging in activities which are detrimental to the best interests of the University or the State;
  23. Entering, using, or providing access to the worksite other than for work purposes or to unauthorized individuals;
  24. Retaliating in any form or manner toward an employee or student for reporting a violation of any federal or state statute or regulation or University rule or policy;
  25. Engaging in any form of sexual or unwelcome physical contact in the workplace;
  26. Failing to cooperate or being untruthful in a University investigation.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees and applicable collective bargaining agreements.  When applicable, individuals may also be held accountable under the Student Code of Conduct.




Supervisors should contact Employee/Labor Relations at 860-486-5684 or laborrelations@uconn.edu regarding any suspected violation of the General Rules of Conduct.


Policy created: January 2004

Revisions: February 27, 2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)

FERPA Policy

Title: FERPA Policy
Policy Owner: Office of University Compliance and Registrar
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability:  All Campuses
Effective Date: August, 2016
For More Information, Contact University Privacy Officer
Contact Information: privacy@uconn.edu
Official Website: http://ferpa.uconn.edu/

FERPA Policy

Policy Statement on Protection of Rights and Privacy of Students

A.    Definitions: As used in this policy, the following terms have the following meanings.

      1. Alleged Perpetrator of a Crime of Violence: A student who is alleged to have committed acts that, if proven, would constitute any of the following offenses or attempts to commit the following offenses: arson; assault offenses; burglary; criminal homicide (manslaughter and murder); destruction, damage, or vandalism of property; kidnapping or abduction; robbery; and/or sexual assault.
      2. Attendance:  Participation in University course(s) in person, or via paper correspondence, videoconference, satellite, Internet, or other electronic information and telecommunications technologies for students who are not physically present in the classroom.  It also includes the period during which a person is working under a work-study program.
      3. Dates of Attendance: The period of time during which a student attends or attended the University. The term does not include specific daily records of attendance.
      4. Directory Information: Information contained in an Education Record of a student that by itself would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes: the student’s name; date of birth; addresses (including but not limited to physical address and email address); telephone number; PeopleSoft Number, NetID; school or college; major field of study; degree sought; student level (freshman, sophomore, etc.); degrees, honors, and awards received; residency/match information (for medical and dental students); dates of attendance; participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members and other similar information including performance statistics, photographic likenesses and video of athletic team members; for student employees, employing department and dates of employment.
        The University reserves the right to amend this listing consistent with federal law and regulations and will notify students of any amendments by publication in the Annual FERPA Notification.  Directory Information may only be disclosed in accordance with the provisions outlined in Section D. below.
      5. Disclosure Logs: Documents maintained by the appropriate University records custodians that records for each request for and each disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information of a student, and that indicates everyone who has requested or obtained Personally Identifiable Information and their legitimate interests in obtaining it (other than those enumerated in section F. below).
      6. Education Records: Any records maintained in any form or medium by the University that are directly related to a student.
      7. FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1232g, et seq. as amended, and the regulations at 34 C.F.R. Part 99.
      8. Hearing Body:
        1. Storrs and Regional Campuses:  One or more persons assigned by the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee to determine whether an educational record is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights, and therefore should be amended or deleted from the student’s records.
        2. University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC): One or more persons assigned by the Dean of Students for each school (Medical and Dental) or designee to determine whether an educational record is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights, and therefore should be amended or deleted from the student’s records.

        Individuals who have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing may not serve on the Hearing Body (i.e., may not be from the University department or division with whom the student has the conflict under FERPA).

      9. Legitimate Educational Interest:  A University Official has a legitimate educational interest if it is in the educational interest of the student in question for the official to have the information, or if it is necessary for the official to obtain the information in order to carry out his or her official duties or to implement the policies of the University of Connecticut. Any University Official who needs information about a student in the course of performing instructional, supervisory, advisory, or administrative duties for the University has a legitimate educational interest.
      10. Parent: Includes a parent of a student, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of a parent or guardian.
      11. Personally Identifiable Information: A student’s name; the name of a student’s parent or other family member; the address of a student or student’s family; a personal identifier, such as the social security number or student number, or any portion thereof;  biometric record (meaning, biological or behavioral characteristics used for automated recognition of an individual, such as fingerprints, retina and iris patterns, voiceprints, DNA sequence, facial characteristics, handwriting); other indirect identifiers, such as the student’s date of birth, place of birth, and mother’s maiden name; other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty; or information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.
      12. Student: One who is presently enrolled and attending or who has been enrolled and attended the University’s degree, non-degree and non-credit programs. It does not include deceased students.
      13. Student Code: Regulations governing student conduct; also known as “Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code.”
      14. University: for the purposes of this policy, “University” means the University of Connecticut, all campuses.
      15. University Official: The term “University Official” (sometimes called “School Official”) means any person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or outreach, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff).  The term also includes any contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom the University has outsourced institutional services or functions where the outside party–
        1. Performs an institutional service or function for which University would otherwise use employees;
        2. Is under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; and
        3. Is subject to the requirements of FERPA governing the use and redisclosure of personally identifiable information from education records.


        Examples of “University Officials” include, but are not limited to: attorneys, auditors, collection agents, officials of the National Student Clearinghouse, or the; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadre members (limited to their relationship with students enrolled in the ROTC program and/or enrolled in ROTC courses); or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another University Official in performing his or her tasks.

B. Rights of Students

1. Students of the University have a right to:

        • Be provided a list of the types and location of educational records maintained by the University and the titles and contact information of the officials responsible for those records.
        • Inspect and review Education Records (except as excluded in section H. below), within 45 days of a written request being presented to the authorized custodian of the records in question;
        • Receive a response from the University to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of Education Records within ten (10) business days;
        • Request amendments to their Education Records if the student believes that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights.  If the University refuses to make such amendments, the student shall have an opportunity for an administrative hearing to challenge the content of the record on the same grounds and to insert a written statement or explanation commenting upon the information in the record;
        • Inspect and review only such parts of educational material documents as relate to him/her or to be informed of such specific information;
        • Receive a copy, if desired, of all records supporting enrollment or transfer to another school, and have an opportunity for an administrative hearing to challenge the content of these records;
        • Revoke, in writing, any previously executed waiver of rights under FERPA, with respect to any actions occurring after revocation;
        • Inspect the Disclosure Logs maintained by appropriate University record custodians with regard to the student’s Education Record(s); and
        • File complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue S. W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.  Complaints may also be filed with the University’s Compliance Office by calling the Assistant Director of Compliance/Privacy at (860) 486-5256 or online at https://www.compliance-helpline.com/uconncares.jsp, or the UCHC Compliance Office by calling the Associate Education Compliance Officer at (860) 679-1280 or email compliance.officer@uchc.edu.


C. Disclosure of Education Records. Education Records or other Personally Identifiable Information (other than Directory Information, as described in Section D. below) may not be disclosed without the student’s prior written consent except in the following instances.   For purposes of compliance with FERPA, the University considers all students, regardless of age or tax dependency status to be independent. Therefore, educational records will not be provided to parents without the written consent of the student, except where one or more of the exceptions below applies.

      1. To the student himself/herself, unless he/she has waived the right;
      2. To University Officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
      3. To officials of other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll or has enrolled, as long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, and provided the student may upon request have a copy of the records so transferred;
      4. In connection with determining eligibility, amounts, and conditions, or enforcing terms of financial aid for which the student has applied or that which he or she has received;
      5. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided the University makes a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of the compliance therewith, unless such notification is not required by FERPA;
      6. To appropriate parties in connection with a health and safety emergency where the University determines that there is a articulable and significant threat to a student or any other individuals, where the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals;
      7. To law enforcement agencies and to certain other governmental authorities and agencies as are enumerated in and required or permitted by FERPA;
      8. To a court in connection with legal action by the University against a student or a student’s parent or by a student or student’s parent against the University;
      9. To the parent of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law or of any rule or policy of the University, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance where:
        1. The University has determined that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to that use or possession; and
        2. The student is under the age of 21 at the time of the disclosure to the parent.  Such disclosure will occur in accordance with the University’s Parental Notification Policy through the Division of Student Affairs.  For more information, visit the Division of Student Affairs Community Standards website at:  http://www.community.uconn.edu.
      10. To a victim of an Alleged Perpetrator of a Crime of Violence or a Non-forcible Sex Offense. Such disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceedings conducted by the University with respect to the alleged crime or offense. The University may disclose the final results of the disciplinary proceeding regardless of whether the University concluded a violation was committed;
      11. Disclosure of the final result of a disciplinary proceeding where the alleged perpetrator-student is found to have violated University policy with respect to a criminal allegation.  Such disclosure may be made (even to members of the public in certain circumstances) where the University has determined through its disciplinary proceedings that a student is (a) an Alleged Perpetrator of a Crime of Violence or a Non-forcible Sex Offense; and (b) with respect to the allegation made against the student, the student has committed a violation of the Student Code. Such a disclosure may only include the Final Results of the disciplinary proceedings conducted by the University with respect to the alleged crime or offense. The University may not disclose the name of any other student, including a victim or witness, without the prior written consent of the other student. This paragraph applies only to disciplinary proceedings in which the Final Results were reached on or after October 7, 1998;
      12. To authorized representatives of the federal, state and/or local government as permitted by FERPA in connection with an audit of federal- or state-supported education programs or with the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements relating to those programs.
      13. To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions; and
      14. To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions to:
        1. Develop, validate, or administer predictive tests;
        2. Administer student aid programs; or
        3. Improve instruction.

        Disclosures made pursuant to this paragraph are subject to the requirements that (i) the studies are conducted in a manner that does not permit personal identification of parents and students to individuals other than representatives of the organization; and (ii) the information is destroyed when no longer needed for the purposes for which the study was conducted.

      15. Pursuant to a student record release request made under the Solomon Amendment. (See section E. below.)


D. Disclosure of Directory Information/Limited Directory Information Policy:

The University hereby gives notice that the categories of information defined herein as Directory Information may be released without the prior written consent of the student under the circumstances enumerated below.  The University reserves its right to determine when and to whom it is appropriate to release Directory Information in response to third party requests.  Any release of information deemed to be appropriate by the University will only occur as enumerated below:

1. The following categories of Directory Information may be disclosed to anyone who so requests:

  • Name
  • NetID
  • PeopleSoft Number
  • School or College
  • Major Field of Study
  • Degree Sought
  • Student Level
  • Degrees, Honors & Awards Received
  • Residency/Match Information (medical/dental students)
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Weight and Height of Athletic Team Members and Other Similar Information Including Performance Statistics
  • Photographic Likenesses and Video of Athletic Team Members
  • For Student Employees, Employing Department & Dates of Employment

2. In addition to the information in category #1, the following categories of Directory Information may be disclosed to the UConn Foundation (including the UConn Alumni Association) and/or the UConn Law School Foundation:

  • Date of Birth
  • Addresses (physical and email)
  • Telephone Number

3. In addition, any member of the University community with a NetID  may access student email addresses, as long as the access is for University-related purposes.  However, such individuals may not use any student emails accessed through this process for commercial purposes or otherwise in violation of other University policies or applicable state or federal law.

4. Opting Out of Directory Information:  Students who wish to opt-out of having their directory information disclosed without their prior consent must make the request in writing.  At the Storrs and Regional Campuses, all requests shall be directed to the Office of the Registrar, Wilbur Cross Building, Unit 4077, Storrs, CT 06269-4077.  At UCHC, all requests shall be directed to the Student Services Center, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-1827.  Such requests shall apply only to subsequent actions by the University and shall remain in place until removed by written request of the student. A student may not use the right to opt out of Directory Information disclosures to prevent the University from disclosing or requiring a student to disclose the student’s name, identifier, or institutional e-mail address in a class in which the student is enrolled. Student employees must contact the Student Employment division within the Office of Student Financial Aid Services to restrict access to any employment-related Directory Information.  The University will not use Social Security Numbers as a means of verifying the identity of a student, nor to confirm identity of the student upon the request for the release of Directory Information about the student.

E. Military Access to Education Records. The Solomon Amendment is not a part of FERPA, but it allows military organizations access to information for the purposes of military recruiting which information may otherwise be protected from disclosure under FERPA. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in the loss of various forms of federal funding including various forms of Federal Student Aid.

  1. At the University of Connecticut, all items included under the Solomon Amendment’s list of required information are included within the University’s definition of “Directory Information.” These include name, addresses, telephone numbers, age, major, dates of attendance and degrees awarded.
  2. Information released is limited to military recruiting purposes only. The request for information must be in writing on letterhead that clearly identifies the military recruiting organization. Military recruiters must be from one of the following United States military organizations: Air Force; Air Force Reserve; Air Force National Guard; Army; Army Reserve; Army National Guard; Coast Guard; Coast Guard Reserve; Navy; Navy Reserve; Marine Corps; Marine Corps Reserve.
  3. If a student requests that their Directory Information be withheld under section D.4. of this policy, the student’s records will not be released to military recruiters.


F.  Disclosure Logs. The appropriate University records custodian shall maintain a log of each request for and each disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information from the Education Records of a student, that indicates the persons who have requested or obtained Personally Identifiable Information and their legitimate interests in obtaining it. However, this requirement does not apply to:

  1. Disclosures pursuant to the written consent of the student, when the consent is specific with respect to the party or parties to whom the disclosure is to be made;
  2. Disclosures to University Officials, when it has been determined that the official has a legitimate educational interest; and
  3. Disclosures of Directory Information; and
  4. Disclosures to the student upon the student’s own request.


G.  Redisclosure. University Officials who disclose personally identifiable information from an Education Record must inform the recipient of the information that he/she/it may not redisclose that information without the consent of the student, and that the recipient may only use the information received for the purpose for which the disclosure was made, except where one of the exceptions in Section C. above applies.


H. Records Excluded from the Definition of Education Records. The following materials, information, and records which are excluded from the definition of Education Records are not available to students for inspection, review, challenge, correction, or deletion:

  1. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation which were placed in the Education Records prior to January 1, 1975, if they are not used for purposes other than those for which they were specifically intended;
  2. Confidential letters and statements of recommendations, used solely for the purposes for which they were specifically intended, if the student has waived the right to inspect and review recommendations:
    1. regarding admission to an educational institution,
    2. regarding an application for employment, and
    3. regarding the receipt of an honor or honorary recognition;
  3. Financial records and statements of the student’s parents or any information contained therein;
  4. Records of instructional, supervisory, or administrative personnel or educational personnel ancillary thereto, which are kept in the sole possession of the maker thereof, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record;
  5. Records which are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting or assisting in that capacity, used only in providing treatment to the student, and not available to anyone other than persons providing such treatment, except that such records may be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice;
  6. Records made and maintained in the normal course of business which relate exclusively to the individual in his or her capacity as an employee and are not available for any other purpose; this exclusion does not apply to an individual who is employed by the University as a result of his/her status as a student (i.e., interns, graduate assistants, work-study, etc.);
  7. Records that only contain information about or related to a former student once he or she is no longer enrolled at the University (e.g., information regarding alumni or regarding individuals who attended the University at some point but are no longer enrolled);
  8. Records of a law enforcement unit of the University created and maintained by that law enforcement unit for the purpose of law enforcement.  This exception does not include those records created by a law enforcement unit, even if the records were created for law enforcement purposes, if such records are maintained by a component of the University other than the law enforcement unit; and
  9. Grades on peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by a teacher.


Student Rights to Inspect and Challenge Education Records. The University shall provide a student the opportunity to challenge the content of his or her Education Records where the student believes the record(s) to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights, and to correct, delete, or insert written statements of explanation into such record(s). This does not give a student a right to contest or challenge an assigned grade. Although disagreements may be settled through informal meetings and discussions, either the student or the University may request an administrative hearing to resolve the dispute.  The student or University administrator seeking the hearing shall make his or her request in writing.

Send a written request to:

University Privacy Officer
University of Connecticut
Office of University Compliance
28 Professional Park Unit 5084
Storrs, Connecticut 06268-5084

The Hearing Process:

  1. The hearing shall be conducted and decided within a reasonable period of time following the request, and the student shall be given notice of the date, time, and place reasonably in advance of the hearing.  Normally, the hearing will be conducted within ten (10) business days following the date the hearing request has been received.
  2. The student will have, at the formal hearing, the opportunity to present evidence and argument to a Hearing Body in support of his or her contention that the records are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate. The student may, at his or her own expense, be assisted by one or more individuals of his or her own choice, including an attorney. The student may present evidence and question witnesses.  The burden shall lie with the student to show that it is more likely than not (preponderance of the evidence) that the University department should have made the student’s requested changes to his or her records, and/or that a violation of the student’s rights under FERPA has occurred.
  3. The University department with whom the student has the conflict may present a case in rebuttal with the same aforementioned procedural rights. The University department shall be provided an opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised by the student;
  4. The hearing shall be conducted by a Hearing Body who will hear all testimony, review all evidence presented at the hearing and render a decision.  The Hearing Body shall be appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs for the Storrs and Regional Campuses, or by the Dean of Students for each school (Medical and Dental) at UCHC,  provided that person(s) does not have a direct interest in the outcome;
  5. The Hearing Body shall ensure that the decision is rendered to the student in writing within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the hearing, is based solely upon the evidence presented at the hearing, and shall include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision.  The decision of the Hearing Body shall be final.
  6. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may draft a written response to be included with the Education Record(s) in question that details the student’s issue(s) with the Education Record(s) in question, and a description of why the student believes the Education Record(s) in question to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights.

Faculty Compensation, Policy on

Title: Faculty Compensation, Policy On
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost / Department of Human Resources
Applies to: All Faculty excluding UConn Health
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: November 11, 2022
For More Information, Contact  Office of the Provost: provost@uconn.edu

Human Resources: hr@uconn.edu

Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
Official Website: http://www.hr.uconn.edu/


To establish the standards under which regular payroll faculty may receive compensation from the University or external entities. As defined in this policy, such compensation must be in conformance with relevant state and federal regulations, including 2 CFR Part 200 (commonly referred to as Uniform Guidance) and the Connecticut Guide to the State Code of Ethics. This policy also defines the administration of faculty appointment terms.
This policy does not define rates of pay for activities or other contractual terms outlined in the collective bargaining agreement between the University of Connecticut and American Association of University Professors.


All Faculty excluding UConn Health. Faculty refers to all regular payroll faculty: tenured and tenure-track, clinical, in-residence, research, extension, visiting, and lecturers. This policy does not apply to coaches/trainers, adjuncts, or academic staff: research assistants/associates, academic assistants, or scientist/scholars.


Compensation for all applicable audiences must fall under regular compensation, summer salary, overload pay, consulting, or prizes and awards. All applicable employees and employees responsible for appointing or administering compensation for applicable employees must consider the full compensation landscape at UConn and comply with this policy and its accompanying Faculty Compensation Procedures.

I.         Regular Compensation

Appointment Term and Work Period. All faculty are appointed to either an academic year or annual year position. An academic year position has a nine- or ten-month assignment, in which the regular duties and responsibilities of the role fall primarily during the academic year[i]. The work period for an academic year position is defined in the Procedures. An annual year position has an eleven-month assignment, in which the regular duties and responsibilities of the role require effort consistently throughout the full year. The work period is all year round. Under the University’s faculty pay model, faculty are paid for 9-, 10-, and 11-month appointments over 12 months. Both academic year and annual year positions are paid over twelve months.

Salary. Full-time annual salary represents full renumeration for the duties and responsibilities associated with a faculty member’s regular workload and respective appointment term. Faculty may not receive additional compensation from university or external sources during the regular work period[ii] unless explicitly approved according to the summer salary, overload, consulting, or prizes/awards sections of this policy.

  1. Annual salary: Annual salary is the total compensation over the course of the year for the regular faculty appointment. Faculty have one or more pay components which comprise their annual salary:
    1. Base salary: Base salary is the base component of a faculty member’s annual salary, reflecting the pay tied only to the base term and    respective workload. All faculty have a base term and base component of their annual salary.
    2.  Additional Months: Faculty may have one or two additional months of effort/pay depending on the scope and complexity of a faculty administrator assignment. The rate of pay for this component is tied to the base salary rate.
    3.  Administrative Supplement: Faculty may earn a supplement for administrative work that is above their base pay or additional months. The rate of pay is not tied to the base salary rate.

b. Institutional Base Salary (IBS) is a term used specifically for sponsored projects and stems from the Office of Management and Budget’s  Uniform Guidance. IBS is the annual compensation paid for an individual’s regular appointment term and corresponding workload. At UConn, this is the equivalent of “annual salary” as defined above. IBS is inclusive of all regular pay components. A faculty member’s IBS is compensation for time spent on research, teaching, administration, or service. Institutional base salary does not include one-time payments, summer salary, or consulting.

        Workload. Every faculty member has a defined workload. The scope of work for a base faculty appointment typically includes some combination of teaching, research, and service, as defined in the appointment letter or the department’s governance documents. Any change to a faculty member’s defined workload such as a course reduction or administrative assignment must be approved by appropriate parties based on school/college policy and clearly documented with the dean’s office.

        Administrative Assignment. Faculty may be appointed to an administrative assignment with pay when the duties and responsibilities clearly exceed an individual’s base faculty appointment, and the required effort takes place over the course of the year. Administrative assignments may include a temporary redefinition of the individual’s appointment term, annual salary, or workload for the length of the appointment. Administrative assignments must be approved in writing by the Dean and any other supervisors in advance of an offer. Appointments must include an appointment letter describing the terms of the appointment and must be processed through regular payroll. The new full-time annual salary associated with an administrative assignment represents full renumeration for the new workload and may consist of multiple pay components. The University applies salary increases proportionately to each pay component, with the exception of promotional increases which apply only to the base salary component. Administrative appointments are at-will and subject to non-renewal or termination at the discretion of the supervisor. Should a faculty member no longer continue in an administrative appointment, the faculty member will return to the base faculty appointment term and base faculty rate in effect at that time.

        Compensation above the institutional base salary is not permitted on activities funded by federal grants or contracts.

        Research/Professional and Sabbatical Leaves. Research/professional leaves and sabbatical leaves are considered active service to the University and a redefinition of the faculty member’s regular workload for the leave period. Sabbatical pay is based on the faculty base appointment. Please refer to the provost’s guidelines for the administration of faculty leaves of absence.

        II.       Summer Salary

        Faculty may be assigned teaching, research, service, or administrative duties during the period in which they are not already scheduled to work according to their regular academic year or annual year appointment. The table below describes the maximum effort and compensation a faculty member may earn as summer salary according to regular appointment term. Time and pay for faculty working on externally funded sponsored projects or the equivalent effort on university funds cannot exceed the daily rate of pay for daily effort (i.e., max pay cannot be condensed and paid out over a shorter period).

        Appointment Term Effort Proportion of Current Full-Time Annual Salary Time Period[iii]
        Nine-month Three months 3/9 May 23 – August 22
        Ten-month Two months 2/10 June 23 – August 22
        Eleven-month One month 1/11 Eligible to be paid out at any point in the year

        Eleven-month faculty appointments are unique in that faculty are scheduled to work all year round, with one additional month of non-work time spread out over the course of the year. Given there is no pre-determined period in which this additional month takes place, faculty may earn their additional month of compensation at any point in the year, subject to all other requirements of this policy.

        It is the responsibility of the faculty performing research activities for grants or contracts to adhere to the policies of the applicable funding agency during this period. Many federal agencies have additional compensation stipulations. For instance, at the time of this writing, NSF has proposal limits on summer earnings to the equivalent of two months of salary, and HHS “restricts the amount of direct salary of an individual under an NIH grant or cooperative agreement or applicable contract to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive Pay scale.”

        Summer salary compensation may be waived if the faculty member chooses to accept payment in the form of faculty research funds. Such requests must be clearly documented, in advance of performing services, in line with the Procedures. Waived compensation in the form of faculty research funds is not considered personal compensation and cannot be used to supplement a faculty member’s full-time annual salary or summer salary in future years. Waived compensation is not included in the determination of the aforementioned maximum compensation.

        III.     Overload Pay

        On occasion, faculty may be asked to perform work for the University that is substantially different from or in addition to the essential duties and responsibilities defined in the faculty member’s regular appointment. Such work must contribute to the mission and necessary business of the University. Faculty being considered for overload activities must demonstrate a unique qualification to perform the work. Overload pay may be appropriate for activities including, but not limited to, teaching during winter or May intercession, online course development sponsored by CETL, outreach, performance, or academic/student support. All requests for overload pay must be approved by the department head, dean, provost, and human resources as needed via the University’s formal approval process[iv] in advance of the start of the activity. Total overload pay should not exceed 25% of the twelve-month equivalent of annual salary each year. Any exception to the 25% cap will be rare and requires department head, dean, provost, and president approval. Overload assignments will only be considered if they meet the following criteria:

        1. The activity must not interfere with the faculty member’s ability to carry out the duties and responsibilities associated with their regular faculty appointment. The individual must be satisfactorily performing regularly assigned duties.
        2. The activity must clearly fall outside of full-time (100%) effort in the regular appointment and should not be used as a regular supplement to an individual’s salary.

        Overload compensation may be waived if the faculty member chooses to accept payment in the form of faculty research funds. Such requests must be clearly documented, in advance of performing services, in line with the Procedures. Waived compensation in the form of faculty research funds is not considered personal compensation and cannot be used to supplement a faculty member’s full-time annual salary or summer salary in future years.

        IV.    Consulting

        Consulting is an activity performed by a faculty member for compensation because of their expertise in their field (while not acting as a university employee), across any period of the year. Consulting encompasses work including, but not limited to; receiving honoraria for talks, consulting on research with other entities, clinical work with other entities (even when required to continue licensure needed for the faculty member’s appointment), teaching at other institutions, consulting with private industry, and compensated or uncompensated work with faculty-affiliated companies. Consulting is governed by the “Policy on Consulting for Faculty and Members of the Faculty Bargaining Unit” and associated Procedures. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to adhere to all policies and to follow all procedures related to faculty consulting. These can be found at policy.uconn.edu.

        Royalties received by a faculty member do not fall under the purview of the consulting policy or any other aspect of this compensation policy.

        V.      Prizes and Awards

        Compensation in recognition of internal or external awards is allowable according to the criteria defined below and does not contribute towards total eligible earnings for regular, summer, and overload pay.

        Internal Awards. The University may award faculty in recognition of exceptional teaching, research, or service to the University. Awards should represent significant accomplishment and can in no way reflect payment for services. Whenever appropriate and possible, award programs should reward faculty with faculty research funds (waived compensation) rather than personal compensation. Whether waived compensation or personal compensation, the payment type must be determined and communicated clearly when establishing award criteria and cannot be changed once an award has been granted. An individual faculty member may not normally accept more than $10,000 in personal compensation awards each year. Criteria for awards should be established and communicated in advance of the selection process; the selection of awardees should be conducted by a committee with expertise in the relevant area. Newly established award programs must be approved in writing by the dean and provost in advance. Once an award program has been established, individual award payments in the form of personal compensation must be approved in writing by the dean prior to payment. Internal awards are not considered part of a faculty member’s full-time annual or institutional base salary. Internal awards cannot be charged to grants.

        External Prizes and Awards. The University acknowledges that faculty may be the recipient of national and international awards of excellence which may include a monetary award. Such external awards bring recognition to the recipient and to the University. Awards should represent significant accomplishment and can in no way reflect payment for services. Faculty must notify the provost upon notice of award recognition, prior to accepting any compensation, to evaluate whether a monetary award qualifies for this status.[v]  External awards are not considered part of a faculty member’s full-time annual or institutional base salary.


        Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, the University of Connecticut Student Code, or other applicable University Policies.


        Procedures for the Faculty Compensation Policy and other resources are available here.

        Guide to the State Code of Ethics

        [i] Dates defined in Faculty Compensation Procedures/Pay Model

        [ii] Defined in Faculty Compensation Procedures/Pay Model

        [iii] Dates may vary in leap years. Office of Payroll determines exact dates of work period according to Faculty Pay Model.

        [iv] Defined in Faculty Compensation Procedures

        [v] Provost will consult with appropriate offices, including Office of University Compliance and Tax and Compliance. Protocols defined in Faculty Compensation Procedures


        Policy Created:  April 11, 2006 [Extra Compensation Policy Approved by the Board of Trustees]

        Revisions: June 13, 2022 [Approved by the President; Effective date November 10, 2022]; June 10, 2015 [Approved by Board of Trustees]; September 26, 2006 [Approved by Board of Trustees];


        Employment and Contracting for Service of Relatives, Policy on

        Title: Employment and Contracting for Service of Relatives, Policy on
        Policy Owner: Office of University Compliance and the Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations/Human Resources
        Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Others
        Campus Applicability: All Campuses
        Effective Date: February 7, 2011
        For More Information, Contact Office of University Compliance and the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations (Storrs) or Human Resources (UConn Health)
        Contact Information: UConn Health: (860) 679-4180 or (860) 679-2426
        Storrs/Storrs Based Campuses: (860) 486-2530 or (860) 486-5684
        Official Website:  https://compliance.uconn.edu/ethics-overview/ or http://lr.uconn.edu


        The employment or contracting for service of relatives in the same department or area of an organization may cause conflicts and serve as the basis for complaints concerning disparate treatment and favoritism as well as violations of the state’s Ethics statute.

        This policy is established to protect against such conflicts and complaints, and to provide for the ethical and legally consistent treatment of individuals with relatives seeking employment or who are employed by the University.


        No employee of the University of Connecticut may be the direct supervisor of or take any action which would affect the financial interests of one’s relative. This may include decisions regarding appointment, award of a contract, promotion, demotion, disciplinary action, discharge, assignment, transfer, approval of time-off, and approval of training or development opportunities, as well as conducting performance evaluations or participating in any other employment action, including serving on a search committee acting on a relative’s application, or otherwise acting on behalf of a relative except as noted under “Procedure” below. Further, no employee may use his/her position to influence an employment action of a non-relative if such action would benefit one’s relative.

        For purposes of this policy, relative is defined as: spouse, child, step-child, child’s spouse, parent, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, dependent relative or a relative domiciled in the employee’s household.


        The University recognizes the potential for conflict of interest, claims of disparate treatment and/ or discrimination in the employment of relatives in the same department, work unit or in a direct or indirect supervisory relationship. The University further recognizes that there are infrequent but compelling circumstances under which such employment relationships may be in the best interests of the institution. Thus, to protect both the involved employee and the institution in those situations, the following procedure must be followed.

        1. No employee may sign any document that would affect an employment action on behalf of a relative.
        2. An employee who is confronted with an employment decision or action involving a relative must inform the immediate supervisor in advance, in writing, of the situation. The employee will describe the relationship and the proposed action requiring a decision by using Section 1 of the Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure form available here.
        3. The COI is submitted through the supervisory chain to the dean/director and then to the appropriate senior manager.  Using Section 2 of the COI Disclosure form, the dean/director shall propose to the senior manager an appropriate conflict resolution plan (CRP) to resolve the conflict.  In general the CRP  should address how the required decisions will be made to avoid any conflicts.
        4. The senior manager shall determine if the proposed plan for the resolution of the conflict is within the best interest of the institution, and approve or modify the plan using Section 3 of the COI Disclosure form. The written resolution and implementation of the plan shall be communicated to the dean/director and through the supervisory chain to the employee(s) involved in the conflict of interest.
        5. The supervisor, dean/director, or provost/vice president (the first level outside of the reporting process of each person in the conflict) shall oversee the implementation of CRP.
        6. Should the conflict involve the provost or a vice president, then the actions/decision shall be directed to the president or designee.

        Note:  Under no circumstances will the University approve the employment of dependent children or step-children as student employees under direct or indirect supervisory relationships.

        * Senior Manager is defined as the Provost or Vice President level.


        This policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on 11-09-2010.

        Faculty and Staff Handbook

        Title: Faculty and Staff Handbook
        Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
        Applies to: Faculty and Staff
        Campus Applicability:  Resource for All Campuses
        Effective Date: July 1, 2011
        For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
        Contact Information: (860) 486-4037
        Official Website: http://guide.uconn.edu/


        As of July 1, 2011, the Faculty & Staff Resource Guide is the Official Faculty and Staff Handbook of the University of Connecticut.

        Please consult the Guide for any of your academic, employee, or university needs. Please contact guide@uconn.edu to suggest adding, altering, or archiving material found in the Guide.