Division of University Safety

Code Compliance for University Events and Projects, Policy on

Title:  Code Compliance for University Events and Projects, Policy on
Policy Owner: Division of University Safety
Applies to: The University workforce, students, others
Campus Applicability: All Campuses 
Effective Date: April 6, 2022
For More Information, Contact Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office
Contact Information: buildinginspector@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://firemarshal.universitysafety.uconn.edu/ 


The Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office (FMBIO) provides regular inspection, incident investigation, construction and/or event permitting, as well as consultation on matters relevant to design, construction, renovation, maintenance, and use of structures, systems, and related assets. CGS 29-252a (h) and State Building Code (SBC) 105.2.4 exempt a state agency from being required to obtain a building permit from the local building official, however, the University of Connecticut and the State Building Inspector have determined that any University of Connecticut work which is subject to building permit by the SBC shall be permitted through the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office.


To provide a safe environment through the enforcement of building and fire safety codes in compliance with the University’s Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Connecticut General Statutes and State Building Code.


Workforce: Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the University, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not they are paid by the University.


Members of the workforce, including contractors or subcontractors, who intend to perform any of the following must contact the FMBIO to determine if code compliance is applicable and if a permit is required:

  • construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure;
  • perform any work related to electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing systems;
  • organize an indoor or outdoor event, activity, or assembly attended by fifty (50) or more people in a space outside the scope of its intended use[1], or that involves tents, pyrotechnics, amusement rides, open flames, cooking and/or heating food, or alcohol.

In addition to the above-listed instances in which FMBIO review is required, it is recommended that the University and its agents contact the building inspector regarding all work to buildings and structures before that work commences.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.


Contact the FMBIO prior to initiating work or organizing events, activities or assemblies attended by fifty (50) or more people.

The building inspector may make a determination as to whether proposed work is subject to a building permit based on submission of a brief description of the work. If a review of the State Building Code determines that a building permit is not required for the proposed work, a letter indicating such will be returned with the submitted documents.

The Fire Marshal may make a determination regarding whether indoor or outdoor events, activities, or assemblies of 50 or more people require a permit based on submission of a brief description of the activity.


CGS Chapter 541 Part II

CGS 29-252a


Policy created: April 06, 2022 [Approved by President’s Senior Policy Council


[1] Existing spaces are permitted and approved for specific capacity and intended use during construction. Therefore, when any space of an existing building is used as it was originally intended, a new permit is not required (e.g., holding a class in a classroom). If an activity is planned in a space that requires increased capacity or added features such as enhanced technology, lighting, installation of a stage, amplification of sound, use of displays, etc., then a permit is required.

Availability and Use of Opioid Antagonists, Policy on

Title: Availability and Use of Opioid Antagonists, Policy on
Policy Owner: Division of University Safety
Applies to: All Faculty, Staff, and Students
Campus Applicability: All campuses, including UConn Health
Approval Date: July 11, 2023
Effective Date: July 11, 2023
For More Information, Contact Division of University Safety
Contact Information: UConn Fire Department


Official Website: https://universitysafety.uconn.edu/  


To ensure compliance with Connecticut state law which requires all institutions of higher education in the state of Connecticut to develop and implement a policy concerning the availability and use of opioid antagonists by students and employees of the institution.


All faculty, staff, and students at the University of Connecticut and all regional campuses, including UConn Health (“UConn”).


Opioid Antagonist: As used in this policy, and consistent with state law, “opioid antagonist” means naloxone hydrochloride or any other similarly acting and equally safe drug approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of drug overdose.


UConn is committed to maintaining a safe and substance-free environment on all its campuses. All uniformed police and fire personnel on UConn’s campuses carry and are trained to administer opioid antagonists. In addition, clinical staff in Student Health and Wellness-Medical Services, located on the Storrs campus, store, and are trained to administer opioid antagonists. Opioid antagonists are available and accessible to students and employees on all of UConn’s campuses as noted below. When an opioid antagonist is administered on any of UConn’s campuses, notification to law enforcement or a local emergency medical provider must be made by a UConn representative. Such notification is satisfied if the opioid antagonist is administered by police, fire, or other medical personnel. In all other cases, notification should be made by calling 911 prior to, during or as soon as practical after each use. It is recommended that any individual administered an opioid antagonist be transported to an emergency department for further evaluation.

The Chief of the UConn Fire Department, or the designee(s), has been designated to oversee the purchase, storage, and distribution of opioid antagonists on each of UConn’s campuses and in observance with these procedures. The supply of opioid antagonists is maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. Faculty, staff, and students may access opioid antagonists by calling 911.

Opioid antagonists are accessible to students and employees in the following locations:

Storrs Campus

University Safety Headquarters
126 North Eagleville Road
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone Number: 860-486-4800
Storrs, CT 06269-4011

Arjona Building
337 Mansfield Road, 4th Floor
Storrs, CT 06269

Wilson Hall
626 Gilbert Road, 1st Floor
Storrs, CT 06269

UConn Student Health and Wellness
Medical Care (Students only)
Hilda May Williams Building
234 Glenbrook Road, Unit 4011
Storrs, CT 06269-4011

Cordial House
1332 Storrs Road
Storrs, CT 06269

Avery Point

Police Department
1084 Shennecossett Road
Groton, CT 06340

School of Law

Police Department
39 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT  06103

UConn Health

Firehouse/Police Dept
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT  06030

Hartford Campus

Police Department
10 Prospect Street
Hartford, CT  06103

Stamford Campus

Police Department
1 University Place
Stamford, CT  06901

Waterbury Campus

Police Department
99 East Main Street
Waterbury, CT  06702

To ensure that the UConn community is aware of the availability and location of opioid antagonists on campus, this policy shall be sent via the University’s Daily Digest and UConn Health Lifeline to all faculty, staff and students prior to the start of each academic semester, and posted on the websites of the Division of University Safety, Department of Human Resources and Student Health and Wellness.


State law provides substantial protections from civil and criminal liability for individuals acting in good faith to assist persons experiencing an opioid-related drug overdose. Individuals “may, if acting with reasonable care, administer an opioid antagonist to such other person. [Such] person . . . shall not be liable for damages in a civil action or subject to criminal prosecution with respect to the administration of such opioid antagonist.” See Connecticut General Statutes § 17a-714a.

In addition, state law prohibits the prosecution of any person who seeks or receives medical assistance in “good faith” when sought for someone else based on a reasonable belief that the person needs medical attention; when a person seeks medical attention based on a reasonable belief that he or she is experiencing an overdose, and when another person reasonably believes that he or she needs medical attention. “Good faith” does not include seeking medical assistance while law enforcement officers are executing an arrest or search warrant or conducting a lawful search. See Connecticut General Statutes 21a-279, 21a-267.



University of Connecticut uniformed firefighters and police officers, and staff at Student Health and Wellness (Shaw) will administer an opiate antagonist per the current Connecticut Statewide EMS Protocols approved and disseminated by the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH).


A. All uniformed firefighters and police officers are licensed or certified at the Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician, or Emergency Medical Responder levels, and are trained in the use intranasal administration of an opiate antagonist. Firefighter/Paramedics are additionally trained in the use of intravenous and intermuscular administration of an opiate antagonist.

B. All staff at ShaW Medical Services are trained in the use of intranasal administration of an opiate antagonist.

C. Re-training and recertification are required per CT DPH guidelines.


A. All uniformed firefighters and police officers are issued opiate antagonists that are carried while on duty.

B. Opiate antagonists are stored in designated areas at SHaW

C. The Fire Chief, or designee(s), will track and disseminate opiate antagonist to all fire and police department personnel and the SHaW Pharmacy, as a designee, will track and disseminate opiate antagonists to the designated SHaW locations for appropriate use.

D. Additional opiate antagonist is available through the University of Connecticut Fire Department (UCFD) for personnel.


A. All uniformed Firefighters and police officers shall always be required to maintain opiate antagonist on their person or in EMS kits.

    1. In accordance with manufacturer’s instruction, the opiate antagonist (e.g., intranasal or injectable naloxone) must be kept out of direct light and stored at room temperature (between 59 and 86-degrees Fahrenheit).
    2. Opiate antagonist should not be left in a vehicle for extended periods and should not be subjected to extreme temperatures, since it will freeze, and it may affect the effectiveness of the medication.
    3. In addition to opiate antagonist being stored at UCFD, additional opiate antagonist will be stored in designated locations at the University of Connecticut Student Health and Wellness.


A. Replacement opiate antagonist shall be stored at the UCFD and disseminated by the Fire Chief or the designee, and replaced as needed.

    1. In the event that an opiate antagonist is expired or used, the firefighter or police officer shall notify their appropriate supervisor for immediate replacement.
    2. Additional replacement opiate antagonist can be obtained from the UCFD.
    3. The purchase of all opiate antagonist will be through the UCFD.

B. Opiate antagonist that are lost, damaged, or exposed to extreme temperatures, shall be reported to the appropriate supervisor.


Department of Human Resources: https://hr.uconn.edu/opioid-epidemic/


Policy created: 12/11/2019 Approved by Senior Leadership

Revisions:         7/11/23 Approved by the President and Senior Policy Council

Open Flames, Hot Work, and other Heat Producing Activities, Policy on


Title: Open Flames, Hot Work, and other Heat Producing Activities, Policy on
Policy Owner: Division of Public Safety
Applies to: All members of the Storrs campus, Regional campuses, the Law School, the School of Social Work and UConn Health.
Campus Applicability: Storrs campus, UConn Health, Regional campuses, the Law School and the School of Social Work.
Effective Date: 4/24/2018
For More Information, Contact The Office of the Fire Marshall and Building Inspector
Contact Information: firemarshal@uconn.edu  (860) 486-4878
Official Website: http://publicsafety.uconn.edu/fmbio/


The University of Connecticut is committed to promoting a safe and secure environment for the University community. As part of this commitment, the University recognizes that there are inherent public safety and fire safety risks and concerns with the use of open flame, pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, and hot work sources, especially so within the confines of a public assembly. The purpose of this policy is to outline acceptable and unacceptable uses of open flames, pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, and hot work on all University property.

Applicability / Source of Authority

The University Fire Marshal derives statutory authority to regulate, permit, limit, or terminate the use of open flames, pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, and hot work on University property and require parameters under which these activities may occur on University property through Connecticut General Statutes section 29-291, Connecticut General Statutes section 29-306, and a Memorandum of Understanding with the Connecticut Department of Construction Services. Concurrent with this authority, the University designates the University Fire Marshal as the Authority Having Jurisdiction to administer and enforce this policy, as well as serving as the designated point of contact between the University and the State Department of Construction Services (State Fire Marshal’s Office).


“Hot Work” means the construction, maintenance or repair process utilizing a source of ignition and/or flammable material, including but not limited to cutting, soldering/brazing, grinding, welding, torch heating, and heat treatments.


Given the risks associated with the use of open flame, pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, and hot work sources, alternative methods should be utilized when possible or practical.

Within the University’s jurisdiction, there are three generally accepted reasons for the regulated use of open flames and heat producing effects:

  1. To support ongoing construction, maintenance and repair “hot work.” These are controlled uses of flames/heat and are currently regulated by Division of Environmental Health and Safety policy, Factory Mutual (FM) Hot Work permitting processes, and/or unit specific procedures within Facilities Operations, all of which are approved by the University Fire Marshal.
  2. For academic research purposes such as heat treating, gas flame heating, and combustion research, which are regulated by the Division of Environmental Health and Safety, Connecticut General Statutes, and applicable national standards.
  3. For celebratory, student recreation, or food cooking purposes. These include fireworks, pyrotechnics, woodland camp fires, torch lighting ceremonies, and gas fueled heating appliances, which are regulated by Connecticut General Statutes and applicable national standards and all of which must be directly approved by the University Fire Marshal

To support the aforementioned acceptable uses, local department procedures may be created, provided that   any such procedure regarding flames or hot work must be created in consultation with, and approved by the University Fire Marshal prior to implementation.

Any use of open flames, hot work, pyrotechnic or flammable gas flame displays not covered within a local department procedure shall be requested through, and approved by, the University Fire Marshal and administered though the Office of the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector on a case by case basis. Such authorization to approve can be delegated to a designee within the UConn Fire Department or Division of Public Safety as needed.

The University Fire Marshal has administrative and statutory authority to order flames to be extinguished or for hot work to be discontinued when these activities represent a danger to public safety or that are not in administrative compliance with this policy. Such authorization to order extinguishment and/or discontinuance can be delegated to a designee within the UConn Fire Department or Division of Public Safety as needed.

When a request for the use of open flames, pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, and hot work is received that exceeds the scope of the statutory authority for University Fire Marshal approval, the University Fire Marshal will be the point of contact with the State of Connecticut Fire Marshal, who must authorize the request.


Violations of this policy may result in criminal prosecution and/or appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code.


See also: 

Health and Safety Policy.

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Requirements for Construction, Service, and Maintenance Contractors.


Policy created: 04/24/2018 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)


Security Camera Policy

Title: Security Camera Policy
Policy Owner: Division of Public Safety & Office of the General Counsel
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability:  Storrs, Regionals, and the School of Law
Effective Date: September 12, 2014
For More Information, Contact Director of Public Safety
Contact Information: (860) 486-4806
Official Website: http://publicsafety.uconn.edu

I.          Scope

This policy applies to the University of Connecticut at Storrs, the University’s regional campuses and the University’s School of Law.  The determination of whether a facility leased by the University, whether as lessor or lessee, will be subject to this policy will be made by the Chief of Police on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors including the location of the facility, facility attributes, and the terms of the pertinent lease agreement.

This policy applies to all faculty and staff employed by, and to all schools and departments within, the University.  This policy shall not apply to use of cameras for reasons unrelated to surveillance activity, including remote monitoring of facilities construction and progress, videotaping of athletic events for post-game reviews, the use of cameras in connection with human subject and animal research (which use shall be governed by University policies governing research) the use of cameras in certain laboratories to ensure safe research practices, and the use of cameras for legitimate educational purposes.  Nor shall this policy apply to cameras used by law enforcement in the following manners: covert operations for the purpose of criminal surveillance; or mobile cameras used in, on, or about law enforcement or parking services vehicles; or body-worn or otherwise portable cameras used during the course of investigations or normal law enforcement functions; or parking enforcement cameras.


II.         Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of security cameras on property owned and/or utilized by the University in a way that enhances security and aids law enforcement while respecting the privacy expectations of members of the University community.

The primary purpose of utilizing security cameras in public areas is to deter crime and to assist law enforcement in enhancing the safety and security of members of the University community and University property.  The primary use of security cameras will be to record video images for use by law enforcement and other University officials charged with investigating alleged violations of law or University policy.

The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that security cameras will be monitored in real time continuously or otherwise.


  • Acceptable Use, Information Technology
  • University Code of Conduct
  • General Rules of Conduct
  • The Student Code

IV.        Definitions

As used within and for the purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined as follows.

Chief of Police: the head of the Division of Public Safety or his or her designee.

Private areas: areas in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, including, but not limited to,non-common areas of residence halls, residence hall corridors, bathrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms and other areas where a reasonable person might change clothes.  Additionally, areas designed for the personal comfort of University employees or the safeguarding of their possessions, such as lounges and locker rooms, and areas dedicated to medical, physical, or mental therapy or treatment shall be considered private areas for the purpose of this policy.

Public areas: areas made available for use by the public, including, but not limited to, campus grounds, parking areas, building exteriors, loading docks, areas of ingress and egress, classrooms, lecture halls, study rooms, lobbies, theaters, libraries, dining halls, gymnasiums, recreation areas, and retail establishments.  Areas of the University in which persons would not have a reasonable expectation of privacy, but to which access is restricted to certain University employees, such as storage areas, shall also be considered public areas for the purpose of this policy.

Security camera: a camera used for monitoring or recording public areas for the purposes of enhancing public safety, discouraging theft and other criminal activities, and investigating incidents.
Security camera recording: a digital or analog recording of the feed from a security camera.

Security camera system: any electronic service, software, or hardware directly supporting or deploying a security camera.

V.         Responsibilities and Authority

Responsibility for oversight of installation, maintenance, and utilization of security cameras and associated policies, standards, and procedures is delegated by the President of the University to the Chief of Police. This responsibility includes:

  1. creation, maintenance, and review of a campus strategy for the procurement, deployment, and use of security cameras, including this and related policies;
  2. designation of the standard campus security camera system or service;
  3. authorizing the  placement of all security cameras;
  4. authorizing the purchase of any new security camera systems;
  5. reviewing existing security camera systems and installations and identifying modifications required to bring them into compliance with this policy;
  6. creating and approving campus standards for security cameras and their use; and
  7. creating and approving procedures for the use of security cameras.

VI.        Control Elements

VI.1      Training


All personnel involved in the installation, maintenance or monitoring of security cameras: (a) will be instructed in the technical, legal and ethical parameters of appropriate camera use; and (b) will receive a copy of this policy and provide a written acknowledgment that they have read and understood its contents.

VI.2      Security Camera Placement

  1. University Police shall be solely responsible for the oversight of temporary or permanent security cameras on campus.  As such, all installations must be approved by them.  Schools, departments and offices desiring the installation and use of security cameras shall submit a request for such installation to University Police.  All proposals for the deployment of security cameras will include proposed sites for the placement of notifying signs (see Section VI.3. below).  Installation of video security applications shall be the financial responsibility of the requesting school, department or office.
  2. University schools, departments and offices presently utilizing security cameras shall promptly advise the University Police Department, which will review the location and utilization of the cameras and identify actions necessary to bring such usage into conformance with this policy.
  3. Consistent with the requirements of state law, security cameras utilized by the University will not record or monitor sound.  Audio recordings shall be prohibited unless permitted by law and specifically authorized by the Chief of Police.
  4. Use of security cameras shall be limited to public areas. Video surveillance shall be not conducted in private areas of the campus unless specifically authorized by the Chief of Police pursuant to a search warrant or otherwise. If needed, electronic shielding will be placed in the security camera so that the security camera cannot be used to look into or through windows into private areas.
  5. Where Security Cameras are permitted in private areas, they will, to the maximum extent possible, be used narrowly to protect persons, money, real or personal property, documents, supplies, equipment, or pharmaceuticals from theft, destruction, or tampering.
  6. Security cameras shall not be directed at the windows of any privately-owned residence not located on University property.
  7. Inoperative, placebo, or “dummy” security cameras shall NEVER be installed or utilized, as they may lead to a false sense of security that someone is monitoring an operational camera.

VI.3      Security Camera Monitoring and Review

  1. The University Police may monitor and review security camera feeds and recordings as needed to support investigations and to enhance public safety.  It is not intended or expected that security cameras will be routinely monitored in real time.
  2. With the prior approval of the Chief of Police, other University personnel may monitor and review security camera live feeds and recordings for purposes of public safety.
  3. Monitoring individuals based on characteristics of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected classification is prohibited.  Seeking out and continuously viewing people becoming intimate in public areas is prohibited.

VI.4      Notification Requirements

Except in emergency or investigative situations, all locations with security cameras will have signs displayed that provide reasonable notification of the presence of security cameras.  The placement of the signs and the text on the signs will be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police.

Notification signs shall be placed in conspicuous areas in close proximity to the security cameras.  For buildings with interior cameras, this shall include, at a minimum, the placement of signs at all primary building entrances.  All such signs shall contain a notification that the cameras may or may not be monitored.

VI.5      Use of Recordings

Security camera recordings, with the approval of the Chief of Police, shall be used for the purposes of enhancing public safety, discouraging theft and other criminal activities, and investigating incidents (including the release of recordings by the Division of Public Safety to external law enforcement agencies).  Recordings from cameras whose primary function is not security (such as classroom lecture capture) may, with the authorization of the Chief of Police, be used for these purposes.

Security cameras shall not be utilized to conduct personnel investigations, such as those related to (but not limited to) work place attendance or work quality.  However, the University may utilize routine security camera recordings in support of disciplinary proceedings against employees and/or students, or in a civil suit or other proceeding involving person(s) whose activities are shown on the recording and relate to the proceeding. For example, the situation could be an arbitration or other proceeding and the proceeding could be by or against such person. Information obtained in violation of this policy may not be used in a disciplinary proceeding against a University student or employee.

The use of security cameras and/or recordings for any purpose not detailed within this policy is subject to including §6 of the campus policy on the Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems.

Records of access to and release of, Security Camera recordings must be sufficient so as to demonstrate compliance with this policy.

VI.6      Protection and Retention of Security Camera Recordings

Video footage will be stored on servers accorded appropriate computer security with access by authorized personnel only.

Security camera recordings will be retained in accordance with the records retention policies of the State of Connecticut.  This retention period may be extended at the direction of the General Counsel or the Chief of Police or as required by law.

VI.7      Release of Recorded Material

Requests for release of recorded material must be approved by the Chief of Police.  Requests for release of recorded material set forth in subpoenas or other legal documents compelling disclosure should be submitted to the General Counsel.

VII.       Compliance

It shall be the responsibility of the Chief of Police to see that records related to the use of security cameras and recordings from security cameras are sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this policy.  Units that maintain or support security camera technology must also maintain records and configure systems to ensure compliance with this policy.  Before procuring security camera systems, units will need to ensure compatibility with the system identified as the campus standard by the Chief of Police.

The Chief Information Officer, or his or her designee, in conjunction with the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, may review the deployment and utilization of security cameras at the University, whenever and as frequently as they deem necessary. A finding that a school, department or office has failed to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in the loss of its privilege to support, maintain, or deploy security cameras and may result in other remedial action at the direction of the President or the President’s designee.

VIII.      Exceptions

Uses of security cameras beyond those described in this security camera policy shall be governed by applicable University policies and procedures.  Persons having questions about the use of monitoring cameras not subject to this policy should direct those questions to the Chief of Police or the General Counsel.



This policy will be reviewed, and revised as necessary, by the Department of Public Safety, annually or more frequently as circumstances require.

Missing Student Policy

Title: Missing Student Policy
Policy Owner: UConn Police Department
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs
Effective Date: August 18, 2016
For More Information, Contact Deputy Chief Maggie Silver
Contact Information: 860-486-4800
Official Website: http://www.police.uconn.edu/

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student is missing, whether or not the student resides on campus, all possible efforts will be made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being through the collaboration of UConn Police, Dean of Students Office, Residential Life staff, and local law enforcement.

At the beginning of each year or upon matriculation, all students are given the opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted by the University in case of emergency.

This contact information is subject to the University’s FERPA Policy. (See: http://policy.uconn.edu/?p=368).

In addition, consistent with Clery Act requirements, all students living in on-campus housing are also given the option each year, or upon moving into on-campus housing, to designate a confidential contact for use in case the student is reported missing.  Although the same contact may be provided for both purposes, by law the missing student contact is distinct from the general emergency contact provided by all students, and is held to a higher standard of confidentiality than the general emergency contact.  It will be accessible only to authorized University personnel, and disclosed only to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of an investigation.  To help ensure timely and complete notification and investigation of all missing student situations, confidential missing student contact should be provided or updated at: https://student.studentadmin.uconn.edu/psp/CSPR/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/CC_PORTFOLIO.SS_CC_EMERG_CNTCT.GBL.

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that any student is missing they should immediately contact UConn Police at 860-486-4800.  

In missing persons cases, time is of the essence. Hence, we urge the community to contact UConn Police immediately upon suspicion that an individual is missing.  The UConn Police Department is committed to begin an investigation upon the first report.

The UConn Police department will initiate formal investigation or contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.

UConn Police will communicate and collaborate as appropriate with one or both of the following departments:

  • Dean of Students Office at (860) 486-3426
  • Residential Life Staff at (860) 486-9000

Within 24 hours of the determination that a residential student is a missing person, UConn Police will:

  • Notify the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, if other than UConn Police;
  • Notify the student’s designated missing person contact;
  • If the student is under the age of 18 years and is not emancipated, notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian

However, if the student is under 18 and is not an emancipated individual, UConn Police will notify the student parent or guardian as well as any other designated missing person contact.


Working Alone Policy

Title: Working Alone Policy
Policy Owner: Division of Environmental Health and Safety
Applies to: University Students
Campus Applicability: Storrs, Regionals, Law School
Effective Date: January 2013
For More Information, Contact Environmental Health and Safety
Contact Information: (860) 486-3613
Official Website: http://www.ehs.uconn.edu/


No student is permitted to Work Alone in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.


This policy has been developed to minimize the risk of serious injury while Working Alone with materials, equipment or in areas that could result in serious injury or an immediate life-threatening hazard.


This policy applies to undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students performing academic or research related work at the University of Connecticut Storrs, regional campuses and the Law School.


Working Alone means an isolated student working with an immediately hazardous material, equipment or in an area that, if safety procedures fail, could reasonably result in incapacitation and serious life threatening injury for which immediate first aide assistance is not available.

Immediately Hazardous Environment describes any material, activity or circumstance that could cause instantaneous incapacitation rendering an individual unable to seek assistance.  Examples include but are not limited to: potential exposure to poisonous chemicals and gases at a level approaching the IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health); work with pyrophoric and explosive chemicals; work with pressurized chemical systems; entering confined spaces; work near high voltage equipment; work with power equipment that could pinch or grab body parts and/or clothing; etc.

Unit Managers are managers, supervisors, principle investigators, faculty, Department Heads and others who are responsible for assigning work to students that involve potential exposure to immediately hazardous environments.

Safety Content Expert is a safety professional from the UConn Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).  EHS provides guidance to Unit Managers and their designees regarding the proper classification of campus activities as Immediately Hazardous or not; and provides safety information regarding proper procedures and personal protective equipment needed.

Direct Observation means the assigned second person is in line of sight or close hearing range with the individual working in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and Bylaws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Unit Managers are responsible for identifying the risks and conditions that may place a student in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.  If unsure about a specific task or location, Unit Managers are advised to contact EHS to assist in recognizing/evaluating risks, and to help in developing appropriate hazard controls. The Unit Manager is also responsible to see that personnel are properly trained, proper procedures are in place, and that proper personal protective equipment is readily available and use is mandatory. This is documented by means of the Workplace Hazard Assessment form.

If the task/area is deemed a Working Alone situation, the Unit Manager must either:

a) Assign a second person for the duration of the immediately hazardous task or for work in immediately hazardous locations (confined spaces, elevated work area, etc.); or

b) Reschedule the work to a time when others are available to help monitor the welfare of the assigned student.

All personnel are responsible for notifying the Unit Managers of situations that present the possibility of a student Working Alone in an immediately hazardous environment.

Personnel assigned to keep watch must provide Direct Observation at all times while students are in an Immediately Hazardous Environment to prevent a Working Alone situation.

Students are directly responsible for adhering to all safety procedures, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and to be current in training requirements.  Students shall not Work Alone in an area or on tasks that have been recognized as an Immediately Hazardous Environment.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) personnel shall, upon request, assist in identifying Immediately Hazardous Environments and Working Alone situations.  EHS shall assist in the anticipation, recognition and evaluation of hazards and provide expertise in developing controls to prevent injuries to personnel.  EHS will verify submitted area Workplace Hazard Assessment during routine inspections.

Recommended Safety Information Resources

Refer to the EH&S website for additional workplace safety requirements:

Policies, programs and procedures



Space Heaters in University Buildings

Title: Space Heaters in University Buildings
Policy Owner: UConn Fire Marshal and Building Inspector
Applies to: University Workforce Members and Students
Campus Applicability: All UConn Campuses except UConn Health
Approval Date: December 24, 2024
Effective Date: January 1, 2025
For More Information, Contact: UConn Fire Marshal
Contact Information: firemarshal@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://firemarshal.universitysafety.uconn.edu/


To protect employees, students, and visitors from fire, electrical, and other safety risks associated with space heaters. The policy is designed to comply with the Connecticut State Fire Prevention & Building Codes, regulations from the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and the Connecticut Occupational Safety and Health Administration.


This policy applies to University workforce members and students using space heaters in University-Property at the Storrs and Regional Campuses, extension centers, and the UConn School of Law.


University Property: Any building, space, or area under the control of or leased by the University of Connecticut.


The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment.

Improper usage of space heaters poses serious fire and safety risks to the UConn community. Space heaters must be selected from the UConn Fire Department/Fire Marshal Unit (FD/FMU) list of approved models and used only under conditions outlined in this policy. Unapproved or non-electric space heaters are strictly prohibited.

All space heaters require a permit for use. Space heaters are only permitted under the following conditions:

  1. When heating systems fail within an occupied space.
  2. To supplement existing heating systems for employee comfort, in spaces that are not restricted.
  3. When temporary heating is required in unheated spaces.

In residential occupancies, space heaters may only be used temporarily, with restrictions on the duration of use, and must have a permit issued by the FD/FMU prior to use. Space heaters are prohibited in laboratories, workshops, art studios, storage areas, or any space where chemicals or combustible materials are present, as well as any space not actively occupied by people. In limited cases, space heaters may be allowed in laboratory offices if the UConn FD/FMU grants permission.

The UConn FD/FMU reserves the right to inspect and remove any space heater that is used inappropriately or presents a danger to life or property.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


The following procedures to request a space heater must be followed:

  1. Contact Facilities Operations to submit a work order to evaluate and adjust the temperatures in the affected area. Facilities Operations will determine whether repairs to the heating system can resolve the issue.
  2. If Facilities Operations cannot resolve the heating issue, the affected individual must contact the UConn FD/FMU.
  3. The UConn FD/FMU, in coordination with Facilities Operations as necessary, will determine whether the proposed location and electrical circuit can accommodate a space heater.
  4. If the proposed location is approved, the UConn FD/FMU will issue a permit and provide a list of approved space heaters to the affected individual(s). Other space heaters that have not been approved by the UConn FD/FMU must be taken out of service and be removed from the building.
  5. If the proposed location is not approved for a space heater (e.g., the proposed location is in a laboratory, the electrical circuit is inadequate, etc.), additional options will be evaluated.

Upon approval and receipt of a permit by the UConn FD/FMU, individuals must comply with the following procedures while using space heaters:

  1. Read and follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions before using a space heater.
  2. Inspect the space heater for dust before each use and clean if necessary.
  3. Inspect the electrical cord and plug outlet for damage before each use. Remove the space heater from service if any damage to the cord or other parts are found.
  4. Never leave a space heater operating unattended. Always turn off the device and unplug it when the area is vacant or when going to bed.
  5. Plug space heaters into an electrical circuit that is rated for 15 amps or more to prevent overloading.
  6. Always plug space heaters directly into a permanent wall outlet (receptacle). Do not use an extension cord or power strip.
    1. Exception: Radiant panel heaters may be used with extension cords or power strips rated for 15 amps or more, if approved by the UConn FD/FMU.
  7. Never run an electrical cord for a space heater under a carpet or floor mat.
  8. Do not place space heaters under desks or in enclosed spaces.
  9. Ensure space heaters are placed on a stable level surface to prevent tipping, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
  10. Never use a space heater where flammable materials or vapors are present.
  11. Do not place a space heater near combustible materials such as papers, fabric, plastics, or furniture.
  12. Do not use space heaters in or near wet areas.
  13. Keep space heaters out of high traffic areas. Never block an exit.
  14. Maintain the manufacturer’s recommended clearance around the space heater for safe operation.
  15. Avoid placing space heaters near room thermostats.
  16. Inspect space heaters at least annually and have them repaired, as needed, by a qualified electrician.
  17. Discard any space heater that cannot be repaired, and, while unplugged, cut off the plug to prevent inadvertent use by others.

If space heaters are deemed unsafe and removed from service, they will be relocated to a designated storage area for owners to retrieve and remove from University property.

Department-owned space heaters may be removed through Surplus Operations.




Health and Safety Policy

Title: Health and Safety Policy
Policy Owner: Department of Environmental Health and Safety
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: UConn Storrs, Regionals, and the Law School
Effective Date: April 27, 2023
For More Information, Contact Department of Environmental Health and Safety
Contact Information: (860) 486-3613 or ehs@uconn.edu
Official Website: http://www.ehs.uconn.edu/


The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for all activities under the jurisdiction of the University.  Accordingly, the University has developed this top level over-arching health and safety policy to outline responsibilities and establish the framework of compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations and University policies and procedures pertaining to worker safety and public health.* Compliance with this policy along with subordinate health and safety policies, programs and procedures linked at the end of this policy document is mandatory.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, researchers, and all other individuals working at the University of Connecticut Storrs, regional campuses and the Law School.


The health and safety of all faculty, staff, students and visitors shall be a principal consideration in the planning and conduct of all University activities and programs, and in the design, construction, modification, or renovation of all University buildings and facilities.

This broad policy requires that health and safety regulations of Federal, State and local authorities, appropriate consensus standards of recognized organizations, and University specific policies are met.


Violations of this policy including, subordinate health and safety policies, programs or procedures may result in disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Individuals – Safety is the responsibility of each and every person at the University of Connecticut. All members of the University community are individually and collectively the owners of safety and share the responsibility to provide and maintain a safe environment.  Each individual is expected to comply with health and safety regulations and University policies, programs and procedures; perform work in a safe and sensible manner and to act to ensure the health and safety of self, coworkers, fellow students and all others at the University.

Individuals working for the University (employees) are required within five days of employment, transfer or job change to discuss potential hazards that they may encounter during the course of their employment with their supervisor.  That discussion shall include identification of workplace hazards along with required controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and requisite safety training.  Completion and submission of an employee specific Employee Safety Training Assessment defines required safety training.  Individuals are responsible to comply with defined controls, wear the appropriate PPE and attend requisite safety training in a timely manner.

Principal Investigators/Unit Managers – All personnel who assign and/or oversee work are responsible to ensure that compliant work controls and procedures consistent with Federal, State and local regulations and University policies are implemented to provide for the protection of all personnel and to safeguard the environment.   PIs/Unit Managers in consultation with EHS shall respond in a timely manner to address safety complaints, non-compliances and mitigate potentially unsafe conditions.  PIs/Unit Managers should set, by example, high standards for health and safety. These standards must be consistently applied and appropriate action taken when personnel fail to meet them.

PIs/Unit Managers (supervisors) are responsible to identify hazards in the work environment along with required controls and PPE using the Workplace Hazard Assessment (WHA) form. The WHA must be kept current and reviewed regularly.

The WHA and the ESTA are generic tools that must be used by the PI/Unit Manager (or designee) to document review of hazards in the workplace along with appropriate controls, PPE and safety training.  The ESTA must be completed with the employee within five days of their arrival, transfer or job change.  Failure to complete an ESTA or to ensure that employees attend the required training may result in disciplinary action.

Deans, Directors, and Department Heads – Each Dean, Director, and Department Head is charged to ensure organizational compliance with regulations and University policies and with maintaining a healthful and safe environment for all personnel.  They are expected to take appropriate action to ensure all identified hazards are addressed and identified issues of non-compliance corrected in a timely manner.

Updates are requested from each Dean, Department Head and Director to the Building and Emergency Contact Listing (BEC List) to ensure the timely and effective communication of information to assigned contacts within each building, regarding emergencies, incidents, projects, and other activities that may impact the health and safety of building occupants.

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) – EHS is charged by the University with implementing all University health and safety policies and procedures* in the Biological, Chemical, Occupational, Public Health, Environmental, and Radiation health and safety fields. EHS has been authorized by, and is accountable to, the University President and Senior University Management to identify, assess and enforce this Health and Safety policy and subordinate health and safety regulations, policies, and procedures.

EHS is responsible for maintaining a comprehensive program that combines training, consultation, control, and inspection to protect the health and safety of all personnel in the course of University sanctioned activities.  EHS staff provides professional services to measure and evaluate hazards to which the University community may be exposed and ensure compliance with regulations and University policies.  EHS’s responsibilities include:

  • Ensure that all written policies, procedures, and training materials for applicable health and safety regulatory standards are established, current, and available for delivery to appropriate campus groups;
  • Maintain an up-to-date webpage to enhance access to health and safety policies, procedures, technical guidance documents, and compliance assistance information;
  • Facilitate health and safety communications with the University community, and stress the importance of campus wide adherence to appropriate regulations, standards, and policies;
  • Provide graded approach (risk based) inspection services to enhance campus health and safety; and facilitate timely correction of identified non-compliances through escalating notification and enforcement;
  • Verify completion, adequacy, and adherence to required health and safety tools (e.g., WHA, ESTAs);
  • Promote EHS’s role as an environmental health and safety information resource ready to meet the needs of the campus community; and
  • Take appropriate measures (including Stop Work Authority for imminent hazard situations) to maintain acceptable margins of safety and regulatory compliance over all University operations.

* Matters pertaining to public safety, fire safety, and building code compliance, are addressed by other units within the Division of University Safety.

Administrative Oversight – The Associate Vice President of University Safety and the Director of EHS review and approve health and safety policies for the University on behalf of the President and Board of Trustees.  The Associate Vice President of University Safety is the responsible Senior University Manager for EHS and oversees the implementation of these policies.


Environmental Health and Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Committee has a diverse membership appointed by the Associate Vice President of University Safety.  Members represent the administration, faculty, and staff along with collective bargaining units, and students. The Committee meets quarterly, as mandated by CT General Statute 31-40v, “Establishment of Safety and Health Committees by Certain Employers,” to fulfill its functions and responsibilities. The committee is charged with but not limited to establishing procedures for sharing ideas with the employer concerning:

  1. Safety inspections;
  2. Investigating safety incidents, accidents, illnesses, and deaths;
  3. Evaluating accident and illness prevention programs;
  4. Establishing training programs for the identification and reduction of hazards in the workplace which damage the reproductive system of employees; and
  5. Establishing training programs to assist committee members in understanding and identifying the effects of employee substance abuse on workplace accidents and safety.

Focused Subject Matter Safety Committees

A number of safety committees reporting to the Vice President of Research have been established that address aspects of health and safety specific to research activities or focused subject matter.   These committees serve as advisory boards and research protocol review boards working in partnership with EHS to fulfill University goals.  Committee and subject matter information is linked below.

Chemical Hygiene Committee
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Laser Safety Committee
Radiation Safety Committee


Building and Emergency Contact (BEC) list
Employee Safety Training Assessment (ESTA)
Workplace Hazard Assessment (WHA)


The University Health and Safety Policy is implemented through a series of policies, programs, procedures and other documents, as appropriate to the operations of UConn. These documents have been developed by EHS in response to regulatory requirements and/or University committee decisions.  These items, listed below, are mandatory in nature, and must be followed to ensure compliance.  They can also be found on the EHS website at:   http://www.ehs.uconn.edu/ppp/

Analytical X-Ray Safety Program
Arboricultural Operations Procedures
Asbestos Management Plan
Biological Safety Manual
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
Chemical Hygiene Plan
Chemical Waste Disposal Manual
Confined Spaced Program
Contractor EHS Manual
Controlled Substances Policy
Electrical Safety Program
Excavation and Trenching Procedures
Fall Protection Program
Food Service Policies
General Workplace Health & Safety Inspection Program
Hazard Communication Program
Hearing Conservation Program
Laboratory Chemical Inventory Program
Laboratory Inspection Program
Laser Safety Manual
Lockout/Tagout Program
Occupational Health and Safety Program for Animal Handlers
PCB Management Plan
Powered Industrial Truck Program
Radiation Safety Committee Policy on Minor Modifications to an Existing Protocol
Radiation Safety Manual
Respirator Program
Rooftop Laboratory Exhaust Systems Maintenance Procedure
Silica in Construction Exposure Plan
Silica in General Industry Exposure Control Plan
Space Heaters Policy
Transportation of Biological Materials
Working Alone Policy


Policy created: 10/14/2014 (Approved by Senior Policy Council)
Revisions: 03/10/2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council 04/26/2023)