Facilities and Safety

Facilities Operations & Building Services Guideline for Maintenance and Repair Services (Excludes UConn Health)

Title: Facilities Operations & Building Services Guideline for Maintenance and Repair Services
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations & Building Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, except UConn Health
Effective Date: August 18, 2015
For More Information, Contact Facilities Operations & Building Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-3138
Official Website: http://fo.uconn.edu/

Facilities Operations and Building Services strives to provide services in a collaborative, respectful manner working to make our community a better place to study, live and work. This statement’s purpose is to communicate the scope of building maintenance and repair services provided to University of Connecticut community by the Department of Facilities Operations and Building Services.

Facilities Operations and Building Services is committed to providing maintenance and repair services to University-owned facilities for all structural and building systems. This includes all building systems identified on the original blueprints of buildings and those upgrades/modifications made to the original plans and excludes furniture, fixtures and equipment. Occupying units will not be expected to pay for this maintenance and repair.

These services include:

  1. Emergency maintenance: situations that require immediate intervention by trades workers to correct or mitigate a building maintenance problem or which can create unsafe conditions that may expose students, faculty, staff and/or visitors to health or safety related concerns and/or cause significant damage to the building, building systems, or
  2. Preventive maintenance: scheduled maintenance to prevent assets from wearing out/failing and maintain life cycle.
  3. Corrective maintenance: minor repairs to bring asset back into working order.
  4. Statutory maintenance: maintenance and repair to life safety systems; elevators, ADA requirements.
  5. Cyclical maintenance/replacement and updates of building finishes.
  6. Cyclical maintenance/replacement of classroom finishes and furniture.
  7. Basic custodial, snow removal & ice treatment, and landscape services.
  8. Infrastructure services such as water, sewer, steam, chilled water and power.

Facilities Operations and Building Services also provides maintenance and repair services necessitated by the particular operations or equipment of individual units. These services must be funded by the units requesting them. Similarly, Facilities Operations and Building Services is able to provide limited services on a reimbursable basis for small project renovations requested by departments that are cosmetic in nature, change the use purpose of a space, enhance the comfort factor for building occupants/users (ex: convenience kitchens), or mitigate excessive wear and tear on furniture and equipment, etc. The following criteria govern maintenance and repair services for which Facilities Operations and Building Services will charge units:

  1. Work that enhances the aesthetics, alters, or customizes a space for programmatic purposes, or involves a major change to interior finishes.
  2. Maintenance and repair of special classroom equipment; special lighting or sound installations; office furniture and furnishing; laboratory equipment; and other departmental property.
  3. Fabrication of cabinets, shelves, signs, name plates and other miscellaneous items.
  4. Furniture repair (excluding basic classroom furniture) and reupholstering.
  5. Special custodial or trash collection such as daily office cleanings, clean-ups, storage and office cleanouts above normal/routine service levels.
  6. Installation and service of equipment fundamentally required by or used for a unit’s research or other operational activity (such as special fire extinguishing equipment for laboratories, environmental chambers, refrigerators, freezers, autoclaves, spas, pools and uninterruptable power sources).
  7. Services required for the set-up/support of special events.
  8. Moving services.
  9. All facilities planning and design, or other professional services performed by consultants, architects, or engineers, in support of customer-funded projects.
  10. The manufacturer is responsible for fixtures and equipment under warranty. Instances which are covered by valid service agreements are the responsibility of the service agreement holder.
  11. All furniture, fixture and equipment upgrades and replacement costs are the responsibility of the owning unit.


In some cases, it may not be clear whether Facilities Operations and Building Services or the unit should bear the cost of maintenance or repair services. If they are not already addressed in a Service Level Agreement, such instances will be handled through discussion with constituent units, and may ultimately be decided by the Associate Vice president for Facilities Management in consultation with the Vice President to which the unit reports.


Adopted: 12/5/2013

Revised: 06/03/2014; 07/01/2014; 7/15/2014; 8/18/2015

Missing Student Policy

Title: Missing Student Policy
Policy Owner: UConn Police Department
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students
Campus Applicability:  Storrs
Effective Date: August 18, 2016
For More Information, Contact Deputy Chief Maggie Silver
Contact Information: 860-486-4800
Official Website: http://www.police.uconn.edu/

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student is missing, whether or not the student resides on campus, all possible efforts will be made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being through the collaboration of UConn Police, Dean of Students Office, Residential Life staff, and local law enforcement.

At the beginning of each year or upon matriculation, all students are given the opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted by the University in case of emergency.

This contact information is subject to the University’s FERPA Policy. (See: http://policy.uconn.edu/?p=368).

In addition, consistent with Clery Act requirements, all students living in on-campus housing are also given the option each year, or upon moving into on-campus housing, to designate a confidential contact for use in case the student is reported missing.  Although the same contact may be provided for both purposes, by law the missing student contact is distinct from the general emergency contact provided by all students, and is held to a higher standard of confidentiality than the general emergency contact.  It will be accessible only to authorized University personnel, and disclosed only to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of an investigation.  To help ensure timely and complete notification and investigation of all missing student situations, confidential missing student contact should be provided or updated at: https://student.studentadmin.uconn.edu/psp/CSPR/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/CC_PORTFOLIO.SS_CC_EMERG_CNTCT.GBL.

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that any student is missing they should immediately contact UConn Police at 860-486-4800.  

In missing persons cases, time is of the essence. Hence, we urge the community to contact UConn Police immediately upon suspicion that an individual is missing.  The UConn Police Department is committed to begin an investigation upon the first report.

The UConn Police department will initiate formal investigation or contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.

UConn Police will communicate and collaborate as appropriate with one or both of the following departments:

  • Dean of Students Office at (860) 486-3426
  • Residential Life Staff at (860) 486-9000

Within 24 hours of the determination that a residential student is a missing person, UConn Police will:

  • Notify the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, if other than UConn Police;
  • Notify the student’s designated missing person contact;
  • If the student is under the age of 18 years and is not emancipated, notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian

However, if the student is under 18 and is not an emancipated individual, UConn Police will notify the student parent or guardian as well as any other designated missing person contact.


Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut, Rules and Regulations for the Control of

Title: Rules and Regulations for Control of Parking and Vehicles on the Grounds of the University of Connecticut
Policy Owner: Transportation, Logistics, and Parking Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors
Campus Applicability:  Storrs and Regional Campuses
Effective Date: July 11, 2017
For More Information, Contact Transportation, Logistics and Parking Services
Contact Information: (860) 486- 3628
Official Website: https://park.uconn.edu/

The complete Rules and Regulations for the Control of Parking and Vehicles on Campus (Revised 11.21.18) are available in PDF.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on August 8, 2012.

Revised July 11, 2017 and approved by the President’s Cabinet.

Working Alone Policy

Title: Working Alone Policy
Policy Owner: Division of Environmental Health and Safety
Applies to: University Students
Campus Applicability: Storrs, Regionals, Law School
Effective Date: January 2013
For More Information, Contact Environmental Health and Safety
Contact Information: (860) 486-3613
Official Website: http://www.ehs.uconn.edu/


No student is permitted to Work Alone in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.


This policy has been developed to minimize the risk of serious injury while Working Alone with materials, equipment or in areas that could result in serious injury or an immediate life-threatening hazard.


This policy applies to undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students performing academic or research related work at the University of Connecticut Storrs, regional campuses and the Law School.


Working Alone means an isolated student working with an immediately hazardous material, equipment or in an area that, if safety procedures fail, could reasonably result in incapacitation and serious life threatening injury for which immediate first aide assistance is not available.

Immediately Hazardous Environment describes any material, activity or circumstance that could cause instantaneous incapacitation rendering an individual unable to seek assistance.  Examples include but are not limited to: potential exposure to poisonous chemicals and gases at a level approaching the IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health); work with pyrophoric and explosive chemicals; work with pressurized chemical systems; entering confined spaces; work near high voltage equipment; work with power equipment that could pinch or grab body parts and/or clothing; etc.

Unit Managers are managers, supervisors, principle investigators, faculty, Department Heads and others who are responsible for assigning work to students that involve potential exposure to immediately hazardous environments.

Safety Content Expert is a safety professional from the UConn Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).  EHS provides guidance to Unit Managers and their designees regarding the proper classification of campus activities as Immediately Hazardous or not; and provides safety information regarding proper procedures and personal protective equipment needed.

Direct Observation means the assigned second person is in line of sight or close hearing range with the individual working in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and Bylaws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements and the University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code.


Unit Managers are responsible for identifying the risks and conditions that may place a student in an Immediately Hazardous Environment.  If unsure about a specific task or location, Unit Managers are advised to contact EHS to assist in recognizing/evaluating risks, and to help in developing appropriate hazard controls. The Unit Manager is also responsible to see that personnel are properly trained, proper procedures are in place, and that proper personal protective equipment is readily available and use is mandatory. This is documented by means of the Workplace Hazard Assessment form.

If the task/area is deemed a Working Alone situation, the Unit Manager must either:

a) Assign a second person for the duration of the immediately hazardous task or for work in immediately hazardous locations (confined spaces, elevated work area, etc.); or

b) Reschedule the work to a time when others are available to help monitor the welfare of the assigned student.

All personnel are responsible for notifying the Unit Managers of situations that present the possibility of a student Working Alone in an immediately hazardous environment.

Personnel assigned to keep watch must provide Direct Observation at all times while students are in an Immediately Hazardous Environment to prevent a Working Alone situation.

Students are directly responsible for adhering to all safety procedures, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and to be current in training requirements.  Students shall not Work Alone in an area or on tasks that have been recognized as an Immediately Hazardous Environment.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) personnel shall, upon request, assist in identifying Immediately Hazardous Environments and Working Alone situations.  EHS shall assist in the anticipation, recognition and evaluation of hazards and provide expertise in developing controls to prevent injuries to personnel.  EHS will verify submitted area Workplace Hazard Assessment during routine inspections.

Recommended Safety Information Resources

Refer to the EH&S website for additional workplace safety requirements:

Policies, programs and procedures



Space Heaters in University Buildings

Title: Space Heaters in University Buildings
Policy Owner: UConn Fire Marshal and Building Inspector
Applies to: University Workforce Members and Students
Campus Applicability: All UConn Campuses except UConn Health
Approval Date: December 24, 2024
Effective Date: January 1, 2025
For More Information, Contact: UConn Fire Marshal
Contact Information: firemarshal@uconn.edu
Official Website: https://firemarshal.universitysafety.uconn.edu/


To protect employees, students, and visitors from fire, electrical, and other safety risks associated with space heaters. The policy is designed to comply with the Connecticut State Fire Prevention & Building Codes, regulations from the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and the Connecticut Occupational Safety and Health Administration.


This policy applies to University workforce members and students using space heaters in University-Property at the Storrs and Regional Campuses, extension centers, and the UConn School of Law.


University Property: Any building, space, or area under the control of or leased by the University of Connecticut.


The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment.

Improper usage of space heaters poses serious fire and safety risks to the UConn community. Space heaters must be selected from the UConn Fire Department/Fire Marshal Unit (FD/FMU) list of approved models and used only under conditions outlined in this policy. Unapproved or non-electric space heaters are strictly prohibited.

All space heaters require a permit for use. Space heaters are only permitted under the following conditions:

  1. When heating systems fail within an occupied space.
  2. To supplement existing heating systems for employee comfort, in spaces that are not restricted.
  3. When temporary heating is required in unheated spaces.

In residential occupancies, space heaters may only be used temporarily, with restrictions on the duration of use, and must have a permit issued by the FD/FMU prior to use. Space heaters are prohibited in laboratories, workshops, art studios, storage areas, or any space where chemicals or combustible materials are present, as well as any space not actively occupied by people. In limited cases, space heaters may be allowed in laboratory offices if the UConn FD/FMU grants permission.

The UConn FD/FMU reserves the right to inspect and remove any space heater that is used inappropriately or presents a danger to life or property.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


The following procedures to request a space heater must be followed:

  1. Contact Facilities Operations to submit a work order to evaluate and adjust the temperatures in the affected area. Facilities Operations will determine whether repairs to the heating system can resolve the issue.
  2. If Facilities Operations cannot resolve the heating issue, the affected individual must contact the UConn FD/FMU.
  3. The UConn FD/FMU, in coordination with Facilities Operations as necessary, will determine whether the proposed location and electrical circuit can accommodate a space heater.
  4. If the proposed location is approved, the UConn FD/FMU will issue a permit and provide a list of approved space heaters to the affected individual(s). Other space heaters that have not been approved by the UConn FD/FMU must be taken out of service and be removed from the building.
  5. If the proposed location is not approved for a space heater (e.g., the proposed location is in a laboratory, the electrical circuit is inadequate, etc.), additional options will be evaluated.

Upon approval and receipt of a permit by the UConn FD/FMU, individuals must comply with the following procedures while using space heaters:

  1. Read and follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions before using a space heater.
  2. Inspect the space heater for dust before each use and clean if necessary.
  3. Inspect the electrical cord and plug outlet for damage before each use. Remove the space heater from service if any damage to the cord or other parts are found.
  4. Never leave a space heater operating unattended. Always turn off the device and unplug it when the area is vacant or when going to bed.
  5. Plug space heaters into an electrical circuit that is rated for 15 amps or more to prevent overloading.
  6. Always plug space heaters directly into a permanent wall outlet (receptacle). Do not use an extension cord or power strip.
    1. Exception: Radiant panel heaters may be used with extension cords or power strips rated for 15 amps or more, if approved by the UConn FD/FMU.
  7. Never run an electrical cord for a space heater under a carpet or floor mat.
  8. Do not place space heaters under desks or in enclosed spaces.
  9. Ensure space heaters are placed on a stable level surface to prevent tipping, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
  10. Never use a space heater where flammable materials or vapors are present.
  11. Do not place a space heater near combustible materials such as papers, fabric, plastics, or furniture.
  12. Do not use space heaters in or near wet areas.
  13. Keep space heaters out of high traffic areas. Never block an exit.
  14. Maintain the manufacturer’s recommended clearance around the space heater for safe operation.
  15. Avoid placing space heaters near room thermostats.
  16. Inspect space heaters at least annually and have them repaired, as needed, by a qualified electrician.
  17. Discard any space heater that cannot be repaired, and, while unplugged, cut off the plug to prevent inadvertent use by others.

If space heaters are deemed unsafe and removed from service, they will be relocated to a designated storage area for owners to retrieve and remove from University property.

Department-owned space heaters may be removed through Surplus Operations.




Emergency Closing Policy

Title: Emergency Closing Policy
Policy Owner: Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Human Resources Department
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: All campuses except UConn Health
Approval Date: August 30, 2023
Effective Date: August 31, 2023
For More Information, Contact: Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations and the Department of Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-5684 or laborrelations@uconn.edu
(860) 486-3034 or hr@uconn.edu
Official Website: http://www.hr.uconn.edu/


During inclement weather and other emergency situations at the University of Connecticut, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff is paramount. At the same time, the University has very important research, teaching, service, and outreach missions, and must maintain continuous and effective business operations. With due consideration to safety, the University will remain open and operate normally to the greatest extent possible. Faculty, staff, and students should evaluate their own circumstances carefully, exercise appropriate judgment, and take responsibility for their safety when making decisions during inclement weather.

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction to the University community in the rare circumstances when the University Administration decides to cancel classes; delay opening, release employees early, or close operations at some or all University campuses. This policy also explains how employees will be notified of the University’s decisions and clarifies expectations regarding attendance and performance of job-related duties. The policy applies to the entire University community, including administration, faculty, staff, and students, at all campuses except UConn Health.


Decisions to alter the University’s normal operations and schedule for all campuses are made jointly by the President’s Office, Provost’s Office, University Safety, and the Head of Human Resources. Decisions about such alterations are made with full input from University Communications and Facilities Operations and Building Services for all campuses. Careful consideration will be given to the particular conditions and circumstances at each campus, and decisions will account for variations that may exist among the situations at different campuses.

When the University is open and operating normally, all employees are expected to make every effort commensurate with their personal safety to be at work. Individual academic departments and administrative units are not permitted to close and release employees. Those decisions will be made on a university-wide basis. Departments, regional campuses, and units may cancel special events they sponsor at their discretion and are responsible for communicating such cancellations.

If an emergency occurs that may require an adjustment in work schedules for an individual unit or small number of units (such as a power outage or flood in a single building), employees should work from another location if possible. Supervisors must obtain permission from the President’s Office and Provost’s Office as appropriate, before releasing employees from work for more than a short period of time.


The University will make announcements about closings or delayed openings as soon as feasible, and generally no later than 5 a.m. When conditions change rapidly or unexpectedly, however, the University may need to make or update decisions about classes and business operations on short notice.

The UConnALERT website, alert.uconn.edu, is the definitive source of information about the University’s operating status. All announcements regarding changes to the University’s operating schedule will be posted to this site as soon as decisions are made.

In addition to the UConnALERT website, advisory messages will be issued regarding closings, cancellations, early dismissals, or delays. UConn faculty, staff and students should visit alert.uconn.edu to register for cell phone text alerts, update their contact information, and obtain information related to emergency procedures and campus safety.

Community members may also call the University’s 24-hour emergency closing information number, (860) 486-3768, to check the University’s operating status for all campuses. Second and third shift employees are urged to call this number for information.

Individual units are responsible for communicating decisions about whether any special events they sponsor are postponed or canceled. Community members should contact the sponsoring units directly for information about such events. This applies to athletic events, performances, conferences, lectures, presentations, workshops, and other events hosted by a sub-unit of the University.

Expectations for Employees

This section summarizes the information applicable to:

  • All Employees (except essential/emergency support services staff)
  • Faculty/Class Instructors
  • Essential/Emergency Support Services Staff

All Employees (except essential/emergency support services staff)

When the University is open and operating normally, employees are expected to report to work. During inclement weather, employees are expected to plan accordingly, including accounting for extra time needed to travel to and from work. If an employee decides not to remain at or report to work because of concerns about travelling safely, employees may use vacation, personal, or other accrued time without advance approval. Employees must promptly notify their supervisors in these situations. Employees who anticipate concerns may discuss in advance the possibility of flex time or telecommuting with their supervisors.

When the University directs employees not to report to campus during a closing, delay, or cancellation, employees will not be charged leave unless their time off was already scheduled and approved. If an employee is on a scheduled day off due to sick leave, vacation, personal time, earned time, or leave of absence without pay during an official University closing, delay, or early release, the employee’s time will be charged accordingly.

Since employees who are not on a pre-approved leave during a closing would normally be present at work, employees are expected to be accessible and responsive to their supervisors as needed during their regularly scheduled work hours. Supervisors may require that employees check and respond to email regularly, respond to work calls, or attend virtual meetings, and may expect that assigned work that can be accomplished remotely is completed on time regardless of emergency cancellations. Likewise, supervisors may make reasonable adjustments to be able to continue University business, including holding meetings by teleconference and handling normal business by email, and employees who would normally be present at work may be required to participate.

Faculty/Class Instructors

All faculty at all campuses must abide by the University’s decision to remain open. If the University does not cancel classes, faculty are expected to hold classes as scheduled, except in circumstances when a faculty member determines that they are unable to travel safely to campus. In these exceptional cases, the faculty member must notify their dean and department head and must also notify all students in the class. Faculty must not cancel class prior to the University’s decision about whether the University will alter its normal schedule. Faculty may elect to hold classes virtually using online methods.

Only the instructor of record for a class may decide to cancel a class. Teaching Assistants may not make independent decisions to cancel classes or other activities related to classes; they must consult with the faculty member for the course.

Instructional time that is cancelled is expected to be made up in accordance with the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the University Senate. The University’s academic calendar includes specified “emergency closing make-up dates.” Faculty who plan to use these times to make up class must inform students as soon as possible and reserve a classroom through the Registrar’s Office. Faculty may also make up classes at other times but must be sensitive to students’ availability to attend.

Faculty should respect the decisions of commuting students who decide not to travel to campus, or to leave class early in order to get home safely, and provide options for them to make up missed work. The Dean of Students Office is available to assist faculty and students with concerns about missed work.

Essential/Emergency Support Services Staff

Operations including university safety, residential and dining services, health services, animal care, facility maintenance, information technology services, student support services, transportation, and other important services may be required to continue even in severe weather or during other circumstances that require the University to cease other operations.

The University may designate employees as “Essential” employees (also known as “Emergency Support Services Staff”) if it determines their job functions are necessary or potentially necessary to conduct the University’s business even when the University is not operating normally. Employees designated as essential are typically expected to report to or remain at work when the University has a delayed opening, early release, or closure.

Individual Departments determine which, if any, of their employees are essential. Further, Departments may require all essential employees to report during any closure. Alternatively, Departments may develop a procedure that limits the number of essential employees required to report based on the nature or duration of the closure, the nature of the functions the Department performs, and the level of staffing needed. This approach is typically implemented through an “on call” notification system or a rotating assignment.

Departments are responsible for notifying essential employees annually of their designation. Employees hired into positions that are essential are first notified of their designation at the time of hire. In addition, the business needs of the University may change in ways that require other employees to be deemed essential even if they were not designated so at hire. In such cases, the Department will notify affected employees at the time of their designation. By October 1st of each year, Departments with essential employees must provide a list of these employees to the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations and the Department of Human Resources.

Unless provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or authorized by the Governor, the University is prohibited from awarding compensatory time or extra compensation to essential employees for working during their regularly scheduled hours when the University has a delay, early release, or is closed.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.


Time and attendance procedures for employees and supervisors are posted on the Payroll Department website at www.payroll.uconn.edu.

Requirements with respect to instructional time and making up time are defined in the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Senate (http://policy.uconn.edu/2011/05/19/by-laws-rules-and-regulations-of-the-university-senate/) and the University’s Credit Hour Policy (http://policy.uconn.edu/2012/08/22/credit-hour).


Policy adopted: October, 2012


November 26, 2014
August 27, 2015
August 30, 2023 (Approved by the Senior Policy Council and the President)
July 12, 2024 (Editorial revisions by University Compliance)


Surplus Property Policy and Procedures

Title: Surplus Property Policy and Procedures
Policy Owner: Facilities Operations, Logistics
Applies to: University Workforce Members, Students
Campus Applicability: Storrs and Regional Campuses
Approval Date: December 24, 2024
Effective Date: January 1, 2025
For More Information, Contact Surplus Operations
Contact Information: surplus@uconn.edu
Official Website: Surplus | Facilities Operations


 Proper disposition of State of Connecticut assets is required pursuant to Section 4a-57a of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University of Connecticut has the authority to dispose surplus, unused and/or unserviceable equipment and supplies in compliance with C.G.S. 4a-57a. The University of Connecticut Surplus Department (“the Surplus Department”) is responsible for administering the University’s Surplus Program and is authorized to make the determination regarding the disposition of assets that are no longer utilized by University departments.


To establish the authority of the Surplus Department to administer the University’s Surplus Program in accordance with Federal Uniform Guidance regulations and Connecticut State statutes. This includes the authority to establish and maintain processes and procedures for the proper inventory control of the University’s tagged assets.


UConn Workforce Members at the Storrs and Regional Campuses. This policy does not apply to the deaccession of objects held by University Collections.


The Surplus Department will determine the disposition of assets based on their condition and whether the asset(s) may be reissued to another department, transferred to another state agency or municipality, or donated to a nonprofit organization. Under no circumstances shall University property be discarded without proper disposition through the University’s inventory control and disposition software.

Assets acquired with grant funds must be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and University policies. The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the specific requirements set forth by the sponsoring agency, federal regulations, and University policies.

Export Control must be notified prior to disposing assets:

  • with an export control classification number (ECCN) or US Munitions List (USML) classification; or
  • created as a result of research conducted on behalf of and/or procured by sponsored funding from the U.S. Department of Defense or similar military and intelligence agencies in the US or abroad.


Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


The Surplus Department uses the Asset Panda software (“Asset Panda”) to streamline the surplus process and track all University tagged assets. Departments must update the status of assets from “active” to “surplus” within Asset Panda. Assets not already in Asset Panda must be added by the department before being declared surplus. Asset Panda then transmits this information to the Surplus Department for review and processing.

University departments must follow these Procedures to send the following assets to the Surplus Department:

  1. Refrigeration Units: Departments must enter a work order through Facilities Operations to remove refrigerants from refrigeration units as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the asset entry before the Surplus Department will schedule a pickup.
  2. Motors: Departments must submit a work order to Facilities Operations to remove oils from the motors as required by state and federal environmental regulations. Departments must forward the work order number with the entered asset as proof of the completed removal before the Surplus Department will schedule pickup.
  3. Electronics with hard drives: It is the department’s responsibility to surplus all electronics with hard drives via Asset Panda and the Surplus Department’s responsibility to coordinate the hard drive destruction.

Employees may not purchase University assets directly from University departments, including assets such as cell phones, laptops, and wireless devices, among others. All assets must be processed through the Surplus Department when no longer needed.

The Surplus Department will determine whether assets sent to them will be recycled, made available to University departments, other state agencies or municipalities through the DAS surplus program/website.


Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200
Connecticut General Statutes § 4a-57a. (Distribution of surplus state property)

University Policy: Sponsored Award Closeout
Asset Panda Request and Training


Policy created: 2004
06/07/2021 (Approved by President’s Cabinet)
07/26/2021 (Editorial revisions)

Smoking Policy

Title: Smoking Policy
Policy Owner: Department of Human Resources
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: All Campuses, except UConn Health
Approval Date: October 25, 2023
Effective Date: October 25, 2023
For More Information, Contact: Department of Human Resources
Contact Information: (860) 486-3034 or hr@uconn.edu
Official Website: http://hr.uconn.edu


The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment that is free of tobacco products, environmental tobacco smoke, and other smoking-related by-products. In keeping with this commitment, and in compliance with Connecticut General Statutes §§ 31-40q(d) 19a-342 and 19a-342a, tobacco use and/or smoking of any kind, including e-cigarettes and vape pens is prohibited as set forth below.


All University employees, students, visitors, guests, and contractors are required to comply with this policy.


Smoking[1]: For the purposes of this policy, “smoking” includes the use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), vape pens, and similar products.


Smoking (including vaping) is prohibited:

  1. In all University owned or leased buildings, facilities, and vehicles.
  2. Within 25 feet of all campus buildings, including residence halls.

The University will post signage communicating these prohibitions within 10 feet of all building entries.


Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the Student Code.

Individuals in management or supervisory roles are responsible for communicating the policy to their employees and enforcing the policy in their respective area(s). If an individual refuses to comply with this policy after being warned by the appropriate University officials, then actions should be taken as follows:

  • Student violations: Contact the Office of Community Standards.

Phone: 860-486-8402
Email: community@uconn.edu

  • Employee violations: Contact the Employee Relations/Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations

Phone: 860-486-5684
Email: laborrelations@uconn.edu

  • Contractor violations: Contact University Business Services at 860-486-2619

No person who reports a violation of this policy or who furnishes information concerning a violation of this policy shall be retaliated against in any manner.


Policy adopted: June 7, 2016
Revisions: October 16, 2023

[1] As a recipient of federal funding, the University is required to prohibit the use and/or possession of all federally controlled substances, including marijuana.

Mail Service Policy

Title: Mail Service Policy
Policy Owner: Mail Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff
Campus Applicability: Storrs Campus
Effective Date: January 20, 2004
For More Information, Contact Mail Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-2024
Official Website: https://mailservices.uconn.edu/

University Mail Services operates in accordance with the Private Express Statutes as stated in 39 CFR, Code of the Federal Register.  University Mail Services handles USPS mail according to USPS policies governing the disposition of mail.

The use of University Mail Services is restricted to University business conducted by University personnel.  This includes the receiving and sending of mail which contains University business and is never available for personal use.

Incoming Accountable Mail Process

Title: Incoming Accountable Mail Process
Policy Owner: Mail Services
Applies to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Others
Campus Applicability: Storrs Campus
Effective Date: August 18, 2004
For More Information, Contact Mail Services
Contact Information: (860) 486-2024
Official Website: https://mailservices.uconn.edu/


Incoming USPS mail for the University of Connecticut, is handled in accordance with USPS DMM, Section D042.4.1 which states:

All mail addressed to a governmental or nongovernmental organization or to an individual by name or title at the address of the organization is delivered to the organization, as is similarly addressed mail for former officials, employees, contractors, agents, etc.  If disagreement arises where any such mail should be delivered, it must be delivered under the order of the organization’s president or equivalent official.

In addition to the above regulation, the USPS maintains the signatures of University Mail Services’ staff on PS Form 3801, naming the staff “Authorized Agents”, making them eligible to handle incoming, accountable mail for the University of Connecticut.

Accountable mail is released to the University upon signing the USPS Firm Sheet, recording such items, and the authorized agent also signs for any Return Receipts attached.  Although an option, University Mail Services does not sign for “Restricted Delivery Mail”.

Once prepared at University Mail Services for final delivery to the campus destination, a signature is obtained from the designated employee at the centralized mail stop for the building.

The accountable mail is then placed with the regular incoming mail for the receiving department.

In the event the actual recipient, indicated by either name or by title, chooses to refuse any accountable mail, such accountable mail must not be opened.  The refused piece must be marked “Refused”, placed in a new container and have new postage applied.  It is strongly recommended that this refused mail be sent Certified mail, or Registered if leaving the United States.

Federal Archive Guidelines require University Mail Services to maintain records as follows:

  1. a.       Incoming accountable records keep 2 years
  2. b.      Outgoing Certified records keep 2 years
  3. c.       Outgoing Registered records keep 3 years