
Violence in the Workplace Prevention, Policy on

Title: Violence in the Workplace Prevention, Policy on
Policy Owner: Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Others
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: January 2, 2004
For More Information, Contact Labor Relations
Contact Information: (860) 486-5684
Official Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-relations/


Background and reasons for the policy: The safety and security of all employees is of primary importance to   the University of Connecticut.  On August 4, 1999, the Governor of the State of Connecticut issued an executive order establishing a zero tolerance policy for workplace violence for all state agencies and public universities.

Workplace Violence is defined by this executive order as:

“Any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. It includes, but is not limited to, beatings, stabbings, suicides, rapes, near suicides, psychological traumas, such as threats, obscene phone calls, an intimidating presence and harassment of any nature such as being followed, sworn, or shouted at.”

This policy governs all University employees, persons who are permitted to work on University premises, at satellite locations or at University sponsored off-site events. This policy also governs persons operating state vehicles under the control of the University.  The entire Governor’s policy and related definitions are accessible via the following links:

The executive order: http://www.ct.gov/opm/lib/opm/olr/wpv/exc16.pdf

The Workplace Violence Prevention Manual:


Purpose of Policy: The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a workplace that is conducive to a safe and healthy environment supportive of our educational mission. This policy communicates the meaning of “workplace violence”, defines prohibited conduct and establishes potential consequences for violations. Additional resources are cited to provide direction on how to report incidents and offer sources of assistance and support to those impacted by workplace violence.

Expected Institutional Outcome: This policy will provide the University’s faculty, staff, students, contracted employees, visitors, vendors, volunteers and guests with an appropriately safe and healthy work environment, free from intimidation, harassment, threats and/or violent acts.

Applicability of Policy: This policy applies to all University of Connecticut employees and contractors.

Policy Statement: The University of Connecticut takes any act of violence seriously. The prevention of workplace violence is everyone’s responsibility. It is expected that University employees will maintain a workplace atmosphere of mutual respect and civility.

No person covered by this policy may engage in conduct intended to threaten, intimidate or harass a University employee. No person covered by this policy may possess a weapon or dangerous instrument while on any University worksite unless required to do so as a component of their job.  No person covered by this policy may use, attempt to use, or threaten to use a weapon or dangerous instrument. No person covered by this policy may cause or threaten to cause death or physical injury to any individual while at a University worksite.

Individuals who make threats, commit acts of violence or engage in other conduct defined as workplace violence, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal as well as criminal prosecution if indicated.

Reporting Suspected Violations: Any act or incident that fits the definition of workplace violence outlined in this policy which occurs on the campus or at off-site locations under the University’s auspices or creates a risk to anyone at these sites must be reported immediately.  All employees are responsible for notifying the administration of any threats that they witness or receive.  Even without a specific threat, all employees should report any behavior that may be regarded as potentially threatening or violent or that could endanger the health and safety of others.

For more detailed instructions and resources regarding the University’s Workplace Violence Policy please contact the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations at 860-486-5684.

Use of the Social Security Number at the University of Connecticut, Policy on

Title: Use of the Social Security Number, Policy on
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health 
Effective Date: August 30, 2021
For More Information, Contact Director of IT Security, Policy and Quality Assurance
Contact Information: techsupport@uconn.edu or security@uconn.edu 
Official Website: https://security.uconn.edu


To protect the confidentiality and privacy of students and employees of the University of Connecticut regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Social Security numbers. Social Security numbers have been used to uniquely identify students and employees in various University systems. As systems are updated and replaced, the reliance on Social Security numbers should be used only as required. 


This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and contractors who have access to or have been assigned one of the roles defined in this policy. 


In order to protect the Social Security number of its students, staff, faculty and affiliates, the University of Connecticut will: 

  1. Discontinue the collection of Social Security numbers, except where necessary for employment records, financial aid records, and other business and governmental transactions as required by law or to satisfy a business requirement when permitted by law. 
  2. Develop a University of Connecticut identifier to be assigned to all students, faculty, staff and other individuals associated with the University, to uniquely and permanently identify the individual. This identifier will be considered public information and be assigned and distributed to the individual upon initial association with the University. It will be used in all electronic and paper data systems to identify, track and service the individual. 
  3. Ensure that no new systems or technology purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut  use the Social Security number as its primary key to the database, except where required by law. Any exemption to this policy must be approved by the Office of University Compliance. 
  4. Ensure that new systems or technologies purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut will use Social Security numbers as data elements only (not as keys to databases) when required by law or business necessity. Approval by the Council of Data Stewards is required for inclusion of the Social Security number in databases. 
  5. Ensure that all requests, either verbal or written, for which faculty, staff or students are required to provide their Social Security number contain or have appended to them a statement explaining the University’s request (i.e., the legal obligation on which the request is based, if there is one, and how the Social Security Number will be used).  
  6. Ensure that all requests, either verbal or written, for which faculty, staff or students are requested to voluntarily provide their Social Security number contain or have appended to them a statement explaining the University request and its purpose. The statement must indicate that no service or privilege will be withheld upon failure to provide the Social Security number and that the person may use the identifier provided by the University of Connecticut in place of the Social Security number. 
  7. Ensure that any request for any form or document that contains the Social Security number, where the Social Security number is not the primary reason for the request, be accompanied by a statement indicating that the Social Security number is not required and should be blanked out on the form or document prior to being provided. 
  8. Ensure that no new systems purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut display Social Security number visually, whether on computer monitors or on printed forms or other output, unless required by law. 
  9. Access to Social Security numbers in online systems must be restricted as appropriate and visible only for required or approved uses. 


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.  

Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following: 

Office of University Compliance:  https://compliance.uconn.edu (860-486-2530) 

Information Technology Services Tech Support:   https://techsupport.uconn.edu (860-486-4357) 

Information Security Officehttps://security.uconn.edu 


Policy created: 08/2008   

Revisions: August 30, 2021  [Approved by President’s Senior Team]

Use of Official Email Lists

Title: Use of Official Email Lists
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regionals
Effective Date: December 15, 2008
For More Information, Contact Information Technology Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-4357
Official Website: https://its.uconn.edu/


Background and Reasons for the Policy: In January 2001, as part of the University’s ongoing activities to improve communication and leverage its investment in technology, University ITS created Official Email Lists to help the University conduct its business with targeted audiences. In order to ensure that faculty, staff and students would not be inundated with mass e-mailings, oversight procedures were put in place to monitor the email messages being sent via the official email lists.

Purpose of Policy: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Official Email Lists are used in a manner consistent with the Electronic Communication policy and that email users are aware of the types of official lists available, the criteria to be used when communicating via the official lists, and the procedures for using the official lists.

Expected Institutional Outcome: It is expected that this policy will insure proper use of Official Email Lists and reduce costs and improve efficiency of information exchange with our students and employees.

Applicability of Policy: This policy applies to all members of the University community.


Official Email Lists: Official Email Lists are involuntary, closed membership, moderated lists created by University ITS. These lists are intended to provide a method for addressing official University announcements to targeted populations of students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, employees, at Storrs, Regional campuses, School of Social Work and Law School via their officially assigned University of Connecticut email address (Personal name). These lists are not intended as discussion (“open forum”) lists.

Subscription to these lists is based on information in either the Student database or the Human Resources database. These lists are refreshed automatically on a regular basis to ensure that membership remains current.

List Moderator: List Moderator is an individual whose job it is to approve or reject messages sent to a moderated list.

Policy Statement: Official Email Lists are available for use by any University unit (department, office, center, etc.) or recognized University organization for the purpose of sending messages that pertain to university work or typical university information such as

  • Normal everyday work activities of the University
  • Messages concerning emergency, health and safety announcements
  • Messages pertaining to matters of university-wide policy
  • Messages of a timely nature having direct impact on large numbers of one or all of the following groups: University faculty, staff and students.

Messages sent to any of the Official Email Lists must emanate from within the UConn domain and be created by an individual with appropriate responsibility to the topic.

Messages submitted for transmission to any of the Official Email Lists will be reviewed for adherence to the criteria for that list by one of the list moderators designated by the Chief Information Officer. To be accepted for posting, messages should adhere to the General Formatting Guidelines. Moderators will not approve any message that does not adhere to the guidelines.

Messages sent to any of the Official Email Lists will be archived and made available for 1 year.


The Chief Information Officer is responsible for the oversight of these lists. Technical management of the lists resides in University ITS.

Individuals utilizing official email lists are expected to adhere to all applicable Federal and State statutes and University policies, including the University’s Electronic Communication policy, the Electronic Privacy and Disclaimer Notice policy and the University’s Individual Responsibilities with Respect to Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources policy.

Moderators for the Official Email Lists are responsible for insuring that messages submitted for transmission meet the criteria for the list and adhere to the General Formatting Guidelines.

Enforcement and Review:

This policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis.

University Event Ticket Use

Title: University Event Ticket Use
Policy Owner: Office of the President
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, except UConn Health
Effective Date: June 22, 2011
For More Information, Contact Office of the President
Contact Information: (860) 486-2337
Official Website: http://president.uconn.edu/


Policy Objective:
Certain University employees and senior administrators are provided with University event tickets as part of their employment agreements.  Employees may also be eligible to purchase University event tickets because of their employment.  In general, such tickets are provided or available for purchase as a means to promote and encourage University personnel to participate in various University functions and events. This privilege has been extended with the expectation that such tickets will be for the personal or business-related use of University employees and, while these tickets are the personal property of the individuals receiving them, they are a valuable resource and are not intended as a means for employees to derive additional personal income from third parties.  This does not apply to tickets purchased or obtained by an employee in a manner that is open to the public.

Policy Statement:
Any University Department that provides season tickets to a University employee as part of that employee’s taxable employment compensation must provide the Office of the President with a list of all such employees.  These tickets are for the personal or university business-related use of the employee and may not be exchanged for other consideration.  This prohibits selling, bartering, trading or otherwise transferring tickets to another for anything of value and includes tickets for athletic, cultural and performing arts events.  Employees may not enter into any outside endorsement or consulting agreement that contains a provision or understanding regarding the exchange of event tickets.  Each department shall submit its list to the Office of the President prior to the start of the season and include the name of the employee and the number of tickets provided.

Employees who are eligible to purchase tickets because of their employment, rather than receive them as taxable employment compensation, are similarly prohibited from exchanging such tickets for other consideration.  However, employees who purchase such tickets may sell these tickets for no more than their purchase price.

Notwithstanding the above, personal event tickets may be donated to a charitable organization to be used for fundraising purposes (i.e., auction, raffle, etc.) provided that any donation of athletic event tickets receives the prior review and approval of the NCAA compliance office of the Division of Athletics.

NCAA Rules Committee

Division of Athletics Employees are prohibited by NCAA rules (NCAA Bylaw 13.8.1) from leaving event tickets at will-call or providing tickets directly or indirectly to:

  1. prospective or current student-athletes, their parents, relatives or friends;
  2. high school, two-year college or club coaches, their parents, relatives or friends; or
  3. sports agents, advisors, runners or individuals associated with sports agents or firms.

For further information and the complete text of NCAA Bylaw 13.8.1, please refer to the NCAA Division I Manual.

UConn Web Policy

Title: UConn Web Policy
Policy Owner: Information Technology Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability: All departments at all campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: February 24, 2009
For More Information, Contact ITS
Contact Information: (860) 486-4357
Official Website: https://its.uconn.edu/


Background and Reason for the Policy: The University of Connecticut’s World Wide Web presence is increasingly an important method for communicating with students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends of the University. As the role of the Web expands, it is essential that there be clear guidelines regarding the creation and maintenance of University websites.

Creativity and diversity are important components of an academic community – however, through the establishment of an identity program in 1998, the University of Connecticut has made a significant commitment to its existence and image as “one university.”

Purpose of Policy: The purpose of this policy is to provide clarification of standards, consistent with Federal, State and University laws and policies, for displaying information on any official University website that is accessed or pointed to through the main University website.

Expected Institutional Outcome:Adherence to this policy will result in a University web presence that provides important University information for effectively communicating with varied audiences while providing a consistent University image and remaining in compliance with Federal, State and University laws and policies.

Applicability of Policy: This policy applies to all developers of University of Connecticut web pages


University website: The University website comprises the main University website (www.uconn.edu) and the publicly-accessible homepages and websites of departments, offices, and other units of the University.

Main University website: The main University website is located at www.uconn.edu and is managed by University Communications.

Official University websites: Official University of Connecticut websites are those that have been sponsored by the University of Connecticut, whether they are stored on the University’s central server or on a University distributed server.

Official University webpages: Official University of Connecticut webpages are those that have been created by the University, its campuses, colleges, schools, departments or other administrative units, for University business. Official University webpages clearly convey a relationship to the entire University and support and advance the University’s mission.

Unofficial websites: Websites that are hosted but not sponsored by the University of Connecticut. The University of Connecticut does not endorse, regulate or maintain the contents of these sites, nor does it accept responsibility for the information contained in these websites.

Unofficial webpages: Individual webpages created by faculty, staff, students or student organizations. The University of Connecticut does not endorse, regulate or maintain the contents of these pages, nor does it accept responsibility for the information contained in these webpages.

Please see the links below for policies that complement the University of Connecticut Website Policy:

Electronic Privacy and Disclaimer Notice

Web Site Accessibility

Policy Statement: The rights of academic freedom and freedom of expression apply to the University website. However, all Official University websites must adhere to all applicable Federal and State statutes and University policies, including the University’s Acceptable Use policy.

Per a March, 2007 directive by the President’s Office, all Official University webpages must adhere to University Web Standards developed in collaboration by University Communications and ITS.  These standards, as well as technical resources, are defined at the WebTools website.  In addition, all Official University webpages must clearly convey a relationship to the entire University and adhere to the University Logos and Graphic Standards.

The University Web Standards do not apply to password-protected University web applications.


The Chief Information Officer has overall responsibility for this policy.

University Communications is responsible for overseeing the content and design of the main University website and for maintaining and publishing the University Web Standards.

The University’s webmanager in the Office of University Communications is responsible for approving all links to the main University website based upon the linked site’s adherence to this policy.

A department head or equivalent administrator will be considered the “owner” of a unit’s website and will be responsible for the overall function of the information it contains and for the adherence of its website to this policy.

A technical contact (webmaster, webmanager or site administrator) must be appointed by the website owner to maintain the website and its data. This technical contact will be the unit’s website administrator. The functions of the website administrator include:

  • Adhering to University website policies and regulations, along with any additional department policies and procedures;
  • Keeping the website consistently on-line and available to users;
  • Implementing and maintaining the website software and the hardware, if maintaining their own server, including providing security for and integrity of the data; and
  • Staying informed with respect to changes to website policies and University Web Standards.

Deans, directors and department heads may, at their discretion, permit individuals from their unit to display personal home pages through the department’s home page. However, if a personal website is found to be in violation of University or other appropriate policies, regulations or laws, the link from the department’s website may be removed until the issue is addressed.

Enforcement and Review:

The University reserves the right to deny publication or to remove from display any information that is considered inconsistent with published policies and practices.

Requests for exemption to this policy should be directed to University Communications, accompanied by written justification for the exemption request.

This policy and the University Web Standards will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis.

Special Payroll Policy

Title: Special Payroll Policy
Policy Owner: Board of Trustees
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: December 7, 2007
For More Information, Contact Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034
Official Website: http://www.hr.uconn.edu/

Background and reasons for the policy:  The University of Connecticut requires the use of project based, seasonal, durational as well as temporary professional personnel to meet University staffing needs such as instructional and research support, athletic and theatrical program activities, limited assignment managerial support as well as support for grant and research projects and community organizations engaged in activities with the University.

Purpose: To clarify the statutory framework within which the University hires such staff and to provide appropriate guidelines for the use of such services.

Expected Institutional Outcome: This policy will support statutorily compliant access to instiutionally necessary staffing resources and expedite staffing of project based, seasonal, durational and temporary professional assignments.

Applicability of Policy: This policy applies to the hiring of project based, seasonal, durational and temporary professional personnel services at the Storrs and regional campuses.  Positions appropriate to established collective bargaining units are not to be placed on the Special Payroll.

Policy Statement: Pursuant to CGS 10a-20 and 10a-108, authorized hiring officers may appoint temporary, short term, project based, seasonal, durational and professional staff to meet staffing needs associated with university programs and activities.  Appointees to the Special Payroll do not receive benefits, although professional employees hired pursuant to CGS 10a-20 may purchase medical coverage at group rates under CGS 5-259c.  Positions appropriate to established collective bargaining units are not to be placed on the Special Payroll.


Approved by the Board of Trustees: December 7, 2007

Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy

Title: Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Applies to: Workforce Members, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: August 20, 2024
Effective Date: August 21, 2024
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost or Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Contact Information: provost@uconn.edu or VPSLE@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://provost.uconn.edu or https://studentlife.uconn.edu


To manage and regulate the use of outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound on University Property to ensure a conducive academic environment.


Storrs and Regional campuses, including all students, Workforce Members and visitors.  This policy does not apply to the School of Law.


This policy does not apply to the use of Amplified and Projected Sound for the following:

University Athletics and Athletic Events: All University Athletics organized/sponsored events and activities, including practices, games, and other athletic activities.

The following University Events: Events and activities sponsored by the Offices of the President, Provost, or Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment, and University-wide Admissions events (i.e., UConn Bound Day, Fall Campus Visit Days, etc.), Student Activities sponsored University-wide events (i.e., WOW, Homecoming, Family Weekend, Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend, etc.) and Student Activities sponsored Outdoor Movies, Convocation, and Commencement activities and events.

The University Marching Band and Athletic Bands: official, organized practices and performances as directed by the band director or their designee.


Amplified and Projected Sound: This refers to any sound that is electronically amplified or projected through the use of equipment such as amplifiers, speakers, DJs, megaphones, or other sound systems. It also includes the use of acoustic instruments like trumpets, trombones, violins, air horns, drums and other similar instruments or items that can produce significant sound levels.

Scheduling Office: A space management office responsible for managing and approving requests for the use of University spaces. The Scheduling Office communicates compliance information, including space-related and activity-related rules, regulations, and requirements, covering local, state, and federal laws, as well as internal policies. This may involve coordination with other University offices, including but not limited to Environmental Health and Safety Services, Facilities Operations (i.e., Landscape and Grounds, electrical services, custodial services, Central Warehouse, etc.), Housing and Residential Life, Parking and Transportation, University Safety (i.e., the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Fire Department, the UConn Police Department, etc.), as well as external entities such as Call Before You Dig (CBYD).

University Property: Any building, space or area under the control of the University of Connecticut at the Storrs & Regional Campuses.

Venue: Any location where an event takes place.

Workforce Members: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


1. Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Conditions

Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted on campus within specified times and locations to minimize disruption to academic activities, residence halls, and public spaces. The following conditions govern the use of Amplified and Projected Sound.

Subject to the Additional Conditions, Special Permissions and Restrictions below, Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted as follows:

  • Weekdays (Monday through Friday): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Quiet Hours during Finals: The University observes a traditional period of quiet hours in recognition of the study period in advance of final exams and the exams themselves. This is in effect 24 hours per day each semester, beginning at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of classes through 11:59 p.m. on the last day of finals or Commencement.

2. Additional Conditions:

    • Academic Classes or University Business Disruptions: Amplified and Projected Sound must not be disruptive to or interfere with academic courses or University business.
    • Sound Levels: Sound levels that are disruptive to the education environment, such that they may interfere with classes or other University activity, are prohibited. For example, sound levels must not exceed 85 decibels (dB) at a distance of 50 feet from the source. Requests for sound levels exceeding this limit require additional permissions and must be submitted to the Scheduling Office. Failure to comply with requests to reduce volume that is in excess of the approved limit may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code of Conduct, including the immediate cancellation of the remainder of an ongoing event or gathering.
    • Outdoor Spaces adjacent to Residence Halls:
    • Sunday through Thursday: Amplified and Projected Sound is not permitted.
    • Fridays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Saturdays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

3. Special Permissions

    • Event organizers may seek additional permissions for Amplified and Projected Sound from the designated Scheduling Office.
    • Permissions may be granted based on the specific location and the nature of other activities occurring at the same time.

    4. Restrictions

    Permission may be denied by the Scheduling Office based on the impact of Amplified and Projected Sound on nearby activities and events.


    A link containing information on the Scheduling Office will be listed at https://inform.uconn.edu.


    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

    The Provost or designee and the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment or designee shall review this policy annually and will recommend revisions and/or updates as may be appropriate.

    Questions about this Policy may be directed to the Office of the Provost at provost@uconn.edu or the Office of the Vice President for Life and Enrollment at VPSLE@uconn.edu.


    Policy created: 02/11/2002

    Revisions: 08/20/2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and President)

    Restrictions of Publication Rights and Foreign Nationals in Sponsored Research Contracts

    Title: Restrictions of Publication Rights and Foreign Nationals in Sponsored Research Contracts
    Policy Owner: Vice President for Research and Graduate Faculty Council Executive Committee
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability:
    Effective Date:  April 6, 2004
    For More Information, Contact Sponsored Program Services
    Contact Information:  (860) 486-3619
    Official Website: https://ovpr.uconn.edu/services/sps/proposals/




    This policy outlines the conditions under which UConn can accept restrictions on publication rights and foreign nationals in sponsored research contracts.  This policy is necessary because federal export control regulations (including International Traffic in Arms Regulations – ITAR) severely restricts all publication by PIs and carries severe sanctions.  Under these regulations federal agencies can withhold the right to publish, including a thesis.  Accordingly, the policy’s goal is to safeguard graduate students’ progress towards graduation while allowing them to gain valuable experience working on such sponsored research projects.


    A grant with restrictions on foreign nationals and publication rights can be accepted only if the following conditions are met:

    1)      The Principal Investigator (P.I.) must show that graduate students will not be employed on the project for more than 6 months.  This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis and is not automatic.  Six months is the maximum appointment to be considered.  Furthermore, in the future similar work should be done by a technician or post-doc.

    2)      The student must understand that the work cannot be part of his/her thesis because of the restrictions.  In addition, it is important that the student or post-doc understands that he/she cannot discuss the research with others in the lab and cannot allow anyone (besides the P.I.) access to the research data.   This information will be conveyed to each student and post-doc in a letter provided by the P.I.

    3)      The P.I. must outline procedures to guarantee in writing that no other employee in the lab will have access to the data.  The PI must also guarantee that the work and resulting data will not be discussed in group meetings.

    4)      The P.I., as well as each graduate student and post-doc, must sign the statements described in Sections 2 and 3 of this Policy.  OSP must get a signed copy of each statement before funds are released.

    5)      The P.I. must be informed by OSP that the consequences of federal oversight on contracts with these restrictions can be severe, both for the individual and the institution.  The procedures outlined in this Policy are designed to protect him/her.

    6)      The Associate Vice Provost may meet with the affected graduate student to ensure that he/she understands the Policy.

    People with Disabilities, Policy Statement:

    Title: People with Disabilities, Policy Statement:
    Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability:  All Campuses and Programs, except UConn Health
    Effective Date: November 15, 2011
    For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
    Contact Information: (860) 486-2943
    Official Website: http://www.equity.uconn.edu/

    The University of Connecticut is committed to achieving equal educational and employment opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities.  It is the University’s policy that no qualified person be excluded from consideration for employment, participation in any University program or activity, be denied the benefits of any University program or activity, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination with regard to any University program or activity.  This policy derives from the University’s commitment to nondiscrimination for all persons in employment, academic programs, and access to facilities, programs, activities, and services.

    A person with a disability must be ensured the same access to programs, opportunities, and activities at the University as all others.  Existing barriers, whether physical, programmatic, or attitudinal must be removed.  Further, there must be ongoing vigilance to ensure that new barriers are not erected.

    The University’s efforts to accommodate people with disabilities must be measured against the goal of full participation and integration.  Services and programs to promote these benefits for people with disabilities shall complement and support, but not duplicate, the University’s regular services and programs.

    Achieving full participation and integration of people with disabilities requires the cooperative efforts of all of the University’s departments, offices, and personnel.  To this end, the University will continue to strive to achieve excellence in its services and to assure that its services are delivered equitably and efficiently to all of its members.

    Anyone with questions regarding this policy is encouraged to consult the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).  The office is located in Wood Hall, Unit 4175, 241 Glenbrook Road, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4175, telephone, 860-486-2943.




    Responding to Requests for University Information, Policy on

    Title: Responding to Requests for University Information, Policy on
    Policy Owner: Information Technology Services
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff
    Campus Applicability:
    Effective Date: October 22, 2007
    For More Information, Contact Assistant VP for IT Security, Policy & Quality Assurance
    Contact Information: (860) 486-4357
    Official Website: https://its.uconn.edu/

    Background and Reason for the Policy:

    The University of Connecticut views University data, in all its forms and throughout its life cycle, as an asset of the University.  As an asset, University data must be protected to meet both Federal and State laws such as:

    • the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
    • the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
    • the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA),
    • the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and
    • the Freedom of Information Action (FOIA),

    as well as to comply with the policies of the institution.

    However, many employees may not understand all of the confidentiality rules for the data to which they have access.  In addition, there has not been a clear protocol for dealing with requests for University data.

    Purpose of Policy:

    This policy is intended to direct employees of the University of Connecticut to whom requests for information may be made.

    Expected Institutional Outcome: It is expected that this policy will provide the University community with a protocol for handling internal and external requests for University data.


    • Data Classification Policy:  See Data Classification Policy
    • Data Custodian: The entity/entities or office/offices that is/are delegated with the day-to-day operational-level responsibility of performing management functions for a defined portion of University data (i.e. specific administrative data sets) based on the definitions, procedures and guidelines developed by the Data Steward.
    • University Data:  Any recorded data or information relating to the University’s business prepared, owned, used, received, or retained by the University and its employees and agents, whether such data or information is handwritten, typed, tape-recorded, printed, photostatted, photographed or recorded by any other method.
    • External Requests: External requests are those made by individuals, agencies, groups or other entities outside of the University or by University members not acting in their official University capacity.
    • Internal Requests:  Internal requests are those made by a University office, a University employee, or a student.
    • Legitimate Business Purpose: A University Official has a Legitimate Business Purpose if the disclosure is relevant and necessary in the ordinary course of the requestor’s official duties and is related to the purpose for which the information was acquired.  Any University official who needs University Data in the course of performing instructional, supervisory, advisory, or administrative duties for the University has a Legitimate Business Purpose.
    • Official University Webpages: Official University of Connecticut webpages are those that have been created by the University, its campuses, colleges, schools, departments or other administrative unit, for University business.  Official University webpages clearly convey a relationship to the entire University and support and advance the University’s mission.
    • Publicly-Available:  Any information that is either published on one of the Official University webpages, the Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog, or other official University publication.
    • Non-publicly Available: Information that the employee gains by reason of employment with the University and that he/she knows or reasonably should know has not been made available to the general public.
    • University Official: A University Official is a University employee, administrator, officer, staff, professional, and any other individual who has been authorized by the University to act on behalf of the University.

    Statement of Policy:

    1. Internal Requests for Information:

    • Employees are permitted to disclose Publicly-Available University Data or to disclose Non-Publicly Available Data to a University Official with a Legitimate Business Purpose.  Employees may release information regarding individual student to that individual student.  All other requests should be referred as indicated below.
    • Requests for individual law student educational information or for lists of individual Law School student educational information should be referred to the Law School.
    • Requests for individual medical or dental student educational information or for lists of individual Medical School or Dental School student educational information should be referred to the University of Connecticut School of Medicine or School of Dentistry, respectively.
    • Requests for individual graduate student educational information by anyone other than the individual student, or for lists of individual graduate student educational information, should be referred to the Graduate School.
    • All other requests for student educational information by anyone other than the individual student, or for lists of individual student educational information, should be referred to the Registrar’s office.
    • Requests for individual employee personnel information by anyone other than the individual employee, or for lists of individual employee personnel information, should be referred to the Human Resources office.
    • Requests for summary University information should be referred to the Office of Institutional Research.
    • Requests for information concerning University purchases and procurement contracts should be referred to the Purchasing Department.
    • Requests for information on funded research should be referred to the Office of Sponsored Programs.
    • Requests for financial University data should be directed to the Chief Financial Officer.
    • Requests for information concerning University facilities should be directed to the Chief Operating Officer.
    • Requests for all other University Data should be directed to the appropriate Data Custodian.

    2. External Requests for Information:

    • All external disclosures of University Data not defined as Publicly Available must comply with federal and state laws, as well as University policies.  University employees are only permitted to disclose University data to an external individual or entity that is Publicly Available except when permission has been given by those individuals whose information is being requested or under the exceptions listed below.
    • All requests for information from the news media should contact the Office of University Communications/University Relations, which will coordinate the response.
    • All requests for educational records concerning individuals other than oneself should be forwarded to the appropriate office:

    –     University of Connecticut School of Medicine or School of Dentistry for records involving medical or dental students;

    –    Law School for records involving law school students;

    –    Registrar’s Office for records involving undergraduate or graduate students.

    • All requests for Student Employment Verifications and Student Job References should be directed to the Student Employment Office.
    • All requests for External Job References should be directed to Human Resources.
    • All court orders, subpoenas, warrants, or other legal instruments should be immediately forwarded to the Office of the Attorney General.
    • All other external requests for such information must be made in writing and referred to the University’s Privacy Officer.
    • A log of all external requests for information will be maintained by those offices that respond to such requests.

    3. Exceptions:

    • Offices and employees who are responsible for regularly supplying the public with information pursuant to inquiries or requests need only refer the request to the University’s Privacy Office or the Attorney General’s office if the information is not usually communicated through that office or employee, or if the office or employee is unsure of the propriety of releasing the information.
    • Responses to questionnaires and surveys that require the provision of University aggregated data that has not been published should be directed to the Office of Institutional Research (OIR).  Each year, the OIR publishes statistical information which contain official University data and which is available from the OIR website.  Employees receiving such requests should use this published information as a primary source of information for completing questionnaires and surveys before sending them to the OIR for review.
    • If a request for information can be answered in its entirety from publicly-available information, the information may be provided by an employee or office.


    The President, and/or their designee(s), has overall responsibility for implementation and enforcement of this policy.

    Review of this policy by the President and/or their designee(s) will occur biennially.

    Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and Bylaws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.