
Confidentiality of Library Patron Records

Title: Confidentiality of Library Patron Records
Policy Owner: The UConn Library
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: All
Effective Date: November 21, 2016
For More Information, Contact The UConn Library
Contact Information: (860) 486-2518
Official Website: http://www.lib.uconn.edu/


The UConn Library is committed to the protection of all library patrons’ rights to privacy with respect to their use of library resources.


This policy applies to all University of Connecticut faculty, students, staff, administration, University affiliates, community borrowers and authorized library users who borrow materials from any of the ten (10) University of Connecticut Libraries (collectively, the “UConn Library”).


It is the policy and practice of the University of Connecticut that personally identifiable information collected by any unit of the UConn Libraries relating to an individual library patron’s use of library collections and/or services will be kept confidential.  While such information may be used internally by employees and agents of the UConn Libraries as needed for the operation of the particular library, it will not be disclosed to third parties except with the express written permission of the library patron or pursuant to a lawfully issued court order.

This policy aligns with the principles of the American Library Association Code of Ethics, which endorses the confidentiality of library patron records.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Library patron records are retained in accordance with the state record retention requirements established by the Office of the Public Records Administrator of the Connecticut State Library.

If the University is served with a subpoena, warrant, or court order (including court orders resulting from the surveillance provisions of the USA Patriot Act) compelling disclosure of library patron records, then such document shall be promptly referred to the University’s Office of the General Counsel.

Circulation Policies, University Borrowers

Title: Circulation Policies, University Borrowers
Policy Owner: University Libraries, Access Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and the 5 Regional Campuses
Effective Date: December 2, 2003
For More Information, Contact Library Circulation Desk
Contact Information: (860) 486-2518
Official Website: http://www.lib.uconn.edu/


Describes the terms of library borrowing privileges for University borrowers.


UConn faculty, staff, retirees, graduate and undergraduate students, and visiting scholars


A University ID or a library-issued Borrower ID is required to borrow books and to place recalls or holds.  Use of the ID indicates your agreement to observe library policies, which are designed to serve all users generously and equitably.  The ID is not transferable.  Please notify Circulation immediately if you lose your ID so we can block use by others.  University IDs and library-issued Borrower IDs may be replaced for a fee.


Faculty/Graduate Students/Staff/Retirees/Visiting Scholars: 90-day Loan

Undergraduate Students/Affiliates/Community Borrowers: 30-day Loan


90-day Loans: renewable three times unless requested by another borrower.

30-day Loans: renewable twice unless requested by another borrower.

Renew online (via HOMER) or at the library.


Recalling a book that is charged out is a service available only to UConn faculty, students, retirees, staff and affiliates of the University.  It is very important that recalled books be returned promptly.  Borrowers who are temporarily unable to respond to recall notices should make prior arrangements with Circulation.


Any borrower may request that a circulating book be held for him or her when it is returned.


Reminder email notices are sent to all University borrowers alerting them that items are coming due and need to be returned or renewed.


Privileges are automatically suspended when a borrower:

Has one overdue recalled book

Has reached the charged book limit:

300 books (UConn faculty/graduate students/honors undergraduate students)

150 books (All other UConn undergraduate students/staff/retirees/affiliates)

25 books (All other borrower categories)

Has an expired record

A suspension is lifted automatically when the condition causing it is rectified.


Long overdue book (28 days or more overdue): $15 late return/billing fee (non refundable)

Overdue recalled book $5.00 a day/item; maximum of $50.


Long overdue books are billed at $95 per item plus a $15 nonrefundable late return/billing fee.  The $95 replacement cost is refundable, if the item is returned within one year of the billing date.


Bills for library charges are issued by and paid at the University Bursar’s Office (Wilbur Cross Building, Unit 4100, 486-4830).  Payments may be made in person during regular business hours or by mail.  Checks are payable to the University of Connecticut. No payments are accepted at the library.  Library charges for students appear on the next semester’s fee bill.  Charges must be paid in full before registration is permitted and official transcripts can be issued.


All library circulation notices are distributed via email.  If you use an email address other than your University email address, you need to forward your UConn email to your non-University email address.  You may do this at: http://netid.uconn.edu If you need assistance, please call Circulation at 486-2518.


Please return books to the Main Circulation Desk and, in the case of recalled books, directly to the staff person at that Desk.  When the library is closed, books may be left in the depository slots at the North and South entrances.  Return receipts are available upon request.

For more information about Babbidge circulation policy please contact Circulation Services:

Homer Babbidge Library
Access Services/Circulation U-1005C
369 Fairfield Road
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1005

Phone: (860) 486-2518
Fax: (860) 486-5636
Email: askcirc@libstaff.lib.uconn.edu

Review of University of Connecticut-Related Companies by the Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committe, Policy on

Title: Review of University of Connecticut-Related Companies by the Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committe, Policy on
Policy Owner: Vice President for Research
Applies to: Other
Campus Applicability:
Effective Date: February 16, 2011
For More Information, Contact Vice President for Research
Contact Information: (860) 486-4164
Official Website: http://research.uconn.edu/



This policy is intended to define the role of the Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (SCRO) in providing review and oversight of stem cell research performed by private companies affiliated with the University of Connecticut through its Technology Incubator Program (TIP) and/or the UConn Research & Development Corporation in collaboration with University of Connecticut faculty members. SCRO review shall be restricted to research projects conducted at UConn facilities.

The companies requesting review by SCRO shall be required to comply with SCRO policies for review and oversight and shall agree to follow all policies established by the TIP including:

  • Provisions for compliance with all University, State and Federal rules and regulations including those from Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and, where appropriate, rules related to animal care, use of human subjects, embryonic and adult stem cells, other biomaterials, etc.
  • The rules for indemnification established by the UConn Research & Development Corporation as stated below:


  1. Indemnity.  _<company name>_ shall and shall cause any Sublicenseeto indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the state of Connecticut, the University of Connecticut, the University of Connecticut Health Center and its/their trustees, directors, officers, faculty, students, employees, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the “Indemnitees”), against any liability, damage, loss, or expense (including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses) incurred by or imposed upon any of the Indemnitees in connection with any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments arising out of any theory of liability (including without limitation actions in the form of tort, warranty, or strict liability and regardless of whether such action has any factual basis) concerning any product, process, or service that is made, used, sold, imported, or performed pursuant to any right or license granted under this Agreement.
  2. Procedures.  The Indemnitees agree to provide _<company name>_ and any Sublicensee with prompt written notice of any claim, suit, action, demand, or judgment for which indemnification is sought under this Agreement.  Any Sublicensee shall agree, at its own expense, to provide attorneys reasonably acceptable to UCONN to defend against any such claim.  The Indemnitees shall cooperate fully with _<company name>_ and any Sublicensee in such defense and will permit _<companyname>_ and any Sublicensee to conduct and control such defense and the disposition of such claim, suit, or action (including all decisions relative to litigation, appeal, and settlement); provided, however, that any Indemnitee shall have the right to retain its own counsel, at its own expense, if representation of such Indemnitee by the counsel retained by _<company name>_ and any Sublicensee would be inappropriate because of actual or potential differences in the interests of such Indemnitee and any other party represented by such counsel. _<company name>_ and any Sublicensee agrees to keep UCONN informed of the progress in the defense and disposition of such claim and to consult with UCONN with regard to any proposed settlement.

Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy

Title: Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Applies to: Workforce Members, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: August 20, 2024
Effective Date: August 21, 2024
For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost or Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment
Contact Information: provost@uconn.edu or VPSLE@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://provost.uconn.edu or https://studentlife.uconn.edu


To manage and regulate the use of outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound on University Property to ensure a conducive academic environment.


Storrs and Regional campuses, including all students, Workforce Members and visitors.  This policy does not apply to the School of Law.


This policy does not apply to the use of Amplified and Projected Sound for the following:

University Athletics and Athletic Events: All University Athletics organized/sponsored events and activities, including practices, games, and other athletic activities.

The following University Events: Events and activities sponsored by the Offices of the President, Provost, or Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment, and University-wide Admissions events (i.e., UConn Bound Day, Fall Campus Visit Days, etc.), Student Activities sponsored University-wide events (i.e., WOW, Homecoming, Family Weekend, Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend, etc.) and Student Activities sponsored Outdoor Movies, Convocation, and Commencement activities and events.

The University Marching Band and Athletic Bands: official, organized practices and performances as directed by the band director or their designee.


Amplified and Projected Sound: This refers to any sound that is electronically amplified or projected through the use of equipment such as amplifiers, speakers, DJs, megaphones, or other sound systems. It also includes the use of acoustic instruments like trumpets, trombones, violins, air horns, drums and other similar instruments or items that can produce significant sound levels.

Scheduling Office: A space management office responsible for managing and approving requests for the use of University spaces. The Scheduling Office communicates compliance information, including space-related and activity-related rules, regulations, and requirements, covering local, state, and federal laws, as well as internal policies. This may involve coordination with other University offices, including but not limited to Environmental Health and Safety Services, Facilities Operations (i.e., Landscape and Grounds, electrical services, custodial services, Central Warehouse, etc.), Housing and Residential Life, Parking and Transportation, University Safety (i.e., the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Fire Department, the UConn Police Department, etc.), as well as external entities such as Call Before You Dig (CBYD).

University Property: Any building, space or area under the control of the University of Connecticut at the Storrs & Regional Campuses.

Venue: Any location where an event takes place.

Workforce Members: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


1. Outdoor Amplified and Projected Sound Conditions

Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted on campus within specified times and locations to minimize disruption to academic activities, residence halls, and public spaces. The following conditions govern the use of Amplified and Projected Sound.

Subject to the Additional Conditions, Special Permissions and Restrictions below, Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted as follows:

  • Weekdays (Monday through Friday): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays): Amplified and Projected Sound may be permitted between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Quiet Hours during Finals: The University observes a traditional period of quiet hours in recognition of the study period in advance of final exams and the exams themselves. This is in effect 24 hours per day each semester, beginning at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of classes through 11:59 p.m. on the last day of finals or Commencement.

2. Additional Conditions:

    • Academic Classes or University Business Disruptions: Amplified and Projected Sound must not be disruptive to or interfere with academic courses or University business.
    • Sound Levels: Sound levels that are disruptive to the education environment, such that they may interfere with classes or other University activity, are prohibited. For example, sound levels must not exceed 85 decibels (dB) at a distance of 50 feet from the source. Requests for sound levels exceeding this limit require additional permissions and must be submitted to the Scheduling Office. Failure to comply with requests to reduce volume that is in excess of the approved limit may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code of Conduct, including the immediate cancellation of the remainder of an ongoing event or gathering.
    • Outdoor Spaces adjacent to Residence Halls:
    • Sunday through Thursday: Amplified and Projected Sound is not permitted.
    • Fridays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Saturdays: Amplified and Projected Sound is permitted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

3. Special Permissions

    • Event organizers may seek additional permissions for Amplified and Projected Sound from the designated Scheduling Office.
    • Permissions may be granted based on the specific location and the nature of other activities occurring at the same time.

    4. Restrictions

    Permission may be denied by the Scheduling Office based on the impact of Amplified and Projected Sound on nearby activities and events.


    A link containing information on the Scheduling Office will be listed at https://inform.uconn.edu.


    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

    The Provost or designee and the Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment or designee shall review this policy annually and will recommend revisions and/or updates as may be appropriate.

    Questions about this Policy may be directed to the Office of the Provost at provost@uconn.edu or the Office of the Vice President for Life and Enrollment at VPSLE@uconn.edu.


    Policy created: 02/11/2002

    Revisions: 08/20/2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and President)

    Restrictions of Publication Rights and Foreign Nationals in Sponsored Research Contracts

    Title: Restrictions of Publication Rights and Foreign Nationals in Sponsored Research Contracts
    Policy Owner: Vice President for Research and Graduate Faculty Council Executive Committee
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability:
    Effective Date:  April 6, 2004
    For More Information, Contact Sponsored Program Services
    Contact Information:  (860) 486-3619
    Official Website: https://ovpr.uconn.edu/services/sps/proposals/




    This policy outlines the conditions under which UConn can accept restrictions on publication rights and foreign nationals in sponsored research contracts.  This policy is necessary because federal export control regulations (including International Traffic in Arms Regulations – ITAR) severely restricts all publication by PIs and carries severe sanctions.  Under these regulations federal agencies can withhold the right to publish, including a thesis.  Accordingly, the policy’s goal is to safeguard graduate students’ progress towards graduation while allowing them to gain valuable experience working on such sponsored research projects.


    A grant with restrictions on foreign nationals and publication rights can be accepted only if the following conditions are met:

    1)      The Principal Investigator (P.I.) must show that graduate students will not be employed on the project for more than 6 months.  This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis and is not automatic.  Six months is the maximum appointment to be considered.  Furthermore, in the future similar work should be done by a technician or post-doc.

    2)      The student must understand that the work cannot be part of his/her thesis because of the restrictions.  In addition, it is important that the student or post-doc understands that he/she cannot discuss the research with others in the lab and cannot allow anyone (besides the P.I.) access to the research data.   This information will be conveyed to each student and post-doc in a letter provided by the P.I.

    3)      The P.I. must outline procedures to guarantee in writing that no other employee in the lab will have access to the data.  The PI must also guarantee that the work and resulting data will not be discussed in group meetings.

    4)      The P.I., as well as each graduate student and post-doc, must sign the statements described in Sections 2 and 3 of this Policy.  OSP must get a signed copy of each statement before funds are released.

    5)      The P.I. must be informed by OSP that the consequences of federal oversight on contracts with these restrictions can be severe, both for the individual and the institution.  The procedures outlined in this Policy are designed to protect him/her.

    6)      The Associate Vice Provost may meet with the affected graduate student to ensure that he/she understands the Policy.

    People with Disabilities, Policy Statement:

    Title: People with Disabilities, Policy Statement:
    Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability:  All Campuses and Programs, except UConn Health
    Effective Date: November 15, 2011
    For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
    Contact Information: (860) 486-2943
    Official Website: http://www.equity.uconn.edu/

    The University of Connecticut is committed to achieving equal educational and employment opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities.  It is the University’s policy that no qualified person be excluded from consideration for employment, participation in any University program or activity, be denied the benefits of any University program or activity, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination with regard to any University program or activity.  This policy derives from the University’s commitment to nondiscrimination for all persons in employment, academic programs, and access to facilities, programs, activities, and services.

    A person with a disability must be ensured the same access to programs, opportunities, and activities at the University as all others.  Existing barriers, whether physical, programmatic, or attitudinal must be removed.  Further, there must be ongoing vigilance to ensure that new barriers are not erected.

    The University’s efforts to accommodate people with disabilities must be measured against the goal of full participation and integration.  Services and programs to promote these benefits for people with disabilities shall complement and support, but not duplicate, the University’s regular services and programs.

    Achieving full participation and integration of people with disabilities requires the cooperative efforts of all of the University’s departments, offices, and personnel.  To this end, the University will continue to strive to achieve excellence in its services and to assure that its services are delivered equitably and efficiently to all of its members.

    Anyone with questions regarding this policy is encouraged to consult the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).  The office is located in Wood Hall, Unit 4175, 241 Glenbrook Road, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4175, telephone, 860-486-2943.




    Providing Information in Alternative Formats, Policy on

    Title: Providing Information in Alternative Formats, Policy on
    Policy Owner: Office of Institutional Equity
    Applies to: Workforce Members, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
    Approval Date: August 20, 2024
    Effective Date: August 21, 2024
    For More Information, Contact Office of Institutional Equity
    Contact Information: equity@uconn.edu
    (860) 486-2943
    Official Website: https://accessibility.uconn.edu/


    The University of Connecticut, including the School of Law, Regional Campuses, and UConn Health, is committed to ensuring effective communication to all individuals, including those with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act and its Amendments (2008) as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  This policy looks to address the needs of persons with disabilities who require access to University materials in alternative formats.


    University Workforce Members: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


    The University engages in an interactive process with each person making a request for accommodations and reviews requests on an individualized, case-by-case basis.  In keeping with these standards, the University requires that:

    • Printed materials be made available in alternative formats upon request. Printed materials include, but are not limited to, departmental/program brochures, announcements of events and activities, newsletters, exams, applications, forms, and any other printed information made available to the public.
    • Films and videos promoting departmental and program information, or related items acquired by a department or program, be closed captioned;
    • Departments and programs that sponsor public speakers, conferences, information sessions, or public performances provide qualified interpreters for people with hearing disabilities and printed materials in alternate formats upon request;
    • Departments and programs establish procedures to respond to requests in a timely fashion and promptly notify the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) of student accommodation requests, and the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) of employee accommodation requests.
    • Departments and/or organizations should plan accordingly to use normal budgetary channels to provide assistive technology or alternative formats


    Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


    Persons requesting materials in alternative formats, captioning for video and/or live speakers, or other assistive technology should submit their request to the appropriate entity at the University for review.  The designees are as follows:

    Student Requests:

    Students, including students enrolled at the School of Law, School of Social Work, School of Medicine, and School of Dental Medicine, should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities at their earliest convenience.  Students will be assigned a Disability Services Professional to assist them with their educational access throughout their time at the University.  More information on CSD and its process can be found here: csd.uconn.edu.


    Center for Students with Disabilities
    Wilbur Cross Building, Room 204
    233 Glenbrook Rd. Unit 4174
    Storrs, CT 06269-4174
    Phone: 860-486-2020
    Video Phone: 860-553-3243
    Email: csd@uconn.edu

    Workforce Requests:

    Any employee, including those at UConn Health, should submit their requests to Human Resources at their earliest convenience. Employees will have the opportunity to work with the ADA Case Manager to discuss their needs and make requests through the interactive process.  More information on HR’s process can be found:

    UConn ADA Compliance & Accommodations
    UConn Health ADA Compliance & Accommodations

    Contact UConn:

    ADA Accommodations Case Manager

    Allyn Larabee Brown Building

    9 Walters Ave Depot Campus – Unit 5075

    Storrs, CT 06269-5075

    Phone: (860) 486-2598

    Email: tiffanie.roback@uconn.edu

    Contact UConn Health:

    ADA Case Manager

    16 Munson Road, 5th Floor

    Farmington, CT 06032

    Phone: (860) 679-2426

    Email:  moreland@uchc.edu


    The University’s Interim ADA Coordinator is:

    Sarah Chipman
    Interim Associate Vice President, Interim Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, Interim ADA Coordinator, Director of Equity Response and Education, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
    Office of Institutional Equity
    Storrs: Wood Hall, First Floor
    UConn Health: Munson Road, Third Floor
    (860) 486-2943

    All other requests should be made directly to the facilitator or organizer of the program in question.  This information can often be found on the event’s website or other promotional materials.  Event organizers should make every effort to accommodate requests as needed and should work to promote accessible design within their program.  This can include producing large print programs, hiring captioning services or utilizing high contrast materials.


    08/20/2024 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and President)


    Non-Retaliation Policy

    Title: Non-Retaliation Policy
    Policy Owner: Office of the President
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Contractors and Affiliated Persons
    Campus Applicability: All Campuses, including UConn Health
    Effective Date: October 22, 2012
    For More Information, Contact Office of University Compliance
    Contact Information: (860) 486-2530
    Official Website: http://president.uconn.edu/


    To define how the University provides for the protection of any person or group within its community from retaliation who, in good faith, participates in investigations or reports alleged violations of policies, laws, rules or regulations applicable to the University of Connecticut.


    The University encourages individuals to bring forward information and/or complaints about violations of state or federal law, University policy, rules, or regulations.  Retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, reports and/or participates in the investigation of alleged violations, or who assists others in making such a report, is strictly forbidden.  This policy does not protect an individual who knowingly files a report or provides information as part of an investigation that is false or is filed in bad faith. The University will take appropriate action, up to and including dismissal, against any employee, student, or affiliated person who violates this policy.


    Retaliation: Any adverse action taken, or threatened against an individual because they have, in good faith, reported an allegation concerning the violation of state or federal law, University policy, rule, or regulation, or because they have participated in any manner with an investigation of such an allegation, or in an effort to deter an individual from doing so.

    Examples of actions that may constitute retaliation include, but are not limited to:

    • unsubstantiated adverse performance evaluations or disciplinary action;
    • adverse decisions relating to the terms or conditions of employment or education;
    • interference with or denial of promotion or advancement opportunities (whether employment-related or academic);
    • reduction in a student’s grade;
    • interference with or denial of participation in University programs or activities;
    • unfounded negative job references or interfering with one’s job search;
    • denial or removal of co-authorship on a publication;
    • repeated intimidation or humiliation, derogatory or insulting remarks, or social isolation which may occur indirectly or directly from co-workers and/or a supervisor;
    • physical threats and/or destruction of personal or state property

    Any action taken or threatened that would dissuade a reasonable person from engaging in activities protected by this policy may also be considered retaliatory.

    Good Faith Report: A report made with an honest and reasonable belief that a university-related violation of law or policy may have occurred.

    Bad Faith Report: A report made that is knowingly false and/or made with malicious intent.

    Protected Activities: Good faith reporting, whether internally or externally, or inquiring about suspected wrongful or unlawful activity; assisting others in making such a report; and/or participating in an investigation or proceeding related to suspected wrongful or unlawful activity.



    If an individual believes that they have been subjected to retaliation, they should either contact the office to which the initial complaint was filed or any of the following University offices:

    Storrs & Regional Campuses UConn Health
    The Office of University Compliance
    28 Professional Park, Unit 5084
    Storrs, CT  06269-5084
    Telephone: (860) 486-2530
    Reportline: 1-888-685-2637Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu
    The Office of University Compliance
    Administrative Services Building
    263 Farmington Avenue
    Farmington, CT 06030-5329
    Telephone: (860) 679-1969
    Reportline: 1-888-685-2637Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu
    The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
    241 Glenbrook Road
    Wood Hall, Unit 4175
    Storrs, CT  06269-4175
    Telephone: (860) 486-2943
    Email: equity@uconn.edu
    OIE’s Discrimination Complaint Procedures:
    The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
    Munson Building
    263 Farmington Avenue
    Farmington, CT 06030-5130
    Telephone: (860) 679-3563
    Fax: (860) 679-3805
    Email: equity@uconn.edu
    OIE’s Discrimination Complaint Procedures: https://equity.uconn.edu/policiesprocedures/
    Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations
    9 Walters Avenue, Unit 5075
    Storrs, CT  06269-5075
    Telephone: (860) 486-5684
    Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-relations/ 
    Employee/Labor Relations
    Munson Building
    263 Farmington Avenue
    Farmington, CT 06030 – 4035
    Telephone: 860-679-8067
    Website: https://health.uconn.edu/human-resources/services/employee-labor-relations/
    University of Connecticut Police Department
    126 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3070
    Storrs, CT  06269-3070
    Telephone: (860) 486-4800
    Website: https://publicsafety.uconn.edu/police/
    University of Connecticut Police Department
    263 Farmington Avenue
    Farmington, CT 06030 – 3925
    Telephone:  860-486-4800
    Website: https://publicsafety.uconn.edu/police

    Any individual who is covered by a collective bargaining contract are also encouraged to contact their union:

    Union Contact Information
    The American Association of University Professors (AAUP), University of Connecticut Chapter Telephone: (860) 487-0450

    Website: http://www.uconnaaup.org/contact/

    The University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association (UCPEA) Telephone: (860) 487-0850

    Website: http://ucpea.ct.aft.org/

    Maintenance and Service Unit,
    Connecticut Employees Union Independent (CEUI)
    Telephone: (860) 344-0311

    Website: https://www.ceui.org/

    Administrative Clerical Unit – American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Telephone: (860) 224-4000

    Website: https://www.afscme.org/

    Connecticut Police and Fire Union Telephone: (860) 953-2626

    Website: https://cpfu.org/

    Social and Human Services Unit – American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Telephone: (860) 224-4000

    Website: https://www.afscme.org/

    Administrative and Residual Employees Union (A&R) Telephone: (860) 953-1316
    Website: http://andr.ct.aft.org/
    New England Health Care Employees Union – District 1199 Telephone: (860) 549-1199

    Website: http://www.seiu1199ne.org/

    University Health Professionals (UHP) Telephone: (860) 676-8444

    Website: http://uhp3837.ct.aft.org/

    Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to diminish the rights, privileges or remedies of a University (State) employee under other federal or state law or under any collective bargaining agreement or employment contract.



    In addition to the resources above, the following offices may be helpful to University employees and students who believe they are experiencing retaliation.

    Employee Assistant Program

    Website: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-assistance-program/

    University Ombuds

    Website: https://ombuds.uconn.edu/

    Office of the Dean of Students

    Website: https://dos.uconn.edu/

    UConn Cultural Centers

    Website: https://office.diversity.uconn.edu/cultural-centers/

    Office for Diversity and Inclusion:

    Website: https://diversity.uconn.edu/



    Policy created:  09/22/2009


    10/22/2012 (Non-substantive revisions)

    05/03/2021 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)

    Financial Aid Code of Conduct

    Title: Financial Aid Code of Conduct
    Policy Owner: Board of Trustees
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Others
    Campus Applicability: All Campuses
    Effective Date: January 22, 2008
    For More Information, Contact Director, Financial Aid Office
    Contact Information: (860) 486-2470
    Official Website: http://financialaid.uconn.edu/


    1. Definitions
      1. “Lending Institution” or “Lender” shall mean (i) any entity that itself, or through an affiliate, engages in the business of making loans to students, parents or others for purposes of financing higher education expenses or that securitizes such loans, or (ii) any entity, or association of entities, that guarantees education loans. “Lending institution” or “Lender” shall not include the University or the state or federal government.
      2. “University” shall mean the university, college, professional trade school or other entity providing post-secondary education that adopts this Code of Conduct.
      3. “Opportunity Loans” shall mean loans to international students or other students who, because they have poor or no credit history, do not have access to student loans on reasonable terms.
      4. “Compensation” shall mean anything of value including, but not limited to, money, credits, loans, discounts, payments, fees, forgiveness of principal or interest, reimbursement of expenses, charitable contributions, stock options, consulting fees, educational grants, vacations, prizes, gifts or other items of value, whether given directly or indirectly.
      5. “Trade Association” shall mean any higher education, financial aid, lending or banking trade, industry or professional association that receives Compensation within the preceding 12-month period from any Lending Institution or Lender.  The Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges shall not be deemed to be a “trade association” solely by virtue of its contract to administer the Connecticut Higher Supplemental Loan Authority (“CHESLA”).
      6. “Outside Director” shall mean a member of a Lender’s Board of Directors or Board of Trustees who receives Compensation from such Lender in connection with his or her service on the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees and who receives no other compensation from the Lender as an officer, employee, or agent of the Lender or otherwise.
      7. “Agent” shall mean a person acting as a representative of and at the direction of or under the control of a University where such person’s responsibilities with respect to the University relate primarily to the University’s activities involving financial aid or the business of higher education loans.
    2. Code of Conduct
      1. Prohibition of Certain Compensation to University Employees
        1. No University trustee, director, officer, or Agent, or any employee who is employed in the financial aid office of the University or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to higher educational loans or other financial aid at his or her University, and no spouse or dependent children of any such persons (“Family Member”), shall accept any Compensation of more than nominal value (not to exceed the gift  limits established in the State Code of Ethics), directly or indirectly, during any 12-month period from or on behalf of a Lending Institution or Trade Association, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit any officer, trustee, director, Agent or employee of the University, or any of their Family Members, from receiving Compensation for the conduct of non-University business with any Lending Institution or Trade Association or from accepting Compensation that is offered to the general public, if such Compensation is permitted pursuant to the State Code of Ethics.
        2. Notwithstanding the prohibitions in subsection II.A.1 or any other provision of this Code of Conduct: (a) The University may hold membership in any nonprofit professional association; (b) A University trustee, director, officer, or employee who does not have responsibilities with respect to higher educational loans or financial aid, may serve as an Outside Director of a Lending Institution or Trade Association and receive Compensation at the Lending Institution’s or Trade Association’s established compensation rates for Outside Directors, provided that any University trustee, director, officer or employee serving on the board of the Lending Institution or Trade Association is precluded from participating in such board’s discussions or decisions that might affect the interests of the University, and provided further that such University trustee, director, officer or employee complies with the University’s conflict of interest policy, and receives annual written notice of the requirements of both this Code of Conduct and the University’s conflict of interest policy.  Further, notwithstanding the prohibitions in subsection II.A.1, a trustee, director, officer or employee of a Lending Institution or Trade Association who does not have responsibilities with respect to higher education loans or financial aid shall not be prevented from serving on the Board of Directors of a University solely by virtue of his or her position with the Lending Institution or Trade Association, provided that any such person serving on the board of the University is precluded from participating in such board’s discussions or decisions that might affect the interests of such Lender or Trade Association or that relate to financial aid or higher education loans.
        3. Nothing in this Code of Conduct shall be construed to conflict with the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes ?10a-201 et seq., including without limitation ?10a-203(a), and ?10a-221 et seq.
        4. The prohibitions set forth in this subsection II.A shall include, but not be limited to, a ban on any payment or reimbursement by a Lending Institution or Trade Association to a University employee or Family Member for lodging, meals, or travel to conferences or training seminars unless such payment or reimbursement is related solely to non-University business  University employees whose duties relate to financial aid may accept food or refreshments of nominal value provided or paid for by a Lender or Trade Association at a meeting, conference or seminar related to their professional development or training, as permitted pursuant to the State Code of Ethics.  University employees are not precluded from attending any educational or training program related to financial aid or higher education loans where no registration fee is charged to any attendee because of a Lender’s or Trade Association’s sponsorship or support of the program, and provided that the registration fee is limited to covering the costs associated solely with the education or training component of the program, if permitted pursuant to the State Code of Ethics.
      2. Limitations on University Employees Participating on Lender Advisory Boards No University officer, trustee, director, Agent or employee, or any of their Family Members, shall serve on an advisory board for a Lender.  Lenders can obtain advice and opinions of financial aid officials on financial aid products and services through Trade Associations, industry surveys or other mechanisms that do not require service on Lender advisory boards and provided such person receives no Compensation for such service.  This provision shall not apply to participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to financial aid or higher education loans.
      3. Prohibition of Certain Compensation to the University
        1. Neither the University, nor any alumni association, booster club, foundation, athletic organization, social organization, academic organization, professional organization or other organization affiliated with the University (“Affiliated Organizations”), may accept any Compensation from any Lending Institution or Trade Association in exchange for any advantage or consideration provided to the Lending Institution or Trade Association related to the Lending Institution’s or Trade Association’s financial aid or education loan activity.  This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to (i) revenue sharing by a Lending Institution or Trade Association with the University or Affiliated Organizations, (ii) the receipt by the University or Affiliated Organizations from any Lending Institution or Trade Association of any equipment or supplies, including without limitation, computer hardware and software, for which the University pays below-market prices, and (iii) printing costs or services, provided that a University or Affiliated Organizations shall not be prohibited from accepting a Lender’s or Trade Association’s own standard printed brochures or informational material that does not contain the University’s logo or otherwise identify the University.
        2. Notwithstanding anything else in this subsection II.C., the University may accept assistance comparable to the kinds of assistance provided by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education to schools under or in furtherance of the Federal Direct Loan Program.
        3. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a University from accepting endowment gifts, capital contributions, scholarship funding, or other financial support from a Lender or Trade Association, so long as the University gives no competitive advantage or preferential  treatment to the Lender or Trade Association related to its education loan activity in exchange for such support.
      4. Preferred Lender Lists
        In the event that the University promulgates a list of preferred or recommended lenders or similar ranking or designation (“Preferred Lender List”), then:

        1. Every brochure, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List must clearly disclose, textually or by clearly designated hyperlink,  the process by which the University selected Lenders for said Preferred Lender List, including but not limited to the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria; and
        2. Every brochure, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List or identifies any Lender as being on said Preferred Lender List shall state in the same font and same manner as the predominant text on the document that students and their parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, are not required to use any of the Lenders on said Preferred Lender List, and will suffer no penalty from the University for choosing a Lender that is not on said Preferred Lender List;
        3. The University’s selection of Preferred Lenders and the University’s decision as to where or how prominently on the list the Lending Institution’s name appears shall be based solely on the best interests of student and parent borrowers, utilizing stated criteria that are limited to benefits provided to borrowers (such as competitive interest rates and repayment terms, quality of loan servicing, and whether loans will be sold) and the ability to work efficiently and effectively with the University to process loans, without regard to the pecuniary interest of the University or to any benefits provided by Lending Institutions to the University or any of the University’s officers, trustees, directors, Agents or employees or their Family Members.  The University’s selection of any Preferred Lender shall be limited to the types of loans for which that Lender has been selected, based on the benefits to the borrower for those types of loans, and the University’s Preferred Lender list shall indicate the types of loans for which each Lender has been selected as a Preferred Lender.  Nothing in this provision is intended to restrict the University’s ability to exercise its discretion in making its own, final judgment about which lenders best meet the University’s criteria and the needs of its student and parent borrowers.
        4. The University shall review its Preferred Lender List at least annually;
        5. The University shall require that all Preferred Lenders commit, in writing to disclose to the borrower, at the time a loan is issued: (a) whether the loan may be sold to another Lender; (b) that the loan terms and benefits will not change if the loan is sold to another Lender;   and (c) that the loan benefits may change if the borrower chooses to consolidate his or her loans; and
        6. The University shall ensure that any Preferred Lender list that it publishes to students contain no less than three (3) Lending Institutions.
      5. Prohibition of Lending Institutions’ Staffing of University Financial Aid Offices
        1. No employee or other agent of a Lending Institution may staff the University financial aid offices at any time.  The University shall ensure that no employee or other representative of a Lending Institution is ever identified to students or prospective students of the University or their parents as an employee or agent of the University.  The foregoing prohibitions notwithstanding, if the University believes that it would benefit students, the University may allow representatives of Lenders to conduct informational sessions, such as exit interviews and presentations on loan payment and loan consolidation options, so long as: (a) student attendance is voluntary; (b) a University representative explains that other Lenders may provide similar services;  (c) the affiliation of the Lender representative is disclosed at the start of the presentation; (d)  the Lender representative does not promote the products or services of any Lender, and (e) the University takes reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the requirements of this paragraph.
        2. In the event that the University permits a Lender to conduct information sessions or exit interviews as set forth in subsection E.1. above, the University must retain control of any interview or presentation offered by Lenders.  Control may be evidenced by: (a) a University employee attending such interview or presentation; (b) the University recording or videotaping the interview or presentation; or (c) with respect to an exit interview conducted electronically via the internet, the University creating or approving in advance the content of such electronic exit interview.
      6. Proper Execution of Master Promissory Notes The University shall not link or otherwise direct potential borrowers to any electronic Master Promissory Note or other loan agreement unless the Master Promissory Note or agreement allows borrowers to enter the Lender code or name for any Lender offering the relevant loan or the University’s link to the electronic Master Promissory Note or agreement informs borrowers of alternative means of entering into a Master Promissory Note or agreement with any Lender of the borrower’s choice.  Any information the University provides to borrowers about completing a Master Promissory Note or agreement with a Preferred Lender must provide the information required in subsections II.D.1 and II.D.2 above.
      7. Requirements for Opportunity Loans The University may enter into arrangements with Lenders to provide Opportunity Loans to students whose credit rating would otherwise preclude them from obtaining loans with reasonable rates and terms.  The University may enter into such arrangements with a Preferred Lender after the University has selected Preferred Lenders in accordance with the provisions of Section II.D above, or it may use a separate process for selecting Lenders to provide Opportunity Loans, so long as that process also complies with the provisions of Section II.D. above.  The University shall not request, accept, solicit or consider a Lending Institution’s offer to provide any Opportunity Loans in exchange for the University providing concessions, benefits or promises to the Lender.
      8. Revolving Door Prohibition
        1. In the event a University hires an employee who will be employed in the financial aid office of the University or who otherwise will have responsibilities with respect to higher educational loans or other financial aid and such employee was employed by a Lender during the 12 month period prior to the date of hire by the University, such employee shall be prohibited from having any dealings or interactions with such Lender on behalf of the University for a period of 12 months from the date such employee’s employment with the Lender was terminated.
        2. In the event a Lender hires an employee who was employed by the University during the 12-month period prior to the date of such employee’s hire by the Lender, the University shall be prohibited from having any dealings or interactions with such employee for a period of 12 months from the date such employee’s employment with the University was terminated.

    Policy History

    Approved by the Board of Trustees on January 22, 2008
    Reviewed September 21, 2018

    Undergraduate Education Field Trip Policy

    Title: Undergraduate Education Field Trip Policy
    Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
    Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
    Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
    Effective Date: June 5, 2013
    For More Information, Contact Office of the Provost
    Contact Information: (860) 486-2421
    Official Website: http://vped.uconn.edu/


    Field Trips are an important component of the experiential learning advocated in the University’s academic plan for undergraduate education. In order to promote the success and safety of all involved in field trips, the University of Connecticut has established this Field Trip Policy.


    A. To establish a policy and related procedures for field trips that involve faculty members, support staff, students, and/or other persons.


    A. Student Code of the University of Connecticut

    B. University Policies and Collective Bargaining Agreements


    A.  “Field Trip” means an educational off-campus excursion that is part of a credit-bearing academic course and is indicated on the course syllabus. Field trips do not include internships, study abroad, service learning assignments for individual students, on-campus excursions or trips by co-curricular groups (the Chess Club, the Chemistry Club, etc.). (See IV.A. for further information).

    B. “Field Trip Participants” means University of Connecticut faculty, staff, and students connected with the course. Other University of Connecticut faculty, staff, and students may participate with permission of the field trip coordinator, but they do so at their own risk and they must follow the designated guidelines.

    C. “Students” means part-time or full-time students enrolled at the University of Connecticut.

    D. “Trip Director” means the faculty member or other University employee designated to be in charge of a field trip.


    A.  Instructors must give prior notice to students that their class includes Field Trips. Instructors should ensure that the Catalogue lists the Field Trip; however, at a minimum, instructors must notify students about Field Trips on the class syllabus and on the first day of class.

    B. Field trips are University sponsored events and, as such, all relevant University policies, and state and federal laws apply to trip participants.

    C. Field trips begin and end on campus. Students who join or leave the field trip at any other point do so at their own risk. Regional campus field trips may begin and end in designated commuter areas.

    D. Field trips are either voluntary or mandatory. Voluntary field trips follow the same guidelines as those that are mandatory for the course.

    E. The Trip Director has the responsibility to enforce compliance with University policies and the Student Code by all persons participating in the field trip as would be expected in the traditional classroom setting.

    F. Students with disabilities must always be permitted to participate in field trips, and trips should be arranged in ways that reasonably accommodate them. Full consideration should be given by investigating the accessibility of the destination as well as transportation resources. Physical requirements should be clearly delineated and students should be afforded the opportunity to complete an alternate activity in the event that participation with reasonable accommodations is not feasible. Faculty members are encouraged to consult with students regarding accessibility concerns and may contact the Center for Students with Disabilities for assistance as well.

    G. All participants are individually responsible for their personal conduct while on the field trip. The University has no obligation to protect them from the legal consequences of violations of law for which they may be responsible.

    H. No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances shall be transported or consumed in any vehicle (private, rented, or leased) at ANY TIME or used or consumed during the course of the field trip.

    I. No narcotics, illegal drugs, or other controlled substances may be in the possession of, or used by, any person engaged in the field trip.

    J. Trip Directors must review and ensure compliance (including execution of any necessary forms) with the Field Trip Checklist while planning, preparing for, and executing a Field Trip.


    A. Violations of this Field Trip Policy may be the basis of appropriate sanctions, including the initiation of formal charges under applicable provisions of the Student Code or the relevant collective bargaining agreements and University policies.

    B. While actually engaged in a field trip, the Trip Director may enforce the provisions of this Field Trip Policy by withdrawal or limitation of privileges, or, in the event of repeated violations, by excluding the offending person from further participation and arranging to return the offender to the campus or to convey him/her to the nearest point of public transportation for return to the campus. The cost of such return transportation is a proper charge against University funds, but the University reserves the right to obtain reimbursement from the offender.


    A. The University does not maintain a fleet of vehicles. If a vehicle is needed for a field trip, the department can rent or lease from a University-contracted rental agency. Drivers of rental vehicles must be employed by the university and must be at least 21 years of age. Insurance and damage waivers are required when renting a vehicle from a third party.

    B. There may be occasions when you will drive your own vehicle for a field trip with the approval of the Trip Director. In that scenario, your own automobile insurance policy serves as the “primary” policy for third-party liability and physical damage to your vehicle. If a claim arising out of an accident exceeds your personal liability limits, then the University’s policy may cover the accident in excess of your policy, but only for liability, not damage to your vehicle. You are responsible for any deductible amounts under your policy.

    C. Drivers of University owned, rented or leased vehicles must comply with the UConn Motor Vehicle Policy which can be found on the UConn ePolicy page. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer.

    Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.