General Graduation Honors
Copyright Compliance Guidelines
Title: | Copyright Compliance Guidelines |
Policy Owner: | University Libraries, Access Services |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff, Students |
Campus Applicability: | Storrs and Regional Campuses |
Effective Date: | July 13, 2007 |
For More Information, Contact | Associate University Librarian for Academic Engagement |
Contact Information: | 860-486-2518 |
Official Website: | |
Instructors placing physical materials on Traditional Course Reserve (TCR), copies of physical materials on Electronic Course Reserve (ECR) or TCR, or posting materials directly to WebCT for the purpose of not-for-profit instructional support are responsible for being cognizant of and applying the copyright compliance guidelines observed by the University of Connecticut (UCL) Reserve Services. These guidelines apply whether Reserve Services or the individual instructor is posting materials in WebCT.
UCL copyright compliance guidelines for Reserve Services are based on:
- The Libraries’ interpretation of Section 107 Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use of Title 17 (Copyrights) of U.S. Code;
- Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair:
- The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
- The nature of the copyrighted work;
- Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
- The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work
- Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Educational Institutions with Respect to Books and Periodicals, a.k.a., Classroom Guidelines;
- American Library Association Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom, Research and Library Reserve Use;
- Music Library Association Statement on the Digital Transmission of Electronic Reserves ;
- The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Guidelines for Reserve Services/WebCT Environments
What can I put on Reserve?
Entire physical works in their original format, e.g., books, journals, AV materials, may be put on TCR in the Library provided the University Libraries or the instructor owns a legal copy of the work. Most government publications are in the public domain and may also be put on Reserve, whether or not owned by the University Libraries or the instructor.
Copies of portions of the above types of works may be placed on ECR, TCR, or posted by instructors to WebCT provided the University Libraries or the instructor owns a legal copy of the work and access is restricted to the instructor and students enrolled in the course for which the material is being used in a given semester.
Reserve Services has developed the following guidelines for the amount of a copied work to be placed on ECR/TCR or posted by instructors to WebCT:
- One article per journal issue;
- One chapter or 10% of a book;
- Other parts or whole works that do not constitute copyright infringement, e.g., government documents and class notes.
- In all cases, the notice of copyright and the title page from the work must be posted.
The above amounts are estimates designed to safeguard the University and its individual members from legal action due to copyright infringement. Exceptions to the above limits must take into consideration the four fair use factors.
What if the University Libraries or the instructor does not own a legal copy of a work?
The Libraries will purchase books that are required for Reserve.
The Libraries will obtain journal articles not owned by the University Libraries or the instructor and request permission for use. If permission is granted and there are royalty fees, the Libraries will pay the royalty fees. If permission is not granted, the material will be removed from Reserve and the instructor will be notified. Permission must be requested for each semester the material is being used.
Written permission of the student author is required to place student papers on Reserve.
What is not permitted for Reserve?
Materials considered to be “consumable,” e.g., published workbooks, exercises, standardized tests, test booklets, answer sheets, and course packs are not put on Reserve. The nature of this material is such that making copies available to many students is likely to affect the market value of the item and may be an infringement of copyright law.
Can materials in digital databases and full text journals leased by the Libraries be used in WebCT?
UCL does not own these materials, they are leased. UCL signs an official license agreement with each vendor, and each license contains language on the permitted use of the material. Some of the licenses allow for use of the material for Reserve, some do not.
Instructors needing to use in WebCT products leased by the Libraries should consult with Reserve Services to determine whether there are restrictions on use for Reserve associated with a particular leased product.
Below are known leases that do allow Reserve use:
- InfoTrac
- ABI Inform
NOTE: If a license prohibits use of digital material for Reserve and the Libraries own the paper version, Reserve Services will scan the paper version and post it through ECR.
Can materials not owned/leased by the Libraries or the instructor and available on the Internet be used in WebCT?
While this issue is beyond the domain of Reserve Services, please be advised that if you choose to use such materials (i.e., other instructors’ web pages, commercial sites, etc.) in WebCT, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and paying any associated royalties.
Reserve Services contacts for permissions as outlined above:
Stephen Bustamante
Coordinator for Digital Reserves
Jo Ann Reynolds
Coordinator for Reserve Processing
Confidentiality of Library Patron Records
Title: | Confidentiality of Library Patron Records |
Policy Owner: | The UConn Library |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff, Students, Others |
Campus Applicability: | All |
Effective Date: | November 21, 2016 |
For More Information, Contact | The UConn Library |
Contact Information: | (860) 486-2518 |
Official Website: | |
The UConn Library is committed to the protection of all library patrons’ rights to privacy with respect to their use of library resources.
This policy applies to all University of Connecticut faculty, students, staff, administration, University affiliates, community borrowers and authorized library users who borrow materials from any of the ten (10) University of Connecticut Libraries (collectively, the “UConn Library”).
It is the policy and practice of the University of Connecticut that personally identifiable information collected by any unit of the UConn Libraries relating to an individual library patron’s use of library collections and/or services will be kept confidential. While such information may be used internally by employees and agents of the UConn Libraries as needed for the operation of the particular library, it will not be disclosed to third parties except with the express written permission of the library patron or pursuant to a lawfully issued court order.
This policy aligns with the principles of the American Library Association Code of Ethics, which endorses the confidentiality of library patron records.
Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.
Library patron records are retained in accordance with the state record retention requirements established by the Office of the Public Records Administrator of the Connecticut State Library.
If the University is served with a subpoena, warrant, or court order (including court orders resulting from the surveillance provisions of the USA Patriot Act) compelling disclosure of library patron records, then such document shall be promptly referred to the University’s Office of the General Counsel.
Circulation Policies, University Borrowers
Title: | Circulation Policies, University Borrowers |
Policy Owner: | University Libraries, Access Services |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff, Students, Others |
Campus Applicability: | Storrs and the 5 Regional Campuses |
Effective Date: | December 2, 2003 |
For More Information, Contact | Library Circulation Desk |
Contact Information: | (860) 486-2518 |
Official Website: | |
Describes the terms of library borrowing privileges for University borrowers.
UConn faculty, staff, retirees, graduate and undergraduate students, and visiting scholars
A University ID or a library-issued Borrower ID is required to borrow books and to place recalls or holds. Use of the ID indicates your agreement to observe library policies, which are designed to serve all users generously and equitably. The ID is not transferable. Please notify Circulation immediately if you lose your ID so we can block use by others. University IDs and library-issued Borrower IDs may be replaced for a fee.
Faculty/Graduate Students/Staff/Retirees/Visiting Scholars: 90-day Loan
Undergraduate Students/Affiliates/Community Borrowers: 30-day Loan
90-day Loans: renewable three times unless requested by another borrower.
30-day Loans: renewable twice unless requested by another borrower.
Renew online (via HOMER) or at the library.
Recalling a book that is charged out is a service available only to UConn faculty, students, retirees, staff and affiliates of the University. It is very important that recalled books be returned promptly. Borrowers who are temporarily unable to respond to recall notices should make prior arrangements with Circulation.
Any borrower may request that a circulating book be held for him or her when it is returned.
Reminder email notices are sent to all University borrowers alerting them that items are coming due and need to be returned or renewed.
Privileges are automatically suspended when a borrower:
Has one overdue recalled book
Has reached the charged book limit:
300 books (UConn faculty/graduate students/honors undergraduate students)
150 books (All other UConn undergraduate students/staff/retirees/affiliates)
25 books (All other borrower categories)
Has an expired record
A suspension is lifted automatically when the condition causing it is rectified.
Long overdue book (28 days or more overdue): $15 late return/billing fee (non refundable)
Overdue recalled book $5.00 a day/item; maximum of $50.
Long overdue books are billed at $95 per item plus a $15 nonrefundable late return/billing fee. The $95 replacement cost is refundable, if the item is returned within one year of the billing date.
Bills for library charges are issued by and paid at the University Bursar’s Office (Wilbur Cross Building, Unit 4100, 486-4830). Payments may be made in person during regular business hours or by mail. Checks are payable to the University of Connecticut. No payments are accepted at the library. Library charges for students appear on the next semester’s fee bill. Charges must be paid in full before registration is permitted and official transcripts can be issued.
All library circulation notices are distributed via email. If you use an email address other than your University email address, you need to forward your UConn email to your non-University email address. You may do this at: If you need assistance, please call Circulation at 486-2518.
Please return books to the Main Circulation Desk and, in the case of recalled books, directly to the staff person at that Desk. When the library is closed, books may be left in the depository slots at the North and South entrances. Return receipts are available upon request.
For more information about Babbidge circulation policy please contact Circulation Services:
Homer Babbidge Library
Access Services/Circulation U-1005C
369 Fairfield Road
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1005
Phone: (860) 486-2518
Fax: (860) 486-5636
Change of Major within a School or College
Athletics Employee Handbook
Title: | Athletics Employee Handbook |
Policy Owner: | Division of Athletics |
Applies to: | Athletics Staff |
Campus Applicability: | Storrs |
Effective Date: | August 2016 |
For More Information, Contact | Division of Athletics |
Contact Information: | (860) 486-2725 |
Official Website: | |
The Division of Athletics Employee Handbook is currently being revised. Please check back soon for updates. Any questions pertaining to the handbook may be directed to Cheryl Bertora at (860) 486-2725 or Dan Gilinski at (860) 486-2050.
Academic Course Work Taken by Faculty or Non-Teaching Professionals
Title: | Academic Course Work Taken by Faculty or Non-Teaching Professionals |
Policy Owner: | Provost & Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff |
Campus Applicability: | Storrs and branch campuses |
Effective Date: | September 25, 2014 |
For More Information, Contact | Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations |
Contact Information: | (860) 486-5684 |
Official Website: | |
Background and reasons for the Policy:
To provide guidance to faculty and non-teaching professionals on the circumstances under which they may take a course for credit during the employee’s regular work hours.
Purpose of Policy:
To support the University’s need to ensure effective delivery of instructional and other services for which faculty and non-teaching professional staff are hired and to mitigate against conflicts of commitment.
Expected Institutional Outcome:
To support uninterrupted delivery of programs, instruction and services.
Applicability of Policy:
Faculty and Non-Teaching Professionals.
Policy Statement:
No member of the faculty or non-teaching professional staff may take for credit any academic work at this institution or elsewhere during the employee’s normal work time/days, without written approval of his or her Dean or Director. The Dean or Director may consult with the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations regarding flexible schedule options.
The Provost, Deans and Department Heads and other supervisors have a responsibility to support compliance with this policy by faculty and staff in their units.
Policy History
Supersedes version of policy effective 06/23/2008
Violence in the Workplace Prevention, Policy on
Title: | Violence in the Workplace Prevention, Policy on |
Policy Owner: | Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff, Others |
Campus Applicability: | Storrs and Regional Campuses |
Effective Date: | January 2, 2004 |
For More Information, Contact | Labor Relations |
Contact Information: | (860) 486-5684 |
Official Website: | |
Background and reasons for the policy: The safety and security of all employees is of primary importance to the University of Connecticut. On August 4, 1999, the Governor of the State of Connecticut issued an executive order establishing a zero tolerance policy for workplace violence for all state agencies and public universities.
Workplace Violence is defined by this executive order as:
“Any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. It includes, but is not limited to, beatings, stabbings, suicides, rapes, near suicides, psychological traumas, such as threats, obscene phone calls, an intimidating presence and harassment of any nature such as being followed, sworn, or shouted at.”
This policy governs all University employees, persons who are permitted to work on University premises, at satellite locations or at University sponsored off-site events. This policy also governs persons operating state vehicles under the control of the University. The entire Governor’s policy and related definitions are accessible via the following links:
The executive order:
The Workplace Violence Prevention Manual:
Purpose of Policy: The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a workplace that is conducive to a safe and healthy environment supportive of our educational mission. This policy communicates the meaning of “workplace violence”, defines prohibited conduct and establishes potential consequences for violations. Additional resources are cited to provide direction on how to report incidents and offer sources of assistance and support to those impacted by workplace violence.
Expected Institutional Outcome: This policy will provide the University’s faculty, staff, students, contracted employees, visitors, vendors, volunteers and guests with an appropriately safe and healthy work environment, free from intimidation, harassment, threats and/or violent acts.
Applicability of Policy: This policy applies to all University of Connecticut employees and contractors.
Policy Statement: The University of Connecticut takes any act of violence seriously. The prevention of workplace violence is everyone’s responsibility. It is expected that University employees will maintain a workplace atmosphere of mutual respect and civility.
No person covered by this policy may engage in conduct intended to threaten, intimidate or harass a University employee. No person covered by this policy may possess a weapon or dangerous instrument while on any University worksite unless required to do so as a component of their job. No person covered by this policy may use, attempt to use, or threaten to use a weapon or dangerous instrument. No person covered by this policy may cause or threaten to cause death or physical injury to any individual while at a University worksite.
Individuals who make threats, commit acts of violence or engage in other conduct defined as workplace violence, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal as well as criminal prosecution if indicated.
Reporting Suspected Violations: Any act or incident that fits the definition of workplace violence outlined in this policy which occurs on the campus or at off-site locations under the University’s auspices or creates a risk to anyone at these sites must be reported immediately. All employees are responsible for notifying the administration of any threats that they witness or receive. Even without a specific threat, all employees should report any behavior that may be regarded as potentially threatening or violent or that could endanger the health and safety of others.
For more detailed instructions and resources regarding the University’s Workplace Violence Policy please contact the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations at 860-486-5684.
Use of the Social Security Number at the University of Connecticut, Policy on
Title: | Use of the Social Security Number, Policy on |
Policy Owner: | Information Technology Services / Chief Information Security Officer |
Applies to: | Faculty, Staff, Students |
Campus Applicability: | All campuses except UConn Health |
Effective Date: | August 30, 2021 |
For More Information, Contact | Director of IT Security, Policy and Quality Assurance |
Contact Information: | or |
Official Website: | |
To protect the confidentiality and privacy of students and employees of the University of Connecticut regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Social Security numbers. Social Security numbers have been used to uniquely identify students and employees in various University systems. As systems are updated and replaced, the reliance on Social Security numbers should be used only as required.
This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and contractors who have access to or have been assigned one of the roles defined in this policy.
In order to protect the Social Security number of its students, staff, faculty and affiliates, the University of Connecticut will:
- Discontinue the collection of Social Security numbers, except where necessary for employment records, financial aid records, and other business and governmental transactions as required by law or to satisfy a business requirement when permitted by law.
- Develop a University of Connecticut identifier to be assigned to all students, faculty, staff and other individuals associated with the University, to uniquely and permanently identify the individual. This identifier will be considered public information and be assigned and distributed to the individual upon initial association with the University. It will be used in all electronic and paper data systems to identify, track and service the individual.
- Ensure that no new systems or technology purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut use the Social Security number as its primary key to the database, except where required by law. Any exemption to this policy must be approved by the Office of University Compliance.
- Ensure that new systems or technologies purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut will use Social Security numbers as data elements only (not as keys to databases) when required by law or business necessity. Approval by the Council of Data Stewards is required for inclusion of the Social Security number in databases.
- Ensure that all requests, either verbal or written, for which faculty, staff or students are required to provide their Social Security number contain or have appended to them a statement explaining the University’s request (i.e., the legal obligation on which the request is based, if there is one, and how the Social Security Number will be used).
- Ensure that all requests, either verbal or written, for which faculty, staff or students are requested to voluntarily provide their Social Security number contain or have appended to them a statement explaining the University request and its purpose. The statement must indicate that no service or privilege will be withheld upon failure to provide the Social Security number and that the person may use the identifier provided by the University of Connecticut in place of the Social Security number.
- Ensure that any request for any form or document that contains the Social Security number, where the Social Security number is not the primary reason for the request, be accompanied by a statement indicating that the Social Security number is not required and should be blanked out on the form or document prior to being provided.
- Ensure that no new systems purchased or developed by the University of Connecticut display Social Security number visually, whether on computer monitors or on printed forms or other output, unless required by law.
- Access to Social Security numbers in online systems must be restricted as appropriate and visible only for required or approved uses.
Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.
Questions about this policy or suspected violations may be reported to any of the following:
Office of University Compliance: (860-486-2530)
Information Technology Services Tech Support: (860-486-4357)
Information Security Office:
Policy created: 08/2008
Revisions: August 30, 2021 [Approved by President’s Senior Team]