Academic and Student Life

Paid Sick Leave for Student Employees

Title: Paid Sick Leave for Student Employees
Policy Owner: Payroll Department and the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations
Applies to: Student Employees
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Payroll Department
Contact Information: (860) 486-2423
Official Website:



The purpose of this policy is to comply with CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w), and administer paid sick leave for student employees.


This policy applies to Student Labor and Federal Work Study employees at the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses, as well as University departments who hire student employees.


A “student employee” is defined as a student employed on the Student Labor and/or Student Work Study payroll.  The University considers student employees as meeting the definition of a service worker under CT Public Act 11-52 (CGS 31-57r through 31-57w):



Accrual of Paid Sick Leave:

Student Employees of the University of Connecticut begin to accrue paid sick time beginning January 1, 2012 or upon hire, whichever is later, under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Student Employees accrue one hour of paid time for every forty (40) hours actually worked.
  2. The maximum accrual of sick time hours is forty (40) hours per calendar year.
  3. Student Employees may carry over a maximum of 40 hours of unused sick time from one calendar year into the next but the employee shall not be able to use more than the forty (40) hours in one (1) calendar year.
  4. Under no circumstances are Student Employees entitled to any payout for accumulated but unused sick leave.


Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Student employees shall be entitled to the use of accrued paid sick leave upon the completion of their 680th hour of employment with the University measured from January 1, 2012 or from their date of hire if hired after January 1, 2012.

Sick leave must be taken in one (1) hour increments.

A maximum of forty (40) hours of sick leave may be used each calendar year.

Sick leave may only be used in lieu of previously scheduled hours.

Pay Rate for Sick Leave:

Sick leave will be paid at the Student Employee’s normal hourly rate at the time the leave is taken.

Reasons for Use of Paid Sick Leave:

Student Employees may only use accrued paid sick leave for the following reasons:

  1. To treat the employee’s own illness, injury or health condition; for the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s own mental illness or physical illness, injury or health condition; or for preventative medical care for the employee.
  2. For the treatment of the employee’s child’s or spouse’s illness, injury or health condition; the medical diagnosis, care or treatment of an employee’s child’s or spouse’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or preventative medical care for the employee’s child or spouse.
  3. For the employee’s treatment or services related to the employee’s status as a victim in a family violence or sexual assault incident, for the medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services organization; to relocate due to such family violence or sexual assault; to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from such family violence or sexual assault.


If the reason for the sick leave is foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide at least seven (7) days advance notice to their supervisor,or if the leave is not foreseeable, the Student Employee must provide as much notice as is practicable.


Documentation signed by a health care provider indicating the need for the number of days taken may be required by the Student Employee’s supervisor for leaves of three (3) or more consecutive days.



Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Resources to assist hiring departments in administering this policy can be found on the Payroll Department website at

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Title: Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Policy Owner: Office of Student Financial Aid Services
Applies to: Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regionals
Effective Date: July 1, 2011
For More Information, Contact Office of Student Financial Aid Services
Contact Information: 860-486-2819
Official Website:


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a standard used to measure a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree. The University of Connecticut is required via federal regulation to establish a reasonable satisfactory academic progress policy to determine whether an otherwise eligible student is making SAP in his or her educational program. Students who are found to be in violation of the parameters set forth by the SAP policy are ineligible to receive most forms of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. The parameters set forth by the SAP policy at the University of Connecticut are located at

Relocation and Moving Policy

Title: Relocation and Moving Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost / Department of Human Resources
Applies to: Designated Full-time Faculty, Athletics, Librarians, Management Exempt, and Management Exempt positions with faculty titles
Campus Applicability:  All Campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: February 25, 2021
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost or Human Resources
Contact Information: /
Official Website:


The University recognizes the competitive nature of the hiring process and therefore grants the flexibility to reimburse or pay for actual relocation expenses for designated full-time faculty, athletics, management-exempt administrators.


The relocation policy and procedures establishes the nature of expenses that can be direct billed or reimbursed from the University, limits on these expenses, and a timeframe of when these expenses can occur.


  1. In the offer of employment, the University may include an offer to reimburse and/or provide direct payment for allowable moving expenses required for relocation up to the amount specified in the table set forth in paragraph 15 herein.
  2. All reimbursement or direct payments for relocation expenses are includable in the employee’s taxable wages.
  3. Designated faculty includes tenured and tenure-track faculty, management-exempt employees with a base faculty appointment, in-residence faculty, clinical faculty, extension faculty, and  librarians.
  4. Direct billing cannot be used for moves that occur during November or December.
  5. The hiring process includes three phases: interview, offer and acceptance, and move. The final phase, the move, begins the date of the final one-way trip of the selected candidate and their  family to their new residence. The move phase ends upon the day of arrival. Only expenses incurred in connection with the move phase are covered by this policy. Common relocation expenses include (where relevant, this covers the employee and one immediate family member, defined as spouse or child):
    • Transportation of household goods
    • Airfare, in accordance with the University Travel Policy
    • Car rental (through the day of arrival), or mileage at the standard IRS medical/moving mileage rate, in accordance with the University Travel Policy
    • Lodging (only during the one-way trip of the move phase, ending on the day of arrival), in accordance with the University Travel Policy
    • Meals during travel (excluding alcohol), in accordance with the University Travel Policy
    • Shipping of car
    • Storage of household goods after arrival; not to exceed 30 consecutive days after date goods are moved from the former residence
  6. Employees will be reimbursed for the shortest, most direct route available. Travel incurred for side trips or vacations en route, etc. may proportionally reduce the amount of moving  expenses an employee is eligible to receive.
  7. The following types of non-business expenses, included but not limited to, will not be paid or reimbursed as part of relocation expenses:
    • Entertainment
    • Side trips, sightseeing
    • Violations (parking tickets, moving violations, )
    • Return trips to former residence
    • Expenses related to former residence
    • General repairs or maintenance of vehicle resulting from self-move
    • Temporary accommodation in the new location beyond the day of arrival
  8. Individuals should refer to the Reimbursement of Recruitment Expenses Policy for guidance regarding appropriate payment or reimbursement of expenses related to the “interview” and  “offer and acceptance” phases. Relocation payments are not intended to cover any travel expenses incurred during these two earlier phases.
  9. The cost associated with the relocation of a laboratory, professional library, scholarly collection and/or equipment (scientific, musical, etc.) are excluded from this policy as they are not   considered household goods or personal effects. If relevant for business purposes, costs associated with moving such materials should be negotiated separately.
  10. This policy applies to new employees whose move exceeds 50 miles and who are moving to within 35 miles of the primary campus at which they will be working. Exceptions to this rule may   be made by a Dean, the Director of Athletics, or by the appropriate EVP if a) they think that a move is reasonable given the commuting distance that the new employee would be facing, or b)   the new residence of the employee will be close enough to the primary campus at which they will be working so that they will reasonably be able to relocate there and perform their duties.
  11. Relocation expenses will only be covered by this policy if they occur within 12 months of the new start date of an employee.
  12. If employment with the University ends in a voluntary separation prior to working at least thirty-nine (39) weeks on a full-time basis in the first twelve months after starting employment,   the employee must reimburse the University the full amount of relocation expenses paid by the University.
  13. Exceptions to extend applicability beyond these employees require a business justification and must be explicitly approved by the Director of Athletics, EVP, or President as appropriate.
  14. The President will recommend an amount for reimbursement and/or direct payment for the Executive Vice Presidents/Provost to the Board. The Chairman of the Board will recommend an   amount for reimbursement and/or direct payment for the President to the Board.
  15. The formula for determining the amount to be reimbursed is based on the distance of the move. This figure represents the maximum reimbursement allowed. The allowance for a move   constitutes the maximum commitment for reimbursement of University and/or Foundation funds, rather than an entitlement of the employee. The figure is also the maximum amount the   University will pay when the direct bill option is selected. The formula is calculated according to the distance of the move, as follows:
Mileage Reimbursement of expenses up to:
≤ 1,000 miles $2,000
≤ 1,500 miles $2,500
≤ 2,000 miles $3,000
≤ 2,500 miles $3,500
≤ 3,000 miles $4,000
  1. It may be the case that the competitive hiring practices of a specific field require exceptions to this policy. Exceptions that involve costs of up to 200% of the standard formula may be approved by the Dean, Director of Athletics, or EVP as appropriate. Exceptions above 200% of the standard formula or involving other requirements of the policy will require documentation of the business justification for the requested exception and these require approval by the EVP or President as appropriate.


Relocation and Moving Procedures are located here. Upon acceptance, the University’s contracted relocation services provider, Signature Relocation, will contact the employee directly to assist the employee with their relocation.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, the University of Connecticut Student Code, or other applicable University Policies.


Reimbursement of Recruitment Expenses, Policy on


Policy Created:  07/01/2003 (Reimbursement of Recruitment and Moving Expenses Policy approved by Board of Trustees)


08/07/2013 (Reimbursement of Moving Expenses Policy and Procedures approved by Board of Trustees)

11/21/2014 (Procedural revisions to Reimbursement of Moving Expenses Policy and Procedures)

02/24/2021 (Relocation and Moving Policy approved by Board of Trustees)

Provost’s Policy on Faculty Leaves

Title: Provost’s Policy on Faculty Leaves
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
Applies to: Faculty
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: July 13, 2015
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
Contact Information: (860) 486-4037
Official Website:

Please see the following July 13, 2015, memo from Provost Mun Choi regarding Faculty Leaves and proper administrative notification: Administrative Notification of Faculty Leaves, July 13, 2015.

Missing Student Policy

Title: Missing Student Policy
Policy Owner: UConn Police Department
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs
Effective Date: August 18, 2016
For More Information, Contact Deputy Chief Maggie Silver
Contact Information: 860-486-4800
Official Website:

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student is missing, whether or not the student resides on campus, all possible efforts will be made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being through the collaboration of UConn Police, Dean of Students Office, Residential Life staff, and local law enforcement.

At the beginning of each year or upon matriculation, all students are given the opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted by the University in case of emergency.

This contact information is subject to the University’s FERPA Policy. (See:

In addition, consistent with Clery Act requirements, all students living in on-campus housing are also given the option each year, or upon moving into on-campus housing, to designate a confidential contact for use in case the student is reported missing.  Although the same contact may be provided for both purposes, by law the missing student contact is distinct from the general emergency contact provided by all students, and is held to a higher standard of confidentiality than the general emergency contact.  It will be accessible only to authorized University personnel, and disclosed only to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of an investigation.  To help ensure timely and complete notification and investigation of all missing student situations, confidential missing student contact should be provided or updated at:

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that any student is missing they should immediately contact UConn Police at 860-486-4800.  

In missing persons cases, time is of the essence. Hence, we urge the community to contact UConn Police immediately upon suspicion that an individual is missing.  The UConn Police Department is committed to begin an investigation upon the first report.

The UConn Police department will initiate formal investigation or contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.

UConn Police will communicate and collaborate as appropriate with one or both of the following departments:

  • Dean of Students Office at (860) 486-3426
  • Residential Life Staff at (860) 486-9000

Within 24 hours of the determination that a residential student is a missing person, UConn Police will:

  • Notify the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, if other than UConn Police;
  • Notify the student’s designated missing person contact;
  • If the student is under the age of 18 years and is not emancipated, notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian

However, if the student is under 18 and is not an emancipated individual, UConn Police will notify the student parent or guardian as well as any other designated missing person contact.


Credit Hour

Title: Credit Hour
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
Applies to: Students
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
Effective Date: August 15, 2012
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
Contact Information: (860) 486-4037
Official Website:

The University of Connecticut, as mandated by the U.S. Department of Education and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, and following Federal regulation, defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than –

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for one semester or the equivalent number of hours of instructional and out of class work for shorter sessions (e.g. summer); or

(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Instruction and out of class work increase commensurately, for courses consisting of two, three, four, five or more credit hours.


Policy Created: August 15, 2012 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)

Acceptable Use, Information Technology

Title: Acceptable Use, Information Technology
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services/Chief Information Security Officer
Applies to: All University Information Technology Users
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: August 30, 2021
For More Information, Contact UConn Information Security Office
Contact Information: or
Official Website:


The University’s IT resources support many systems to fulfill the academic, research and administrative needs of the University’s constituents, including students, faculty, staff, and guests. These resources must be used in a responsible manner consistent with Federal and State laws and University policies. 


To define expectations of appropriate use and inform all users of information technology (IT) resources at UConn of their obligation to comply with all existing laws and institutional policies in their use of IT resources. 


This policy applies to all constituents (students, faculty, staff, affiliates and guests) who use UConn’s information technology resources, including but not limited to wired and wireless networks, computer-based systems and services, printers/copiers, and cloud-based services. 


Access Point (AP): A networking hardware device that allows other Wireless (Wi-Fi) devices to connect to the University network. 

Information Technology (IT) Resources: Include but are not limited to: 

  • Systems and equipment such as computers, hard drives, printers, scanners, video and audio recorders, cameras, photocopiers and other related devices.  
  • Software such as computer software, including open-source and purchased software, and all cloud-based software including infrastructure-based cloud computing and software as a service.  
  • Networks such as all voice, video, and data systems, including both wired and wireless network access across the institution. 

    IoT: Internet of Things are devices that communicate across a network without direct human interaction. These include but are not limited to smart assistants, lightbulbs, appliances, and televisions. 


    The appropriate use of UConn IT Resources focuses on three primary areas including: (1) the fair and equitable use of limited resources by all constituents; (2) individual responsibilities in the use of UConn IT resources; and (3) the appropriate use of IT resources in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, university rules, regulations and policies. 

    All activities involving the use of UConn IT resources are not personal or private; therefore, users should have no expectation of privacy in the use of these resources.  Information stored, created, sent or received via UConn systems, including cloud-based systems, may be accessible when required by law, including requests made under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), subpoena, or other legal process, statute, or regulation. 


    • UConn provides IT resources to enable faculty, students, and staff to accomplish their university-related work and support the University’s mission. University equipment is to be used primarily in support of the University’s mission and may not be used to conduct commercial activities or any activity prohibited by state and federal law or University policy.  
    • UConn IT Resources may not be used for the illegal download, copying, or distribution of copyright materials without the copyright owner’s permission or where not permitted by fair use standards under the TEACH Act. 
    • Actions that negatively impact the ability of the University to operate or cause undue stress on IT resources are prohibited. These actions include but are not limited to interfering with the legitimate use of IT resources by others, introducing additional software or devices to any IT resource without appropriate authorization, or the mass mailing of unapproved email or other electronic communication. 
    • Do not intentionally seek or provide information or access to IT resources to which one is not authorized, nor assist others in doing so. Do not attempt to subvert or circumvent University systems’ security measures nor use University IT resources to subvert or circumvent other systems’ security measures for any purpose. 
    • Do not publish, post, transmit or otherwise make available content that is in violation of law or policy. The University cannot protect individuals against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to them. As such, those who make use of electronic communications are warned they may come across or be recipients of material they find offensive or objectionable. 
    • Do not violate the privacy of other individuals. This includes viewing, monitoring, copying, altering, or destroying any file, data, transmission or communication unless you have been given explicit permission by the owner. 
    • Do not forge, maliciously disguise or misrepresent your personal identity. This policy does not prohibit users from engaging in anonymous communications, providing that such communications do not otherwise violate the Acceptable Use Policy. University technology resources may not be used by employees of the University for partisan political purposes or presenting the impression the University has a particular political position except for those individuals authorized by the University as part of their formal responsibilities. 


      • Protect your data and the institution’s data 
      • Do not share your password with ANYONE or allow anyone else to use your account(s).  
      • Do not use anyone else’s account. 
      • Be vigilant in identifying and reporting various types of phishing attacks to gain access to your information. Store confidential and/or sensitive data on appropriate University approved services only. 
      • While UConn owned computers often are maintained by ITS and other University IT organizations, any personally owned devices connecting to the University network (including tablets, cell phones and IoT devices) are expected to be kept up to date with current operating system and software patches, as well as employing appropriate security measures which are automatically updated. 
      • Do not utilize UConn computing resources, including personally owned computers connected to UConn’s network for non-University related commercial activity.  
      • Users who connect personally owned computers to UConn’s network that are used as servers, or who permit others to use their computers, whether directly or through user accounts, have the additional responsibility to respond to any use of their server that is in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy. IT Resource administrators and those who permit the use of the computers by others are responsible for the security and actions of others on their systems. 


            Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.  

            Individual or system access may be revoked at any time based on the decision of the Chief Information Security Officer or the Chief Information Officer to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of UConn IT Resources.  


            Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

            Office of University Compliance – (860-486-2530) 

            Information Technology Services Tech Support – (860-486-4357) 

            Information Security Office – 

            POLICY HISTORY 

            Policy created:  05/16/2012 

            Revisions: 08/24/2015; 08/30/2021 [Approved by President’s Senior Team]  


            University of Connecticut Age Act Committee: Policy and Procedures

            Title: University of Connecticut Age Act Committee: Policy and Procedures
            Policy Owner: University of Connecticut Age Act Committee
            Applies to: Students, Faculty, Staff, Graduate Assistants
            Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
            Effective Date: November 1, 2019
            For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
            Contact Information: (860) 486-2943
            Official Website:
            Click here to view a PDF, Printer Friendly copy of this policy.

            University of Connecticut Age Act Committee: Policy and Procedures


              I. Purpose and Scope: The University of Connecticut has established an “Age Act Committee” to evaluate a student’s request for access to or participation in any University program when that student’s age may impair the University program’s ability to meet its objectives as carried out under its normal operation. This document sets forth the operational framework for that Committee. These Policy and Procedures apply to all programs, services and activities that fall under the purview of the University of Connecticut at the Storrs and Regional campuses.

              II. Definitions:
              A. “The Age Act” means The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, codified at 42 U.S.C. §6101, et seq. along with its implementing regulations, found at 34 C.F.R. §110, et seq.
              B. “The Age Act Coordinator” means the University Official responsible for overseeing compliance with the Age Act and for investigating allegations of age discrimination. The University’s Age Act Coordinator is:

              Letissa Reid
              Associate Vice President, Office of Institutional Equity
              Age Act Coordinator
              Storrs: Wood Hall, First Floor

              (860) 486-2943

              C. “The Age Act Committee Submission Form” is the form to be used by University Officials to submit a concern about a student’s access to or participation in any University program or activity based on that student’s age.
              D. “The Committee” means the Age Act Committee, as designated by the Office of the Provost.
              E. “Age Act Committee Chair” means a member of the Committee designated by the Provost as Chair.
              F. “Normal Operation” means the operation of a program or activity without significant changes that would impair its ability to meet its objectives.
              G. “Student(s)” means a student admitted by or enrolled at the University of Connecticut, as defined in UConn’s Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code.
              H. “University” means the University of Connecticut.
              I. “University Official” means any person employed by the University of Connecticut in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or outreach, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff).

              III. Policy Statement: The University By-Laws provide, in pertinent part, that “No organization or group shall discriminate against or exclude a person because of race, religion, national origin or other protected class recognized by state or federal antidiscrimination laws, on that land owned or operated by the University of Connecticut…”. By-Laws of the University of Connecticut, Article XV, § A. Similarly, in accordance with the provisions of the Age Discrimination Act and other Federal and State laws and executive orders pertaining to civil rights, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of age (see Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence).

              This policy is intended to provide the same protection against discrimination afforded under the parallel anti-discrimination laws. Therefore, analysis of a student’s age discrimination claim under them thus mirrors the analysis of a claim under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6107, and its corresponding regulations, 34 C.F.R., Part 110. Subject to certain limited exceptions, the Age Discrimination Act mandates that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any program or activity receiving [f]ederal financial assistance.” 42 U.S.C. § 6102. Exceptions to the Age Act’s general prohibition against age discrimination include: a) age distinctions contained in federal, state or local statute or ordinances (34 C.F.R. § 110.2); b) reasonable actions “based on a factor other than age” (34 C.F.R. § 110.13); and c) actions that reasonably take into account age as a factor necessary to the normal operation or the achievement of any statutory objective of such program or activity (34 C.F.R. 110.12).

              Charged by the Office of the Provost, the Age Act Committee is responsible for addressing concerns about students’ access to or participation in any University program, service or activity based on age.

              IV. Age Act Committee Procedures
              A. Establishment of Committee:
              i. Members of the Age Act Committee, including its chairs, shall be designated by the Office of the Provost and serve three (3) year terms. Members may be reappointed upon the end of their term.
              ii. The Committee shall include one representative from each of the following units: Division of Enrollment Management, Honors Program, Division of Student Affairs, and Office of Institutional Equity as well as a member of the faculty with expertise in human development or a related field. Members from additional offices may be appointed at the discretion of the Office of the Provost.
              iii. This Policy and Procedures and the Age Act Committee Submission Form shall be available on the Office of Institutional Equity’s website.

              B. Deliberative Process for Assessing Role of Age in University Activity, Program or Service:
              i. Quorum Required: All Committee members share responsibility for the Committee’s decisions and are expected to fully participate in its decision-making processes. In order for the decision of the Committee to be valid, a majority of Committee members must take part in the deliberative process. The Committee shall attempt to reach its decision by consensus. In the event the participating Committee members cannot reach consensus, the outcome will be decided by a simple majority. Committee members should recuse themselves from a particular inquiry in the event they feel they may be unreasonably biased for any reason. The Provost may designate an alternate member in the event that a member elects to be recused from a case.
              ii. Timeline: The Committee should complete its investigation and issue a decision no later than forty-five (45) calendar days from the original date of submission. Should the need arise, the Committee shall expedite its process as necessary to allow the student’s full participation in the program, service or activity, if approved, provided the Committee determines meeting the expedited timeframe does not unreasonably impair its deliberative process.

              iii. Submission of Inquiry:
              1. Any University Official may raise a concern about a student’s access to or participation in any University program, service, or activity based on that student’s age. In order to do so, the University Official may submit an Age Act Committee Submission Form, available on the Office of Institutional Equity’s website, to the Office of Institutional Equity.
              2. Upon receipt, an Age Act Committee Chair will schedule a preliminary phone conference with the individual submitting the form to gain a better understanding of the circumstances giving rise to the inquiry. The objective of the conference is to collect enough information to address concerns about a student’s access to or participation in the subject University program, service, or activity based on age. Therefore, during the phone conference, the Age Act Committee Chair will seek to obtain as much information about the situation, including but not limited to the following:
              a. A list of all other individuals (including University Officials) involved and the scope of their involvement;
              b. The location and relevant dates and time;
              c. The purpose and nature of the program, service, or activity;
              d. A general understanding of the day-to-day workings of the program, service, or activity;
              e. The deadline by which an answer from the Committee is required and the circumstances necessitating that deadline;
              f. A list of third-party contractors that might be involved, their role and contact information; and
              g. Any other information the Committee may need to carry out its inquiry.

              3. The Age Act Committee Chair shall forward a copy of the Age Act Committee Submission Form to the Department Head/Program Director listed to provide them notice of the ongoing review and to solicit any additional relevant information this individual may have.

              4. The Age Act Committee Chair shall work with the Committee to designate the Committee member who will serve as the “Recorder” for this particular inquiry. The Recorder is the individual responsible for taking and maintaining all documentation related to the particular request. All information maintained by the Recorder shall be considered in draft form until reviewed and approved by the other Committee members, at which point it becomes a final, official record of the Committee (“Final Record”).

              iv. Fact-Gathering:
              1. After the preliminary phone conference, the Committee shall identify the list of individuals with whom to speak (“Knowledgeable Parties”) and the appropriate order in which to meet with them to gain the best understanding of the relevant circumstances and, using the list, schedule a meeting with each Knowledgeable Party accordingly (“Consultation”).
              2. In addition, the Committee shall also identify and obtain any additional documentation that might further its understanding of the situation, which may include but not necessarily be limited to third-party contracts, program regulations, mission statements, information from previous years, etc. The Committee may also identify and carry out any additional interviews that might further its understanding of the situation, including but not limited to interviews with the student and University faculty and staff.
              3. Each Consultation shall include, but not be limited to, the following questions to the extent relevant to that Knowledgeable Party’s role:
              a. What is the nature of the “normal operation” of the program, service, or activity?
              b. What are the stated objectives of the program, service, or activity?
              c. Can the student be admitted to the program, service, or activity without significant changes? Changes are significant if they impair the objectives identified in (iv)3b, above.
              d. What characteristics must participants possess in order to ensure the normal operations of the program, service, or activity and why?
              e. Can the presence of these characteristics be reasonably approximated by the use of age? Is it impractical to measure these characteristics on an individual basis?

              v. Individualized Deliberation: Taking into account the information collected from all available sources, and considering the goals/objectives of the program, service, or activity at issue, the characteristics participants must possess in order to ensure preservation of the Normal Operation of the program, service, or activity, whether the presence of these characteristics can be reasonably approximated by the use of age and/or whether it is impractical to measure these characteristics on an individual basis, the Committee shall make a final, reasoned and deliberative determination with respect to the use of age as a proxy for other characteristics necessary to the normal operation of the program or activity at issue.

              Limiting access or participation will only be appropriate in those circumstances where the student’s age would require changes to the normal operation of the program, service, or activity and such changes would impair the program, service or activity’s ability to meet its stated objectives (as defined by the Knowledgeable Parties, or where other age-based distinctions and/or factors to be considered, other than age, are permitted by the Age Act. If the student’s age necessitates reasonable modifications that would not significantly impair the program, service or activity’s ability to meet its objectives, age will not be a reasonable basis upon which to exclude the student.

              The Committee shall use the following analysis:
              a. The Committee will gain an understanding of the Normal Operation of the program, service, or activity. In doing so, it will identify the goals/objectives of the program, service, or activity.
              b. The Committee will gain an understanding of and identify the characteristics participants must possess in order to ensure preservation of the Normal Operation of the program, service, or activity and why these characteristics are needed.
              c. The Committee will identify whether the presence of these characteristics can be reasonably approximated by the use of age and/or whether it is impractical to measure these characteristics on an individual basis.
              vi. Decision: Following its investigation and deliberations, the Committee shall make one of the following determinations:
              1. The student’s age would impair the University program, service, or activity’s ability to carry out its Normal Operation, in which case the student may be denied participation;
              2. Age-based concerns could be alleviated with changes that would not impair the ability of the program, service, or activity to meet its objectives, in which case the student will not be denied participation; or
              3. The student’s age will not impair the ability of the program, service or activity to meet its objectives, in which case the student will not be denied participation.

              vii. Response: The Committee must provide a response no later than forty-five (45) days after the original request. If the Committee determines that the student’s age would not impact the University program, service, or activity’s ability to carry out its Normal Operation, it will inform the University official who submitted the request via email, copying in the supervisor and Age Act Coordinator (or designee).
              If the Committee determines that the student’s age would impact the University program, service, or activity’s ability to carry out its Normal Operation and no reasonable modifications can be made without altering its objectives, it shall inform the student via email of the decision, copying in the original requestor, supervisor, and Age Act Coordinator (or designee). This notification shall also provide the student with notice of the University’s grievance procedures for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging violations of the Age Act, as well as external reporting options.

              V. Additional Standards
              A. Documents created during or as a result of these meetings that directly identify a student are “education records” as defined by FERPA and thus, are subject to review by the student to whom they pertain, and protected from unauthorized disclosure.
              B. Documents created during or as a result of these meetings that do not directly identify any students may be “public records” under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, and thus may be subject to public disclosure.
              C. Upon conclusion of an inquiry, the Committee shall retain Final Records for 5 years after the original inquiry, in compliance with Connecticut State Record Retention Schedule S1-330 (Planning Studies).
              D. The Committee shall review these policies and procedures every five years to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and institutional needs.

              VI. Grievance Procedures:
              A. Complaints of Age Discrimination may be filed internally, at the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), by calling (860) 486-2943, by writing to OIE at the University of Connecticut; Wood Hall, 1st Floor, Unit 4175; 241 Glenbrook Road; Storrs, CT 06269-4175 or by emailing OIE at
              B. Students also have the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, within 180 days from the time the incident occurred at Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square; Boston, MA 02109-3921.

              Policy Created: December 7, 2011
              Revised: July 7, 2014; November 1, 2019

              Emergency Closing Policy

              Title: Emergency Closing Policy
              Policy Owner: Office of the President, Office of the Provost, EVP/CFO, Human Resources Department
              Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
              Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
              Approval Date: August 30, 2023
              Effective Date: August 31, 2023
              For More Information, Contact: Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations and the Department of Human Resources
              Contact Information: (860) 486-5684 or
              (860) 486-3034 or
              Official Website:


              During inclement weather and other emergency situations at the University of Connecticut, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff is paramount. At the same time, the University has very important research, teaching, service, and outreach missions, and must maintain continuous and effective business operations. With due consideration to safety, the University will remain open and operate normally to the greatest extent possible. Faculty, staff, and students should evaluate their own circumstances carefully, exercise appropriate judgment, and take responsibility for their safety when making decisions during inclement weather.

              The purpose of this policy is to provide direction to the University community in the rare circumstances when the University Administration decides to cancel classes; delay opening, release employees early, or close operations at some or all University campuses. This policy also explains how employees will be notified of the University’s decisions and clarifies expectations regarding attendance and performance of job-related duties. The policy applies to the entire University community, including administration, faculty, staff, and students, at all campuses except UConn Health.

              POLICY STATEMENT

              Decisions to alter the University’s normal operations and schedule for all campuses are made jointly by the President’s Office, Provost’s Office, University Safety, and the Head of Human Resources. Decisions about such alterations are made with full input from University Communications and Facilities Operations and Building Services for all campuses. Careful consideration will be given to the particular conditions and circumstances at each campus, and decisions will account for variations that may exist among the situations at different campuses.

              When the University is open and operating normally, all employees are expected to make every effort commensurate with their personal safety to be at work. Individual academic departments and administrative units are not permitted to close and release employees. Those decisions will be made on a university-wide basis. Departments, regional campuses, and units may cancel special events they sponsor at their discretion and are responsible for communicating such cancellations.

              If an emergency occurs that may require an adjustment in work schedules for an individual unit or small number of units (such as a power outage or flood in a single building), employees should work from another location if possible. Supervisors must obtain permission from the President’s Office and Provost’s Office as appropriate, before releasing employees from work for more than a short period of time.


              The University will make announcements about closings or delayed openings as soon as feasible, and generally no later than 5 a.m. When conditions change rapidly or unexpectedly, however, the University may need to make or update decisions about classes and business operations on short notice.

              The UConnALERT website,, is the definitive source of information about the University’s operating status. All announcements regarding changes to the University’s operating schedule will be posted to this site as soon as decisions are made.

              In addition to the UConnALERT website, advisory messages will be issued regarding closings, cancellations, early dismissals, or delays. UConn faculty, staff and students should visit to register for cell phone text alerts, update their contact information, and obtain information related to emergency procedures and campus safety.

              Community members may also call the University’s 24-hour emergency closing information number, (860) 486-3768, to check the University’s operating status for all campuses. Second and third shift employees are urged to call this number for information.

              Individual units are responsible for communicating decisions about whether any special events they sponsor are postponed or canceled. Community members should contact the sponsoring units directly for information about such events. This applies to athletic events, performances, conferences, lectures, presentations, workshops, and other events hosted by a sub-unit of the University.

              Expectations for Employees

              This section summarizes the information applicable to:

              • All Employees (except essential/emergency support services staff)
              • Faculty/Class Instructors
              • Essential/Emergency Support Services Staff

              All Employees (except essential/emergency support services staff)

              When the University is open and operating normally, employees are expected to report to work. During inclement weather, employees are expected to plan accordingly, including accounting for extra time needed to travel to and from work. If an employee decides not to remain at or report to work because of concerns about travelling safely, employees may use vacation, personal, or other accrued time without advance approval. Employees must promptly notify their supervisors in these situations. Employees who anticipate concerns may discuss in advance the possibility of flex time or telecommuting with their supervisors.

              When the University directs employees not to report to campus during a closing, delay, or cancellation, employees will not be charged leave unless their time off was already scheduled and approved. If an employee is on a scheduled day off due to sick leave, vacation, personal time, earned time, or leave of absence without pay during an official University closing, delay, or early release, the employee’s time will be charged accordingly.

              Since employees who are not on a pre-approved leave during a closing would normally be present at work, employees are expected to be accessible and responsive to their supervisors as needed during their regularly scheduled work hours. Supervisors may require that employees check and respond to email regularly, respond to work calls, or attend virtual meetings, and may expect that assigned work that can be accomplished remotely is completed on time regardless of emergency cancellations. Likewise, supervisors may make reasonable adjustments to be able to continue University business, including holding meetings by teleconference and handling normal business by email, and employees who would normally be present at work may be required to participate.

              Faculty/Class Instructors

              All faculty at all campuses must abide by the University’s decision to remain open. If the University does not cancel classes, faculty are expected to hold classes as scheduled, except in circumstances when a faculty member determines that they are unable to travel safely to campus. In these exceptional cases, the faculty member must notify their dean and department head and must also notify all students in the class. Faculty must not cancel class prior to the University’s decision about whether the University will alter its normal schedule. Faculty may elect to hold classes virtually using online methods.

              Only the instructor of record for a class may decide to cancel a class. Teaching Assistants may not make independent decisions to cancel classes or other activities related to classes; they must consult with the faculty member for the course.

              Instructional time that is cancelled is expected to be made up in accordance with the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the University Senate. The University’s academic calendar includes specified “emergency closing make-up dates.” Faculty who plan to use these times to make up class must inform students as soon as possible and reserve a classroom through the Registrar’s Office. Faculty may also make up classes at other times but must be sensitive to students’ availability to attend.

              Faculty should respect the decisions of commuting students who decide not to travel to campus, or to leave class early in order to get home safely, and provide options for them to make up missed work. The Dean of Students Office is available to assist faculty and students with concerns about missed work.

              Essential/Emergency Support Services Staff

              Operations including university safety, residential and dining services, health services, animal care, facility maintenance, information technology services, student support services, transportation, and other important services may be required to continue even in severe weather or during other circumstances that require the University to cease other operations.

              The University may designate employees as “Essential” employees (also known as “Emergency Support Services Staff”) if it determines their job functions are necessary or potentially necessary to conduct the University’s business even when the University is not operating normally. Employees designated as essential are typically expected to report to or remain at work when the University has a delayed opening, early release, or closure.

              Individual Departments determine which, if any, of their employees are essential. Further, Departments may require all essential employees to report during any closure. Alternatively, Departments may develop a procedure that limits the number of essential employees required to report based on the nature or duration of the closure, the nature of the functions the Department performs, and the level of staffing needed. This approach is typically implemented through an “on call” notification system or a rotating assignment.

              Departments are responsible for notifying essential employees annually of their designation. Employees hired into positions that are essential are first notified of their designation at the time of hire. In addition, the business needs of the University may change in ways that require other employees to be deemed essential even if they were not designated so at hire. In such cases, the Department will notify affected employees at the time of their designation. By October 1st of each year, Departments with essential employees must provide a list of these employees to the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations and the Department of Human Resources.

              Unless provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or authorized by the Governor, the University is prohibited from awarding compensatory time or extra compensation to essential employees for working during their regularly scheduled hours when the University has a delay, early release, or is closed.


              Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


              Time and attendance procedures for employees and supervisors are posted on the Payroll Department website at

              Requirements with respect to instructional time and making up time are defined in the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Senate ( and the University’s Credit Hour Policy (

              POLICY HISTORY

              Policy adopted: October, 2012


              November 26, 2014
              August 27, 2015
              August 30, 2023 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)
              July 12, 2024 (Editorial revisions by University Compliance)


              Acceptance and Disposal of Textbook Donations, Policy on

              Title: Acceptance and Disposal of Textbook Donations, Policy on
              Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
              Applies to: Faculty, Staff
              Campus Applicability:  All University Campuses, including UConn Health
              Effective Date: October 12, 2011
              For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
              Contact Information: (860) 486-4037
              Official Website:



              It is understood that from time to time the publishers of academic textbooks and related materials may provide free copies to faculty or staff for their use. Under State of Connecticut and University of Connecticut ethics policies, these free materials may not be accepted as personal property and should instead be accepted as property of the University. The eventual disposal of free textbooks and related materials is subject to University policy.

              The purpose of this policy is to delineate the appropriate acceptance and eventual disposal of gift textbooks and related materials.

              This policy applies to all faculty and staff of the University of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut Health Center.

              Prohibited Donor: Registered lobbyists or a lobbyist’s representative; Individuals or entities doing business with or seeking to do business with the University; or Contractors pre-qualified by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.

              Published: the reproduction of a textbook or related materials through print, digital, or other media, including but not limited to, standard printed texts and e-books.

              Related materials: documents or other media used to supplement or in any other way support a textbook in the teaching and study of a subject.

              Textbook: a book published and used in the teaching and study of a subject.

              Under State of Connecticut and University of Connecticut ethics rules, faculty and staff are prohibited from personally accepting a free textbook or related academic materials from prohibited donors if the value of the item(s)  is more than $10.00.  Most publishers offering free textbooks would fall under the definition of a prohibited donor.

              As permitted under state and University rules, a free textbook or related academic materials valued at more than $10.00 may be accepted as property of the University.

              When a free textbook and/or related academic materials are deemed out-of-date or are otherwise no longer in active use, they may not be removed from the University for personal use. These items may be donated with the approval of the appropriate Dean or through the University Libraries “Disposal of Materials Policy” by donating them to the Library.

              Policy History

              Effective October 2011 (Approved by the President’s Cabinet)