Office of the Executive VP for Administration & CFO

Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rate Calculation Policy

Title: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rate Calculation Policy
Policy Owner: Accounting Office
Applies to: Faculty, Staff and Designated Affiliates
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: December 26, 2014
For More Information, Contact Associate Controller and Director of Accounting
Contact Information: (860) 486-1366
Official Website:


To ensure that the University is in compliance with the cost principles and accounting standards set forth by the federal government.


This policy applies to faculty, staff and designated affiliates of the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.


Facilities & Administrative (F & A) Rate: overhead rate charged to federal research grants. It is synonymous with indirect costs, and refers to the actual operating costs for facilities and administrative personnel necessary to support externally funded research.

OMB Uniform Guidance: publication of the Office of Management and Budget titled “Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.”

Governmental Cost Accounting Standards (CAS): standards and rules administered by the U.S. government for use in achieving uniformity and consistency under federal contracts.


The Office of Cost Analysis (OCA), a unit within the Accounting Office, is responsible for calculating the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate charged to federal research grants every five years in accordance with OMB Uniform Guidance and the Government Cost Accounting Standards (CAS).  The OCA will ensure that federal grants and contracts are not charged a higher rate for goods and/or services that any other internal or external customer may be charged, and only the approved F&A can be charged to grants.  Departments cannot charge more on a grant than the rates approved by the Department of Health and Human Services, our cognizant federal agency.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


For more information on OMB Uniform Guidance, please see:


Revisions:  Review and editorial revisions August 27, 2021

Chart of Accounts Maintenance Policy

Title: Chart of Accounts Maintenance Policy
Policy Owner: Accounting Office
Applies to: Staff
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: August 19, 2014
For More Information, Contact Associate Controller & Director of Accounting
Contact Information: (860) 486-1366
Official Website:


The financial position of the University must be represented in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States of America and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).


This policy applies to all staff of the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.  Fiscal staff are responsible for adhering to this policy, and the Accounting Office staff ensure adherence.


General Ledger: part of the accounting system which contains the balance sheet and income statement accounts used for recording financial transactions.
Chart of Accounts: listing of accounts and their characteristics as defined by their attributes.
Fiscal staff: are generally responsible in their respective areas for financial matters including but not limited to procurement, adhering to budgets, safeguarding assets, and completing transactions in the financial system.


The Accounting Office is responsible for ensuring the proper recording and classification of all revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and fund balances. The Accounting Office will ensure the proper recording and classification by properly maintaining the Chart of Accounts of the General Ledger and overseeing account setup and the assignment of attributes to accounts.  All submissions by departments to the Accounting Office to change attributes on accounts or to set up new accounts must be reviewed and approved by the Accounting Office.

Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


All new accounts proposed to be set up in the General Ledger are first reviewed and approved by the Accounting Office via electronic workflow to the Chart Manager Group.  This group consists of several Accounting Office staff.  In addition, all changes to account attributes are reviewed by a staff person in Accounting in the Chart Manager Group.


Policy created effective:  August 19, 2014

Revisions:  Review and editorial revisions August 27, 2021

Capitalization Policy

Title: Capitalization Policy
Policy Owner: Accounting Office
Applies to: Staff
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
Effective Date: September 15, 2021
For More Information, Contact Associate Controller & Director of Accounting
Contact Information: (860) 486-1366
Official Website:


The property and equipment of the University must be presented in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States of America and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).


This policy applies to all staff of the University of Connecticut, Storrs and Regional Campuses.  Fiscal staff are responsible for adhering to this policy, and the Accounting Office staff ensure adherence.


Capitalization: Accumulating the costs of an asset to be expensed over the useful life of the asset.
Depreciation: the systematic allocation of the cost of an asset from the balance sheet to an expense on the income statement over the useful life of the asset.
General Ledger: part of the accounting system which contains the balance sheet and income statement accounts used for recording financial transactions.
Fiscal staff: Generally responsible in their respective areas for financial matters including but not limited to procurement, adhering to budgets, safeguarding assets, and completing transactions in the financial system.


All equipment costing $5,000 or more and having a useful life of one year or more will be capitalized and depreciated in the University’s General Ledger and presented on the University’s financial statements in accordance with GAAP and GASB.  All improvements to buildings and nonstructural assets that extend the useful life of the asset will also be capitalized and depreciated in accordance with GAAP and GASB. In addition, new land, buildings and nonstructural assets will be capitalized and depreciated, if applicable, according to accounting standards within GAAP and GASB.  Property and equipment are recorded in the General Ledger at cost at date of acquisition including all costs necessary to place the asset in a useable condition. Gifts are recorded the acquisition value at the date of donation. Renovations that are determined to materially or significantly increase the value or useful life of an asset are capitalized.   Routine repairs and maintenance costs that are incurred in the normal course of business are charged to operating expenses in the year incurred.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


Please see for more information regarding capitalization.


Revisions: August 19, 2014; Review and editorial revisions September 2021

Security Camera Policy

Title: Security Camera Policy
Policy Owner: Division of Public Safety & Office of the General Counsel
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability:  Storrs, Regionals, and the School of Law
Effective Date: September 12, 2014
For More Information, Contact Director of Public Safety
Contact Information: (860) 486-4806
Official Website:

I.          Scope

This policy applies to the University of Connecticut at Storrs, the University’s regional campuses and the University’s School of Law.  The determination of whether a facility leased by the University, whether as lessor or lessee, will be subject to this policy will be made by the Chief of Police on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors including the location of the facility, facility attributes, and the terms of the pertinent lease agreement.

This policy applies to all faculty and staff employed by, and to all schools and departments within, the University.  This policy shall not apply to use of cameras for reasons unrelated to surveillance activity, including remote monitoring of facilities construction and progress, videotaping of athletic events for post-game reviews, the use of cameras in connection with human subject and animal research (which use shall be governed by University policies governing research) the use of cameras in certain laboratories to ensure safe research practices, and the use of cameras for legitimate educational purposes.  Nor shall this policy apply to cameras used by law enforcement in the following manners: covert operations for the purpose of criminal surveillance; or mobile cameras used in, on, or about law enforcement or parking services vehicles; or body-worn or otherwise portable cameras used during the course of investigations or normal law enforcement functions; or parking enforcement cameras.


II.         Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of security cameras on property owned and/or utilized by the University in a way that enhances security and aids law enforcement while respecting the privacy expectations of members of the University community.

The primary purpose of utilizing security cameras in public areas is to deter crime and to assist law enforcement in enhancing the safety and security of members of the University community and University property.  The primary use of security cameras will be to record video images for use by law enforcement and other University officials charged with investigating alleged violations of law or University policy.

The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that security cameras will be monitored in real time continuously or otherwise.


  • Acceptable Use, Information Technology
  • University Code of Conduct
  • General Rules of Conduct
  • The Student Code

IV.        Definitions

As used within and for the purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined as follows.

Chief of Police: the head of the Division of Public Safety or his or her designee.

Private areas: areas in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, including, but not limited to,non-common areas of residence halls, residence hall corridors, bathrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms and other areas where a reasonable person might change clothes.  Additionally, areas designed for the personal comfort of University employees or the safeguarding of their possessions, such as lounges and locker rooms, and areas dedicated to medical, physical, or mental therapy or treatment shall be considered private areas for the purpose of this policy.

Public areas: areas made available for use by the public, including, but not limited to, campus grounds, parking areas, building exteriors, loading docks, areas of ingress and egress, classrooms, lecture halls, study rooms, lobbies, theaters, libraries, dining halls, gymnasiums, recreation areas, and retail establishments.  Areas of the University in which persons would not have a reasonable expectation of privacy, but to which access is restricted to certain University employees, such as storage areas, shall also be considered public areas for the purpose of this policy.

Security camera: a camera used for monitoring or recording public areas for the purposes of enhancing public safety, discouraging theft and other criminal activities, and investigating incidents.
Security camera recording: a digital or analog recording of the feed from a security camera.

Security camera system: any electronic service, software, or hardware directly supporting or deploying a security camera.

V.         Responsibilities and Authority

Responsibility for oversight of installation, maintenance, and utilization of security cameras and associated policies, standards, and procedures is delegated by the President of the University to the Chief of Police. This responsibility includes:

  1. creation, maintenance, and review of a campus strategy for the procurement, deployment, and use of security cameras, including this and related policies;
  2. designation of the standard campus security camera system or service;
  3. authorizing the  placement of all security cameras;
  4. authorizing the purchase of any new security camera systems;
  5. reviewing existing security camera systems and installations and identifying modifications required to bring them into compliance with this policy;
  6. creating and approving campus standards for security cameras and their use; and
  7. creating and approving procedures for the use of security cameras.

VI.        Control Elements

VI.1      Training


All personnel involved in the installation, maintenance or monitoring of security cameras: (a) will be instructed in the technical, legal and ethical parameters of appropriate camera use; and (b) will receive a copy of this policy and provide a written acknowledgment that they have read and understood its contents.

VI.2      Security Camera Placement

  1. University Police shall be solely responsible for the oversight of temporary or permanent security cameras on campus.  As such, all installations must be approved by them.  Schools, departments and offices desiring the installation and use of security cameras shall submit a request for such installation to University Police.  All proposals for the deployment of security cameras will include proposed sites for the placement of notifying signs (see Section VI.3. below).  Installation of video security applications shall be the financial responsibility of the requesting school, department or office.
  2. University schools, departments and offices presently utilizing security cameras shall promptly advise the University Police Department, which will review the location and utilization of the cameras and identify actions necessary to bring such usage into conformance with this policy.
  3. Consistent with the requirements of state law, security cameras utilized by the University will not record or monitor sound.  Audio recordings shall be prohibited unless permitted by law and specifically authorized by the Chief of Police.
  4. Use of security cameras shall be limited to public areas. Video surveillance shall be not conducted in private areas of the campus unless specifically authorized by the Chief of Police pursuant to a search warrant or otherwise. If needed, electronic shielding will be placed in the security camera so that the security camera cannot be used to look into or through windows into private areas.
  5. Where Security Cameras are permitted in private areas, they will, to the maximum extent possible, be used narrowly to protect persons, money, real or personal property, documents, supplies, equipment, or pharmaceuticals from theft, destruction, or tampering.
  6. Security cameras shall not be directed at the windows of any privately-owned residence not located on University property.
  7. Inoperative, placebo, or “dummy” security cameras shall NEVER be installed or utilized, as they may lead to a false sense of security that someone is monitoring an operational camera.

VI.3      Security Camera Monitoring and Review

  1. The University Police may monitor and review security camera feeds and recordings as needed to support investigations and to enhance public safety.  It is not intended or expected that security cameras will be routinely monitored in real time.
  2. With the prior approval of the Chief of Police, other University personnel may monitor and review security camera live feeds and recordings for purposes of public safety.
  3. Monitoring individuals based on characteristics of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected classification is prohibited.  Seeking out and continuously viewing people becoming intimate in public areas is prohibited.

VI.4      Notification Requirements

Except in emergency or investigative situations, all locations with security cameras will have signs displayed that provide reasonable notification of the presence of security cameras.  The placement of the signs and the text on the signs will be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police.

Notification signs shall be placed in conspicuous areas in close proximity to the security cameras.  For buildings with interior cameras, this shall include, at a minimum, the placement of signs at all primary building entrances.  All such signs shall contain a notification that the cameras may or may not be monitored.

VI.5      Use of Recordings

Security camera recordings, with the approval of the Chief of Police, shall be used for the purposes of enhancing public safety, discouraging theft and other criminal activities, and investigating incidents (including the release of recordings by the Division of Public Safety to external law enforcement agencies).  Recordings from cameras whose primary function is not security (such as classroom lecture capture) may, with the authorization of the Chief of Police, be used for these purposes.

Security cameras shall not be utilized to conduct personnel investigations, such as those related to (but not limited to) work place attendance or work quality.  However, the University may utilize routine security camera recordings in support of disciplinary proceedings against employees and/or students, or in a civil suit or other proceeding involving person(s) whose activities are shown on the recording and relate to the proceeding. For example, the situation could be an arbitration or other proceeding and the proceeding could be by or against such person. Information obtained in violation of this policy may not be used in a disciplinary proceeding against a University student or employee.

The use of security cameras and/or recordings for any purpose not detailed within this policy is subject to including §6 of the campus policy on the Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems.

Records of access to and release of, Security Camera recordings must be sufficient so as to demonstrate compliance with this policy.

VI.6      Protection and Retention of Security Camera Recordings

Video footage will be stored on servers accorded appropriate computer security with access by authorized personnel only.

Security camera recordings will be retained in accordance with the records retention policies of the State of Connecticut.  This retention period may be extended at the direction of the General Counsel or the Chief of Police or as required by law.

VI.7      Release of Recorded Material

Requests for release of recorded material must be approved by the Chief of Police.  Requests for release of recorded material set forth in subpoenas or other legal documents compelling disclosure should be submitted to the General Counsel.

VII.       Compliance

It shall be the responsibility of the Chief of Police to see that records related to the use of security cameras and recordings from security cameras are sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this policy.  Units that maintain or support security camera technology must also maintain records and configure systems to ensure compliance with this policy.  Before procuring security camera systems, units will need to ensure compatibility with the system identified as the campus standard by the Chief of Police.

The Chief Information Officer, or his or her designee, in conjunction with the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, may review the deployment and utilization of security cameras at the University, whenever and as frequently as they deem necessary. A finding that a school, department or office has failed to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in the loss of its privilege to support, maintain, or deploy security cameras and may result in other remedial action at the direction of the President or the President’s designee.

VIII.      Exceptions

Uses of security cameras beyond those described in this security camera policy shall be governed by applicable University policies and procedures.  Persons having questions about the use of monitoring cameras not subject to this policy should direct those questions to the Chief of Police or the General Counsel.



This policy will be reviewed, and revised as necessary, by the Department of Public Safety, annually or more frequently as circumstances require.

Facilities Operations & Building Services Guideline for Maintenance and Repair Services (Excludes UConn Health)

Title: Facilities Operations & Building Services Guideline for Maintenance and Repair Services
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations & Building Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, except UConn Health
Effective Date: August 18, 2015
For More Information, Contact Facilities Operations & Building Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-3138
Official Website:

Facilities Operations and Building Services strives to provide services in a collaborative, respectful manner working to make our community a better place to study, live and work. This statement’s purpose is to communicate the scope of building maintenance and repair services provided to University of Connecticut community by the Department of Facilities Operations and Building Services.

Facilities Operations and Building Services is committed to providing maintenance and repair services to University-owned facilities for all structural and building systems. This includes all building systems identified on the original blueprints of buildings and those upgrades/modifications made to the original plans and excludes furniture, fixtures and equipment. Occupying units will not be expected to pay for this maintenance and repair.

These services include:

  1. Emergency maintenance: situations that require immediate intervention by trades workers to correct or mitigate a building maintenance problem or which can create unsafe conditions that may expose students, faculty, staff and/or visitors to health or safety related concerns and/or cause significant damage to the building, building systems, or
  2. Preventive maintenance: scheduled maintenance to prevent assets from wearing out/failing and maintain life cycle.
  3. Corrective maintenance: minor repairs to bring asset back into working order.
  4. Statutory maintenance: maintenance and repair to life safety systems; elevators, ADA requirements.
  5. Cyclical maintenance/replacement and updates of building finishes.
  6. Cyclical maintenance/replacement of classroom finishes and furniture.
  7. Basic custodial, snow removal & ice treatment, and landscape services.
  8. Infrastructure services such as water, sewer, steam, chilled water and power.

Facilities Operations and Building Services also provides maintenance and repair services necessitated by the particular operations or equipment of individual units. These services must be funded by the units requesting them. Similarly, Facilities Operations and Building Services is able to provide limited services on a reimbursable basis for small project renovations requested by departments that are cosmetic in nature, change the use purpose of a space, enhance the comfort factor for building occupants/users (ex: convenience kitchens), or mitigate excessive wear and tear on furniture and equipment, etc. The following criteria govern maintenance and repair services for which Facilities Operations and Building Services will charge units:

  1. Work that enhances the aesthetics, alters, or customizes a space for programmatic purposes, or involves a major change to interior finishes.
  2. Maintenance and repair of special classroom equipment; special lighting or sound installations; office furniture and furnishing; laboratory equipment; and other departmental property.
  3. Fabrication of cabinets, shelves, signs, name plates and other miscellaneous items.
  4. Furniture repair (excluding basic classroom furniture) and reupholstering.
  5. Special custodial or trash collection such as daily office cleanings, clean-ups, storage and office cleanouts above normal/routine service levels.
  6. Installation and service of equipment fundamentally required by or used for a unit’s research or other operational activity (such as special fire extinguishing equipment for laboratories, environmental chambers, refrigerators, freezers, autoclaves, spas, pools and uninterruptable power sources).
  7. Services required for the set-up/support of special events.
  8. Moving services.
  9. All facilities planning and design, or other professional services performed by consultants, architects, or engineers, in support of customer-funded projects.
  10. The manufacturer is responsible for fixtures and equipment under warranty. Instances which are covered by valid service agreements are the responsibility of the service agreement holder.
  11. All furniture, fixture and equipment upgrades and replacement costs are the responsibility of the owning unit.


In some cases, it may not be clear whether Facilities Operations and Building Services or the unit should bear the cost of maintenance or repair services. If they are not already addressed in a Service Level Agreement, such instances will be handled through discussion with constituent units, and may ultimately be decided by the Associate Vice president for Facilities Management in consultation with the Vice President to which the unit reports.


Adopted: 12/5/2013

Revised: 06/03/2014; 07/01/2014; 7/15/2014; 8/18/2015

Pre-Employment Background Check Policy

Title: Pre-Employment Background Check Policy
Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: February 27, 2024
Effective Date: February 29, 2024
For More Information, Contact Department of Human Resources
Contact Information: 860-486-3034 ;
Official Website:


The University of Connecticut prides itself on hiring qualified employees who are prepared to work in the best interests of the University and its students.  Pre-employment background checks serve as an important element of the University’s ongoing efforts to ensure a safe and secure campus and workplace.


To ensure a safe and secure campus and workplace


This policy applies to the following:

  • All full-time and part-time final candidates for employment in regular payroll positions, whether newly hired, rehired, or a transfer from another state agency.
  • All individuals selected for temporary appointments as Adjunct Faculty, Special Payroll Lecturers, Instructional Specialists, Academic Specialists, Academic Technicians, Clinical Supervisors, Graduate Instructional Specialists, and Graduate Special payroll Lecturers that are newly hired or rehired after a break in University service of a year or more and are not currently on the regular payroll.
  • Other special payroll titles that have direct teaching or advising responsibilities, or are deemed to be in a position of trust, e.g., working with minors.
  • Graduate students who are working in a teaching capacity as a Special Payroll Lecturer, Instructional Specialist, or other special payroll appointment that has direct teaching or advising responsibilities.

Prospective special payroll appointees or volunteers may be subject to a background check if (1) required by law; (2) required by a third party as a condition for the position, or (3) when considered a position of trust.


It will be a condition of employment at the University of Connecticut to submit to a background check.  Offers of employment will be conditional pending the result of a background check, which may include the following:

  • Social Security Number Verification / Past Address Trace
  • Consent Based Social Security Verification (CBSV) (as applicable)
  • County/Statewide Criminal (as applicable)
  • National Criminal/Multi-Jurisdictional Criminal
  • Federal Criminal
  • Statewide Sex Offender
  • Nationwide Sex Offender
  • International Criminal (as applicable)
  • Education Verifications
  • Credit Checks (only required in very limited circumstances)


Pre-Employment background checks will be centrally administered by the Department of Human Resources.

Pre-employment background checks and the use of information obtained will be in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Procedures on the pre-employment background check process are available at:


Policy created: January 8, 2014

Revisions: February 27, 2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)

Separation Policy for Unclassified Board of Trustees Exempt Managers and Confidential Employees

Title: Separation Policy for Unclassified Board of Trustees Exempt Managers and Confidential Employees
Policy Owner: Board of Trustees
Applies to: June 26, 2013
Campus Applicability: All Campuses
Effective Date: June 26, 2013
For More Information, Contact Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations
Contact Information: (860) 486-5684
Official Website:


This policy applies to the University of Connecticut at Storrs, all regional campuses including the Schools of Law and Social Work and the University of Connecticut Health Center. Managerial and Confidential employees of the University of Connecticut who do not have academic tenure are generally employed at-will and may be separated from employment for any lawful reason without advance notice. Management and Confidential employees who are involuntarily separated from the University of Connecticut for reasons  unrelated to their job performance such as lay off, position elimination, or management reorganization  may, at the sole and exclusive discretion of the University, be eligible for  separation benefits in accordance with this policy. This policy does not apply to: (i) separation of an employee due to voluntary resignation or retirement; (ii) separation of an employee as the result of disciplinary action or for misconduct; or (iii) separation of an employee due to job performance.


The separation benefits, if offered, will be in accordance with the guidelines provided below.
1.  Release
In order to receive separation benefits, the employee must execute a separation agreement and general release in a form acceptable to the University.  Typically, the University will require a non-disparagement provision.
2. Notice and/or Lump Sum Payment
At the discretion of the employer, the University may offer one of the following:
(a)     written notice in advance of the effective date of separation, based on years of credited service at the University as shown below;
(b)     lump sum payment of salary in lieu of notice according to years of credited service at the University as shown below;
(c)    a combination of written notice and lump sum payment up to the maximum allowable limit, based on years of credited service at the University as shown below.
Less than
Years of Service

1 year
Notice Period or Lump Sum Payment


1 year

2 months


2 years

3 months


4 years

4 months


6 years

5 months


8 years

6 months

3.  Health Insurance:
If the separating employee is receiving health insurance through the University, the  University may extend the employee’s health insurance beyond the date of separation until the earlier of (a) up to six months (or such shorter time as the University specifies) or  (b) when the separated employee becomes employed with an employer who offers health insurance.
Upon expiration of University-subsidized health insurance, the separated employee may elect to purchase additional health insurance continuation by paying the employee and employer share of the premium as provided by relevant state and/or federal law.
4.  Outplacement Counseling
The University may choose, in its discretion, to offer job search assistance, career counseling or outplacement services.


Compensation or benefits in excess of this Policy may only be extended for good cause and only with the written approval of both the relevant Vice President or Vice Provost and the Director of Labor Relations.


Policy Created: 6-26-2013 (BOT Approved)

Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles

Title: Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles
Policy Owner: Logistics Administration
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:
Effective Date: February 1, 2013
For More Information, Contact Logistics Administration
Contact Information: (860) 486-3029
Official Website:

Policy Relating to Low Speed Vehicles
This policy supersedes Utility Cart Policy 4/11/2008

1. Introduction

This policy establishes requirements for the procurement, maintenance and operation of golf carts and other low speed vehicles (hereinafter “LSVs”) (i.e., “Club Cars,” “Golf Carts,” “Cushman Carts,” and comparable utility vehicles) on the grounds of the University of Connecticut.

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles does not register LSVs. Effective with the enactment of Section 14-300g of the Connecticut General Statutes, the traffic authority of a city, town, or borough may decide to allow the operation of LSVs on roadways within its jurisdiction that have speed limits of twenty-five (25) mph or below. Pursuant to Section 10a-139 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the University of Connecticut constitutes a traffic authority which can establish policy for the use, purchase, and maintenance of LSVs on its grounds.

2. Purpose and Applicability

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the procurement and use of LSVs and enhance the safety of our faculty, staff employees, students, visitors, and University property. All members of the University of Connecticut community are subject to this policy including students, staff, and faculty. Employees of University contractors who utilize LSVs owned or leased by the University shall be subject to this policy as well. The policy:

  • Discusses the appropriate use of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements pertaining to the operation of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements for maintenance and repair of LSVs;
  • Establishes requirements for LSV identification; and
  • Establishes operator and supervisor responsibility.

3. Definition

Low Speed Vehicle: A four-wheeled motor vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight rating (“GVWR”) of less than 3000 pounds and whose speed attainable in one (1) mile is more than twenty (20) miles per hour and not more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour on a paved level surface.

4. Use of Low Speed Vehicles

LSVs may be used at the University for a variety of purposes for which larger vehicles may be less well-suited, including, but not limited to:

  • Transportation of persons with physical disabilities;
  • Transportation of items long distances that are too large/bulky to be carried by hand;
  • Transportation of University guests or VIPs;
  • Emergency response;
  • Access to areas where a licensed vehicle may have difficulty navigating;
  • Avoidance of damage to sidewalks, landscaping or other property that may occur with traditional licensed road-use vehicles; and
  • Landscape, maintenance and agricultural use.

5. Operator Requirements

All operators of LSVs shall meet the following requirements before operating an LSV on the grounds of the University of Connecticut:

  • Operators must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license and be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Approved operators shall immediately notify their supervisor if and when their driver’s license is suspended or revoked. Operators who are contractor employees shall immediately notify their supervisor if their driver’s license is suspended or revoked.
  • Operators shall have knowledge of and comply with the state of Connecticut motor vehicle laws;
  • Employees of University contractors may not operate University-owned or leased LSVs unless the contractor, in an existing agreement with the University, is contractually obligated to indemnify the University against all suits, actions, claims, demands and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the operation of the LSVs or has signed a separate indemnification agreement obligating it to do so.
  • Contractors/vendors may not operate University-owned or leased LSVs unless and until they have signed a copy of the “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment” form, available on the web at
  • undergraduate students may operate LSVs with the following additional restrictions:

° Undergraduate students assigned to operate LSVs must be employed by the University through the Office of Student Employment.

° Undergraduate students operating LSVs will be subject to all the requirements of the LSV Policy applicable to University employees.

° In addition, students will be subject to the University Student Code of Conduct. Any violations will be reported to the Office of Community Standards.

Volunteers, visitors, and all other individuals shall not be permitted to operate LSVs on University grounds.

6. Safety Devices

Each LSV shall be equipped with:

  • a horn and an automatic audible back up warning device;
  • a flag that is positioned to assist operators of motor vehicles in observing the location and operation of such LSV;
  • a side and rear view mirror;
  • a flashing yellow hazard light on the top of those LSVs equipped with cabs;
  • electric wipers on LSVs equipped with windshields;
  • a window defroster/defogger on LSVs equipped with windshields; and
  • a three point seat belt or a lap belt.

LSVs shall not be modified in any manner that affects the manufacturer’s recommended mode of operation, speed or safety of the vehicle without the manufacturer’s prior written approval.

Any person who operates an LSV in violation of these requirements, in violation of any insurance requirement, or in violation of any other condition or limitation established by the local traffic authority shall have committed an infraction.

7. Vehicle Operating Standards

The following standards shall apply to the operation of LSVs on University property:

  • The operator of any LSV shall carry his or her valid Connecticut motor vehicle operator’s license while operating such LSV.
  • Operation of LSVs shall be limited to daylight hours.
  • No LSV shall be operated on any street or highway where the posted speed limit is more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
  • The speed limit for LSVs operating on pedestrian ways and bike ways shall be five (5) MPH. LSVs shall be operated at speeds not greater than fifteen (15) MPH on roadways, and shall be operated at lesser speeds as conditions dictate.
  • Operators shall consider the terrain, weather conditions, visibility, and existing pedestrian and other vehicular traffic which may affect the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Although LSVs may be operated off-road when being used for official business, they should be operated on roadways or walkways whenever possible. When operated off- road, LSVs shall be operated at low speeds (not exceeding five (5) MPH) that allow stopping time in the event of unexpected pedestrians or other obstacles.
  • Operators shall stop at all blind intersections. They will also stop when rounding the corners of buildings when the LSV is being operated off-road or on walkways.
  • Pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way at all times. LSVs shall be operated with the utmost courtesy, care, and consideration for the safety of pedestrians.
  • LSV operators shall be diligent and pay particular attentions to the needs of disabled persons, as limitations in vision, hearing and/or mobility may impair the ability of such persons to see, hear, or move out of the way of vehicles.
  • Operators shall be responsible for the security of the ignition key while an LSV is assigned to them. Anytime an LSV is unattended, the key shall be removed from the ignition and kept in the possession of the authorized operator.
  • LSV operators shall not be permitted to drive while wearing devices that impede hearing, such as stereo headsets or earplugs. LSV operators shall not talk on the phone or text while driving.
  • LSV operators may cross roadways only at intersections or at pedestrian crosswalks by slowly driving alongside the pedestrian crosswalk. LSVs shall only cross roadways in areas that are clearly visible from all directions. During low light conditions, LSVs shall cross only in well-lighted areas.
  • LSV operators shall come to a complete stop before crossing a roadway or proceeding through intersecting sidewalks or other areas that may have blind spots.
  • All passengers shall be seated in seats designed for such use. No passenger shall be allowed to be transported on the bed, back or side of the LSV except for medical emergency transportation.
  • LSVs shall never carry more passengers than the number of seat belts in the vehicle, except for medical emergency transportation.
  • LSVs shall not be parked:
    ° in handicap accessible or otherwise reserved spaces;
    ° on any walkway that constitutes a pedestrian travel route except when temporarily parked on walkways while the operator is performing work-related duties inside the building; or
    ° in such a way that blocks any building entrance or exit.

8. Department Administrative Responsibilities

Department supervisors shall:

  • Advise each employee under his or her supervision who operates an LSV of this policy.
  • Arrange for all operators to review the pertinent LSV owner’s manual and receive appropriate hands-on training prior to operating an LSV.
  • Obtain from each operator a fully-executed copy of the “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment” form and a copy of the driver’s license for each person operating an LSV on University property; and
  • Send a copy of the fully-executed “Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment Form” to University Transportation Services, attention Erin Lirot (or her successor in office), at 3 N. Hillside Road, U-6199, Storrs, CT 06269-6199.

9. Procurement

University Departments seeking information about purchasing an LSV shall be directed to the Supervisor at the Motor Pool at (860) 486-3029.

LSVs are considered part of the University fleet and in general fall under Motor Pool policies. Accordingly,

  • If the LSV ordered is replacing another within the same department, the Department Head is responsible for coordinating with the Manager of Motor Pool and the Purchasing Department to obtain the proper identification markings and logo.
  • A new purchase which will replace an existing LSV should so state on the purchase order.
  • Additions to the fleet shall be approved by the Director of Logistic Administration and reviewed by the Supervisor of the Motor Pool.
  • All LSVs shall be ordered with four (4) keys. The Motor Pool shall retain a key to each University vehicle.
  • All new LSVs shall be delivered to the Motor Pool.
  • The Motor Pool shall get the ‘Receiving’ copy of the purchase order (which should include a complete list of all options and specifications).
  • Trade-in LSVs shall be so identified on the purchase order, which shall also include: the UConn ID number, year, make and model, trade-in allowance, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

10. Signage on Low Speed Vehicles

It shall be the responsibility of the Motor Pool to install the standard Oak Leaf –UCONN Logo on the doors of all new vehicles that come through Motor Pool.

11. Maintenance Responsibilities

  • Each LSV operator shall be responsible for providing timely notification of any safety and/or maintenance concern to his or her supervisor.
  • Supervisors shall be responsible for arranging for the timely repair of the LSV when problems are reported. If timely repairs cannot be made, the LSV shall be taken out of service until the repairs are completed. All maintenance and repairs to University-owned LSVs shall be administered by the University of Connecticut Motor Pool, located at 9 N. Hillside Road, Unit 3016 Storrs, Connecticut (phone: 860-486-3029).
  • Individuals operating LSVs shall be responsible for thecleaning and non-mechanical maintenance of the vehicles.

The department to which the LSV is assigned shall be responsible for maintenance of the LSV and the cost of such maintenance. (See above maintenance and repair information.)

12. Accident Reporting

Any accident involving an LSV shall be reported to the operator’s supervisor, or, if the operator is a contractor employee, to their supervisor and the University’s Project Manager. The supervisor or the University’s Project Manager, shall contact Transportation Services at (860) 486-6092 within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident, regardless of fault, and whether or not the accident has resulted in damage or personal injury. The supervisor or the University’s Project Manager shall also complete an accident report at

Low Speed Vehicle Operator Acknowledgment Form can be accessed at:

Missing Student Policy

Title: Missing Student Policy
Policy Owner: UConn Police Department
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs
Effective Date: August 18, 2016
For More Information, Contact Deputy Chief Maggie Silver
Contact Information: 860-486-4800
Official Website:

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student is missing, whether or not the student resides on campus, all possible efforts will be made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being through the collaboration of UConn Police, Dean of Students Office, Residential Life staff, and local law enforcement.

At the beginning of each year or upon matriculation, all students are given the opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted by the University in case of emergency.

This contact information is subject to the University’s FERPA Policy. (See:

In addition, consistent with Clery Act requirements, all students living in on-campus housing are also given the option each year, or upon moving into on-campus housing, to designate a confidential contact for use in case the student is reported missing.  Although the same contact may be provided for both purposes, by law the missing student contact is distinct from the general emergency contact provided by all students, and is held to a higher standard of confidentiality than the general emergency contact.  It will be accessible only to authorized University personnel, and disclosed only to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of an investigation.  To help ensure timely and complete notification and investigation of all missing student situations, confidential missing student contact should be provided or updated at:

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that any student is missing they should immediately contact UConn Police at 860-486-4800.  

In missing persons cases, time is of the essence. Hence, we urge the community to contact UConn Police immediately upon suspicion that an individual is missing.  The UConn Police Department is committed to begin an investigation upon the first report.

The UConn Police department will initiate formal investigation or contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.

UConn Police will communicate and collaborate as appropriate with one or both of the following departments:

  • Dean of Students Office at (860) 486-3426
  • Residential Life Staff at (860) 486-9000

Within 24 hours of the determination that a residential student is a missing person, UConn Police will:

  • Notify the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, if other than UConn Police;
  • Notify the student’s designated missing person contact;
  • If the student is under the age of 18 years and is not emancipated, notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian

However, if the student is under 18 and is not an emancipated individual, UConn Police will notify the student parent or guardian as well as any other designated missing person contact.


Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut, Rules and Regulations for the Control of

Title: Rules and Regulations for Control of Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut
Policy Owner: Transportation, Logistics, and Parking Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: July 11, 2017
For More Information, Contact Transportation, Logistics and Parking Services
Contact Information: (860) 486- 3628
Official Website:

The complete Rules and Regulations for the Control of Parking and Vehicles on Campus (Revised 11.21.18) are available in PDF.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on August 8, 2012.

Revised July 11, 2017 and approved by the President’s Cabinet.